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最新原创人教版八年级英语下册导学案Unit3 Could you please clean your room.docx

1、最新原创人教版八年级英语下册导学案Unit3 Could you please clean your room课题:Unit3 Could you please clean your room?(第1课时)第一标 设置目标 学习目标:学习“workon,gotoameeting,getaride,stayoutlate,gotothemovies,usethecar,needtoeatbreakfast,haveatest”这些词组。学会使用“could”请求许可、允许并对于不能允许的情况给出理由。 第二标 我的任务【任务一】 ( 5分钟) 行为事要 (行为标准,主要是:完成任务的时间,赋分)

2、预习感知:翻译下列短语:1、洗盘碟 2、倒垃圾 3、整理床铺4、扫地 5、去开会 6、在外面呆得很晚7、搭车 8、操作它 9、去看电影10、叠衣服【导框】【任务二:】( 分钟)小组合作讨论,展示与点评,教师指点合作探究:按照下边提示小组进行讨论。A:Whatchoresdoyoudoathome?(你在家做些什么家务?) B:Ilikemakingmybedbecauseitcanmakemybedroomcleanandtidy.Ihatetakingoutthetrashbecauseitsdirty. A:Doyousweepthefloor? B:No,Ihatetodothatbec

3、auseitstootiredAsk:Could you please make your bed?“could”是情态动词,所以它后边使用了动词原形“do”。“could”可以表示委婉礼貌的语气,也可以表示过去的一种能力。但在这个单元里,“could”表示的是_,而且它的回答语不能用“could”而要使用“can”或“cant”。【拓展练习】1.Couldyoupleasecleanthelivingroom?(作否定回答)_ 2.Wouldyouliketakeoutthetrash?(改错)_3.Couldyoupleasetohelpmewithmymath?(改错)_完成1a,1b完

4、成1c,小组编练对话。【方法提示】如何用should 来题建议。【注意】课有学生归纳总结could 的用法。第三标 反馈目标( 分钟)赋分 学成情况: ;家长签名: 单项选择:1.Couldyouplease_thediningroom?A.sweepB.sweepsC.sweptD.tosweep 2.Wouldyoumindtaking_thetrash?Iambusycooking.A.inB.forC.toD.out3.Ourteachershate_uplateonweekdays.A.getB.gettingC.togetsD.togetting4.Hisdaughter_make

5、herbedafterlunch.A.willB.isgoingtoC.aregoingD.hope5._ishegoingtoreturntoourcity? Intwoweeks.A. HowoftenB.HowsoonC.HowlongD.Howmuch6.CouldIuseyourdictionary?_. A.Yes,youcouldB.No,certainlyC.Yes,ofcourseD.Yes,youdid.7.Itsunhealthyforus_toomanysuperchickensandwiches.A.eatB.eatingC.toeatD.eats 8.Itsvery

6、hotoutside.You_towearyoursweaterout.A.needntB.donthaveC.doesntneedD.havent.9.He_runasfastasLiuXiangbeforehehurthisleftleg.A.canB.couldC.cantD.couldnt.10._Iuseyourbadmintonrackets? Sorry,youcant.Ihavenobadmintonrackets.A.CanB.MustC.DoD.Could课题:Unit3 Could you please clean your room?(第2课时)第一标 设置目标 学习目

7、标:1、熟悉本节课出现的生词短语。2、学会could的基本用法,会用它来表达请求及其应答语。3、在人际交往中养成使用礼貌用语的习惯。 第二标 我的任务【任务一】 ( 5分钟) 行为事要 (行为标准,主要是:完成任务的时间,赋分)预习感知:翻译下列短语1、洗盘碟 2、倒垃圾 3、整理床铺4、扫地 5、去开会 6、在外面呆得很晚7、搭车 8、操作它 9、去看电影10、叠衣服【导框】【任务二:】( 分钟)小组合作讨论,展示与点评,教师指点合作探究:1、小组交流自学导航的自学成果,教师巡回指导。(建议学生板书)2、听力练习2a,2b.3.2c结组练习 A:Could I use your comput

