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1、英语词汇学串讲2第五章:Word Meaning The meanings ofMeaning 指的是哪三个层次的内容?意义中的含义的三个层次的划分:What are the meanings of Meaning?1) Reference (有reference 的词必然具有sense, 也必然具有Concept ) 2) Concept( 能够形成Concept 的词必然有reference )3) Sense (有sense 的词未必具有concept , 也未必具有reference)(Conjunction , prepositions, adverbs, 它们都是具有sense 的

2、词,但是未必具有reference , 也未必具有concept, 例如:if, but, probably : 它们有sense, 但没有concept ) What is the relationship between the reference and the thing outside the language?(等同于:What is relationship between sound and form )答: Arbitrary and conventional 名词解释: reference 名词Concept : 1. Meaning and concept are clo

3、sely connected but not identical .They are both related directly to referents and are notions of the words but belong to different categories.2. Concept, which is beyond language, is the result of human cognition, reflecting the objective world in the human mind . 3. Concept is universal to all men

4、alike regardless of culture, race, language and so on.4. a concept can have as many referring expressions as there are languages in the world.重点: sense 的名词解释:Sense : 1. sense denotes the relationships inside the language. The sense of an expression is its place in a system of semantic relationships

5、with other expressions in the language.2. Since the sense of an expression is not a thing, it is often difficult to say what sort of identity it is. It is also an abstraction.*3. Every word that has meaning has sense (not every word has reference)重点:What are the type of motivation?1) Onomatopoeic mo

6、tivation 2) Morphological Motivation 3) Semantic Motivation 4) Etymological Motivation填空:1.some of the words when edited with prefixes and suffixes, it will become another new word, either new in meaning or new in sense, this motivation is called ( morphological motivation ) 2. Compounds are totally

7、 different in the meaning before it was carried out with different elements, so the meaning of a compound can not be deduced from component constituted this compound ,this motivation is called ( morphological motivation )3. pen in old English , refers to the feather, but with the development of tech

8、nology, fountain was invented , but the name of this material was kept up to this day, people still used the pen to refer to writting tool, this motivation is called (etymological motivation)4. Conceptual meaning also know as (denotative meaning )4.laconic answer (简短回答),laconic 的形成是属于哪一种理据 (etymolog

9、ical motivation)问题: pingpong ball , cuckoo 是靠哪一种理据形成的新词?答案: Onomatopoeic Motivation 问题:at the foot of mountain, the mouth of river, 此时采用了哪一种理据构成?答案: Semantic movtivation论述题: 1. What are the types of motivation?2. What are the types of meaning? 按大的分支来分分为: (1)grammatical meaning (2)Lexical meaning分析题:

10、*The dog is chasing a cat, analyze the sentence based on grammatical meaning.Lexical meaning itself has two components: conceptual meaning and associative meaning.(语法意义上分析没考过, 但从词汇意义上分析考过)语法意义指一个词的词性, 句中充当的成份, 句子的时态,单复数形式等.1)Dog, cat are nouns, and chase is transitive verb.2) The sentence is used in

11、 present continuous tense.3) The dog, a cat are singular form.问题:The pen is mightier than sword? 请 从语法意义的角度上分析这句话?Both pen and sword are nouns. mightier is an adjective, and than is preposition.The sentence is in simple present tense.这是现在时中采用的哪一种语法结构?Mightier than is comparative degree.pen and sword

12、 are in singular form.The pen is subject, and sword functions as an object to preposition than.mightier is predictive.重点名词解释: Conceptual meaning:1) Conceptual meaning (also known as denotative meaning) is the meaning given in the dictionary and forms the core of word-meaning. 2) Being constant and r

13、elatively stable, conceptual meaning forms the basis for communiation as the same word has the same conceptual meaing to all the speakers of the same language.*Associative meaning :(一定要把它的四种分支答上)1) associative meaning is the secondary meaning supplemented to the conceptual meaning. 2)It differs from

14、 the conceptual meaning in that it is open-ended and indeterminated.3)It is liable to the influence of such factors as culture , experience, religion, geographical region, class background,education, etc. 4)Associative meaning comprises four types : connotative, stylistic, affective, and collocative

15、.问题: Connotative meaning is not the same to everybody, every situation and every time, analyze the statement?答案: e.g. A child is prejudiced against, often jeered at, beaten or scolded at home, then home to his is nothing but a hell, hence unfavourable connotatitions, 问题: 某些贬义词是不是任何时候都是贬义词?答案:e.g. A

16、phrase like son of a 娃哈哈 which normally has an associative meaning of crude vulgarity may convey the connotation of friendliness and intimacy used between two close friends when they meet after some prolonged period of time.问题:Stylistic meaning 根据字典上的划分有几种划分?根据The Five Clocks 划分,有几种划分?答案:In some dic

17、tionaries, stylistic features are clearly marked as formal, informal, literary, archaic, slang.Martin Joos in his book The Five Clocks suggests five degrees of formality: frozen, formal, consultative, casual and intimate.问题:在日常生活中,人们把文体只简单地划分为哪三类?答案:1)formal 2)neutral 3) informal注意:要把书中89页中例子2223分析要

