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本文(人教七年级英语下册《nit 12 What didyou do last weekendSection A 2d3c》公开课教案37.docx)为本站会员(b****3)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

人教七年级英语下册《nit 12 What didyou do last weekendSection A 2d3c》公开课教案37.docx

1、人教七年级英语下册nit 12 What didyou do last weekend Section A 2d3c公开课教案37Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?Section A 2 (2d-3c)一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标:1) 掌握以下单词:away, mouse, baby, shout ,shout at, woof, language.2) 继续练习一般过去时态能掌握以下句型: What did you do last weekend? I did my homework. Who visited her grandma? Beck

2、y did. Where did she go last weekend? She went to a farm. Who did she go with? She went with her classmates.2. 情感态度价值观目标:1. 提高学生独立学习能力。2. 培养学生动手能力与想像能力。二、教学重难点1. 教学重点:1) Key vocabulary, 特殊疑问句练习。2) Talk about recent past events2. 教学难点:Talk about recent past eventsPractice students listening, speaking

3、, reading and writing skills.三、教学过程. Warming- up and revision1. Greet students.2. Check the homework.Reading 1. Learn some new words. 2. Ask Ss to look at conversation in 2d. Then Ss read the dialogue by themselves and find the answer to these questions:1) How was Lisas weekend?2) Where did Lisa wor

4、k as a guide? 3) What did she do there? 4) Why is Paul tired now?3. Ss work in pairs and role-play the conversations. Paul: Hi, Lisa. How_ your weekend?Lisa: Great. Thanks. Paul: What _you do?Lisa: I worked _a guide at the Natural History Museum. Paul: Really? How_!Lisa: Yeah, it was fun. They have

5、a butterfly house _ over 200 _of butterflies! I told the visitors about them and their living habits. Did you have a good weekend?Paul: Yeah, it was good, but Im _tired now. I _ late to watch the soccer game. III. Language points 1. sheep是名词, 意为“绵羊”。它是单复数同形的单词, 当它作主语时谓语动词的单复数形式要根据它在句中的意思来确定。类似的单词还有d

6、eer (鹿), Chinese (中国人)等。例如: Look, there are three sheep eating grass under the tree. 看! 树下有三只羊在吃草。 2. I worked as a guide at the Natural History Museum. 我在自然历史博物馆里做导游的工作。 句中的as是介词,意为“作为;当作”。如: My sister works as a nurse in a hospital. 我妹妹在一家医院当护士。【运用】将下面的句子翻译成英语。她在一所初中当老师。3. How interesting! 多么有趣啊!

7、这是一个感叹句,句子结构为: How + 形容词或副词 + (主语 + 谓语)! 例如: How interesting the book is! 那本书太有趣了! 4. They have a butterfly house with over 200 kinds of butterflies! 它们(指博物馆)有一个200多种蝴蝶的蝴蝶馆。 句中的with是介词,意为“有;带有”。如:Who is the girl with long blonde hair? 那位金色长发的女孩是谁?with在句中常做伴随状语。The boy with a book is my brother.(主语应为

8、boy,而非book)句中的kind是名词,意为“种;类”,是可数名词。如:There are three kinds of fruits on the table. 桌子上有三种水果。【链接】与kind有关的短语有:与kind有关的短语有:a kind of 一种;某种(不明确的东西) kind of 有点any kinds of 许多种类的different kinds of 不同种类的 the same kind of 同一种类的.all kinds of 各种各样的【运用】将下列句子翻译成汉语。(1) It is a kind of animal with long ears and

9、small eyes.(2) There are five kinds of flowers in the garden. (3) My uncle bought a house with a big garden.5. I stayed up late to watch the soccer game. 我熬夜看足球赛了。 stay up 意为“熬夜;深夜不眠” 。例如: Dont stay up late. Its bad for your health. 不要熬夜,这对你的健康不好。 Lets stay up to see the New Year. 咱们别睡觉,迎接新年的到来吧。. G

10、rammar focus. 1. Complete the sentences. 上个周末你做什么了?_ 我做作业了。_我们去划船了。_ 谁去探望了她的奶奶? _ 是蓓基?_ 上个周末她去了哪里? _她去了农场。 _ 她和谁一起去的? _她和她的同学们一起去的。 _2. Check the answers.3. Give Ss seven more time to remember the sentences. V. Grammar一般过去时态的特殊疑问句 1. 含有be动词的一般过去时的特殊疑问句疑问词+was/were + 主语+ 其它?e.g. 上个周末你过得怎么样? _ _ your

11、last weekend? 昨天下午他们在哪里? _ _ they yesterday afternoon? 昨天你为什么迟到了? _ _ you late yesterday? 疑问词(作主语) + was/were + 其它?e.g. 昨天晚上谁在教室里? _ _ in the classroom last night? 2. 含有实义动词的一般过去时的特殊疑问句疑问词+did+主语+动词原形+其它? e.g. 昨天他做了什么事情? _ _ he do yesterday? 上个周末她参观了什么地方? _ _ she _ last weekend? 你和谁一起去的动物园? _ _ you

