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1、从目的论看政府工作报告的英译 学科分类号 0502 本科生毕业论文题目:On the C-E Translation of the Government Work Report of 2014 from the Perspective of Skopos Theory 从目的论看2014年政府工作报告的英译 学生姓名:学号:1107403020 系别: 外国语言文学系 专业: 英 语 指导教师:徐 李(讲师) 起止日期: 2014.6 2015.5 2015年 5 月 10 日怀化学院本科毕业论文诚信声明作者郑重声明:所呈交的本科毕业论文,是在指导老师的指导下,独立进行研究所取得的成果,成果不

2、存在知识产权争议。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,论文不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的成果。对论文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体均已在文中以明确的方式标明。本声明的法律结果由作者承担。本科毕业论文作者签名:2015年5月10日ContentsAbstract iKey words i摘 要 ii关键词 iiIntroduction 1Chapter One Overview of Skopos Theory 21.1 Emergence and Development of Skopos Theory 21.2 Main Rules of Skopos Theory 31.2.1 Obje

3、ctive Rule 31.2.2 Coherence Rule 31.2.3 Faithfulness Rule 3Chapter Two Characteristics of the Government Work Report of 2014 42.1 Simple Sentence Structure 42.2 Brief Sentence Component 42.3 Chinese Characteristic Words 62.4 Synonymous Words Expressions 6Chapter Three Translation Strategies of the G

4、overnment Work Report of 2014 under the Guidance of Skopos theory 63.1 Feasibility of Translating the Government Work Report under the Guidance of Skopos Theory 63.2 Translation Strategies of the Government Work Report of 2014 under the Guidance of Skopos Theory 73.2.1 Information Restructuring 73.2

5、.2 Amplification and Omission 73.2.3 Domestication and Foreignization 8Conclusion 9Bibliography 10Acknowledgements 11On the C-E Translation of the Government Work Report of 2014 from the Perspective of Skopos Theory Abstract With the growing international status of China, the Government Work Report

6、is attracting more attention from all over the world and it represents the most authoritative source of information for the international community to know China better. Therefore, the necessity of idiomatic translation for the Government Work Report is coming. This helps the recipient accurately un

7、derstand the source language and Chinese social dynamic, as well as promote the exchanges and cooperation of all countries in the world. With the Skopos theory pushed forward by the German Functionalist and the Government Work Report of 2014 as the corpus, together with the difference between Chines

8、e and English, studying the characteristics and the translation strategies of the Government Work Report of 2014 from the aspects of lexical, syntactical and discourse. Key wordsSkopostheory; the Government Work Report of 2014 ; translation strategies从目的论看2014年政府工作报告的英译摘 要随着中国国际地位日益提升,政府工作报告也日益受到世界各

9、国的关注。政府工作报告是国际社会了解中国最权威的信息来源,因此,地道地翻译政府工作报告的必要性就不言而喻了。这有助于译文接受者准确无误的理解原文所传达的信息,更好的了解中国社会的动态,从而促进世界各国的交流与合作。本文依据德国功能学派提出的功能目的理论,以2014年政府工作报告为语料,结合英汉之间的差异,从词汇,句法,语篇等方面来分析2014年政府工作报告的特点及目的论指导下2014年政府工作报告英译的策略。关键词目的论;2014年政府工作报告;翻译策略 Introduction Widely known as the tone of solemnity, firmness and conci

10、seness, political articles aim at analyzing mind and expositing ideas to propagandize politics, which are typical of conciseness, political nature, timeliness, objectivity and integrity.The Government Work Report of 2014 includes the summary of 2014 and plans for 2015. Namely the conclusion of last

11、years government work conditions and achievements, as well as the announcement of plans and goals for the next year. It gains great attention from home and abroad because it makes great contribution to construct China, that is, an extensive and profound meaning. With the deep development of reform a

12、nd opening up and foreign exchange, the demand of translation of the Government Work Report of 2014 is also increasing. As an important political documents, on the one hand,the political sensitivity is very strong, therefore the quality of translation is extremely high. On the other hand, it contain

13、s a large number of words, concepts and modes of expression with Chinese uniqueness. Hence, great attention should be paid in the translation of political essays. Taking the Government Work Report of 2014 as example, this paper will use the German functionalist translation theory to analyze the tran

