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1、表示过去已经开始,持续到现在的动作或状态和表示过去某一时刻延续到现在(包括现在在内)的一段时间的状态连用如:(for + 时间段,since + 时间点,或过去某一动作, 以及how long )注: 非延续性动词在现在完成 时态中不能和for, since 引导的表示一段时间的状语的肯定句连用。应转为相应的延续性动词 如:buy- have die- be dead join - be in borrow- keep leave- be away I have bought a pen.- I have had a pen for 2 weeks.The dog has died.- The

2、 dog has been dead since last week.have (has) been to + 地点 去过某地 已经回来have (has) gone to + 地点 去了某地 没有回来have been in + 地点 一直呆在某地 没有离开过 如:She has been to Shanghai. 她去过上海。(已经回来)She has gone to Shanghai. 她去了上海。(没有回来)She has been in Shanghai for 2 days.她呆上海两天了。(没有离开过上海)1.情态动词must, may , might, could, may ,

3、 cant表示推测含义与用法后面都接动词原形,都可以表示对现在情况的揣测和推断但他们含义有所不同 must 一定 肯定 (100%的可能性) may, might, could有可能,也许 (20%-80的可能性)cant 不可能,不会 (可能性几乎为零)表示推测的情态动词:must, can, could, may, might等,且语气由左向右依次减弱。 The dictionary must be mine. It has my name on it. The CD might/could/may belong to Tony because he likes listening to

4、pop music. The hair band cant be Bobs. After all, he is boy! 注意:can不肯,may不问,must肯定不否问。2. whose 谁的疑问词作定语后面接名词如:Whose book is this? This is Lilys.3. belong to 属于如: That English book belongs to me.4. 当play 指弹奏乐器时,常在乐器前用定冠词如:play the guitar play the piano play the violin当play 指进行球类运动时,则不用定冠词如: play foot

5、ball play basketball play baseball5. if引导的条件状语从句,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时代替将来时如:If you dont hurry up, youll be late.如果你不快点,你将会迟到6. if you have any idea= if you know 如果你知道7. on关于(学术,科目)8. try to do sth. 尝试做某事如:I try to climb the tree. 我尝试爬树。9. because of , because because of + 名词/代词/名词性短语 because +从句如:I do

6、it because I like it. 我做这件事是因为我喜欢。 I had to move because of my job. 因为工作的原因我得搬家。10. own v.owner n. listen v.listener n. learn v.learner n.11. catch a bus 赶公车12. neighbor 邻居指人 neighborhood 邻居指地区也可指附近地区的人13. local 当地的如:local teacher 当地的教师14. noise n. 噪音是个可数名词noises 15. call the police 报警如:Quick! Call

7、the police! 快!叫警察!16. anything strange 一些奇怪的东西当形容词修饰something, anything, nothing, everything等不定代词时,放在这些词的后面17. there be sb./ sth. doing 如:There is a cat eating fish. There must be something visiting our home.18. escape from 从哪里逃跑出来如: He escaped from the burning building. 他从燃烧的大概中逃出来。19. an ocean of

8、+ 名词极多的,用不尽的如:an ocean of energy.20. unhappy 不高兴的反义词 happy 高兴的 21. final adj. 最后的finally adv. 最后地22. dishonest 不诚实的反义词 honest 诚实的。23. get on 上车 get off 下车24. use up 用光、用完如:They have used up all the money. 他们已经用完了所有的钱。25. attempt to do 试图如:The boys attempted to leave for Beijing. 男孩子们试图想去北京。26. wake

9、动词唤醒常用的词组:wake up意为醒来如:Please wake me up at 8 oclock.请在8点钟叫醒我。27. look for 寻找指过程find 找指结果如:I am looking for a pen. 我正在找一支笔。(指找的过程) I found my pen just now. 我刚刚找到了我的笔。(指找的结果)28. hear 听指听的结果listen 听 指听的过程如:Did you hear ? 你听到了吗?(指听的结果,听或没听到) I often listen to the music. 我经常听音乐。(指听的过程)29. try ones best

10、to do sth. 尽某人的最大努力去做某事如:He tried his best to run. 他尽他的最大努力去跑。30. 名词所有格名词所有格的构成有两种形式是在名词后面加 s 或是以s结尾 的名词,只在名词的后面加 Anns book安的书, our teachers office我们老师们的办公室 注:双方共有的所有格,只在后面一个名词加s,如:Lily and Lucys father 莉莉和露西的爸爸(她们的爸爸是同一个人)有of 介词短语表示无生命东西的所有格如:a picture of my family 我家人的相片有时也有s表示无生命的东西的所有格如:todays n

11、ewspaper,the citys name 单元检测:单项选择 ( )1. You must stop _the teather when class listen listen to C.listening D.listening to( )2 Hainan Island is _of China. A.a second largest islandB.the second largest islandsC. the second largest island D.a second largest islands ( )3. Mary _be at ho

