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1、某工程管廊钢结构施工方案一、编制依据Reference11编制说明Intro本施工方案针对Team D管架钢结构工程编制,我司承担的Team D管架工程分为24段管架,总长近1.3公里,钢结构总量近3800吨;管架宽度分别为2m、3m/3.5m、4m、6m、7m和8m,管架高度最高为22.1米。鉴于结构型式简单,施工方法相近,仅是在吊机选型上有所不同,为此我们将其中最具代表性的21a管架作为典型,来编制此施工方案,其它管架(R20a、R20b、R20c、R20d、R20e、21a、R22a、R22b、R22c、R23、R24a、R24b、R25a、R25b、R25c、R26、R33a、R33b

2、、R33c、R34、R36)的施工参照此方案。This construction plan is compiled as per actual site situation of pipe rack in Team D and is only applicable for installation of steel structure pipe racks. Since the project consists of 24 pipe racks which is 1.3 KM long and 3800 tons. Width of pipe racks are 2m、3m/3.5m、4m、6

3、m、7m and 8m, highest part of pipe rack is 22.1 meter high. Structure type is simple and the installation method is the same with other areas. Here we will take the most difficult pipe rack, 21a, as an example to compile construction method. Other pipe racks (R20a、R20b、R20c、R20d、R20e、21a、R22a、R22b、R2

4、2c、R23、R24a、R24b、R25a、R25b、R25c、R26、R33a、R33b、R33c、R34、R36)share the same method.12编制依据Reference121本工程招标文件;The bid document for the project122道康宁公司相关技术标准、规范及管理程序;The Dow Cornings relevant technique standard, the specification and management program.123东洋工程公司相关管理程序、技术标准;Toyo Engineering Corporations

5、relevant management program and technique specification.124江苏省及张家港地区现行的相关地方标准、规范;The relevant location standard and specification which belongs to Jiangsu province and Zhangjiagang area.125.宝冶建设有限公司相关管理程序及企业标准Baoye Construction Corp., Ltd.s management program and standard126国家现行的相关标准及规范,部分摘录如下:Relev

6、ant GB codes and specifications, as following:建筑工程设计文件编制深度规定2003版;Construction engineering design document-2003 建筑结构可靠度设计统一标准GB 50068-2001;Construction structure standard-GB 50068-2001;建筑结构荷载规范GB 50009-2001;Construction structure load specification-GB 50009-2001;钢结构设计规范GB50017-2003Steel Structure De

7、signing SpecificationGB50017-2003钢结构防火涂料应用技术规程CECS 24-90Steel structure fire retardant coating application technology point of orderCECS 24-90碳素结构钢GB /T 700-88Carbon Structural SteelGB /T 700-88大六角头螺母,垫圈等技术条件The large hexagonal nut, washer, and other technical conditions钢结构工程施工质量验收规范 GB 50205-2001St

8、eel Structure Project Construction Acceptance Specification(GB502052001)建筑钢结构焊接技术规程JGJ81-2002Architectural Steel Structure Welding Technology SpecificationJGJ81-2002钢结构高强度螺栓连接的设计、施工及验收规范 JGJ 82-91Steel Structure High Strength Bolt Designing, Construction and Acceptance Specification(JGJ821991)石油化工企业

9、设计防火规范 GB 50160-92 (1999年版)Petrochemical companies code for fire protection designGB 50160-92 (1999)建筑施工扣件式钢管脚安全技术规程GBJ130-2001Technical code for safety of steel tubular scaffold with couplers in constructionGBJ130-2001二、工程概况General Info21a全长94.8米(轴线到轴线),宽度7米(轴线到轴线),高度20米,最大跨距15米,最小跨距3.8米,共11条轴线,总重量

10、约600吨。东侧与一期老管架相连,西侧与中核二三承建的管架相连,北侧为中建二局在建项目,南侧为张家港路,道路条件良好。但施工区域内拼装作业面狭小,且紧挨21a管架南侧有水沟在施工中,对拼装吊装、吊机站位带来了诸多的不便。21a is 94.8 meters long (axis to axis), 7 meters wide, 20 meters high and with 11 axes and about 600 tons steel structure. The span ranges from 3.8 meters to 15 meters. The east part of 21a