12、go to the zoo _? 他们什么时候到达北京的? _ _ they arrive in Beijing? 3. Exercises 对下列句子中的划线部分提问。1) I got up at nine yesterday morning. _ _ you get up yesterday morning?2) I did my homework last night. _ _ you _ last night?3) They went to the supermarket last Sunday. _ _ they go last Sunday? 4) My last weekend

13、was kind of boring. _ _ your last weekend?5) Linda took a walk with her parents after dinner. _ _ Linda take a walk with after dinner? VI. Practice 1. Look at 3a. Tell Ss to fill in the blanks with who, what, where or how. Make the students finish the sentences by themselves.1) A: _ did you do last

14、weekend? B: I played badminton on Saturday. A: Sounds fun! _ did you play with? B: I played with my father. Hes really good! 2) A: _ was your weekend? B: It was great! I had so much fun! A: _ did you go? B: The weather was beautiful, so I went to the beach with my parents. 3) A: _ did Jim lose? B: H

15、e lost his keys. He often loses things. A: Thats too bad. _ did he lose them? B: I heard it was yesterday. 2. Check the answers.3. Say, Now practice asking and answering questions like this about what the people did last weekend. Practice in pairsHelp students find partners. Then say, first read the

16、 dialogue together. Both students read both parts. VII. Practice 1. Look at 3b. Tell Ss to complete the passage with the correct forms of the words in the box. Pay attention to the right sentence structure. Ss work by themselves. say be climb see run away A family of mice were in the kitchen on Satu

17、rday morning when they _ a big cat. Baby Mouse _ afraid and _ onto his fathers back. Father Mouse shouted at the cat, “Woof, woof!” The cat quickly _. “Wow, Dad, youre good!” _ Baby Mouse. “Well, son, thats why its important to learn a second language,” answered Father Mouse. 2. Check the answers.3.

18、 Ask several students tell the story in front of the class.III. Language points 1. mouse 意为“老鼠”,复数形式为“mice”。 如: 他们看到了两只老鼠。 They saw two mice. 2. Father Mouse shouted at the cat shout at “冲.大声叫嚷”,后面要跟人或事物。如: 不要朝孩子们大声喊叫。 Dont _the children. 注意: shout at sb. 与 shout to sb. 的区别。shout at sb. 多指因生气或愤怒“冲某人

19、大声吼叫,嚷嚷”;shout to sb. 一般是指“对某人大声叫喊”,目的是让别人听见。例如:Could you stop shouting _the children?别对孩子们嚷嚷了,好吗?There was so much noise that I had to shout _ her.太吵了,我不得不冲她大声叫喊。3. thats why its important to learn a second language. language 意为“语言”,是可数名词。如: 英语、汉语、法语是三种不同的语言。 English, Chinese and French are three d

20、ifferent_. IX. Work on 3c This activity provides oral practice using target language.Ask a student to draw two pictures about his or her last weekend on the blackboard. Class members guess the correct past tense sentences. Then write wh- words on the board (who, what, where, when, why, how) and enco

21、urage students to ask follow-up questions.X. Practice1. 根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。language, tired, visit, natural, sheep, baby1. I felt _ after that long walk.2. How many _ can you speak? 3. Be quiet, please! There are two _ sleeping in the room. 4. My grandfather raised (饲养) _ two years ago. 5. I

22、ts _ for mice to be afraid of cats.6. The festival brings lots of _ to the town every year.2. Look at the pictures, and read the conversation then fill in the blanks.A: How _ your last weekend?B: It was great.A: _ did you go?B: I went to the _.A: _ did you go _?B: I went with my classmate.A: _ did y

23、ou do there?B: We _ _ and _ some photos.3. 从方框中选择恰当的单词,并用其正确形式填空。say look get walk ask have Mr. Jones went to the mountains for a holiday. He _ to the train station and _ on the train on Sunday morning. He _ a new hat. He often put his head out of the window to _ at the mountains. But the wind pulle

24、d his hat off. He quickly threw his old bag out of the window. Some people _ “Why?”. He _, “Theres no name and address on my hat, but theres my name and address on my bag.”4. 对下列句子中的划线部分提问。1. Helen washed her clothes yesterday afternoon. _ Helen _ yesterday afternoon?2. Mike cleaned the room with To

25、m this morning. _ the room with Tom this morning? 3. They went to the village last month. _ they go last month? 4. Susan joined the club two weeks ago. _ Susan join the club? 5. Our school trip was great. _ your school trip?Homework 1. Remember the sentences in the Grammar Focus.2. Think of six interesting things you did in the last month. Then write them down in English.

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