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3A Unit 3 This is my father3 AUnit3教学方案Word格式.docx

1、 Bobby is my friend,. Would you like to introduce your friends ? 现在你们认识了我的朋友 Bobby,那么,你能用:This is介绍一下这几位朋友吗?(PPT: Miss Li、Mr Green、GaoShan) 1. Oh, this is Miss Li. And this is Mr Green. Is this WangBing? No. lets ask: Whats your name? Listen! (课件声音:Hello! Im GaoShan.) Oh. This is GaoShan.Gaoshan is

2、our new friend. Are they your friends? (PPT: David、Nancy) Yes. This is David. David Black. And this is Nancy. Nancy Black. (字幕:David Black Nancy Black) 同学们,英文名与中文名一样,都有姓和名,David 和Nancy 都姓Black,他们是一家人。 David is brother and Nancy is sister. (字幕:brother) Please look at my mouth and listen carefully, br

3、other, brother , / / , / / , / /, brother. Who can read it ? Hands up! Now, read after me. Please read brother one by one. Group One , first. David is Nancys brother. And Nancy is Davids sister.sister) 教法同上 Guess, whos this? Mr Black) Oh, this is Mr Black. Mr Black is David and Nancyss father.father

4、) 教法同上 Mrs Black) This is David and Nancys mother.mother) 教法同上 This is Mrs Black. Mrs Black is David and Nancys mother. We call her: Mrs Black.Mrs 夫人) Listen carefully, Mrs,Mrs, Mrs Black . Now, read after me. Please read Mrs,Mrs, Mrs Black . Now , lets read it together.(cards) OK,Lets read these wo

5、rds together.2. the Blacks has a happy family. And I have a happy family ,too.(PPT: 我的全家福) Look, whos this? Its me! And this is my (字幕: This is my ) Please read after me: This is my 3.现在,老师也把你们组成四个快乐的家庭,好吗?请同学们先看照片,向大家介绍一下你的爸爸、妈妈、兄弟、姐妹,并且记住他们的特征, Now, Group One, youre the tfirst family, the Blacks.

6、(PPT: 格林家的照片)第一组的同学,你们现在就是布莱克家的一员了,请你们介绍一下家庭成员吧。Group Two, youre the Greens. (PPT: 格林家的照片) 你们能像第一组的同学那样来介绍吗?Group Three, youre the Browns. (PPT: 布朗家的照片) 请你们也来介绍一下吧。Group Four, youre the Whites. (PPT: 怀特家的照片) Now, please.4.同学们,你们都记住了吗?好!下面请同学们注意屏幕上出现的照片,如果这是你家的照片,请用: This is my大声介绍你的家人。注意了,每张图片只有6秒钟时

7、间,看哪个组能认得又快又准呢?好!我们来比一比。 出示四户人家的照片。) (本步骤设计说明:通过复习第二单元的句型This is引出本课中的新人物:Mr Black、 Mrs Black、 GaoShan.;用布莱克的全家照清晰地展现出人物之间的关系father、 mother、 brother、 sister. 教师以自己的一张照片教授句型:This is my 将全班模拟成四个家庭,让他们看着照片练习:This is my 并以快速认人的游戏让学生高度集中注意,踊跃加入到介绍家人的练习中去。) 新课标第一网第二步:课文学习 OK, We all have happy families, l

8、ets enjoy the English song.(听歌曲: Finger family) (用指偶) Bobby, this is my father. (字幕:This is my) Bobby:Nice to meet you, Mr Zhu. (字幕: Nice to meet you, Mr ) Mr Zhu: Nice to meet you , Bobby. (字幕: Nice to meet you, ) Boys and girls , this is my mother. Ss: (Nice to meet you, Mrs Zhu.) (字幕:Nice to meet

9、 you, Mr / Mrs) Nice to meet you ,children. This is my brother, Jack. Jack: Nice to meet you ,too. 通过学习,我们知道可以用: This is my将自己的家人介绍给朋友认识。 第一次见面的人应该用:Nice to meet you 来相互问候。 好,下面我们来看一下这四幅图,想一想他们会说什么呢? 课文四张图片,让学生讨论) Please discuss in groups. Now lets listen to the dialogue. (金太阳Part A)你们说对了吗?我想你们一定也能说

10、的这么好 Please open your books, turn to page 18.下面我们跟着录音一起来读一下这段对话. (金太阳Part A,加字幕)以指偶、Bobby和教师的角色扮演将本课对话呈现出来,接着用课文的四幅图为学生提供不同的场景,进行配音练习,让学生在听课文前已经能够理解并表演对话,即真正学会了课文。)第三步:巩固练习 同学们,通过David 、Nancy和Helen的介绍,我们认识了他们的家人,那么现在谁愿意到讲台前来介绍一下你们的家人呢?刚才,老师已经为你们分好了四个家庭,现在,老师给你们一分种时间,我们先分配好角色:谁做爸爸,谁做妈妈,其余的就是兄弟姐妹。OK?

