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1、我仍记得那一夜和那田纳西华尔兹。现在方知损失多么惨重。是啊,就在那个晚上, 伴随着那首动听的田纳西华尔兹,我失去了我的爱人。歌词、句型分析1I was dancing with my darling to the Tennessee waltz.=I was dancing to the Tennessee waltz with my love.我正与心上人随着田纳西华尔兹跳舞to the Tennessee waltz 中的to是“伴随着”的意思。2Introduced her to my loved one,=I introduced her to my darling,我把她介绍给我的心

2、上人3Now I know just how much I have lost=Now I am fully aware of what a great loss I had. 现在方知损失多么惨重。4Yes, I lost my little darling the night they were playing the beautiful Tennessee waltz.=Yes, I lost my little darling, at the night when they were playing the beautiful Tennessee waltz.是啊,就在那个晚上伴随着那

3、首动听的田纳西华尔兹我失去了我的爱人the night they were playing即at the night when they were Playing,但在习惯用法上,介词at和关系副词when常被省略,因此定冠词加上时间名词可作连接词使用,可称这种情况为合成连词。例:The moment I came, he was reading a book. =When I came, he was reading a book我来时他正在读一本书。5.When an old friend I happened to see.=(I was waltzing with my darling

4、 to the Tennessee waltz) when I happned to see an old friend. happen to:碰巧;恰巧;恰好(和名词连用)临到.头上(某情况, 尤指不幸的事); (和动词连用)偶然; 碰巧I happened to be out when she called.她打电话时我碰巧不在家。it happen that:碰巧It happened that I was out when he called.他打电话时我恰巧不在家。2. Cotton FieldWhen I was a little bitty baby,My mama would

5、rock me in the cradle,In them old cotton field back home.It was down in Louisiana,Just about a mile from Texarkana,And when them cotton ball get rotten,You cant pick very much cotton,当我还是个小婴孩时,妈妈常把我放在摇蓝里摇着我,在家乡那片老棉花田里。我的家乡在路易斯安那,离泰克萨卡那一英里,噢,当棉花桃腐烂时,你就摘不到多少棉花,1When I was a little bitty baby,my mama w

6、ould rock me in the cradle in them old cotton field back home= When I was still an infant,my mum would rock me to sleep in my cradle on the farm back in my hometown当我还是一个小婴孩时,妈妈在家乡那片老棉花田里常把我放在摇蓝里哄我睡觉。bitty(形容词)意为:少许,一点点,细短的。a little bitty baby = a baby infant 小不点,一丁点大的婴孩。Rock vt.摇动,使前后(左右)The earthq

7、uake rocked the house那场地震使房屋摇动着。Rock:一般是指激烈地咯咯摇动。Swing:指下垂的东西摆动。Sway:指树枝等的摇动。cradle:摇篮、发源地、婴儿时期。The baby is sleeping in the cradle婴儿在摇篮里睡觉。The Yellow River,cradle of Chinese civilization 黄河中国文明的摇篮The girl has been sickly from the cradle那个女孩从幼年起便身体虚弱。From the cradle to the grave 自生到死;一辈子。in them old

8、cotton field此短语中的them,本应为the或their,从用词上我们可以看出美国南部的乡下人没有受过良好的教育,用them来代替the或their,这是他们的习惯;另一方面,这种用法是Black English(黑人英文)的一个特征。因此,我们说这首歌曲与黑人有关。2It was down in Louisiana,Just about a mile from Texarkana= My hometown is down in the southern state of Louisiana,which is about a mile from Texarkana我的家乡在路易斯安

9、那,离泰克萨卡那一英里。3Oh,when them cotton ball get rotten,you cant pick very much cotton in them old cotton field back home= Oh,when the cotton balls get rotten,you wont have any harvest in their old cotton field噢,当棉花桃腐烂时,你就不会有什么收成。cotton ball之后应加上“s”表示复数,此处又出现语法上的错误,再次说明他们的文化水平很低。get rotten:变坏,腐烂。(表示一个变化过程,

10、get是系动词)作为系动词的词还有:turn,become,grow,prove,run,go,fall等等。These methods have proved effective in English teaching在英语教学中,这些方法证实有效。Leaves turn yellow in autumnBut when spring comes,they turn green again秋天树叶变黄,但当春天来临时,树叶又变绿。Rotten a.由动词rot变来的。rot:腐烂,使腐败。“腐烂”的英语表示方法有:decay, rot, putrefy, spoil, crumble, mo

11、lder, disintegrate, decomposeThese verbs all refer to gradual change resulting in destruction or dissolution. 这些动词都表示导致毁灭或分解的逐步变化。Decay denotes a falling away from soundness; it may imply a stage in deterioration short of complete destruction: Decay 表示从完好健全的状态变弱;指未达到彻底毁灭状态时的恶化阶段:Dentists advise thei

12、r patients to brush and floss regularly to prevent their teeth from decaying. 牙医建议他们的病人定期刷牙并用洁牙线剔牙,防止蛀牙。Rot is sometimes synonymous with decay ( wood that had rotted), but it often, like putrefy, stresses a stage of deterioration marked by offensiveness to the sense of smell:Rot 有时与decay 的词义一样( 已经腐烂

13、了的木头), 但正如putrefy, 该词经常强调恶化的阶段,伴有显著的令人作呕的气味:Animal flesh that rots is attractive to vultures. 动物腐烂的肉体对兀鹰很有吸引力。The intact carcass of the prehistoric animal was prevented from putrefying by the arctic cold. 史前时期动物的完整尸体,是由于北极严寒的保护不致腐烂。Spoil usually refers to the process by which perishable substances,