11、connects with Phase 1 pipe racks, and west part connects with pipe racks which are under consideration. North side of 21a has other projects and south side is Zhangjiagang Road. This road is in good condition, but there is a trench under construction near it. All these factors caused lots of inconve

12、nience for installation and the setting of cranes.三、人员、机具安排Mobilization of Equipments and Manpower31项目组织机构图Site Organization Structure Chart32作业人员配备情况一览表labor configuration table序号No.工种Position数量Num.备注Remark1起重指挥Erection singleman4人2安装工erector40人3吊机操作工crane operator4人4油漆工painter4人5电工electrician1人6电焊

13、工arc welder2人7测量工surveyor2 人8架子工scaffolder20人33机具配备情况一览表equipment configuration schedule序号No.名称Title规格specification数量Qty备注Remark1汽车吊truck crane25 T3台2汽车吊truck crane50 T1台3汽车吊truck crane120 T1台4拖车trailer1台5水准仪water level gauge1台6经纬仪theodolite2台7电焊机electric welding machine2台8手拉葫芦 chain block5 T109手拉葫芦

14、2 T3010扭力扳手torque wrench60300Nm2把11扭力扳手torque wrench2001000Nm2把12千斤顶jack5 T10四、施工方案Construction Plan41安装总体思路General Idea of the Construction Job根据该工程管架的特点,单件重量较轻,散架较多,结构形式相似,工作面分散。单件吊装对整个工程进度影响较大。为提高工效、保证进度,我们确定以下安装总体思路:1、地面散件拼装,整体吊装。2、多点作业,流水施工。3、主结构先行,次结构随后。Since there are lots of single structure

15、s which are light in weight, so it would be inefficient to install them at height. Also the safety measures required for work at height would be unfavorable to the schedule. So these PR will be assembled on ground and then erected as a group structure. This can decrease the workload at height. Scaff

16、old platform and access with lifeline can ensure the safety of construction. General idea is:1、assembling on ground, erect as group structure。2、work at multi-spot。3、first main structure, then auxiliary structure。21a管架效果图42工艺流程图Work Flow43施工准备准备工作包括基础的验收与检查;拼装胎架的制作检验;构件材料、吊装机械、运输机械、小型工机具的进场检验等工作。Prep

17、aration work includes: inspection and check of base, set up of site assembling platform, entering and inspection of members, lifting appliance, transportation machinery and small equipments and machinery. Explained as below:基础验收:检查复核上道工序提交的相关资料,复核基础的轴线、标高、地脚螺栓的偏移量是否合格,合格后方可交接进行钢结构的安装;对于不合格的依业主及管理公司N

18、CR程序上报,并全力配合研究处理方案,直至合格;Inspection of base: check the relevant documents of preceding process; recheck the offset of axis, elevation and anchor bolt. Only these items are accepted can the installation be commenced; for unqualified items, process NCR as per requirement of DC and TOYO. Coordinate with

19、 them to bring out treatment.基础表面处理要求:清除基础表层浮浆并凿毛,设置好柱脚垫板(此部分在垫板及二次灌浆施工艺中加以详述)。Requirement of base surface treatment: remove laitance and set anchor bolt correctly.胎架的制作:胎架主要是用于门形钢架及桁架结构拼装工作,由于现场场地条件较好,用枕木根据拼装结构的尺寸、重量、施工的需要等要求摆放在地面上,抄平、找正即可。Making of assembly jig: assembly jig will be used up assemb

20、ling of portal frame and truss. Choice on sleeper will be decided by size, weight of members and the need of construction. Sleeper will be set on ground and evened and aligned.机械、机具、设备进场:本项目主要使用的机具有25吨汽车吊(三台)、50/120吨汽车吊(各1台,根据现现场进度情况穿插安排)及各种测量仪器。进场前向业主及管理公司提交有效的合格证及检测鉴定报告等资料,经确认后,方可使用。Entering of Ma