11、好,哪个家庭愿意第一个上来? OK,lets welcome The Blacks. (现场学生做自我介绍) First, please introduce yourselves. Nancy, would you like to introduce your family? 同学们别忘了向新朋友说:Nice to meet you.Nancy 一个一个介绍家人。 同学们,你们学会了吗?那么接下来就请你们也来介绍一下吧。(本步骤设计说明: 以“快乐的家”为主题,让学生以介绍家庭成员将所学语言放在模拟的情景中运用,不仅培养了学生的交际能力,还使学生每个学生都有参与的机会,体现了合作精神。(结束语

12、) 同学们,今天大家学得都很棒。回家后我们可以用今天学的句子向爸爸妈妈介绍一下你的同学,下节课把自己的全家福带来向同学们介绍一下你的家庭成员。我们下节课再见。Bye!第三部分 说明本课的主要句型是介绍家庭成员以及相互之间的问候。一开始,通过复习This is认识了本课中的3个人物,并由布莱克的全家照引出了father、 mother、 brother、 sister、Mrs ;接着,教师通过自己的一张照片呈现句型:This is my 为了让学生操练此句型,以模拟家庭形式展开“赛一赛”的活动,要求学生通过快速闪现的人物照片说出:This is my ;练习完单句,便进入对话环节,通过指偶、Bo

13、bby和教师的角色扮演将本课对话呈现出来,接着用课文的四幅图为学生提供不同的场景,进行配音练习;最后,设计了一个模拟情景,让学生以“快乐的家”为主题介绍家庭成员,将所学语言运用在实际情景中。(第二课时) 单词新授课单元PartB1能听懂、会说8种水果:bananas, pears, mangoes, pineapples, apples, oranges, watermelons, peaches 2. 能用big, small形容水果。3. 能听懂、会说、会用:I love . 来表达自己喜爱的水果。8种水果类单词的发音,特别是e或es的发音。复习(课文) Nice to meet you

14、, boys and girls. Im Miss Zhu, this is my friend Bobby. ( PPT: This is my )上节课老师布置了一个任务,你们还记得吗?对啦,老师请大家把自己的全家福带来,向你的同学们介绍一下自己的爸爸妈妈。You can say : This is my father. This is my mother. ( PPT: This is my father. This is my mother. This is my brother / sister. )请你们也象这样来介绍你的家人,好吗?上节课布置的回家作业,把学生介绍自己的爸爸妈妈,

15、因此,本节课的热身环节有必要进行反馈。词汇学习(课件出现一个黄色的星) Youre so smart! 这颗五角星是对同学踊跃回答的奖励,Do you love it? What colour is it? Yes , its yellow. Look , Theyre yellow,theyre all fruit.(课件出现梨、香蕉、芒果和菠萝的一部分) 1单词1:pears Look, what are they? (点击出现完整的梨) Theyre pears. Look at my mouth, Listen carefully. pears , pears, / /, / /, p

16、ears. If you can read it , hands up.Now , read after me : pears , pears.Lets read it one by one. Group One , first. Yes, they are pears. Pears are sweet.梨很甜,I love pears. 我爱吃梨单词2:bananas Are they pears?(点击出现完整的香蕉) No, theyre bananas.教法同上 Bananas are sweet, I love bananas. Do you love bananas?你们爱吃梨吗?

17、S1: Yes. Yes, bananas sweet I love to eat.单词3:mangoes Pears are yellow , bananas are yellow, what fruit are yellow? (点击出现完整的芒果) Theyre mangoes.教法同上 Mangoes are sweet. I love mangoes. Do you love mangoes? (点击出现字幕) Mangoes, mangoes I love you. Mangoes sweet I love to eat. Please read it together.单词4:p

18、ineapples I love pears. Tom loves bananas, Linda loves mangoes, Bobby, what fruit do you love?你喜欢什么水果呢/ Er I love pineapples. Pineapples? Oh, I know, Bobby loves pineapples. (点击出现完整的菠萝) Theyre pineapples. Pineapples are sweet. Bobby loves pineapples. Do you love pineapples? (点击出现字幕) Pineapples, pine