14、especially food, become unfit for use or consumption:Spoil 通常指食物等易坏的物质变得不能使用或消费的过程:I put the veal scallops into the refrigerator before they could spoil. 在小牛肉可能变质前,我把它们搁在冰箱里。Crumble implies the physical breakdown of a substance into small fragments or particles:Crumble 是物质分裂成碎片的意思:We saw the remains

15、 of an ancient church that had crumbled to ruins. To 我们看到了那座已变成废墟的古教堂。molder is to crumble to dust:molder 指化为尘土:Her grandmothers shawl had moldered away in the trunk. 她奶奶的围巾已经在箱子里腐烂了。Disintegrate refers to complete breakdown into component parts and implies the destruction of usefulness or integrity

16、:Disintegrate 指完全分裂成组成部分,意味着功能整体的被破坏:The sandstone faade had disintegrated from long exposure to the elements. 由于长期暴露在自然环境中,沙岩的表面已经风化了。Decompose, largely restricted to the breakdown of substances into their chemical components, also connotes rotting and putrefying, both literally and figuratively:De

17、compose 主要限于指物质分裂成其化学组成成份,含有腐朽、腐烂的意思,既可以从字面上来理解,也可以从喻意上来理解:“trivial personalities decomposing in the eternity of print” (Virginia Woolf).缺少才华的作家逐渐从永恒的书籍世界中消失 (维琴尼亚沃尔夫)pick:摘、采(花、果实等)She was picking flowers in the field她在地里摘花。Pick apples 摘取苹果;pick out 挑出,选出。3.Blowing in the WindHow many roads must a

18、man walk down Before they call him a man?How many seas must a white dove sail Before she sleeps in the sand?How many times must the cannon-balls fly Before they re forever banned?The answer, my friend, is blowin in the wind The answer is blowin in the wind.How many years must a mountain exist Before

19、 it is washed to the sea?How many years can some people exist Before theyre allowed to be free?How many times can a man turn his head Pretend that he just doesnt see?The answer my friend is blowin in the windHow many times must a man look up Before he can see the sky?How many ears must one man have

20、Before he can hear people cry?How many deaths will it take Till he knows that too many people have died?in the wind in the wind.歌词大意一个人要走多少路才能真正称作是一个人?一只白鸽要翱翔多少海洋才能安息在沙滩上?炮弹要飞行多少次才能永远被禁止?我的朋友,答案在随风飘荡。答案在随风飘荡。一座山要生存多少年才能被冲进海洋?一个民族要生存多久才能获得自由?一个人要扭多少次头还是假装看不见?一个人要抬多少次头才能看清天空?一个人要长多少耳朵才能听见人们哭泣?要死多少人才会知

21、道太多的人已死去?答案在随风飘荡1How many roads must a man walk before you call him a man?一个人要走多少路才能真正称作是一个人?before在此句是连接词,引导一个时间状语从句,意为:“在前”,在翻译应特别注意。例: Ill do it now before I forget it. 我趁着还没有忘记的时候就做吧。We had scarcely left our school before it began to rain.我们刚离开学校,天就下雨了。before作为连接词,还有“与其(宁愿)”之意 The soldiers would

22、 fight to death before they surrendered. 战士们宁愿战斗到死,决不投降。2How many times must the cannon balls fly before they=炮弹要飞行多少次才能永远被禁止?ban: 禁止,取谛;禁止,禁令 Swimming in this river is banned. 此河禁止游泳。Smobing is banned in this train. 火车里禁止抽烟。The magazine is under a ban. 那本杂志禁止持有。3How many deaths will it take till he

23、 knows that too many people have died?要死多少人才会知道太多的人已死去?take一词在英语中比较活跃,在表示(时间、劳力等)的意为:需要,费,多将it作形式主语。 It took(me) an hour to walk there. 步行到那儿需1个小时。How long will it take you to finish the work?要完成那项工作需要多久时间?4The answer, my friend, is blowinin the wind.= My friend, perhaps nobody knows the answer to t

24、hese questions except God. 我的朋友,答案在随风飘荡。(我的朋友,问题的答案除上帝之外没有人知道。即指只有上帝知道。)这句话是一种比喻修辞用法,似乎以随风飘荡赋于听众的不定之感中暗示了这种意义。5How many years can some people exist before they一个民族要生存多久才能获得自由?some在句子中是形容词,意为:“某一”,表示不定。 He is working at some place in the north 他在北方某地工作。Some person at the door is asking to see you.门口有

25、人要见你。exist: 存在、生存、生活 Salt exists in many things. 许多东西中存在着盐分。One cant exist without air. 人没有空气就不能生存。allow: 允许、准许 allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事 Please allow me to introduce Mr. White请允许我来介绍怀特先生。be allowed to do sth. 被允许做某事You are not allowed to smoke here. 不允许你在此处抽烟。4.Your Cheatin HeartYour cheatin hea

26、rt will make you weep. Youll cry and cry and try to sleep, but sleep wont come the whole night through, your cheatin heart will tell on you. When tears come down like falling rain, youll toss around and call my name. Youll walk the floor the way I do. Your cheatin heart will tell on you. Your cheati

27、n heart will pine someday, And crave the love you threw away. The time will come when youll be blue. Your cheatin heart will tell on you.你欺骗的心会使你哭泣你哭了又哭并想法子入睡但你整夜都睡不着你欺骗的心有一天会泄露你的底细当泪如雨下你会辗转反侧并呼唤我名字你会象我一样在地板上踱来踱去总有一天你会为了我们的爱感到痛苦而消瘦也渴望重新拾回这份被抛弃的爱这个时刻就要来临了,那时你会悲伤1But sleep wont come the whole night throughBut you

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