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1、完型填空题难度较易。阅读理解A篇、B篇、C篇难度适中,D篇稍有难度。任务型阅读整体难度适中,考查学生对文本信息精准查找的能力,对常见词性转换及近义词转换要求较高。词汇运用部分考查的词汇均源于教材,且都是常用词,没有涉及到一些七八年级的长单词的考查,且变形较简单。动词填空考点分布也与往年类似,四道谓语动词加一道非谓语动词,其中,一题涉及被动,其余三个时态也是常考的过去进行时,现在完成时和一般过去时。非谓语动词考查不定式的否定形式,且是固定搭配,较简单。二、各题型分析:1. 单选题:题号专题考点能力1特殊疑问词How系列句型识记2代词辨析it和one的区别知识识记+句意理解3连词辨析状语从句连词句

2、意理解4动词短语辨析含有up的动词短语词义识记+句意理解5情态动词辨析表猜测的语气6副词短语辨析与all相关的词组7非谓语动词固定句型句型识记+句意理解8There be句型和非谓语动词used to和be used to doing9现在完成时衍生考点延续性动词have been to/have been in/have gone to的区别10情景对话如何回答请求句意理解+日常用语题目:1. -_ is it since you left your primary school? -Three years. A. How oldB. How longC. How farD. How soo

3、n【解析】考查特殊疑问词组辨析。句意:你小学毕业多久了?三年了。由题干中since引导的时间状语从句和答句“Three years.”提示主句是对一段时间提问,用how long表示“多久”。how old询问“年龄”;how far询问“距离多远”;how soon询问“多久之后”。故选B。【答案】B2. -How nice your dictionary is! Where did you get _? Id like to buy _, too. -In the shop in the city center. A. it; oneB. one; oneC. one; itD. it;

4、it【解析】考查代词辨析。你的字典真好!你在哪里买的?我也想买一本。在市中心的商店。代词it指代前文出现过的名词,特指同一物品;one指代同类名词中的“一,一个”。故选A。【答案】A3. My mother wont allow my father to drive _ he promises to give up drinking. A. unlessB. sinceC. ifD. after【解析】考查连词辨析。除非我父亲承诺戒酒,否则我妈妈不允许我爸爸开车。前文的否定意义提示下文用unless引导条件状语从句,表示“除非,如果不”,相当于if.not。4. A children shou

5、ld be encouraged to tell the truth instead of _ stories whenever he or she has done something wrong. A. taking upB. putting upC. making upD. setting up【解析】考查动词短语辨析。孩子应当被鼓励说真话,而不是当他或她犯错时编造谎话。take up“占据;从事”;put up“搭起,举起”;set up“建立”。动词短语make up表示“编造借口(理由)等,和story“故事;假话”构成动宾短语。故选C。【答案】C5. -Will Dad be b

6、ack home at 6 oclock this evening? -He should, but he _ not. Sometimes he exercises after work. A. canB. mustC. needD. may【解析】考查情态动词辨析。爸爸今晚会在6点钟回家吗?他应该会,但是也许不会。有时他下班后要锻炼。答句中but表示的转折句意以及“sometimes he exercises.”提示用may“或许”表示可能性。故选D。【答案】D6. -Could you tell me how to behave politely in public in the UK?

7、 -Yes. _, you should keep your voice down and always queue. A. After allB. First of allC. In allD. At all【解析】考查副词短语辨析。你能告诉我在英国如何在公共场合举止文明吗?好。首先,你应当放低声音并且总是讲究秩序。after all“毕竟”;in all“总共”;at all“根本”。用first of all回答上文的“如何举止文明”表示次序、顺序上的“首先”。7. -Why doesnt the surgeon stop _ lunch? -Because he is too busy

8、 _ a dying patient in the operation room. A. to have; to saveB. having; to saveC. to have; savingD. having; saving【解析】考查非谓语动词。为什么这名外科医生不停下来去吃午饭?因为他在手术室拼命忙着抢救一位垂死的病人。stop to do sth.表示“停下来去做某事”;be busy doing表示“忙于做某事”。8. Ill never forget the town in which there _ a clean river and many big tall trees.

9、A. used to beB. used to haveC. was used to beingD. was used to having【解析】考查there be句型和非谓语动词。我永远不会忘记那个曾经有一条清澈的河流和许多高大树木的小镇。there be句型表示“那里有”,先排除BD;used to表示“过去常常”,后跟动词原形。9. The shopping mall _ for two years, but I _ there only once. A. has opened; have goneB. has opened; have been C. has been open; h

10、ave goneD. has been open;【解析】考查延续性动词的现在完成时以及have/has been (to)和have/has gone (to)的区别。时间状语“for two years”是“一段时间”,谓语动词用be open表示“状态”,先排除AB;only once“仅有一次”提示主语I后用have been (to)表示“曾经去过”。10. -Could you look after my plants while Im away on business, please? -_. Ill water them on time. A. Come onB. With p

11、leasureC. Take it easyD. Youre welcome【解析】考查日常交际用语。我出差时,请你照看一下我的花草行吗?很乐意帮忙,我将会按时给它们浇水。could引导的一般疑问句表示委婉的请求。A项“加油”;C项“别紧张”;D项“不用谢,不客气”。2. 完形填空:11形容词词义辨析上下文联系12动词词义辨析13名词词义辨析14搭配1516171819介词词义辨析20副词词义辨析2122推理On the first day of my 11th grade, I wasnt excited when I looked at my timetable and saw “Biol

