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1、3. sound,listen to, hear(1) sound 听起来 sound+形容词 (2) listen to 听 强调听的动作(3) hear 听见 强调听的结果练习3:1. _the radio, it says the flood is coming soon.2. I cant_ you , because theres something wrong with my ears.3. What you said_ interesting.4. receive, accept(1)receive 收到 强调客观接受(2)accept 接受,收下 强调主观接受She recei

2、ved his letter but she cant accepted his love.练习4:He_ a present yesterday, but he didnt _ it, because it was too expensive.5. look up, look for, find, find out(1)look up 查词典、书、电话簿等,代词放中间 look it up(2)look for 寻找 强调找的动作(3)find 找到 强调找的结果(4)find out 发现结果 指经过努力而发现的结论练习5:1. He often takes a dictionary an

3、d_ the new words in it?2. The little girl_ her pen everywhere but didnt_ it at last.3. Look! Lucy is crying over there. Lets go and_ why is she crying.6. keep, borrow, lend(1)keep 借 可以保留一段时间(2)borrow 借 强调将东西接进来 borrow.from 从.借来(3)lend 借 强调将东西借出去 借给练习6:1. -My bike is broken, can I_ yours ,Lil

4、y?-Oh, sorry, Ive_ it to Sandy.2. You can_ my recorder for three days.3. We often_ books from our school library.4. He often_ money to his brother.7. reach, arrive, get(1)reach 到达,够得着 是个及物动词(2)arrive 到达 不及物动词 arrive in+大地点 arrive at+小地点(3)get 到达 不及物动词 get to到达练习7:1. They will_ in Chengdu next week.2

5、. How do you _to school every day?3. Use a longer stick, then you can_ the apples.8. thanks to, thanks for(1)thank to 幸亏,由于(2)thanks for 因谢谢练习8:1. _ your help, Ive understand it.2. _ the cats, mice dare not come and eat my food.9. give in, give up(1)give in 投降(2)give up 放弃 give up doing sth. 放弃做某事练习

6、9:1. We shouldnt_ learning English!2. I would rather die than _ before my enemies.10. achieve, come true(1)achieve 实现(理想、愿望、预言等) 及物动词,主语一般为人(2)come true 实现 不及物动词组,主语为梦想,理想练习10:1. He works so hard that he is sure to_ his dream.2. His prediction of humans flying to the moon _.11. turn off, close, turn

7、 on, open(1)turn off 关(电器) turn on 开(电器)(2)close 关(门、窗、书等) open 开(门、窗、书等)练习11:1. _ the windows please, its so cold outside.2. _ the lights before you leave the room.3. The dog _ the box and took the bone out!4. _ the TV, I want to watch the NBA basketball games.12. break off, break out, break into,

8、break down(1)break off 中断关系,突然终止(2)break out 指战争爆发(3)break into 非法进入或闯入(4)break down 坏掉,(车、船等)抛锚,中途不工作练习12:1 He was late for school yesterday, because his car _ on the half way.2 The World War _ when she was only five.3 They _ their friendship and didnt talk to each other any more.4 Last night a thi

9、ef _ my house and took away my TV.13. reply, answer, solve(1)reply 回复,答复 不及物动词 reply to sb. (2)answer 回答,答案 及物动词 answer question(3)solve 解决,处理 及物动词 solve problem练习13:1. What did Mr. Smith_ to what others said?2. No one in our class can_ this question.3. Its too difficult for everyone to_ that proble

10、m.4. She failed to _ my question.5. We havent _ to his letter yet.6. None of us knew the _ to the problem.14. hope, wish(1)hope 希望,指较为现实的想法 hope to do 或hope + 从句,但没有hope sb to do(2)wish 希望,指不太现实的要求或想法 wish to do 或 wish sb to do练习14:1. -The weather may be fine tomorrow.-I_ so.3. Mum _me to be a docto

11、r in the future.4. How I_I could fly to the moon!15. take, cost, spend, pay(1)take 花费, 尤指花费时间,主语为物 it takes sb. some time to do sth. (2)cost 花费, 指花金钱 ,主语为物 sth. cost sb. some money(3)spend 花费, 主语为人 spend.(in) doing 或spend.on sth. (4)pay 花费, 主语为人 pay for练习15:1. It often_ about 3 hours to get to schoo

12、l from my home.2. -Who will _ for the bill?-Maybe our boss.3. The house_ him 30,000 dollars.4. His cousin_ the whole day making the toy car yesterday.16. take part in, join, attend(1)take part in 参加某项活动(2)join 指参加某组织,成为其中的一个成员(3)attend 指参加会议,婚礼,葬礼,典礼;去上课,上学,听报告等练习16:1. Mr. Wang_ the Party 5 years ag