8、er?B: Sorry,Im going to work on it now.完成2d,【方法提示】通过讨论做家务练习could的用法。【注意】要求学生读熟,分角色扮演。第三标 反馈目标( 分钟)赋分 学成情况: ;家长签名: 单项选择:(一)、依句意用所给词的适当形式填空:1.could you please _ ( open ) the door, nick ?2. can you _ (get) to the station early ?3.marys mother often cleans the _ (live) room in the morning.4. its too lat

9、e. i have to _ (go) to work by taxi sister often does the _ (dish) after meals.(二)、完成句子1、could you please fold your clothes ?(改为祈使句) - - - ,please.2、sun ning sweeps the floor every day .(改为否定句)sun ning _ _ the floor every day .3、could i go out now ?(作肯定回答) _ , _ _4、zhao lei is going to visit t

10、he museum tomorrow .(提问)_ _ zhao lei _ _ visit the museum?(三)用词的正确形式填空。1、My bike is broken. Could I _ (借) yours .2、My pen pal _ (邀请) me to go sightseeing in her country.3、The sick boy needs peoples _ (关心)4、Tom _ (喂养)his pet cat twice a day.5、Your pen is on the desk. And _ (我的)is in my bag.6、They oft

11、en have two _ (meet) in a week.7、I often help my mother _ (照看)the two cats on weekends.课题:Unit3 Could you please clean your room?(第3课时)第一标 设置目标 学习目标:如何礼貌地提出要求,礼貌地请求允许做某事。Could you please 句型; 会写留言条以请求他人的帮助。 第二标 我的任务【任务一】 ( 5分钟) 行为事要 (行为标准,主要是:完成任务的时间,赋分)预习感知:写短语。1.干家务 2.洗餐具 3.扫地 4.倒垃圾 5.叠衣服 6.打扫客厅 7.

12、洗衣服 8.借钱 9.买饮料和零食 10.去商店 11.搭车 12.在外呆到很晚 13.从事 14.整理床铺 15.邀请某人到某地 16.从借 17.照顾 18.邀请某人做某事 【导框】【任务二:】( 分钟)小组合作讨论,展示与点评,教师指点合作探究:按课文内容填空Dear Li Ming ,My parents and I _ going _ vacation tomorrow. I went _ your house, but you _ in. I need some help. Could you please_ (喂)my dog? And could you wash my dog

13、 ? Could you please _(带他散步) ? Could you please _my living room ?Could you please _ my flowers ?. Thanks _much. 完成3a,3b,3c【方法提示】通过讨论做家务练习could的用法。【注意】阅读技巧的指导第三标 反馈目标( 分钟)赋分 学成情况: ;家长签名: 单项选择: A)单项选择( )1. -Could you please _ your clothes? -Certainly, mom. A. fold B. make C. sweep D. do ( )2. -Manuel,

14、could I use your computer? -Sorry, Im going to _ it now. A. work in B. work at C. work on D. work over ( )3. I hate to _ some chores, but I like to_ my bed. A. make; do B. do; do C. make; make D. do; make ( )4. I dont like doing the dishes because its _ . A. interesting B. boring C. interested D. bo

15、red ( )5. Father asked Jim to _ the trash. A. bring out B. take out C. carry out D. fetch out ( )6. Mother asked Tom _ the room now. A. clean B. cleaning C. to clean D. be cleaning ( )7. Could you _ my pet dog when Im out? A. take care of B. wash C. work on D. water ( )8.Your family are going _vacat

16、ion. Please leave a massage _your friend. A. on; to B. on; for C. for; to D. for; with ( )9.Im going to spend my summer vacation in Paris. Could you please _ my cat? A. keep B. take care C. wash D. feed ( )10. Nancy put the card face down. Could you please turn it _? A. over B. up C. on D. off B)汉译英

17、,根据汉语意思完成下列各句,每空一词。1. 你能把垃圾拿出去吗? Can you _ _ the trash? 2. 起床后,请整理床铺。Please _ _ _ after you get up. 3. 我想邀请他们来参加晚会。I want to _ them _ the party. 4. 他的爸爸经常早晨带他去散步。 His father often _ him _ _ _ in the morning. 5. 他们准备到杭州去度假。 They are going to Hangzhou _课题:Unit3 Could you please clean your room?(第4课时)第