12、ogy II-Robin Haworth, Rom 301”. I had never liked biology and I found it _11_. After I entered the room, I took a seat in the very back and _12_ for my new teacher. The bell rang and Mrs. Haworth entered the classroom. She began to tell us how her class was going to be difficult and that if we weren

13、t up to the _13_, she would gladly let us leave.The class required lots of _14_. This was especially hard for me because I was balancing a new school with a new part-time job. My grades soon began to _15_. Just as I began to appear in a sea of D, Mrs. Haworth asked me what was up. I told her about t

14、he difficulty I was having. She listened to me and I knew she truly _16_ my life and my problems. She told me that she _17_ me but that I needed to learn how to manage my time better. Mrs. Haworth greatly _18_ my ability by helping me learn to solve my problems on my own. If I got a C in a test, she

15、 would hand it _19_ and asked me to deal with the ones I missed and tell her why. She _20_ increased my grades but taught me how to study harder. I got to know that if I had done my best for the first time I did it, I wouldnt have so many _21_. And after many trials, my grades became better.I had ne

16、ver had a(n) _22_ who opened up to me and treated me as her equal. Over the past years she was taught me that if I want to be excellent, I am the one who can make that happen.11. A. AmazingB. practicalC. boringD. important12. A. prepared B. wishedC. searchedD. waited13. A. experienceB. challengeC. e

17、ducationD. value14. A. competition B. attentionC. conversationD. creation15. A. fallB. changeC. improveD. miss16. A. cheered for B. cared about C. looked after D. believed in17. A. understoodB. recommendedC. admiredD. remembered18. A. supportedB. influencedC. developedD. displayed19. A. backB. inC.

18、outD. over20. A. evenB. everC. sometimesD. never21. A. businessB. mysteriesC. differencesD. mistakes22. A. friend B. leaderC. adultD. parent【解析】本文是一篇记叙文,作者在进入11年级后遇到的生物老师霍沃思夫人,她关心作者面对的困境,引导作者有效地管理并利用自己的时间,激发了作者的潜力,使作者认识到命运掌握在自己手中。11. C 由上文“I wasnt excited.”及“I had never liked biology”可知,空格处应用形容词bori

19、ng“无聊的”,故选C。12. D 由下一句“The bell rang and Mrs Haworth entered the classroom.”可知,是坐下来等老师,用动词wait,构成短语wait for sb.,意为“等候某人”,故选D。13. B 承接上文“她的生物课很难”,用challenge表示“挑战”,be up to the challenge表示“面对挑战”。如果我们不准备面对挑战,她将很高兴让我们离开。14. B 用名词attention“注意;关注”作动词require的宾语,require lots of attention表示“需要大量的精力”,与下文“这对我尤

20、其困难,因为我要平衡新学校的学习和刚找到的兼职”相呼应。15. A 由上文“这对我很困难”及下文“出现在D的名次”提示用动词fall“下降”,表示“我的成绩很快开始下降”。16. B 下文的“my life and problems”提示用动词短语care about“关注;关心”,表示“我知道她真的很关心我的生活和(我所面临的)困难。”故选B。17. A 承接上文,用understand sb. 表示“理解某人”。她告诉我她理解我,但我需要学会如何更有效地管理我的时间。18. C 由下文“通过帮我学会独自解决问题”可知,用动词develop“发展;开发”和名词ability构成动宾短语,表示

21、“发挥能力;培养能力”。19. D 由下文“让我处理漏掉的东西并告诉她原因”提示用over和hand搭配,hand it over意为“把它递给我”。20. D 由下文的but提示用副词never,构成never.but.,意为“从不,而是”。她从来不是提高我的成绩,而是教我如何更加努力地学习。21. D 承接上文“如果我刚开始就尽力去学习”,此处为“我也就不会犯这么多错误”,用mistake表示“错误”。22. C 作者是位学生,他的老师是成年人,用adult表示“成年人”。我从来没有遇到过一位对我敞开心扉,平等对待我的成年人。3. 阅读理解:文体题型23说明文细节理解题2425262728

22、主旨大意题29记叙文词义猜测题303132议论文3334句意猜测题35标题归纳题AThe Blue Metropolis Literary Festival is coming!It will host nearly 120 family-friendly activities from April 11 to April 17. More than 40 writers and storytellers, including local writers Monique Polak and Lydia Lukidis, will be joining in educational activi

23、ties. It hopes to bring citizens of difficult cultures together to enjoy reading and literature. Here are some of the events of this years festival.Tuesday, April 12, at 10:00 a.m.Activity:The writer Monique Polak, who comes from Montreal, will discuss her new detective book and hold a workshop for

24、kids between the ages of 9 and 12 on how they can be skilled at writing their own detective tales.Location: Benny Library, 6400 Monkland Ave.Tuesday, April 12, at 4:00 p.m. Lydia Lukidis, the local childrens writer, will be giving a talk about the world of folk tales for kids aged 6 to 10. Lukidis w

25、ill present different folk tales, and then the kids will try their hand at coming up with their own stories.Westmount Library, 4574 Sherbrooke St.Wednesday, April 13, at 10:Helaine Becker will help kids aged 6 and up master all the detailed facts of comedy writing and cartoons. Ecole St., Germain dO

26、utremont, 46 Vincent dIndy Ave.Wednesday, April 13, at 1:30 p.m. High school students will be presenting videos they created honouring the unsung heroes of the Second World War. The Montreal Holocaust Memorial Centre, 5151 Cote St.23. The festival is held mainly to _.A. encourage the cultural exchange from different areasB. invite famous writers to introduce their new books to their fansC. help peo

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