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高考英语二轮复习书面表达复习专题21 语言学习话题指导Word文档格式.docx

1、【范文欣赏】How to Improve English Writing AbilityHello, everyone! Im glad to share with you my thought about English. I once thought it was rather difficult to write an English composition, but now I am confident that I can do a good job. Let me share my experience with you. I have a notebook where I col

2、lect all of the good sentences I read in the books. I divide the notebook into several parts, such as Travel, Sports, Technology, and School Life and so on. Then I write good sentences in each part. Most importantly, I read them every now and then so that I can remember more and more good sentences.

3、 As a result, when I begin to write a composition, these sentences naturally flow out. I hope that my experience can help you. I also hope that I can learn more from everybody here. Thank you all. 【佳句背诵】1. Usually, a good learner gets twice the result with half the effort.2. One should have a good s

4、tudy plan and be good at thinking.3. You can solve many problems with the help of books, such as dictionaries and reference books.4. In order to write well, you must read a lot.5. If you want to improve your writing, you can study phrases and sentence structures, and try to make sentences with them.

5、实例指导2 The English Corner 【写作任务】 自从实行素质教育以来,学生的课余时间多了。为丰富学生课余生活,开展别具特色的第二课堂,许多学校组织了英语角活动。请以The English Corner 为题,用英语写一篇120150 词的短文,谈谈英语角的作用以及应该如何利用英语角。文章开头已给出,不计入总词数。【写作指导】针对题目,先来个头脑风暴:The Bnglish Corner With the change of education policies, many schools orgamze the English Corner to enrich the stud

6、ents school life. The English Corner provides a sort of situation where English teachers and learners can exchange their viewpoints with each other in English. We students can take advantage of these opportunities to practice our English. Therefore, many people would like to attend the English Corne

7、r. Taking part in the English Corner is helpful to our English study. Firstly, by 目前全世界许多国家都开设了汉语课程,于是有人提出:汉语的影响越来越大,中国人没有必要再学习英语。请写一篇120150词的英语短文,发表你对此观点发表你的看法。 【写作指导】 本文要求写一篇议论性质的文章,符合半开放式高考作文的命题特点;根据写作要求,文章应该由以下几个部分组成: 一、提出论点。赞成这种观点,可以用:I agree/ I thjnk soI am in favor of this kind of viewI suppo

8、rt this idea等句型;反对这种观点,可以用:However,I dont think soI dont agree with these people。In my opinion,this kind of view is wrong等句型。 二、陈述理由。支持观点,可以举下列理由:1. 汉语可以逐步走向世界;2学英语耗费时间、精力太大;反对观点,可以举下列理由:1英语仍然是世界上使用最广泛的语言,目前无法取代;2学好英语可以使中国更好地走向世界,让汉语更加流行。当然,这里只是做个提示,同学们可以想出更多支持或者反对的理由,但在陈述的时候要注意条理性,使用表示顺序的连接词语,如:fir

9、st of all; secondly ; besides ; whats more; on the other hand等。 三、总结全文。支持观点:In a wotd,it is not necessary for the Chinese students to learn English any more反对观点:In conclusion,I learning English is still a must for Chinese students today .要简洁明了! 【学生习作】 Nowadays Chinese has spreaded to the whole world

10、, and some people say there is no need to learn English any more. I dontagree these people. Firstly , English is still the most widely used language in the world now. About 70percents of the articles are published in English. China is opening to the outside world. English is very important; It cant

11、be replaced by Chinese. Besides, learning English can help the Chinese people communicate with people in othecountriesmore easily. Learning English well can help bring China to the world and the whole world to China.Then the influence of Chinese on the whole world will be strengthened. In a word, le

12、arning English is still necessary for the Chinese people today. 【教师点评】 1亮点点击:这篇习作紧扣题目要求,有论点,有论据,较好地完成了写作要求规定的任务,使用了比较高级的句子如:Besides,learning Englishcan help the Chinese people communicate with people in other countries more easily .显示了小作者不错的语言功底。 2误点点拨:语言错误影响了文章质量:处spreaded应改为spread,动词spread的过去时、过去分

13、词都是spread处agree后应力加wlth;处percents应改为percent。 3画龙点睛:China is opening to the outside world. English is very important;t be replaced by Chinese.这几个句子太散了,可以合成一个句子:Since China is openlng to the outside wotld,English is very important to China and it cant be replaced by Chinese这样就通顺多了;About 70 percent of

14、the artlcles are published in English前边应该加上For example, For instance,使之更好地与上一句衔接。【参考范文】 It is reported that Chinese is being taught in many countries in the world now, which means the influence of Chinese is growing. So some people say it is not necessary for the Chinese students to learn English an

