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1、Indiana. The city is interested in using them as a way to improve public transportation. South Bend was one of the first to use bike-share systems, which allow people to park ridesharing bikes on public land. “We love to be early pioneers,” said Buttigieg. “If we work out the safety problem, we woul

2、d be open to welcoming the technology.”“We need to make sure these new transportation systems are lawful and safe for users,”Constance Farrell,a spokeswoman for the city of Santa Monica told CNN. “We would like to see electric scooters continue to operate in the city. They are in line with our goal

3、of multi-modal living and carbon-light living. ” According to Farrell,there have been eight accidents, including one with a serious head injury, in Santa Monica after the scooters rolled out. Users are required to have a drivers license (驾 照),shouldnt ride on sidewalks or have other passengers on bo

4、ard.Bird has given out free helmets to some riders and tells its users to ride in bike lanes, but some users ride on sidewalks, and most U.S. streets dont have bike lanes. “The global community of cities is going to have to work this all out for scooters,”Buttigieg said. “They can move unbelievably

5、quickly. Thats exciting, and a little dangerous. ”30. Why did Travis create Bird company?A. Because he received support from millionaires and the government.B. Because many cities had electric scooter-share services.C. Because it is lawful and safe to use electric scooters.D. Because cities need bet

6、ter ridesharing services.31. The words “ are in line with” in Paragragh 6 probably mean “ ”.A. stop B. meet the need of C. change D. are ahead of32. What can we learn from the passage?A. Future electric scooters will be very slow and sale.B. Electric scooters will cause fewer accidents than cars.C.

7、More cities will try to help with electric scooters service.D. Future traffic problems will be solved with help of electric scooters.33. The passage is mainly about .A. the challenges of the electric scooter-share system in AmericaB. the advantages and disadvantages of electric scooters in AmericaC.

8、 the introduction of the electric scooter-share service in AmericaD. the future of electric scooters in public transportation in America30. D31. B32. C33. C【东城一模】DArkansas may give up the BMI program or weaken it with the help of the new governor, who said it had “a lot of negative, unexpected resul

9、ts”.The number of overweight children in the United States has more than doubled in the past 20 years. Being seriously overweight can lead to health problems later in life. As a result, Arkansas first started the BMI program in 2004-public schools were required to provide parents with a yearly repor

10、t of their childrens body-mass index (BMI),a number to show whether their weight is appropriate (合适的).Along with students BMIs, parents alsoreceived information on health risks of being overweight.A study shows that obesity (肥胖)rates in Arkansas have stopped increasing since 2004. But not everyone s

11、upports schools in reporting students BMIs. Some parents have complained their kids worry that they are being “graded” on their weight, although Dr. Joe Thompson, who helped plan the BMI program, gave the explanation at the start of the program, “Just like aschool check for vision or hearing, this i

12、s a way to raise awareness (意识)about a health risk. Critics argue that telling parents their children weigh too much could hurt childrens self-esteem (自尊).Some also question whether its the role of schools to monitor students weight. Dr. Nancy Krebs,a nutrition expert, also thinks obesity report car

13、ds arent good enough. Theyre making kids feel bad about how they are, she says. “Instead of focusing on kids BMIs, schools should provide better health and physical education classes and serve healthier foods. ”However, supporters of the program say overweight children have had self-esteem problems

14、before their parents get obesity report cards. Dr. Karen Young at Arkansas Childrens Hospital says,“The overweight kids are already being teased (被嘲弄).It doesnt take the letter for them to feel bad. Health experts from the University of Arkansas think it would be a pity to stop the BMI program. They

15、 see the program as a wake-up call for families and the letter is spurring some major action on some parents. Danita Thomas said she knew her son Irie was too heavy. But since getting that first BMI report, Irie has lost nearly 100 pounds and given up junk food. “It was helpful,” she said. “It made

16、me realize that we needed to do something different. The BMI reports and other steps, such as limits on vending machine (自动售货机)use at school, are leading to healthier students. If there was no BMI program, there should be other effective tools to get schools and parents involved with preventing chil

17、dren from becoming overweight adults.30. What might be the purpose of the BMI program in Arkansas?A. To make the schools realize the importance of health education.B. To warn parents of health risks of overweight children.C. To drive parents to learn more knowledge on health.D. To explain why some s

18、tudents gain weight quickly.31. Dr. Nancy Krebs believes that .A. overweight students are usually laughed at by classmatesB. schools should teach students how to lead a healthy lifeC. overweight students usually get low grades at schoolD. schools should do the job to record students5 weight32. The w

19、ords “spurring some major action on some parents” in Paragraph 6probably mean “ .A. keeping some parents from worriesB. encouraging some parents to make changesC. helping some parents learn from other familiesD. supporting some parents in expressing their opinions33. What does the passage mainly tal

20、k about?A. What schools should report to parents.B. How schools can care about overweight students.C. Why schools should help students control their weight.D. Whether schools should report students5 BMIs to parents.【海淀一模】 Motivated (有内驱力的 ) or Overachieving? Everyone has the occasional classmate who

21、 hands in his work ahead of time with really beautiful handwriting. Some teachers may cheerfully get the homework by saying Of course you did it early. Im sure youve done a good job! Some teachers may feel annoyed because The deadline is not until next Friday. Behind this students back are tons of w

22、hispers from his classmates, Ugh, he is such an over achiever and its so annoying . If you ask the same student to explain his behavior, he probably says that he is simply motivated. Such students refuse to call themselves overachievers but prefer instead. They want to shy away from the unpleasant t

23、ermoverachiever but choose to embrace the word . Why is the term used as an insult (侮辱 )? Do we not all work hard to achieve our goals? Why does the student not proudly call himself an ? In my personal experience, being called an overachiever in front of my classmates is not pleasant at all. The wor

24、d is often connected with an unkind smile or sometimes a hint ofjealousy (嫉妒 ).Overachiever carries the implied (暗指的 ) sense which over lends it - you have done too much and you have gone too far. Anyway, it is beyond the proper degree and just annoying to those students who refuse to put in the eff

25、ort themselves and get unhappy with you for doing so. A student would rather think of himself as an excellent student and it is motivation that drives him to do his best. What is the implied meaning of Connected with positive words like willpower, spirit and determination, the student would appear t

26、o be competing in an event of the brain Olympics. Although there are differences in their implications, the student who calls himself could actually be a secret overachiever, going over the top for all his work; while the is nothing more than a motivated student, driven by the simple desire to do we

27、ll and willing to put in time and effort. In fact, the choice lies within the student: to overachieve or not to overachieve; to find the motivation to do well and be driven by it, or to sit back and blame others for overachieving to hide his inability to achieve.30. According to the passage, overachieversA. are popular with their classmates B. hand in homework ahead of timeC. are much loved by their

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