12、me . I saw her in the pbrary just now.A. nustntB.needntC.shouldntD. cant ()4.The children_cleaning the room at this time of a day. A.canB.mayC.must D.may be( )5. Three monkeys escaped _the zoo. A )6.It must be more beautiful ,_?A.mustnt it B. be itC.isnt it D.does it( )7.We didn

13、t win that game_wangleis illness.A.becauseB.because of C.since )8. They might catch a bus workB.worksC.worked D.have worked( )9. My brother and sister _workers. A.Are allB.all areC.are both D.both are( )10.You_buy the TV guide for next week. I have already bought a copy.A.Mustn

14、tB.needntC. dont D. cant( ) 11.You should be careful _the dog that does not bark.A.With B.of C.for ) 12.I cant find my dictionary. I think I _it in the reading room.A.forgot B.dropped C.leave D.fall( ).13.Dont worry, there is still _time left.A.little B.a little C.a few D.few( ).14.Some studen

15、ts dont like wearing school uniform, but they _.A.mustB.have to C.shouldD.need( )15. You cant wake a person who is pretending _.A.being asleep B. be asleepC.falpng asleep be asleepII完形填空 (共20分,每空1分)Food is important. Everyone needs to 1 well if he or she wants to have a strong body. Our minds a

16、lso need a kind of food. This kind of food is 2 . We begin to get knowledge even when we are young. Small children are 3 in everything around them. They learn 4 while they are watching and listening. When they are getting older they begin to 5 story books, science books,anything they like. When they

17、 find something new, they have to ask questions and 6 to find out the answers. What is the best 7 to get knowledge? If we learn 8 ourselves, we will get the most knowledge. If we are 9 getting answers from others and dont ask why, we will never learn more and understand 10 . ( )1.A sleepB read C dri

18、nkD eat ( )2.A sportB exerciseC knowledgeD meat ( )3. A interestedB interesting C weakD good ( )4. A everybodyB somethingC nothingD anything ( )5. A lend B writeC learnD read ( )6. A try B haveC thinkD wait ( )7. A placeB school C wayD road ( )8. A on B with C toD by ( )9. seldom(几乎不) B alwaysC cert

19、ainly D sometimes ( )10. A harderB much C well D better 阅读理解(A)Read the instructions of the medicine before you take your choices.Adults(成年人): 2 tablespoonfuls(汤匙)Children: according to (根据)age10-14 years 4 teaspoonfuls(茶匙)5-10years 2 teaspoonfuls3-6 years I teaspoonfulRepeat above doses(剂量) every 1

20、/2 hour to 1 hour if needed until 8 dose are taken. If you do not get better within two days, see a doctor. SHAKE(摇晃) WELLBEFORE USING.1. According to the instructions, what should you do before taking this medicine?A. Heat it on the fire. B. Move the bottle quickly up and downC. Add some hot water

21、to itD. Go and ask the doctors advice2. For whom would a dose of two teaspoonfuls be given?A. A grown-upB. A 10 - to-14 - year- old childC. A 5 - to-10 - year- old child D. A 3 - to- 6 - year- old child3. What is the largest amount(量) of medicine that should be taken by an adult in four hours?A. Eig

22、ht doses B. Six dosesC. Four dosesD. Two doses4. What should you do if the medicine doesnt work?A. Change it for some better medicine B. See a doctor C. Stop taking it D. Take more5. In this passage choice means_.A. not eating B. decision C. choose D. eating(B)There are many different kind of love.

23、For me there is a kind of special love, which I call soft love.Now Id pke to thank my parents for giving me so much soft love, especially my father.He has a special way of communicating with me.My father works at a university as a teacher. He is very strict with students. He devotes himself to his w

24、ork, all of his students love him. At home he is both a good husband and a good father . He is strict with me,too, so I am afraid of him. There is one thing that I will never forget.At the end of the second term of senior one,my scores were lower than ever before,I was very worried about it. My fath

25、er came to my room and saw the report card ,at that time,I was afraid that my father would scold me as usual.But surprising, he left the room without any remarks. I was frightened.The next day, when I got up,I found a letter.I opened it,it was written by my father:dear daughter,I know that studying

26、is hard work,but you wont give it up,wil you?I believe that you can be the best.Now I want to give you three pieces of advice:1.Where there is a will, there is a way. 2. Practice makes perfect. 3. Its no use crying over spilt milk. After reading the letter, I couldnt say a word. So wrote,Father, I c

27、an do it! Thank you!I think that the love between my father and I is special love that bring us even closer!1. What does the writes father do?A.He is a worker. B.He does special work C.He is a teatherD.We dont know2. What does He devotes himself to his work.mean?A.He doesnt pke his work B.He works very hard.C.He wants to give up his work D.He does less work at the university.3. The writers grades_A.are always goodB.are never good C.were the worst in her clas

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