18、一标 设置目标 学习目标:如何礼貌地提出要求,礼貌地请求允许做某事。Could you please 句型; 会写留言条以请求他人的帮助。 第二标 我的任务【任务一】 ( 5分钟) 行为事要 (行为标准,主要是:完成任务的时间,赋分)预习感知:翻译1、洗盘碟 2、倒垃圾3、整理床铺 4、扫地5、叠衣服 6、去看电影7、去开会 8、在外面呆很晚9、搭车 10、操作它11、我能用你的电脑吗?12、你可以打扫一下你的房间吗?【导框】【任务二:】( 分钟)小组合作讨论,展示与点评,教师指点合作探究:根据汉语提示及句意,写出单词或短语。(1)Her father often takes out _ (垃

19、圾) when he goes out . (2)The girl often help her mother _ (做家务)at the weekends. (3)Many _(折叠) the letter in half and put it into her pocket. (4)They were late for the _ (会议) (5)I learned to _ (踢足球) at the age of four. (6)Could I use your dictionary, Lucy ? Sorry, _ (我的)is at home. (7)My little siste

20、r ofter does the _ (dish) after meals. (8)Marys mother often cleans the _ (live) room in the morning (9)Its too late. I have to _ (go) to work by taxi. (10)Can you _ (get) to the station early?完成SectionB 1a_1e【方法提示】通过讨论做家务练习could的用法。【注意】第三标 反馈目标( 分钟)赋分 学成情况: ;家长签名: 假如你叫Dave。你和父母明天将去度假。请写一张留言条给你的好朋友李

21、明,请他帮你照看你的猫(cat)。 注意事项:1.请使用Could you 句式及祈使句。2.请从对小猫(her)的照顾:饮食、玩耍、清洁方面入手写作。3.注意语言的条理性和流畅性。参考句型:1. Could you please2. Please 3. Dont forget to Dear Li Ming,My parents and I are going on cacation tomorrow. I went to your house, but you werent in. I needsome help. Could your please _ 课题:Unit3 Could yo

22、u please clean your room?(第5课时)第一标 设置目标 学习目标:如何礼貌地提出要求,礼貌地请求允许做某事。Could you please 句型; 会写留言条以请求他人的帮助。 第二标 我的任务【任务一】 ( 5分钟) 行为事要 (行为标准,主要是:完成任务的时间,赋分)预习感知:(汉译英)1.买一些饮料_2、整理你的床铺_3、去商场_ 4、借一些钱_5、使用你的CD唱机_6、邀请我的朋友们来到聚会上_ 7、照顾我的狗_ 10、 带它散步_ 11、给他水喝_ 12、与它一起玩耍_ 13、过得愉快_ 14、下周再见_ 15、我需要一些帮助_ 16、举办一个校聚会_【导框

23、】熟记这些短语的基础上,用could句型表达礼貌的请求。【任务二:】( 分钟)小组合作讨论,展示与点评,教师指点合作探究: 1、Thanks for doing sthfor 是介词,故后面的动词用ing 形式,短语take care of 与look after 同义,意思是_2.forget to do sth 忘记要做而未做的事forget doing sth 忘记已经做过的事eg: Sorry, I forgot to tell you that.对不起,我忘了告诉你了。 Sorry, I forgot telling you that.对不起,我忘了告诉过你了。 完成2a_2d.【方

24、法提示】通过讨论做家务练习could的用法。【注意】熟记这些句型的用法第三标 反馈目标( 分钟)赋分 学成情况: ;家长签名: 单选: ( )1.A:_ do you sweep the floor ? B: Every day. A.How many B.How often C.How far ( ) 2、Hes working _ a new computer program. B.on ( ) 3、Please feed something _ the dog . B.on C. with连词成句 1、drinks wants Tina to buy fruit and _- 2、take CD could I the party player my to _3.called you yesterday I you werent in put going I to the trash box in the _5.Sunmei vacation on fun had going last week _

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