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1、 Its in/under .3. 能够理解Lets go home!和Silly me!的含义。4. 能够理解对话,能用正确的语音语调朗读对话,并能根据对话的情景进行角色表演。5. 养成自己收拾书包的好习惯。二、教学重难点重点:1. 理解句型Where is my.? Its in/under.2. 理解方位词in和under的含义和用法。难点:在图片、实物或情景中运用句型Where is my.? Its in/under.询问物品位置并回答。三、教学准备课件、文具四、教学过程(一)Warming up and review1. Good morning, boys and girls!

2、How are you?2. Game: 教师说pencil, show me the pencil,学生举起铅笔同时说pencil, show you the pencil. 用同样的方式复习其他文具类单词。(二)Presentation1. 呈现4点钟图片,教师解释Its 4 oclock. School is over. Its time to go home. 解释并带读go home. 齐读,男女生读,横排竖排学生读,个人读。2. 呈现文中情景图。问学生图中都有谁?猜猜发生了什么?之后教师说John and Zhang Peng are going to go home. John

3、is ready to go home. But how about Zhang Peng? What happened? 播放视频,找学生回答(可以用汉语表达)。3. Zhang Peng cant find his pencil box. Where is Zhang Pengs pencil box? 听录音,找学生回答问题。教师指着学生的桌子教授desk. 纠音,带读,齐读,分组读,大小声读,个人读。教师指着一位学生的桌子说This is your desk. 再指着讲台说This is teachers desk.4. 板书并带读Where is my pencil box? Its

4、 in your desk. 解释并带读in, 同时板书简笔画。找学生读单词in, 然后在小组中练习对话,找小组展示。注意语音语调。5. 教师扮演张鹏,全体学生扮演John. 学生回答完后教师说Oh, yes! Thank you!6. 提问:Where is Zhang Pengs pencil?板书句子Its under your book. 解释并带读under, 纠音,同时板书简笔画。找学生读单词under, 然后练习读句子,男女生读,横排竖排读,个人读。7. 教师扮演张鹏,找学生扮演John. 学生回答完后教师说Oh, yes! Silly me! 齐读silly, 纠音,让学生猜汉

5、语意思。听音跟读,找学生带读,男女生读,个人读。8. Listen and repeat. 学生跟录音一句一句跟读,提醒学生注意语音语调。9. 配音。第一遍给张鹏配音,第二遍给John配音。10. Group work: practice the dialogue with your partner.11. 小组展示对话。(三)Practice1. Game:准备好自己的文具(尺子、铅笔、橡皮、蜡笔等)。教师将自己的笔放在书下面,问学生:Where is my pen? 引导学生回答: Its under your book. 然后小组内练习:一名学生将自己的文具放在教室的不同位置,问另一个学

6、生Where is my .? 另一个学生回答Its in/ under your . 之后小组成员展示。2. Lets play: 小组内成员用自己的文具及写有in/ under/ desk/ bag/ pencil box/ book . 的卡片,练习Where is my _? Its _ the _.的对话。(教师提前将板书pencil box, in, under, desk和book擦掉)之后找小组在黑板上展示,读出各种各样的句子。(四)SummaryWhat have you learned in this class?(回顾本节课重点词汇及句型内容)(五)Homework1.

7、听录音跟读,然后将朗读音频上传至钉钉家校本。2. 完成同步训练相应练习题。五、板书设计Unit 4 Where is my car?A. Lets talk & Where is my pencil box? Its in your desk. Its under your book!六、教学反思【针对性训练】基础类作业英汉手牵手。1. Silly me! A. 尺子在哪里?2. Lets go home! B. 我真傻!3. Its under your desk. C. 让我们回家吧!4. Where is the ruler? D. 它在你的桌子下面。提高类作业情景交际。( ) 1. 你

8、找不到你的橡皮了,你会问同桌_A. Where is my book?B. Where is my pencil?C. Where is my eraser?( ) 2. 放学了,你想约好朋友一起回家,你应说_A. Lets play a game!B. Lets go home!C. Lets go to school!( ) 3. 你的同桌找不到他的铅笔,你看到它在书下面,你应该说 _ A. Its in your book. B. Its under your desk. C. Its under the book.( ) 4. 你到处找你的尺子,却发现它就在你手里,你可以对自己说 _