18、记好.在情感意义affective meaning, 考试往往要落脚在affective meaning 的两个分类:(年年affective meaning 例子都考)(1) appreciative meaning (2) pejorative meaning Collocative meaning 中的例子要记好: pretty , handsome Green 搭配的例子记好: green on the job, green fruit , green with envy , green-eyed monster. 复习:问题: Blackmail 从发音的角度被划分成什么词,从理据的

19、角度被划分成什么词?答案:Complex Morphological motivation 问题: 有 reference 的词必然具有sense and concept ( 正确)有sense 的词一定具有reference.(错误)The word which have meaning does not have necessarily reference.问题: Forget, forgot, forgetting , forgotten , forgets这是从哪一个角度来界定这个词的分支?答案: Grammatical meaning 问题: frozen, formal , con

20、sultative, casual and intimate 这五个词是总结了什么的划分, 是根据什么的划分?答案: stylistic meaning , 是根据The Five Clocks written by Martin Joos.问题:But in daily life , we always refer to (formal), (neutral) , (informal).问题: Pretty boy, pretty woman , pretty garden, pretty garden , pretty car,请解释这些词的意义一样不一样?如果不一样请加以理论分析?答案:

21、Collocative meaning, when pretty is used to modify different nouns both animate and inanimate , their collocative meaning are totally different.问题:Table tennis can be replaced by pingpong ball and the name of the bird is also called cuckoo , which can also be reused to refer to the sound of the bird

22、 , so their two words are (onomatopoeically) motivated.问题:Unexpected, expectation, expecting, these three words are (morphologically) motivated.问题: Hopeless, jobless, dislike, 这三个词是靠什么motivated. ( morphologically motivated) 问题:East or west , home is best and there is no place like home. 这两话是使用了什么样的意

23、义构成的?答案: Connotative meaning第六章: Sense Relations and Semantic Field polysemy, homonymy, synonymy, antonymy and hyponymy.(五种关系的名词解释要记住)Two Approaches to Polysemy:1) Diachronic approach2) Sychronic approachTwo Processes of Development 1) radiation (1) radiation is a semantic process in which the prima

24、ry meaning stands at the centre and the secondary meanings proceed out of it in every direction like rayes. (2) the meaning are independent of one another, but can all be traced back to the central meaning.e.g. face, neck 2) concatenation (1) meaning linking together, is the semantic process in whic

25、h the meaning of a word moves gradually away from its first sense by successive shifts until, in may cases ,there is not a sign of connection between the sense that is finally developed and that which the term had at the beginning . (2) In plain terms the meaning reached by the first shift may be sh

26、ifted a second time, and so on until in the end the original meaning is totally lost. e.g. treacle 注意: 这两种模式的名词解释照样要记(这两种模式只在填空,选择,出过题,还没有以名词解释形式考过)问题:In the linguistic study, what are the sense relations and what are the types of sense relations ?答案: A word which is related to the other words is re

27、lated to them in sense, so it is called sense semantic relations.types of sense relations : polysemy, homonymy, synonymy, antonymy and hyponymy.(五种关系的名词解释要记住)问题:Fruit 与 apples bananas, pineapples, lychees 是什么语义关系?答案:Hyponymy?问题:Fruit 这一类里包含apples, bananas, pineapples, grapes 它们形成了一种什么样的理论?答案: Semant

28、ic field 问题:有的时候在英语中存在着一种语言不共容的现象,那就是反义词的不共容的现象, 那么这种不能够相互溶合,这样的词在反义词当中被称作什么词。比如说:dead , alive , 它们之间的反义关系是什么样的一种关系?答案:Contradictory terms 它们之间形成的语义关系被称作antonymy 问题:Contradictory terms 有一个最大的特点是什么?答案:Mutually exclusive and are non-gradable, They cannot be used in comparative degrees and do not allow

29、 adverbs of intensity like very to qualify them.问题:反义词存在不存在一种包容现象?答案:表明two poles, two extremes,的反义词,它们之间存在一种包容现象,这种包容现象被称作(Middle ground) e.g. huge / tiny( 它们之间存在着big , small , quite big, quite small)e.g. young / old 这类反义词被称为(Contrary terms) 问题:fast 这个词, 它表示紧的概念时, 它 和loose 是一组反义词,表示快的概念 时,它和slow 是一组

30、反义词, 这样的 一种语义关系算什么样的语义关系?答案: polysemy 问题:分析deer , dear 这两个词是什么样的词? 答案:Homophone 重点: homonyms 有哪三个类别的划分?1) perfect homonyms e.g. bank , bear2) homographse.g. bow, sow 3) homophonese.g dear, deerright, write, rite 重点:Origins of Homonyms 1) Change in sound and spelling 2) Borrowing3) Shortening 问题:shortening 可以表现在哪些分支结构构成上?1) Acronymy 2) Homonymy 3) Narrowing 4) Idioms 重点问题:Homonymy 和 Polysemy 的区别?( 未考过)6.2.4 Rhetoric Features of Homonyms e.g. Long time no sea. ( puns ) humor, sarcasm or ridicule重点:名词解释 Synonyms Types of Synonyms :1) Absolute synonyms 2) Relative synonyms 重要简答题:Sources of Synon

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