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1、八年级阅读理解专项训练 阅读理解阅读理解能力是一项重要的语言技能,主要是培学用英语思维的能力及用英语获取信息,处理信息的能力。阅读的理解要求我们既要具备一定的词汇量和语法识较高的语言经验积累及良好的语言感觉,又要具一定文化背景知识和相关的阅读技能。(中考)阅读的选材中考阅读材料在题材和体裁的选取上,更加重视具有明时代特征,实用性强的语言材料,如报刊文章,使说明书,招贴告示,广告及各类图表等。阅读重在考学生对篇章的整体理解与把握 阅读技巧的培养1) 首先逐一看题目和选项,了解每一道题干及选项的大致意思,最好部分翻译一下2) 带着问题去阅读,逐段去找,与问题有关的句子用笔画出来(包括问题中相同的单

2、词和短语),一般的事实题可直接从文中找出答案,较为深层次的逻辑推理判断需要建立在对全文理解的基础上:Mr. Smith usually got up late in the morning,so Mrs.Smith always called him up in order to make him not to be late for work.One day,they had a loud and long quarelling,so they were not speaking to each other.In the evening Mr. Smith handed his wife a

3、 piece of paper.He had writtencall me at 7 in the morn-ingon it.Then without a word,he went to sleep.Next morning,when Mr.Smith woke up,it was already 9:30.He got up and put on his clothes quickly.As he went out,he found another piece of paper on the table.Its seven oclock.Get up!根据短文内容,从下面每小题的A. B

4、.C .D四个答案中,选择一个正确答案,把它的序号填入左边括号内。1.If Mrs.Smith did not wake him up,usually Mr.Smith might late for workB.get angryC.sleep all dayD.quarrel with his wife2.Why werent they speaking to each other?A.They had quarrelledB.They couldnt speakC.They were afraid to speakD.They wanted to be quiet3.Why

5、did Mr.Smith write a piece of paper to ask his wifeto call him up the next morning?A.He liked writingB.He was afraid that his wife might forgetC.They had just quarrelledD.They were not speaking to each other.4.Mrs.Smith woke up the next moring_.A.before 7 B.after 9:30 6:305.Mr.Smith woke

6、up late by _.A.two and a half hourC.half an hourD.about three hours根据短文内容,对下面一个句子作出判断,如句子与短文内容相符,在题前括号内写(T),如不符则写(F)。( )1.Mr.Smith woke up earlier than his wife every morning.( )2.After the quarelling.Mr.Smith still wanted his wife to wake him up.( )3.Mr.Smith did not speak to his wife th

7、e whole evening.( )4.Mrs.Smith did not want to speak to him either.( )5.Mr.Smith might be late for work that morning.Mr.Smith gave his wife money every Friday evening.His wife always spent it all before the next Wednesday,so that for the next three days she had no money to spend at all.One day Mr.Sm

8、ith asked her,But how did you spend all that money?She answered,I dont know.So one Friday evening,Mr.Smith gave her money togetherwith an exercise book and a pencil.He said to his wife,Please write down how you spend the money.Next Tuesday,his wife had no money again.Mr.Smith tookthe exercise book t

9、o see how she had spent it.I have donewhat you told me,She said gladly.She had written Friday,I got 18 pounds from Mr.Smith on the first page,and on the second page,she wrote,Tuesday,I have spent it all.根据短文内容,从下面每小题A. B .C .D的四个答案中,选择一个正确答案,把它的序号填入左边括号内。1.Mrs.Smith always spent all the money_.A.the

10、 next four a weekD.on next Wednesday2.Mr.Smith gave his wife an exercise book and a penciland asked her to do have a write down how she spent the draw a picture on it3.Mrs.Smith was _ to do what Mr.Smith asked herto do.A.happy B.sadC.sorryD.exc

11、ited4.Mr.Smith gave his wife money _ a week.A.once B.twice C.three times D.four times5.They story tells us that Mrs.Smith was not very _.A.glad B.tallC.careful D.good根据短文内容,对下面五个句子作出判断,如句子与短文内容相符,在题前括号内写(T),如不符则写(F)。( )1.Mr.Smith gave money to his wife.( )2.Mrs.Smith had no money to spend on Wednesd

12、ays.( )3.Mrs.Smith did what her husband asked her to do.( )4.Mrs.Smith was gald in the end.A friend of mine was fond of drawing horse. He drew the horses very well,but he always began the tail. Now it is the Western rule to begin at the head of the horse, that is why I was surprised. It struck me th

13、at it could not really make any difference whether the artist begins at the head or the tail or the belly(肚子) or the foot of the horse, if he really knows his business. And most great artists who really know their business do not follow other peoples rule.They make their own rules. Every one of them

14、 does his work in a way peculiar(奇特的) to himself; and the peculiarity means only that he finds it more easy to work in that way. Now the very same thing is true to literature(文学). And the question, How shall I begin? only means that you want to begin at the head instead of beginning at the tail or s

15、omewhere else. That is, you are not yet experienced(有经验的) enough to trust to your own powers. When you become more experienced you will never ask the question, and I think that you will often begin at the tail -that is to say, you will write the end of the story before you have even thought of the b

16、eginning. 1. A friend of the writers drew the horses _. A. very well B. in the way of western rule C. in the way of his own rule D. all of the above 2. The writer was surprised because _. A. the artist began to draw at the head of the horse B. the artist began to draw at the tail of the horse C. the

17、 artist made his own rule D. the artist did not follow other peoples rule 3. You are not yet experienced because _. A. you dont know where to begin B. you want to begin at the head instead of beginning at the tail C. you always asked question D. you do not trust to your own powers 4. When you become

18、 more experienced you will _.A. never ask question B. often begin at the tail C. should write the end of the story D. should think of the beginning 5. The topic of the passage is _. A. How to draw a horse B. How to write a story C. How to make your own rules D. Trust to your own powers 完形填空不仅考察学生对词汇


20、辑合理,一定通篇考察,注意选项与上下句的关系是否贴切,不要一个空一个空孤立的选择Salesman: good morning. 1 I help you?Paul: Yes. Id like a 2 . Where are the coats?Salesman: Here 3 . What colour do you like?Paul: I like 4 . Blue clothes are my favourite.Salesman: Look 5 this one. 6 you like it?Paul: 7 nice, but too little. Do you 8 any big

21、coats?Salesman: Yes. Ill show one to you. How about this one?Paul: Thats good. 9 is it?Salesman: 80 yuan.Paul: Thats expensive. What about 70 yuan?Salesman: Well. You may 10 it for 70 yuan. Here you are.Paul: Thanks.Salesman: Youre welcome.1A. May B. Do C. Am D. Will2A. shirt B. coat C. shoes D. hat3、A. are they B. they are C. is it D. it is4A. green B. black C. brown D. blue5、A. in B. to C. at D. for6A. Are B. Have C. Is D. Do7A Im B. This C. They are D. Its8A. like B. have C. want D. buy9、How many B. What C. How D. How much10、A. like B. take C. borrow D. need

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