15、y more. But I dont agree with these people because English is still the most widely used language in the world nowadays. For instance, about 70 percent of the articles in the world today are published in English, which suggests that English cant be replaced by Chinese and other languages. On the oth

16、er hand, learning English will help us to communicate with people in other countries more easily and help to strgthen the influence of Chinese on the other part of the World. In a word, learning English is still very necessary for us now.第一段:先交代收到的情况( 很高兴收到你的邮件,从中获悉你校要开设汉语课,然后转移笔墨提及自己的看法( 选择该课程是个好主意

17、)。第二段:具体分析其原因(学习外语会使我们理解异域的文化会帮助我们和更多的人交流)。第三段:提出学好外语的建议(建议一:需要兴趣和恒心,原因是外语难学; 建议二:掌握丰富的汉字、词语和句型;建议三:要抓住一切可能的机会练习)。最后总结 (只有用这种方式,汉语才能学好)。第三步 分析要点及提纲,提炼关键单词和短语。第四步 恰当使用句型,连词成句。 Glad to receive your last email, from which I know your school offers Chinese courses for all the students. I think it is a g

18、ood idea for you to choose them. Learning a foreign language makes us have an access to a different culture. It goes without saying that learning Chinese can help you communicate with many people easily. You cannot succeed without interest or perseverance. It is usually hard to learn a foreign langu

19、age, especially Chinese. You also need to possess plenty of Chinese characters as well as phrases and sentences The most important thing for you to learn Chinese is to practise it whenever and wherever you have a chance. Only in this way can you learn Chinese successfully.【学生习作】Dear Jack, Glad to re

20、ceive your last email, from which I know your school offers Chinese courses for all the students. I think it is a good idea for you to choose them.As far as Im concerned, learning a foreign language makes us have an access to a different culture. Allowing for Chinese is becoming more and more popula

21、r, it goes without saying that learning Chinese can help you communicate with many people easily. However, it is usually hard to learn a foreign language, especially Chinese. So, first of all, you cannot succeed without interest or perseverance. Besides, you also need to possess plenty of Chinese ch

22、aracters as well as phrases and sentences, on which your learning is based. But in my opinion, the most important thing for you to learn Chinese is to practice it whenever and wherever you have a chance. Only in this way can you learn Chinese successfully.Best wishes. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 【范文点评】

23、该文要求就Jack的邮件回一封邮件,鼓励他学习汉语,并就此提几条建议,通读全文,可知该文很好地完成了写作任务。作者注重使用地道的英语进行表达,如多次使用了精彩短语(下划线)、句型(斜体)。为使文章连贯,作者增加了过渡词句(加粗)。句式富有变化,注意了句式的多样性。人称和时态使用恰当,措辞委婉客气,格式正确,称得上是篇佳作。【句型拓展】写“社会问题”类的作文还可以用到以下句型:1. It is ages since I received your last letter.2. Thank you for your.3. Some people who are very intelligent a

24、nd successful in their field find it difficult to succeed in language learning.4. Practice speaking the language every day. 5. Successful learners dont wait for a chance to use the language.6. Its more important for them tothan7. They want to learn the language because they are interested in the lan

25、guage and the people who speak it. 实例指导5-如何写英语发言稿 写作话题 你班下周要举行一次英语班会,主题为“Enjoy Spots,Enioy Life ,请根据以下提示写一篇词数为120-150的英语发言稿,谈谈体育运动对健康的重要生。 提示: 1体育运动能促进人体各系统器官的机能和协调,使我们更健康; 2体育运动能促进大脑内啡肽(endorphins)分泌,这种物质会使人心情振奋、 fall ill生病form of relaxationentertainment休闲娱乐形式produce 分泌;产生feel relaxedenergetic感到轻松精

26、力充沛get close to接近take in fresh air让呼吸新鲜空气outdoor sports户外运动 take an active part in积极参与benefit sb对某人有益clear-headed 头脑清醒的 essential 非常重要的 问候不同听众: Hello, everyone. / Ladies and gentlemen / Dear friends / Comrades and friends / Dear classmates / Boys and girls / My fellow classmates 等。 结束语:I hope . / I

27、think we should .Thats all. Thank you. Enjoy Sports, Enjoy LifeDear classmates, As is known to all, playing sports regularly is one of the best ways to keep healthy. First, sports give us ,aluable practice in helping every part of our bodies vorking together. Therefore, sports can help build our bod

28、ies and prevent us from falling ill. Also, sports cause he body to produce endorphins, chemicals that help us feel peaceful and happy. This is why sports have beome the most popular form of relaxation that almost everyone can enjoy. In addition, taking part in outdoor sports, we get closer to nature and take in fresh air. The beauty of nature will keep us clear-headed, which is essenfial to our health and helps us feel energetic in our study and work. In short, sports benefit us in many ways. I hope evryone can take an active part in sports and enjoy life

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