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1、新闻词汇end the bloodshed 结束流血事件special envoy 特使The special envoys visit establish a link between the two countries. 特使的出访在两国间建立了联系。peace-keeping forces 维和部队guerrilla war 游击战争Chapter VIII Development of Guerrilla War into Mobile War 第八章游击战向运动战发展border dispute 边境争端We rejected their conditions for settlin

2、g the border dispute. 我们拒绝了他们对解决边界争争端出的条件。on the brink of war 处于战争边缘heavy fighting 激战genocide 种族灭绝Genocide is an offense to all civilized human beings. 种族灭绝违反文明人的道德规范的罪行。relief effort 救济工作humanitarian aid 人道主义援助In turn, the United States would increase humanitarian aid to Palestine. 美国将相应增加对巴勒斯坦的人道主

3、义援助。: military option 军事解决途径(动用武力)escalating tension 逐步升级的局势military coupe 军事政变forced from office 被赶下台step down/aside下台Pressure mounts on Japan PM Mori to step down. 要求日相森喜朗下台压力日渐升高。: notorious adj. 臭名昭著的,声名狼藉的He is a notorious rake.他是个声名狼藉的浪子。bloody tyrant 血腥独裁者execution n. 依法处决Executions used to b

4、e held in public.过去处决犯人都公开执行。death penalty 死刑Recent crimes lean me more towards favouring death penalty. 最近的犯罪情况使我们更加倾向于赞同死刑。predecessor 前任Our new doctor is much younger than his predecessor. 我们的新医生比他的前任年轻得多。: radioactive adj. 放射性的People should keep away from the radioactive waste.人们应远离放射性废物。radiati

5、on n. 辐射(能); 放射The sun, a lamp, or an electric heater all warm us by radiation.太阳、灯或电热器都可以通过辐射来温暖我们。uranium enrichment program 铀浓缩计划nuke nonproliferation 核部扩散fake goods 假货: threatened/endangered species濒危物种illegal poaching非法捕猎face extinction濒临灭亡Gallup/opinion/exit poll,survey民意调查stand trial受审: disma

6、ntle 销毁The new government set about dismantling their predecessors legislation.新政府正着手废除其前任所制定的法律。the implementation of an accord 执行决议to ease the ban on ivory trade 缓解对象牙贸易的禁令to harbor sb.保护animal conservation 动物保护There will be a talk about animal conservation and, on the lighter side, a Tom and Jerr

7、y cartoon. 将有一个关于保护动物的报告,别外还有卡通片汤姆和杰里。: deputy n. 副手, 代理人John will act as a deputy for me during my absence.我离开期间, 约翰将代理我的职务。external forces 外部力量It is not far fetched to imagine that these external forces can even bring down governments and their economies! 你别说不可思议,这些外部势力甚至可以把政府和它们的经济搞垮。speculate,di

8、sarmament agreement 裁军协议mandate,to lift a boycott 取消禁令withdraw,embargo,impose sanctions against. 实施制裁: retaliate vi. 报复, 反击If you strike me, I shall retaliate.你要是打我, 我就还击。banking reform 金融改革commissioner n.专员, 长官;委员The Commissioners of Inland Revenue control British national taxes.国家税收委员管理英国全国的税收。go

9、bankrupt 破产Ive heard whispers that the firm is likely to go bankrupt. 我听到传闻说公司很可能要破产。file for bankruptcy 提出破产: give a boost to 促进How can we give a boost to the economy? 怎样才能把国民经济搞上去?booming economy 促进经济发展Our economy is booming and foreign companies are confidently pumping in capital. 我们的经济发达,外国公司放心投

10、资。mutual benefits/interests 双赢Expand trade between us will be to our mutual benefits. 扩大我们之间的贸易将对我们双方有利。Defense Minister,evacuate,flee from Pentagon 五角大楼impose/break a deadline 规定/打破最后期限: mediator调解员Who will act as mediator in the dispute. 谁在争端中充当调解人?national convention国民大会fight corruption反腐败Efforts

11、 were intensified to build a clean and honest government and fight corruption, yielding notable results. 廉政建设和反腐败斗争力度加大,成绩显著。corrupted election腐败的选举peace process和平进程: diplomatic solutions外交解决方案hot spot热点The stationing of troops by Vietnam in Kampuchea has actually turned Sino-Soviet relations into a

12、 hot spot. 越南在柬埔寨驻军也是中苏关系实际上处于热点的问题。take hostilities toward.对采取敌对态度ethnic cleansing种族排斥He has also conducted ethnic cleansing against the Shia Iraqis and the Marsh Arabs whose culture has flourished for more than a millennium. 他还对已有1000年灿烂文化的伊拉克少数民族和阿拉伯部落进行种族排斥。illegal aliens非法移民: break the deadlock

13、 打破僵局A compromise may break the deadlock between the union and management. 妥协也许能打破劳资双方所处的僵局。a scientific breakthrough 科学突破The ASR is a monumental scientific breakthrough that could banish forever the threat of some forms of blindness. 人造硅视网膜是一项里程碑式的科学突破,有可能永远消除一些失明病的威胁。an unexpected outcome 出乎意料的结果s

14、ign/ratify an accord/deal/treaty/pact/agreement 签署协议diplomatically isolated country 在外交上被孤立的国家: make concession/compromise 作出妥协I am prepared to make some concession on minor details , but I cannot compromise on fundamentals. 我准备在一些次要的细节上做些让步,但是我不能在原则问题上妥协。pass a resolution 通过决议The meeting pass or ca

