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1、一、 课前回顾根据汉语意思,将下列句子翻译成英语。1. 我们每周应该至少打两场篮球。2. 我们可以用很多不同的方法来解决这个问题。3. 你知道是谁发明了电脑吗?4. 王飞很聪明,他能够解出这道难题。5. 这个箱子很重,我移不动它。6. 我喜欢看一些有关电子音乐的书。7. 杰克发现学好数学很难。(使用形式宾语)8. 没有音乐的话,我感到很压抑。9. 请给他一杯茶。(用两种方式表达)10. 我们都在听他那个令人兴奋的故事。二、 知识梳理Units 14知识点与中考考点链接1. I live with my parents in the UK.分析:with有多种意思和用法,在初中阶段的学习中主要有

2、以下几种常见意思:(1)具有;带有。如:China is a country with a long history.(2)用;使用(工具、手段等)。He was writing with a pencil. (3) 与一道;跟一起。 Harriet is playing with her friend. 在掌握with的用法的同时我们还要知道它的反义词为without。考点:1) 没有你的帮助我们不能完成这项工作。We cant finish the work _ _ _. (09年上海)2) Betty, lets make a cake _ some flour, sugar, butt

3、er and milk.(08年上海)A. at B. of C. inD. with2. I am keen on sports. be keen on 是一个固定词组,意为“热衷于”,与be interested in是同义短语。 Steven and William are keen _ playing computer games. (08年上海)A. to B. with C. on D. at 3. Wendy Wang, 15, must be one of the top students in the city. must 是情态动词,后面要接动词原形,此外must be也是

4、一种常见的用法,意为“肯定是”,它的否定结构为cant be, 意为“肯定不是”,而may be则是“可能是”的意思。情态动词的用法经常在考试中出现。must表示对现在发生事情的肯定推测和判断,还可以表示必须做某事,用于否定句时,表示“禁止”。含有must 的疑问句,否定回答通常用neednt。can 则通常用来表示能力。1) My mother _ make rice dumplings. Shell teach me how to do it. (06年上海)A. mustB. need C. should D. can 2) Students _ be careful when they

5、 do chemical experiments in the lab. (07年上海)A. can B. must C. need D. may3) Must I return the magazine to you right now, Sandy?No, you _. You may keep it until next Wednesday.(08年上海)A. neednt B. cant C. must D. may 4) This Christmas card must _ from Jim. (09 年上海)A. isB. wasC. beD. are4. I get up at

6、six, wash and put on my school uniform. put on 是“穿(衣服,袜子)”的意思,强调穿的“动作”,一般不用于表示状态; wear 是“穿着;戴着”的意思,一般用于穿戴这一“状态”。dress是“为(使)穿上衣服”的意思, get dressed 表示帮某人穿衣服(强调状态)。Its very cold in winter. Its best _ warm clothes.(09年上海)A. put onB. to dress C. wearingD. to wearUnits 14 正误例析1. 【误】 I would like being your

7、 pen friend. 【正】 【析】 would like表示意愿,意为“想要”,也可以用would love表示,与want意思相同,但是其语气比want更为婉转,后面接名词或动词不定式。Id like to drink a cup of coffee. 我想要喝杯咖啡。2. 【误】 Others students often ask me to assist them. 【析】 other可以作定语,意为“别的;其余的”,后面一般接可数名词复数,相当于others。而others是other的复数形式,在句中可作主语和宾语,后面不再接名词。Some students cleaned t

8、he windows, others mopped the floor. 有的学生擦窗户, 有的擦地板。3. 【误】 Today my dad and I were waiting of the ferry when suddenly we heard a big argument.【正】【析】 wait是动词,意为“等候;等待”,后面通常接介词for。4. 【误】 The man hurried abroad.【正】【析】 aboard在这里作副词,意为“上船、车、飞机等”,而abroad则意为“在国外”。My son is still living abroad. 我的儿子仍住在国外。5.

9、 【误】 In ancient time, people wrote numbers in many different ways. 【正】【析】 我们都知道time是名词,意为“时间”时为不可数名词,而这里则意为“时代;时期”,是可数名词。6. 【误】 This was a very important invention because it made that easier to write big numbers and to calculate. 【析】 当动词不定式(短语)等在句子中作宾语时,为保持句子结构平衡,避免句式结构的混乱,常用it作形式宾语,而真正的宾语则是后面的不定式结

10、构。句中划线部分的it就是作形式宾语,指代to write big numbers and to calculate。三巩固性训练:Part Vocabulary and GrammarI. Choose the best answer.( ) 1. I sometimes go camping with my cousin _Saturdays and Sundays. A. in B. on C. at D by( )2. A: Do you know _ girl in red? B: Yes. She is _university student. A. a a B. thean C.

