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1、something done in order to deceive somebody . standstillstop or halt . menacesomeone or something that is dangerous . specimensomething taken as an example of its group . contaminatepollute multiplyincrease in number or quantity TEXT 三categorya group of people or things that all have the same partic

2、ular qualities . premisesthe building and land that a shop, company, etc. uses . generica product that does not have a trademark . infrastructurebasic facilities which function as communication and power supplies and so on . telecommutewoke for a company at home using a computer connected to the mai

3、n office . databasea large amount of date stored in a computer system so that you can find and use it easily . configurearrange something ,especially computer equipment ,so that it works with other equipment . back upmake a copy of information on your computer . abstraction a general idea about a ty

4、pe of a thing or a person allocation the amount or share of something that is given to someone or used for a particular purpose TEXT四. interactivitythe state of having an effect on each other . subscriptionan amount of money paid regularly to obtain service . offlinenot connected to the Internet dow

5、ntimetime when a computer is not working . architecturethe structure of a computer system and the way it works . virtualizationthe creation of a virtual (rather than actual) version of something ,such as an operating system ,a server , a storage device or network resources . executablecan be carried

6、 out diagrama simple drawing which consists mainly of lines and used to explain how a machine works . equationa mathematical statement saying that two amounts or values are the same paradigma model for something that explains it or shows how it can beTEXT五. biomedicalrelating to the activities and a

7、pplications of science to clinical medicine . shrinkageprocess or result of becoming less or smaller . superfluousmore than is needed ,desired ,or required . unemploy lay off . craftsmana creator of great skill in the manual arts . moan a groan or an utterance expressing pain or disapproval . entert

8、ainera person who tries to please or amuse . manufacturethe act of making something (a product) from raw materials . dispossessed physically or spiritually homeless or deprived of security deskillremove or reduce the need for skill in a job , usually by changing to machinery TEXT 六strategy an elabor

9、ate and systematic plan of action . flaw an imperfection in an object or weakness in a persons character diversify put money into several different types of investment instead of only one or two . initial occurring at the beginning . ultimate happening at the end of a process or activity . alter cau

10、se to change . equilibrium a balance between several different influences . enhancemake something better or more attractive . renege fail to fulfill a promise or obligation 0. appropriate suitable for a particular person or place or condition TEXT 七 modify cause to change make different . immutable

11、never changing . exotic from another place or part of the world arena the people and activities involved with a particular . empirical derived from experiment and observation rather than theory . remnant a small part or portion that remains after the main part no longer exists . anticipatemake a pre

12、diction about expect . envision imagine ; conceive of ; see in ones mind . prevailing prevalent , popular propheticforetelling events as if by supernatural interventionTEXT 八dedicate give all your attention and effort to one particular thing . devour eat up greedily . assemblebring or call together

13、into a group or whole . a specific use to which something is put . eventually at the very end finally . complementary forming a satisfactory or balanced whole . speculation a supposition ,theory , or opinion arrived at through speculating . diminish decrease in size ,extent ,or range . immediate of

14、the near the present time atomic of or relating to an atom or atoms TEXT 九 devastation damage or destruction affecting a large area or a lot of people . abundantpresent in great quantity . simulate make or produce something that is not real but has the appearance of feeling of being real . brutality

15、 the trait of extreme cruelty . dramatically greatly and suddenly . fossil the remain (or an impression) of a plant or animal that existed in a past geological age and that has been excavated from the soil . concurrently existing or happening at the same time . depletion the act of decreasing someth

16、ing markedly . voluntary acting ,done or given willingly ;not forced of compelled predestination previous determination as if by destiny or fate TEXT 十. pronounced marked ,prominent ,obvious . ratify approve and sanction formally . elevated higher than normal . episode an event or set of events that

17、 forms part of a longer series but is considered separately . inevitable certain ti happen and unable to be avoided or prevented . involuntarily done contrary to or without choice . grind wear down ,polish ,or sharpen by friction . irrefutable impossible to refute . inertia the force that keeps an o

18、bject in the same position ,or keeps it moving until it is moved or stopped by another force herald make known the presence or arrival ofTEXT 十一. habitat the type of environment in which an organism or group normally lives or occurs . principal the most important main . equivalent equal in amount or

19、 value . thereby consequently as a result of . compound make a difficult situation worse by adding more problems . velocity the speed of something that is moving in a particular direction . elaborate very detailed and complicated . confinement the state of being forced to stay in a closed space . ex

20、ceeding to an extreme degree or extent incidence the relative frequency of occurrence of something TEXT 十二 irrelevant having no bearing on or connection with the subject at issue . leak an escape of gas or liquid through a hole in something . annually yearly . seizure a sudden condition in which som

21、eone cannot control the movements of their body ,which continues for a short time . penetrate pass into or through . conservatively deliberately lower than what the real amount probably is . precaution something that is done in advance in order to prevent problems or to avoid danger albeit even thou

22、gh although . fatal bringing death inhale draw deep into the lungs in by breathing TEXT 十三 downplay understate the quality of something . dairy connected with the production of milk . erratic irregular or uneven in movement , quality or behavior unreliable . obesity a condition in which someone is t

23、oo fat in a way that is dangerous for their health . portion one part of something . seal secure against leakage . mitigate make less unpleasant , serious or painful . oblivious not aware of what is happening around . contamination the state of being polluted minuscule extremely smallTEXT 十四 devasta

24、ting badly damaging or destroying something . susceptible weak and easily hurt physically or emotionally . vicinity the area near or surrounding a particular place . nausea a stomach distress with distaste for food and an urge to vomit . toxic poisonous . inhibit prevent something from growing or de

25、veloping well . decay become less powerful and lose influence . chronic lasting for a long time . approximately roughly ,not accurate emit produce and discharge something especially gasTEXT 十五. disturbing making you feel worried or upset . incentive something that encourage somebody to do something

26、stimulus . ailment illness ,especially a slight one . ethical of morals or moral questions . vocalexpressing strong opinions publicly ,especially about thing that you disagree . attribution assigning some quality or character to a person or thing . neutralize prevent something from having any effect

27、 . subject force something to experience something very unpleasant ,especially over a long time underfed not getting adequate food exceed go beyond overcome TEXT 十六. respectively considered individually . investigation a detailed inquiry or systematic examination . acknowledge admit the existence ,

28、reality , or truth of something . hazard a chance of being injured or harmed danger . assessment a process in which you make a judgment about a person or situation . inherent internal inside something rather than outside . offspring an animals baby or babies . ingest take food or other substances into your body consume eat TEXT 十七. merit

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