15、rry or adopt a resolution to go on strike. 会议通过了罢工的决议。sanction n. 核准, 制裁, 处罚, 约束力Various Members have suffered this sanction over the years. 历年来一些会员国受到这一处罚。veto a bill 否决议案The president threaten to use his veto over the bill. 总统威胁要对这个议案行使否决权。: summit 高层会议A Western European summit was held in Bonn.在波

16、恩举行了西欧各国首脑会议。charter n. 特许状, 执照, 宪章The government chartered the new airline.政府给这家新航空公司颁发了许可证。pledge n. 保证; 誓言The government should fulfil its pledge.政府应该履行其诺言。promote peace 促进和平What does the United Nations do to promote peace and security? 联合国如何促进和平与安全?boost economic co-op 加强经济合作: trim n. 删改(稿件) upd

17、ate n. 更新(新闻内容),增强(时效性) The TV updated a news story on the bad storm coming to our area.电视就我们地区即将来临的暴风雨作了最新报道。watchdog n.&vt.舆论监督 weekly n. 周报 He advertised for a house in several weekly periodicals. 他在几家周刊上登广告找房子。wire service n. 通讯社supplement n. 号外;副刊;增刊 A supplement to this dictionary may be publi

18、shed next year.该词典的补编或许将于明年出版。suspended interest 悬念thumbnail n. “豆腐干”(文章) timeliness n. 时效性;时新性tip n. 内幕新闻;秘密消息 : spike vt. 退弃(稿件):“枪毙”(稿件) The editor spiked the story.编辑删去了这篇报道。stone vt. 拼版 story n. 消息;稿件;文章 stringer n. 特约记者;通讯员 subhead n. 小标题;副标题: sidebar 花絮新闻 slant 主观报道;片面报道 slink ink “爬格子” soft

19、news 软新闻 source 新闻来源;消息灵通人士: round-up 综合消息 scandal 丑闻 Its a scandal for a city official to take tax money for his own use.一个市政官员将税款挪为己用是一则丑闻。scoop “抢”(新闻) n独家新闻 Getting that story was the scoop of a lifetime for the journalist.获得那个消息是这位记者终身难逢的独家新闻。sensational 耸人听闻的;具有轰动效应的 He also fabricates sensati

20、onal lies to befuddle world opinion. 他也编造耸人听闻的谎言欺骗世界舆论。 sex scandal 桃色新闻That hatchet man released rumor of a sex scandal to the press. 那个撰文者把桃色丑闻泄露给新闻界。: readers interest 读者兴趣reject 退弃(稿件) remuneration 稿费;稿酬reporter 记者rewrite 改写(稿件),改稿: proofreader n. 校对员 The proofreader did his best not to let any

21、mistakes get by. 校对员尽力不让任何错误疏漏。pseudo event 假新闻 Poll have become the quintessential pseudo- event of the preprimary campaign. 民意调查已经成了初选选战最典型的假事件。quality paper 高级报纸;严肃报纸 quarterly n. 季刊The ICAC now produces a quarterly newsletter on matters of mutual interest for anti-corruption agencies in the regi

22、on. 目前,廉署负责就地区内共同关注的事情出版季刊,并派发予各反贪机构。readability n. 可读性: press conference 新闻发布会;记者招待台 The spokesman was bombarded with questions on the press conference. 新闻发布会上那位发言人遭到了连珠炮般的发问。press law 新闻法 press release 新闻公告;新闻简报 The company send out a press release about the launch of the new car. 公司发出了即将投放这种新型汽车的

23、新闻稿。PR man 公关先生 profile n. 人物专访;人物特写 The newspaper publishes a profile of a leading sportsman every week. 该报每周刊登一篇关于一个优秀运动员的简介.: opinion poll 民意测验 The president has a favourable rating in the opinion poll. 民意测验对总统评价很好。periodical 期刊 The Belgian Communists have put out a new periodical. 比利时共产党员出版了一个新刊

24、物。pipeline 匿名消息来源 popular paper 大众化报纸;通俗报纸 press 报界;新闻界The press areis interested in sports.新闻界对体育运动感兴趣。: No news is good news. 没有消息就是好消息No, but I suppose no news is good news. 没有。不过我认为没有消息就是好消息。nose for news 新闻敏感 obituary n. 讣告 I read Sewells obituary in the Daily News.我在每日新闻上读到了休厄尔的讣告。objectivity

25、n. 客观性 off the record 不宜公开报道The President told the reporters his remarks were strictly off the record.总统告诉记者们他的谈话不得公开发表。: news agency 通讯社 That foreign news agency report hashed up the account of the accident. 那家外国通讯社对此事件的报导简直是乱说一通,牛头不对马嘴。news clue 新闻线索 news peg 新闻线索,新闻电头 newsprint 新闻纸 Final award ha

26、s already been made on the first newsprint paper antidumping case. 首例新闻纸反倾销案已经终裁。news value 新闻价值: mass media 大众传播媒介 The play received the approbation of the mass media. 这个剧本受到大众媒体的欢迎。master head n. 报头;报名 media n.媒介,媒体 Viewers here have reaped the benefits of media liberalisation. 当然,本地媒体开放,观众也看到了好处M

27、ere report is not enough to go upon 仅是传闻不足为凭。morgue n报刊资料室 : No news is good news. 没有消息就是好消息No, but I suppose no news is good news. 没有。不过我认为没有消息就是好消息。nose for news 新闻敏感 obituary n. 讣告 I read Sewells obituary in the Daily News.我在每日新闻上读到了休厄尔的讣告。objectivity n. 客观性 off the record 不宜公开报道The President told the reporters his remarks were strictly off the record.总统告诉记者们他的谈话不得公开发表。: h

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