21、chinery, Equipment: 25T truck crane (3), a 50T truck crane and a 120T truck crane and all kinds of measuring apparatus. Report to Client and TOYO with QC Certificate and inspection report. Only use them when accepted.构件、材料进场:所有构件在领用前,必须进行构件质量检查(构件外观、质量证明文件等),并对所有进场构件做好记录。Entering of member and mater

22、ials: all members (appearance, QC certificates, etc.) should get inspected before putting into use. Record for all members should be kept.构件进场检查项目包括外观质量、构件外形尺寸等。构件表面不应有疤痕、泥沙等污垢;中线线、标高线、构件编号标志齐全、明确。The surface of members should not have the scale and dirt. It should be marked the centerline, elevatio

23、n and the number of marker.外形尺寸检查允许偏差 Inspection for the permissible deviation of shape size.柱外形尺寸允许偏差表 Permissible deviation of column shape size项目item允许偏差permissible deviation检查方法或工具Inspection method or equipment备注remark柱高the height of column3.0钢尺检查the inspected by steel rule柱脚螺栓孔中心对柱子轴线的距离the dis

24、tance for axis2.0钢尺检查Inspected by steel rule柱截面尺寸the column section size4.0钢尺检查inspected by steel rule柱身扭曲the warping for columns body5.0钢尺检查inspected by steel rule翼缘板对腹板的垂直度The perpendicular for flange plate to web plateb/100,且不应大于5.0b/100,it is not more than5.0钢尺检查inspected by for steel ruleb为翼缘板宽

25、度b means the width of flange plate柱身弯曲矢高The columns bending vector heightH/1500且不应大于5.0H/1500,it is not more than 5.0钢尺和拉线检查Inspected by steel rule and pull lineH为柱高H means the height of column钢梁外形尺寸允许偏差表the permissible deviation of beam shape size项目item允许偏差permissible deviation检查方法或工具Inspected by m

26、ethod or equipment备注remark梁长度height of beaml/2500,10.0钢尺检查inspected by for steel rulel为梁长度l means the height of beam侧弯矢高side bend the vector heightl/2000,且不应大于10l/2000,it is not more than 10mm钢尺、拉线检查Steel rule and pull linel为梁长度l means the height of beam扭曲warpingh/250,且不应大于10h/250,it is not more tha

27、n 10mm钢尺检查inspected by steel rule腹板局部平面度the flatness for the part of web plate5.01m直尺及塞尺检查Inspected by 1m straight scale and feeler翼缘板对腹板的垂直度The perpendicular for the flange plate to web plateb/100,且不应大于3.0b/100,it is not more than 3.0钢尺检查成品保护finished-product protection大量的施工物资、构件进场后,由材料经理负责管理,并做好详细出

28、入库登记。构件卸车、倒运过程中,必须做好相应的保护措施,构件与构件;构件与车厢不得直接接触,必须用枕木分隔开来;同时在吊运时,对吊点部位必须用胶皮包扎,以免破坏油漆涂层。在堆场堆放时必须在构件下方均匀设置枕木,构件的堆放层数不得超过三层,枕木的摆放位置必须每层相同,以免构件受力不均而变形。When construction materials, components entered the site, special materials manager should be designated and entering records should be recorded. For compo

29、nents that cannot be lifted at the time, move them into the stacking yard. Unload component appropriately with protective measures so that components and component elements would not contact directly with the carriage. During the process of lifting, connecting parts should be protected with rubber d

30、ressing to avoid damage of paint coating. Effective measures should be taken to prevent deformation of components in the stack yard. Under normal circumstances, choose smooth venue for stacking to avoid deformation. Set sleepers under the bottom of the components. Components should not be stored for

31、 more than three layers. Sleepers should be positioned at the same on each floor to avoid deformation.4.4钢结构拼装S.S assembling441门形钢架的组装assembling of portal frame门形钢架拼装主要是将钢柱与纵向主梁在地面胎架组装成一个整体单元,在地面胎架上完成节点螺栓的紧固后整体吊装。我们拟采用25吨汽车吊进行门形钢架的组装。Steel columns and longitudinal girders will be assembled into a group uni

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