9、A. Silly me!B. Im clever. C. Oh, yes! Thanks.创新探究类作业读句子排序。A. -Silly me!B. -Uh-oh!C. -And your pencil is under your desk.D. -Look! Its in your pencil box.E. -Oh, yes! _第2课时A Lets learn & Lets doin, on, under, desk, chair.2. 能够在情景中听懂、会说、认读句子Where is the.? Its in/on/under .3. 学会Lets do韵句,能够跟着指令做相应的动作。单

10、词in, on, under, desk, chair在句子中能够灵活运用。学会Lets do韵句,能够跟着指令做相应的动作。课件、各种文具。(一)Warming up and revision1. Greeting: Good morning, class. How are you? 教师说Show me the pencil. 学生举起铅笔说Show you the pencil. 用同样的方式复习其他文具类单词。3. Game: I say you do. 教师说指令Clap your hands. Touch your head. Wave your arms. Stamp your

11、foot. Close your eyes.学生做对应的动作。复习身体部位的单词。4. 利用身边的文具,用师生问答及生生问答的方式复习Where is my .? Its in/ under the .1. 展示主情景图,问学生能看见什么(鼓励学生多说),引出desk. 板书,带读(同时指着学生的桌子),纠音,个人读,小组读,男女生读。教师说:Touch your desk. 看谁动作最快。提问:Where is the desk? You can speak Chinese. 鼓励学生表达(在房间里,在窗户旁边)。2. 引导学生看情景图中的椅子,板书chair, 带读(同时指着学生的椅子),

12、纠音,个人读,大小声读,横排竖排读。教师说Clap your chair. 看谁动作最快。 提问:Where is the chair? You can speak Chinese.(在房间里,在桌子旁边)3. 指着图中在鸟窝下面的那只鸟问:Where is the bird? 引出Its under the nest. 板书under, 带读(同时做动作:手掌在上,拳头在下),纠音,个人读,大小声读。提问并板书:Where is the ruler? 找学生回答Its under the chair. 板书答语。带读对话,小组内练习对话,小组展示。4. 指着图中在鸟窝里的那只鸟问: 引出It

13、s in the nest. 板书in, 带读(同时做动作:用另一只手包裹拳头),找学生读。Where is the pencil box? 找学生回答Its in the bag. 小组内练习此对话,小组展示。5. 指着图中在鸟窝上面的那只鸟问: Where is the bird? 引出 Its on the nest. 板书on, 带读(同时做动作:手掌在下,拳头放在手掌上),找学生读。Where is the school bag? 找学生回答Its on the desk. 小组内练习此对话,小组展示。6. Game: I do you say. 教师做拳头和手掌位置关系的动作,学生

14、猜(in/ on/ under),然后小组练习,找学生展示。7. Guessing game: 课件展示本节课的五张图片(单词),先齐读一遍,然后每次只消失一张图片(单词),学生说出消失的单词。8. Listen to the tape and read after it. 9. 小组内练习单词和句子,小组展示。1. Lets do. 第一遍,看视频,第二遍,跟着视频做动作,第三遍,边跟读边做动作。教师解释put的含义并纠音,带读。2. 小组内练习Lets do部分的韵句,并做动作。然后小组展示。 I say you do. 教师发出指令Put your foot under your des

15、k. Put your leg on your chair. 等,让学生做相应的动作。4. 小组内练习说更多的指令,并做相应的动作,小组展示。5. 课件展示凌乱的书桌和整洁的书桌图片,问学生更喜欢哪幅图,然后引出We should pack our schoolbags after finish the homework. Unit 4 Where is my car? A. Lets learn & desk chair under in onIts under the chair.选出与图意相符的句子。1. 2. 3. 4. ( ) 1. A. Put your hand on the c

16、hair. B. Put your hand under the chair. ( ) 2. A. Put your leg on the chair.B. Put your leg under the chair.( ) 3. A. Put your arm on the desk.B. Put your arm in the desk. ( ) 4. A. Put your hand in the desk.B. Put your hand under the desk.选择题。( ) 1. _ is my schoolbag?A. Who B. Where C. How( ) 2. Th