13、o.2. They invited Lily_ the English evening.3. Hell _ an important meeting tomorrow.17. do with, deal with (1)do with 处理,应付 在问句中要与what 连用(2)deal with 处理,对付 在问句中要与how连用练习17:1. How can you_ that problem?2. What do you_ the event?18. put on, wear, dress, in (1)put on 穿上 强调穿衣的动作(2)wear 穿着 强调穿的状态,是一个延续性动

14、词(3)dress 给穿衣服 宾语为人 dress oneself 给某人自己穿衣服(4)in 穿着 强调穿戴的状态 be in+颜色练习18:1. _ the warm clothes, its cold outside.2. Mary is always_ red clothes . Maybe red is her favorite color.3. The little boy could_ himself when he was three years old.4. The old man_ a pair of glasses.19. win, beat,defeat(1) win

15、赢得 一般指赢得比赛,奖品或战斗,宾语为物(2) beat 战胜,打败 一般指打败参加比赛或游戏的人或团体,宾语为人(3)defeat 战胜,打败 一般指战场上打败敌人,宾语为人练习19:1. Our team has_ the football match, we are all happy. 2. The Brazilian football team_ us 5-0 in that match, all the Chinese fans were very sad.3. The army_ the enemy at last.20. be made in, be made of, be

16、made from, be made up of(1)be made in 在哪里制作,后面接产地(2)be made of 由制成,看得出原料(3)be made from由制成,看不出原料(4)be made up of由组成,强调由个体组成整体练习20:1. The desk_ wood.2. This kind of watch_ Shanghai.3. Our class _ 50 students.4. Paper_ bamboo.21. have been to, have gone to(1)have been to 曾经去过(现在在说话地),可与次数连用(2)have gon

17、e to已经去了(现在不在说话地)练习21:1. They _ Italy for more than 7 years, so Italy is their second home.2. -How many times_ Hainan?-Only 3 times.22. too much, much too, too many, many too(1)too much 太多 too much+不可数名词(2)much too 太. much too+形容词(3)too many 太多 too many+可数名词复数(4)many too 用法不存在练习22:1. The computer is

18、_ expensive.2. Stop, Peter. You talked _.3. Dont eat_ apples every day.4.Father, have a rest. Youve _ tired today.5.Hurry up! You have wasted _ time.23. many, much , lots of , a lot ( of )(1)many 许多 many+可数名词复数(2)much 许多 much+不可数名词(3)a lot of/lots of 许多 a lot of/lots of+可数名词复数/不可数名词 (4)a lot 很,非常 a

19、lot 修饰动词练习23:1. _ of the visitors are workers.2. Has Jack have _ money?3. During those three weeks, he ate _ meat.4. I did not understand why you had so _ strange questions.5. Although he is a boy, he reads _.24. above all, after all, first of all, at all, in all(1)above all 最重要的是, 尤其是,强调要引起特别注意(2)

20、after all 毕竟, 终究(3) first of all 首先, 强调次序(4) at all 根本,丝毫 否定+at all(5)in all 总共, 总计练习25:1. Never waste anything, but _ never waste time.2. _, let me introduce myself to you.3. There are 35 students_ in our class.4. He is still a child _. Dont blame him.5.I dont know him _.26. passed, past(1)passed 经

21、过 动词pass的过去式或过去分词(2)past 经过 介词或副词练习26:1. They hurried _ the building.2. Tom _ by me without greeting just now.3. The train for the small town leaves at ten _ eight.4. Two weeks had _ since Martin had seen him.5. In the _, I have had many jobs.27. agree to, agree with, agree on(1) agree to 表示一方提出一项建议

22、、安排、计划等,另一方同意协作(2) agree with 表示同意某人或某人的意见、想法、分析、解释等;(气候、食物等)“适合”的意思。(3) agree on/upon 双方经过协商,达成一致意见 agree on/upon doing sth.练习27:1 I _ what he said.2. All those who _ the plan, raise your hands.3. We _ leaving there the next day.4. The food doesnt _, found, set up, put up(1)build 建筑,建造 指施工建筑(2)found 创立,成立,创办 指创立一个机构,组织或国家(3)set/put up 搭起,竖起,挂起 后者常见练习28: 1. Last year a cinema was _ near our school.2. The rich man _ the hospital and a school in the town where he was born.3. The Peoples Republic of China was _ in 1949.4. The newspaper reporter _

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