11、 the a D. the( )3. It is raining. Our teacher tells us _ in the playground. A. dont run B. not run C. not to run D to not run( )4. Where have you _? I couldnt find you anywhere. A. gone B. been C. gone to D. been to( )5. Lucy _a football match on TV in her free time. A. enjoy watching B. enjoys watc

12、hing C. enjoys to watch D. enjoy watch( )6. Our monitor is keen _pictures. A. to draw B. on draw C. to drawing D. on drawing( )7.Its better to teach a man fishing than _ him fish. A. to give B. giving C. give D. to giving( )8.A: Would you like to be my pen-friend ? _. A. Yes, Id love to. B. Yes, I l

13、ike. C. Yes, I do. D. Yes, Id like.( )9. Chaplin came into this world in 1889. In this sentence the underlined part means “_”. A. was born B. visited the world C. liked this world D. wanted to live in this world( )10. Mary never came to school late last term ,_? A. did she B. didnt she C. did he D.

14、was she( )11.Miss Li is responsible _Class Four, Form Eight. A. at B. for C. in D. with( )12. Shanghai is one of _ in the world. A. big city B. bigger city C. the biggest city D. the biggest cities ( )13. Our class teacher will _an important meeting tomorrow. A. join B. take part in C. attend D. joi

15、n in( )14.Li Ming, when did you _Shanghai yesterday? A. return to B. return back C. return D. return in( )15. I dont think the boy is _to _the Army (军队).A. older enoughtake part in B. old enoughjoinC. enough oldjoin D. young enoughattendII. Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper for

16、ms.1. Mr. Smith comes from Europe. He is a _.( Europe)2. Please help _to some meat, children. (you)2. The two girls want to be _when they grow up. (act)3. Luxun wrote many _novels in his life. (success)4. _, Li Ming failed the English again. (luck)III. Fill in the blanks with the given words in thei

17、r proper forms.1. My is hobby _ (listen ) to music .2. Our English teacher_(teach) in this school since1998.3. One of Lilys ambitions is _(be) an astronaut.4. They_(cook) supper when Mother came back.5. It _(rain) twice or three times a month in spring in Shanghai.IV. Find a word or an expression in

18、 the box which is the closest in meaning to the underlined part in each sentence.A. ambition B. very clever teenager C. gets D. heard from E. not often 1. Tim is a whiz-kid. He can recite 200 poems although he is only five years old.2. I got a letter from my brother last week.3. Our monitor seldom g

19、ets to school late.4. My wish is to be an architect.5. The girl often achieves A grades in English.1._2. _ 3. _ 4._ 5. _V. Rewrite the sentences as required.1. Mary does her homework every day. (改为否定句)Mary _ _ her homework every day 2. Jackie was a cook when he lived in France.(基本保持原意)Jackie Chan _

20、_ a cook when he lived in France.3. It was a very exciting week.(改为感叹句)_ _ exciting week it was!4. My brother makes a phone call to me once a week. (对划线部分提问) _ _ does your brother make a phone call to you?5. Both of the boys parents were doctors. (改为否定句) _of the boys parents _ a doctor.Part Reading

21、and Writing.Reading comprehension. ( A )General Pershing was a great American officer. He was in the American army and fought in Europe in the First World War.After he died, some people in his hometown wanted to remember him, so they put up a big statue(塑像) of him on a horse.There was a school near

22、the statue, and some of the boys went there every day on their way to school and again on their way home. After a few months, some of them began to say “ Good morning, Pershing,” whenever (无论何时) they reached the statue, and soon all the boys at the school were doing this.One Saturday, one of the sma

23、llest boys was walking to the shops with his parents. When he went to the statue, he said “ Good morning” to the statue, but then he stopped and said to his parents, “ I like Pershing very much. Mum and Dad, but who is that strange man on his back?”根据短文内容选择正确答案:( )1. General Pershing fought in Europ

24、e, but he was from _. A. Europe B. England C. America D. American ( )2. Some people put a statue of _. A. an officer B. General Pershing C. a soldier D. both B and C ( )3. The statue was _the school. A. behind B. not far from C. in D. very far from ( )4. The boys went there every day _. A. on their

25、way to school B. on their way home C. both A and B D. after class ( )5. The boys thought that that _was Pershing. A. shop B. stone C. house D. horse ( C )Radio and television are very useful in the world today. They can be seen everywhere. Thousands and thousands of people watch TV. Perhaps even mor

26、e people listen to the radio. TV is, of course, more useful than radio. On TV you can see and hear what is happening in the world. However radio is not disappearing. It is still with us. And the number of listeners is becoming large. One reason for this is the invention of the transistor. It can be made very small. It is very easy to carry. You can put one in your pocket and listen to it in the bus or on your bike when you go to work. Besides, radio is better for blind people . When people are working, they cant watch TV ,but they can listen

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