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1、教科课标版小学英语五年级下册全册教案教科课标版小学英语五年级下册全册教案Unit 1 Whats your favourite seasonLets talk3Unit 1 Whats your favourite seasonFun with language8Unit 1 Whats your favourite seasonSound family14Unit 2 Its the middle of winterLets read18Unit 2 Its the middle of winterStory time21Unit 3 We are going to have an Engl

2、ish testLets talk24Unit 4 Have a good time in HainanLets read27Unit 4 Have a good time in HainanFun with language32Unit 4 Have a good time in HainanStory time35Unit 4 Have a good time in HainanDid you know & Self-assessment38Unit 5 Would you like to go with usLets talk41Unit 6 See you at the partyLe

3、ts read45Unit 6 See you at the partyFun with language50Unit 6 See you at the partyDid you know & Self-assessment54Unit 7 We will go by trainLets talk59Unit 7 We will go by trainFun with language63Unit 8 Bens first trip to BeijingLets read67Unit 8 Bens first trip to BeijingFun with language71Unit 9 B

4、e careful!Lets talk74Unit 10 How to stay safeLets read78Unit 10 How to stay safeFun with language81Unit 10 How to stay safeStory time84Unit 11 Can you tell me the wayLets talk89Unit 11 Can you tell me the wayFun with language92Unit 12 I know a short cutLets read95Unit 12 I know a short cutFun with l

5、anguage100Module 7 Lets look back104Unit 1 Whats your favourite season?Lets talk1教学目标A.知识目标:1、能听,读,说,写短语:go climbing, eat watermelon, eat fruits, go roller _ skating.2、能听,读,说,写句型:Which season do you like best?I like best.Why?I canB.技能目标:能熟练运用句型:Which season do you like best?Ilike best.Why?Ican进行相互交流

6、,使知识学以致用.C、情感目标:1、激发学生学习兴趣,调动学生学习积极性和学习热情.2、学生欣赏四季之美,享受四季之美,感受四季乐趣,从而更加热爱大自然.教学重难点:能熟练运用句型:Which season do you like best?I like best.Why?Ican进行相互交流,使知识学以致用.2学情分析本课的主要话题是:通过季节与活动谈论个人喜好.关于四季的名称以及每个季节中有趣的活动,学生已经掌握了一些单词和短语,可以达到简单的交流,本节课在原有基础上要再学习四个固定短语,进一步讨论最喜欢的季节以及理由,以达到综合运用语言的能力.3重点难点能熟练运用句型:Which sea

7、son do you like best?I like best.Why?Ican4教学过程4.1.1教学活动活动1【讲授】WhichseasondoyoulikebestStep1.Warm-up1.Greeting.2.Sing a song: seasons .3.Review.以PPT形式引导学生复习旧知,形象生动,充分调动学生参与学习的积极性,同时引入新授短语,运用”看口型猜单词”的活动加强记忆,通过抽卡片猜单词的形式活跃课堂气氛,学生在自然而然中接受了新知,以旧联新,比较运用,印象深刻).Step2.New concepts1.Lead in.T: Four seasons are

8、 all beautiful. But I like autumn best.(采用先自由谈话引出新知,再示范对话,并以开火车的形式加强对新知的练习)2. Lead in again.T: Oh, you like best. Why? (以自由谈话的形式引出:Why? 遵循了知识为运用而产生的原理)3. Model a dialogue.A: Which season do you like best?B: I like best.A: Why?B: I can(示范对话,并以二人小组巩固练习.)4. Act. ( 对话表演,句型得以初步运用)5. Play a game.在快乐有趣的抽短语

9、卡片游戏中,继续保持学生的学习热情,并再次巩固了新学句型.)Step3.Practice.出示:A: Hello,.Do you like spring?B: No, I dont.A: Which season do you like best?B: I like autumn best.A: Why?B: I like the weather in autumn Its cloudy. Its cool.I can pick apples and eat fruits.Step4.Use language.(创设生活情景, ,二人编一组对话,并展示.)Step5.Sum-up.(以学生写出