17、e pencil box is _ the chair.A. no B. on C. in( ) 3. _ your arm under the desk.A. Pick B. Put C. Do( ) 4. Your eraser _ in your bag. A. am B. is C. are看图,选出与图片相对应的句子或对话,把序号填在括号里。A. -Where is the ball? -Its under the chair.B. -Where is my pencil? -Its under your book.C. The car is on the box.第3课时B Let

18、s talk &1. 能够听懂、会说、认读单词cap, toy box.2. 能够听懂、会说、认读句子:Is it in/on/under .? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. 并能在情境中运用。3. 能够理解并在具体情境中使用句子Have a good time.4. 能够理解会话大意,能用正确的语音语调朗读对话。5. 养成自己收拾整理玩具的好习惯。理解并在情境中运用句子Is it in/on/under .? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. 及语音语调。理解并在具体情境中使用句子Have a good time.课件、鸭舌帽、蒙眼布。 Good

19、morning!2. 师生问答:提问Where is your pencil/ eraser/ruler .? 复习问句和答语(先教师提问学生回答,然后找一个学生提问另一个学生回答)。3. 播放去野营的视频,问:What are they doing? 引导学生用汉语回答野营,了解野营是什么。教师问camping is fun. Do you like camping?1. 展示课本第一幅图片,观察图片回答图中都有谁,在哪里,你能看到什么?学生说出书包,旗子,水杯,望远镜等物品时,让学生猜What is Mike going to do? 猜完教师给出答案:Mike is going to g

20、o camping.2. 引导学生看Mike手里有一张清单,他在为野营准备要带的东西。除了他已经准备了的,还需要什么?让学生猜测。猜的过程教师给予肯定和鼓励。然后教师说It is a sunny day. He needs a cap. 展示帽子图片(同时图片展示hat进行简单区分),带读,纠音,齐读,男女生读,个人读。3. 教师提出问题:Where is Mikes cap?让学生猜测,教师给予鼓励。同时提问:Is it in Mikes bag?4. 板书Is it in your bag? No, it isnt. 带读(强调问句是升调,纠音isnt),男女生读,横排竖排读,个人读,小组

21、分角色练习朗读。小组展示。5. Mikes cap isnt in the bag. 展示玩具图片:These are toys. We often put them in the toy box. 带读toy box, 纠音,找学生读,大小声读。Is Mikes cap in the toy box? 听音,找学生回答问题。6. 板书Is it in your toy box? Yes, it is. 带读(强调语调),个人读,男女生读,小组练习,小组展示。7. Mike is going to go camping. What will his mother say? 引导学生用汉语表达。

22、引出Have a good time! 纠音time, 带读(强调带感情读),男女生读,个人读。第一遍给Mike配音,第二遍给Mike的妈妈配音。游戏:教师邀请一位学生上台合作,用一块布将这位学生的眼睛蒙上,教师将所猜物品放在一个新的位置,让学生猜测在哪里。运用的句型如下:T: Where is my book?S: Is it on the desk? No, it isnt. Is it under the chair? Yes, it is.小组合作:用同样的形式练习以上对话,一个学生蒙上眼睛,另一个学生提问Where is my .? 蒙着眼睛的学生用Is it in/ on/ und

23、er .?猜物品的位置,直到回答正确。最后小组展示。B. Lets talk &Is it in your bag?No, it isnt.Is it in your toy box?Yes, it is.选出不同类的单词。( ) 1. A. my B. cap C. your( ) 2. A. under B. chair C. desk( ) 3. A. in B. no C. on( ) 4. A. ruler B. time C. crayon( ) 5. A. hand B. under C. in( ) 1. Your ruler _ on the desk. A. am B. i

24、s C. are( ) 2. _ a good time!A. Play B. Put C. Have ( ) 3. - _ is my toy box? - Its in your room.A. What B. Where C. Who( ) 4. - Is it in your bag? - _. Its on the chair.A. Yes, it is. B. No, it is. C. No, it isnt.( ) 5. The cat is _ the chair.A. on B. in C. at读问句,选答语。( ) 1. Is it on the chair? A. Thank you.( ) 2. Where is the eraser? B. No, it isnt.( ) 3. Where are you from? C. Im from China.( ) 4. Have a good time! D. Yes, he is.( ) 5. Is he your brother? E. Its under the book.第

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