14、slation strategies.Skopos theory is to apply concept of skopos into translation. The main concept is that the major factor of translation during the period of translation is the aim of the whole translation. The term of skopos is used to refer to the aim of target language. Besides skopos , Vermeer

15、also added some related words, such as aim ,purpose, intention and function. Skopos theory was first published in 1995 by Zhang Nanfeng who firstly briefly introduced Skopos theory to China. Zhong weihe and Zhong Yu published a paper named German Functionalist Translation Theory in 1999 in the Chine

16、se Journal of Translation, which was the first systematically paper to introduce the theory of functionalism. The paper On the Translation Methods and Theoretical Basis about Soft news was published in 2001 by Xu Quan and Wang Ting, and brought about new situation to apply functional theory to pragm

17、atic translation. This paper mainly discusses from three aspects: the first part is an overview of Skopos theory, including the production, development and the main principles of Skopos theory. The second part is the characteristics of the Government Work Report. They are simple sentence structures;

18、 brief sentence components; Chinese characteristic words; synonymous expressions. The third part is the translation strategy of the Government Work Report of 2014 under the guidance of skopos theory. It first elaborates the feasibility of translating the Government Work Report under the guidance of

19、skopos theory, then explains the translation strategy of the Government Work Report of 2014 under the guidance of skopos theory.Chapter One Overview of Skopos TheoryThe paper mainly introduces it from there aspects: the emergence and development of Skopos heory; the main rules of Skopos theory; The

20、Characteristics of the Government Work Report of 2014; The Feasibility of the Government Work Report under the Guidance of Skopos theory.1.1 Emergence and Development of Skopos TheoryIn 1970s, functionalist translation theory originated in Germany. Its development has gone through several stages:The

21、 first stage: Katherina Rice firstly applied the functional category into translation criticism and integrated the language functions, text types and translation strategies to develop the functional relation of source text and the target text based on the model of translation criticism, thus formed

22、the rudiment of functionalist theory.The second stage: Hans Vermeer put forward the skopos theory and got the original center oriented translation free from the bound. The theory stands that translation is a kind of behavior featured with purpose and result which based on the original texts and this

23、 behavior must be done through negotiation. Translating a kind of material must follow a series of principles, with the objective principle in the first place. That is to say, the purpose of translation depends on target language translation. In addition, the translation must follow the coherence ru

24、le and loyalty rule.The third stage: Jiastar Hotz Manta put forward the behavior theory of translation by referring communicational and behavioral theory. He has further developed the functionalist translation theory which was driven by purpose and an interaction between people with translation resu

25、lts oriented. The theory and Skopos theory have much in common, Vermeer had also integrated them.The fourth stage: Christina Nord had summarized and improved the theory of functionalism comprehensively and systematically analyzed the internal and external factors needed in text analysis of translati

26、on as well as ways to set up translation strategies coordinated with the purpose of translation on the basis of the original text functions. Christina Nord had summarized all functionalist theory and put forward the principles of function plus loyalty to guide the translator, which had improved the

27、theory.1.2 Main Rules of Skopos TheoryIt mainly discusses the objective rule, which is the most important rule of all; coherence rule, mainly refers to inter-textual coherence; faithfulness rule.1. 2.1 Objective Rule According to Skopos theory, the most important rule of all translation activities i

28、s the objective rule, therefore the translation should be in the target language context and culture and taken effect in the expectation of the target language audience. The goal the process of translation behavior should achieve determines the whole translation action, namely results determine meth

29、od. But the translation activities can have multiple purpose, these objectives are further divided into three categories: (1) The basic purpose of the translator (such as make a living); (2) The communicative purpose (such as to enlighten the reader); (3) To use some special means of translation to

30、attain the purpose (e.g., in order to explain the special syntactic structure in a language of the literal way according to its structure).1.2.2 Coherence RuleIt means that the translation must meet the inter-textual coherent standard, which is, with readability and acceptability as well as can make

31、 the recipient understand and have significance in the target culture and the use of communicative context. This rule means there should exist inter-textual coherence, which amounts to be faithful to the source language in other translation theories, however, the degree of the faithfulness depends o

32、n the purpose of the target language and the understanding of the translator.1.2.3 Faithfulness Rule This is put forward by Nord. She found the Skopos theory has two shortcomings: firstly, people with different cultural backgrounds have different views on the good translation because of the different culture; in addition, if the intention required by the rule of the communicative purpose of the translation and the original author is oppo

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