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1、A.interestingB.usefulC.permanentD.educational9. As teachers, we ( B ) be considerate of .us.A.wouldB.shouldC.oughtD.might10.Do you mind if . lecture?( C). Go ahead.A.Never mind B.B.No wayC.Not at all D.No. Youd better not.11.You arent supposed to. creating the National Health City.Sorry, I will ( D

2、) my cigarette right now.A.give up B.give awayC.put down D.put out12. I do believe ( B ) there. two languages.A.whatB.thatC.whoD.which13. Keep ( A ) we can . friendship can that B.even if D.ever since14. When ( D ) questions in class, . possible.A.asking ask

3、 be asked D.asked15. Is it only on the market ( C ) we can . of our goods?A.whereB.whichC.thatD.how16.Will you please say it again, Mr Wang?Of course. . ( D )your attention at that time.A.dont pay B. didnt payC.arent paying D.werent paying17. All the students, . (B ) the main arguments before wr

4、iting.A.remind B. summarize C.observe D.identify18. The officials have . will be built in 2020 ( A ) can house another 1,000 students.A.which B. what C.when D.where19. Good news! Maybe I (C )a job soon. I had .school yesterday.A.has been offered B would be offered B.will be offered offered20.

5、May I ask you a . sir?( B), but not during my lunch break.A.Go ahead B.Sure C.Anytime D.Sorry二、完型填空I arived in the classroom, .Having taught in. 21 for 17years , I had nodoubt about my ability to hold their attention and to 22 on them my admiration forthe literature of my mother tongue .I was 23 whe

6、n the monitor shouted,.to sit down again , 24 once thatawkwardness (尴尬)was over ,.to gain their respect perhaps 25 theiradmiration . I went back . achievement.My students diaries . However , as I read them , the happy mood was gradually 26 by a strong sense of sadness . . us 27 today . Perhaps her n

7、ext lecturewll b bttr . . drbd th ntr hlhl frmwrk ( 哲学体系) fWestern thought and laid the historical for all the works we l study in class,I 28 How they say I didn t teach them anything?It was a long term , and it became 29 that my ie. questions and provideenough background so that students could draw

8、 their own conclusions . My studentsthought a teacher s job was to provide 30 information as directly and clearly aspossible . What a dfference!Ialso leamt a lot , n knowing how to teach in a dfferent culture.21.A.The UK B.The US C.China D.Australia22.A.fix B.put C.leave D.impress23.A.please B.conte

9、nt C.shocked D.unsatisfied24.A.or B.and C.though D.but25.A.even B.more C.yet D.still26.A.replaced B.takenC.caughtD.moved27.A.nothing B.somethingC.anythingD.everything28.A.laughed B.complainedC.shoutedD.whispered29.A.simple B.clearC.SureD.exact30.A.strange B.standardC.exactD.more三、阅读理解ATwothingschang




13、Dayslaterunthinkablehappened.Thishorribleturnevents.thencamelssonIvetakenthrough.becausepaidyourself.”31.0Whcnauthor.( A )fellitB.hermotherC.recognizedonceD.wentguy32.Whydidat.?( B )A.Shelongedextrawork.B.Shecagerbasket.C.Shefelttiredafterstandingtoolong.D.Shewantedpolitemother.33.Byusingnaked(Parag

14、raph 12).A.somethingaffordB.somcthingimportantherC.somethingimpossible1ogetD.somethingwithout34.Toauthor,ene.( D )spoiledplanB. the basket cost more than she had savedC.a ncighborhood girl had bought a ncw bikeD.someone else had got a basket of the same kind35.What is the life lesson .( C )A. Save m

15、oney for a rainy day.B. Good advice is beyond all price.C. Earn your bread with your sweat.D. God helps those who help themselves.B待更新CA scientist turns out to be able to see the future by offering each of some four-year-old apiece of candy and watching how he or she deals with it. Some children rea

16、ch eagerly for the treatthey sec. Some last a few minutes bcforc they give in. But others are determincd to wait until thelast moment.Actually, the ability to delay rcward is a sign of cmotional inelligence which doesnt showup on an IQ test.The hardware of the brain and the software of the mind have

17、 long been scientistsconcerns. But brain thcory cant explain what we wonder about most, like the question why somepeople remain upbeat in the face of troubles that would sink a less resistant soul.EQ is not the opposite of IQ. What rescarchers have ben trying to understand is howthey work together,

18、how oncs ability to handle stress, for instance, .t. rest depends oncverything from social class to luck.While many researchers in this relatively new field are glad to see emotional issuesfinally taken seriously, some few fear EQ invites misuse.1.The experiment with the four-read-ol. C A. the age o

19、f4 is a proper time for scientific experimentB. emotional intllience wont show up until adolescenceC. the ability of self-control plays a role in personal successD. Candy can be used to measure a persons emotional intelligence2.Which of the following is TRUE. .to the text? D A. There is no link betw

20、een EQ and IQ.B. The higher a persons IQ is, the higher his or her EQ is.C. Some people can be blessed with lots of both, but some with litte of either.D. Scientists are trying to discover the way in which EQ and Q work together.3.The underlined word upbeat in Paragraph 4 probably means D A. kind B.

21、 floating C. excited D. Optimistic4.Why does thc author mention the experiment at thc beginning of the text? C A. To amuse both the children and readers.B. To prove the scicntists wisdom.C. To introduce the topic of the text.D. ToshowushowtodoanIQtest5.What is most likely to be . follows? B A. Infor

22、mation about famous people with high EQ.B. Examples showing the opposite voice about EQC. Some reasons why EQ is relatively new fieldD. Strong demands for basic emotional education.第二部分一、书面表达 略二、简述题1.简述义务教育英语课程标准关于课程的基本理念。2.请问如何在小学英语课堂中开展“说”的教学?三、案例分析以下是针对人民教育出版社英语教科书英语(三年级起点)的三个教学案例:【案例1】四年级下册Unit5

23、 My clothes A Let s Learn教学片断在呈现和操练词汇clothes,hat,kirt,dress,pants和句型I like that green skirt./Metoo/And I like those pants.之后, .“I like that.And I like those.分别发表评论,用了2分钟完成。【案例2】五年级上册Unit5 There isabig bedA Lets talk 教学片段本课时的教学目标是学生能用There be .教师说的兴致勃勃。【案例3】四年级下册Unit4 At the farm B Lets learn教学片断以下是余

24、老师教授hens,cows,sheep,horses四个动物单词的导入活动:T: Lets enjoya song.(“爸爸去哪儿”主题歌)Look! Jasper and his dad. Where are they?S: At the farm. So today we are going to meet the animals with Jasper. Look! We have four houses, Which one do you want to go first?【问题】请根据以上三个案例的描述,分别判断这三个教学案例活动是否合理,并进行分析,如有不合理之处请给出改进意见。四、教学设计题【阅读材料】请根据人民教育出版社义务教育教科书英语(三年级起

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