19、apples I love you. Pineapples sweet I love to eat. Review the 4 words; Today weve learned some yellow fruit. What are they?哪位同学能告诉大家我们学的4种黄颜色的水果呢? (点击出现图片、单词) Yes, theyre pears, bananas, mangoes and pineapples, 同学们,下面我们再来学几种水果吧单词5:apples(PPT) Theyre red and theyre sweet. What are they?(PPT形成几个苹果) Ye

20、s, Theyre apples. Listen carefully. apples , apples apples , apples.Lets read it together.Apples are red. Apples are sweet. I love apples. Do you love apples? Who loves apples, please stand up. Look, heres a chant for apples. (点击出现字幕: Apples, apples I love you. Apples sweet I love to eat.) First, pl

21、ease listen to me and clap your hands. 请同学们一边听,一边跟老师打节奏。 Apples red, apples small. Apples, apples I love you. Apples sweet I love to eat. 同学们, 你们学会了吗?下面我们一起来跟着老师的节拍来读一读。 (老师先拍手示范) Ready? Go!单词6:oranges Great! You did a good job! Whats the next fruit?(PPT) Listen! Theyre orange and small. Theyre swee

22、t. What fruit are they?(PPT形成几个橘子) Yes, theyre oranges. Listen carefully. oranges , oranges oranges , oranges.Oranges are orange. Oranges are sweet. I love oranges. Do you love oranges? Who loves oranges, please stand up. (点击出现字幕) Oranges orange, oranges small.Oranges, oranges I love you.Oranges swe

23、et I love to eat. Its your turn now.(老师先拍手示范)Ready? Oranges orange, oranges small. Oranges, oranges I love you. Oranges sweet I love to eat.单词7:watermelons Apples are red and small. Oranges are orange and small. What fruit are green and big?(PPT形成几个西瓜) Yes, theyre watermelons. Listen carefully. wate

24、rmelons , watermelons watermelons , watermelons.Watermelons are green. Watermelons are sweet. I love watermelons. Do you love watermelons? Who loves watermelons, please stand up. (点击出现字幕) Watermelons, watermelons I love you. Watermelons sweet I love to eat. (老师先拍手示范)Ready?单词8:peaches Now I know Tom

25、likes apples, Cory likes oranges and Bobby likes watermelons. what fruit do monkeys like?(PPT中出现猴子和桃子) Yes, monkeys like peaches. Listen carefully. peaches , peaches peaches , peaches. monkeys like peaches. Do you love peaches? Yes. OK, lets read together.(点击出现字幕) Peaches, peaches I love you. Peache

26、s sweet I love to eat. Oh, its time for rest, lets sing an English song, Fruit song. 同学们,你们会唱了吗?下面我们一起来唱一唱吧。首先,通过颜色引出4种黄色的水果,在学习过程中不断进行, I love you. sweet I love to eat的语言输入,让学生听懂其含义,熟悉其韵律,为后面学说chant作好准备;接着以猜谜的形式,通过教师描述水果的颜色、大小、味道引出另外3种水果,在学习单词的过程中,让学生选择自己喜欢的水果,用改编的chant将教学的相关内容以富有节奏感的歌谣形式串联起来,让学生在松

27、弛、愉悦的情绪中反复操练单词的复数形式,帮助学生练习读音,增强记忆;最后,由学生喜爱的水果联想到猴子爱吃的桃子。本环节的最后一步将留2分钟时间给学生,让他们用歌曲的形式将前4种水果进行改编,即对前半部分的巩固。 Now we know some fruit. What are they? Yes, theyre (PPT: 8种水果) Now, lets play a game: Magic eyes. 下面我们来做一个游戏,名字叫:魔力眼。看看谁的眼睛最厉害,能看出画面上缺掉的水果。(做4次) Whats missing? (音频)同学们,你们都猜对了吗?首先让学生通过总结,复现了本课的主要内容:8种水果;接着,设计了游戏Magic eyes,目的是为了让学生能将图、音、义结合起来记忆,为他们创设一个轻松、愉快的记忆环境。(结束语)同学们,今天我们学习了8种水果,大家都记住了吗?那么就请回家后向爸爸妈妈用英文介绍一下你知道的水果,还有,别忘了了解一下爸爸妈妈都喜欢什么水果,下节课我们来交流交流。本节课的主要任务是学习8种水果的复数形式,因此,整节课就以谈论水果的颜色、大小、味道及个人的喜好为主线串联起这8种水果。整个过程由浅入深、由听到

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