10、自己最爱的季节并配乐朗诵的形式结课,把知识再次深华运用,提高学生的能力).从短语到句型,到对话,再到短文,以阶梯状向学生展开,到此时,学生输入的量已很充实,总结性的复述会让他们有成功感和自信心,同时激发了学生热爱大自然的生活情趣和持续的学习热情.为今后的再学习打下良好基础).Step6.Homework. Make a survey.( 调查家人和朋友最爱的季节以及理由,把本节课知识在生活中真正得以运用;下节课要求学生做汇报,又给新的知识做了铺垫,真正激发起学生的求知欲。WritingWhich season do you like best?fly kites see beautiful f

11、lowers Which season do you like best?go swimming eat ice-cream, I likebest.pick apples eat fruits Why?make a snowman clean the snow I canUnit 1 Whats your favourite season?Fun with language1教学目标1、知识目标:运用所学句型谈论天气、温度和季节,比较不同地方的天气差别,会用比较级进行比较。Whats the temperature? Its Whats the weather like in? Its 2、

12、 能力目标:运用所学句型谈论天气、温度和季节,比较不同地方的天气差别,会用比较级进行比较。3、 情感目标:通过学习,激发学生的兴趣。自信心以及合作精神,运用所学知识进行交际。2学情分析教学内容分析:本节课主要是围绕教学大纲以及第六单元的天气、季节的专题来设计教学环节。结合课题,让学生学会如何运用外语向外国友人介绍广州以及国内的天气。教学对象分析:五年级学生的学习欲望比较浓,学生对于知识的运用已经有一定的基础,同学之间的协助能力相应比较强,学生对于知识的迁移也有很好的基础。3重点难点1、“四会”掌握本课的单词。2、会运用以下句型进行交际:Whats the weather like in?Its

13、 Whats the temperature?Its 4教学过程4.1.1教学活动活动1【导入】(一)Revision:(复习)Chant: SNOW, SNOW WHERE DO YOU GO?Free talk.: Whats the weather like today?Its Whats the temperature?Its活动2【讲授】(二)Leadingin:请当天的天气预报员报当天的天气,(口头练习,让学生每天运用已学的知识进行巩固,同时, 练习学生的听力,引出重点句型,同时,对于句型的操练也有进一步复习.)Good morning ,teachers and classmat

14、es. My name is Li Wanjun Let me tell you about weather. Today is May the twenty-first, Its rainy, cloudy and wet. The temperature is about 24-30. Oh, today may be heavy rain. Dont forget to take your umbrella or raincoat. Thanks.2、Thank you .教师与学生对话,请学生回顾刚才的天气.,引出本节课的课题。WEATHER AND SEASON3、电脑播放剪片迪士尼

15、(SEASONS)【信息技术整合:利用信息技术引出生动的动画,切题】4. SONGS:CHANGING SEASONS,复习形容词。 【信息技术整合:利用信息技术引出生动的动画】活动3【讲授】(三)Whiletask:复习句型师生对话用图片引出句型:T: Whats the weather like in spring ?P: Its wet, rainy.T: Whats the temperature?P: Its生生对话,引出重点句以及天气的单词。板书:sunsunny fogfoggy Rainrainy cloudcloudy windwindy snowsnowy让学生找出规律,并

16、且进行小结,电脑板书。Boys and girls, now lets see the weather report of the other cities. And what season is it? Groups by groups. (用电脑显示四季的各地的天气预报)What season is it?Its Whats the weather like?Its sunny/rainy/cloudy,Whats the temperature?Its degree centigrade to degree centigrade.SUM-UP (小节)GAME: We will have

17、 a three-day holiday, do you want to go sightseeing? Which place do you want to go? Why?(让学生自己设计五一国内各大城市的天气,以及根据天气状况设计出行计划。学生运用天气的将来时进行设计,结合中国地图,自行设计当天的天气。 【信息技术整合:利用信息技术进行人机互动,直观又可以直接反馈.】T:Do you want to go sightseeing?P: Yes, I want to go to Beijing.T: Really? What will the weather be like there?P

18、: It will be T: Whats the temperature?P: It will be.T:Oh. That will be a good weather to go there. Can you tell me why will you go there?P: Yes, I like see the places in Beijing and see the Great Wall.T: Oh, yes. Thats a good idea.生生对话,自编对话。(请两-三组展示)6、完成阅读练习.T: Boys& girls, we know about the weather

19、 and seasons in China.Do you know about the weather &seasons in Australia and England?P: Yes.T: OK. Lets listen to the passages and fill in the missing words.(学生听三次完成英语练习,并且在最快的情况下在小组里进行纠正.小组互助,并且加强阅读与单词的反馈)CHECK-UP(检查完后小组在最快的时间内对完答案,并且以最快可以读出短文的小组作为最快的小组)以竞赛的形式让学生阅读一篇短文,并且在限定的时间内完成)(学生的听说能力得以提高,而且单

20、词的重现率也较高.)活动4【活动】(四)Posttask:【信息技术整合:利用信息技术进行播报,同时录像,充分显示信息技术的优势结合中国气象图,让学生设计当天的气候,并进行实地的演示。老师让学生自己设计当天的气温图,并作为天气播报员进行国内各地的天 气预报,可以设计旅游指南,挑选相应的地点进行介绍。(可涉及其他国家活动5【活动】(五)Assessment:小结,并进行评价活动6【作业】(六)HOMEWORK:Finish the poster.2)Do you think 天气为什么会逐年上升,你可以用你网上的资料来说明一 下吗? 近来北京一带为什么会出现沙尘暴,你知道如何解决这个问题呢?作为

21、小学生我们又应该怎样认识呢?Unit 1 Whats your favourite season?Sound family1教学目标1.掌握新单词: football, basketball, table tennis.2.掌握新句型:“I like.” “I dont like .”3.学会用新句子来表达自己的真实喜好。4.渗透有关的文化常识,让学生初步了解球类运动。2学情分析收集各类球类图片和视频,制作PPT,以及制作上课的教具,包括笑脸和哭脸的道具。3重点难点2.掌握新句型:“I like.” “I dont like .”3.学会用新句子来表达自己的真实喜好。4.渗透有关的文化常识,让

22、学生初步了解球类运动。4教学过程4.1.1教学活动活动1【导入】warmingup1.Greetings. (师生,生生相互打招呼)T:lets enjoy an interesting song together. (师播放有关球类运动的视频)活动2【讲授】Leadin1.T:boys and girls, therere so many sports in the video, what can you see? Maybe you can say in Chinese.Ss: football, basketball, table tennis, 沙滩球,排球,网球.活动3【活动】Pre

23、sentationPractice1. T: Therere 8 balls, today I bring one of them here. Look, whats this?(师把篮球拿出来)Ss: basketballT: Yes, its a basketball. (教读,升降调)PPT 引出basket ball 组合,basket means 篮子分组读,开火车读 2. T:Do you like basketball? Yaoming says “I like basketball” , Yijianlian says “I like basketball” If you li

24、ke it, you can say “I like.” 教读 If you dont like it, you can say “I dont like.”师拿篮球问学生“Do yo like basketball?”生回答“Yes,I like basketball.” 让学生触摸篮球。生回答“No, I dont like basketball.”3. T: Some of you like basketball, some of you dont like it. Now, can you tell me whats this?PPT显示脚的图片,球的图片T:when the foot

25、 kick the ball, it becomes 教读 小老师带读 个人读T:In America, it is soccer. PPT 展示蹴鞠,美式足球的图片,适当拓展足球文化。 Football is the most popular sport in the world.世界第一运动。Do you like football?Share your ideas in your group.请两组学生开火车形式展示。4. T:I dont like football, but i like table tennis. Ping-pong 分音节教读,

26、升降调,大小声 Table tennis is our national ball. 国球 引导学生用动作表情表达自己的喜好。 5.回顾板书,复习单词。小组内讨论后个别展示“I like.”“I dont like.”活动4【作业】Textbook1. T: I like table tennis, i dont like basketball and football. Do you want to know what does Panpan like? (听录音两遍)(听完录音让学生说出Panpan 的喜好)2.This time, lets read after the video.3.

27、师总结:Panpan 遇到一点困难就放弃,在生活中,我们做事要有恒心,有毅力。五、Consolidation T: there are so many pictures here. Can you choose sth to say “I like.” “I dont like.”? 师生玩游戏,操练句型。Unit 2 Its the middle of winterLets read1教学目标1.学习和掌握新单词:answer, tooto, classmate, if, middle2.能理解并掌握新句型:But if you are here from Junly to August, we can go swimming every day.3.理解和熟练朗读短文的内容,在有提示的情况下复述短文的内容。4.了解过去式的基本用法。2学时重点能理解并掌握新句型:But if you are here from Junly to August, we can go swimming every day.3学时难点理解和熟练朗读短文的内容,在有提示的情况下复述短文的内容。4教学活动活动1【活动】教学过程(

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