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1、LanguageLanguage牛津高中英语教学设计单元:unit 2 language板块:grammar and usage 2课堂设计指导思想:万事皆有规律,规律是事物必然的、内在的、稳定的、固有的联系。语言学习中的规律则是语法。语法是枯燥的规律,但在这些规律指导下的语言是丰富多彩、生动活泼的。语法的教学既要讲透规律,更要帮助学生通过多种途径,加深对于规律的感性认识,从而帮助学生将规律内化为语言使用的范式,进而成为自觉的语言综合运用的能力。本节语法课从学生已有认知开始,带领学生温故知新,体验新的学习,并通过多种途径推动学生对语法规律的感性认识。teaching lea

2、rn all noun clauses and help students judge different noun clauses; learn question words in noun clause; learn how to use it as an empty subject.teaching procedures:step 1 lead-ini. go over the different noun clauses such as subject clause, object clause, predictive clause, and appositive cl

3、ause.1. you know that i am a teacher of english. (object clause)2. that i am a teacher of english is known to you all. (subject clause)3. it is known to you all that i am a teacher of english.(subject clause)4. the fact that i am a teacher of english is known to you all. (appositive clause)5. i am w

4、orried about whether you can do well in the exam. (object clause)6. what i am worried about is whether you can do well in the exam. (subject clause) (predictive clause) ii. introduce all question words in noun clauses, such as what ,which, who ,whom, where, when, how, why, and whose. tell students t

5、o pay attention to the order of noun clauses and dont leave out question words.conjunctions of noun clauses:连接词:that, whether, if, as if(as though)连接代词:what, whatever, who, whoever,whom, whose, which (作主语/宾语)连接副词:when, where, how, why(作状语)【设计说明】 因为这是语法名词性从句的second period,所以一开始先对上一单元语法的first period进行

6、简单复习与回顾名词性从句的种类及语法成分,然后对名词性从句的连词进行归类,过渡到本课内容由疑问词引导的名词性从句。the teacher starts the lesson with a short introduction of herself. a competition is held to guess different careers. and the topic of director is introduced.step 2 noun clauses introduced by question words:1)what was he doing ? his father was

7、 surprised.what he was doing surprised his father. subject clause 主语从句 2)whats your first impression of him? i want to know. i want to know what your first impression of him is.共6页,当前第1页123456 object clause 宾语从句3)how can i make a grammar lesson interesting?that is my question is how i ca

8、n make a grammar lesson interesting. predicative clause 表语从句 4)how did peter respond to that question?i have no idea. i have no idea how peter responded to that question . appositive clause 同位语从句 attention:1. we change the word order in a clause after a question word into that of a statement.2. we c

9、annot leave out the question words in noun clauses in any cases.check whether the sentences are true or false:他是怎么成功的仍然是个谜。how he was successful is still a puzzle. ( f )how he was successful is still a puzzle. ( t )你能告诉我他住在什么地方吗?could you tell me what was the matter with me. ( t )could you tell me w

10、hat the matter was with me. ( f )fill in the blanks using “that/ whether / where/ how/when1. i have no idea _where _ he comes from.2. _how_ he got the money is still uncertain.3. he gave us many suggestions _ that _ we should get up earlier and take more exercise.4. i have no doubt _ that _ he will

11、win.5. i have some doubt _ whether _ he will win.6. the thing that troubles me is _ when _ to head for europe.【设计说明】通过把2个简单的句子合并成一个名词性从句,练习疑问词引导的名词性从句。并提出注意点:1)疑问词后的名词性从句语序要用陈述句的语序;2)任何连接名词性从句的wh-连词都不能省。再通过判断和填空的练习,巩固这部分内容。step 3 “it” as empty subject and objecti. review the function of “it”:1. its

12、a book. (指代)2. its ten oclock. (时间)3. its raining outside. (天气)4. its a long way to the museum. (距离)ii. empty subject “it”:1. we can use it as an empty subjecta .when we use a noun clause as the subject of a sentence.a. (preferable) it is certain that we would not be able to understand old english t

13、oday. = (correct) that we would not be able to understand old english today is certain. b. (preferable) it is easy to answer whether english will continue changing in the future. = (correct) whether english will continue changing in the future is easy to answer. c. (preferable) it depends on the sty

14、le of writing when we use certain words. = (correct) when we use certain words depends on the style of writing.共6页,当前第2页123456 b. when the subject is a to-infinitive.a. (preferable) it is hard to master a foreign language. = (correct) to master a foreign language is hard. b. (preferable) it is impor

15、tant to know how to use a computer. = (correct) to know how to use a computer is important. c. when the subject is a v-ing form.a. ( preferable) smoking is difficult to stop. = (correct) it is difficult to stop smoking. b. (preferable) travelling to beijing takes up a lot of my time. = (correct) it

16、takes a lot of my time travelling to beijing. tip:we usually use the empty subject it with a clause or to-infinitive (preferable), but with the v-ing form we prefer the real subject at the beginning. it can also be used before seem, appear, happen, chance, turn out and prove as the empty subject of

17、a seems that he speaks two languages. = he seems to speak two languages. b. it happens that my new neighbor comes from my home town. = my new neighbor happens to come from my home town. iv. we can emphasize the subject, object, or adverbial in a sentence by using it +be+ the word/phras

18、e you emphasize+ a clause introduced by that or who.the part we emphasize:1. it is prof. li who teaches us english. (emphasize the subject)2. it is english that prof. li teaches us. (emphasize the object)3. it was in shanghai that i saw the film. (emphasize the adverbial)multiple choices:1、_d_ is a

19、fact that english is being accepted as an international language. (nmet1995)a. there b. this c. that d. it2i like_c_ in the autumn when the weather is clear and bright. (04全国) a thisb that c it d one 3、the chairman thought _b_ necessary to invite professor smith to speak at the meeting. (05全国卷1) ath

20、at bitcthis dhim brainstorming:it is _that keeps us healthy.【设计说明】先简单复习“it” 的功能。在英语中为了避免头重脚轻,我们经常把主要信息放在句子后面部分,而用it作形式主语。然后讲解it的用途 :当 真正主语为从句或不定式时,最好用it作形式主语,当真正主语为v-ing时,还是把v-ing主语放句首。之后配上一定练习和造句进行巩固。step 4 other important cases of noun clauses:i.同位语从句和定语从句的区别:1.定语从句是先行词的修饰语,它不涉及先行词的具体内容。定语从句中that不

21、但起连接作用,而且在定语从句中充当一个句子成分,充当从句的宾语成分时可省略。共6页,当前第3页1234562.同位语从句对中心词的内容作进一步的解释和说明,表明中心词的具体内容。引导同位语从句的that在同位语从句中不做任何成分,只起连接作用,无具体含义,且不可省略。attributive or appositive1) we expressed the hope that they had expressed. (at)2) we expressed the hope that they would come to china again. (ap)3) the information ha

22、s been announced that more middle school graduates will be admitted into university. (ap)4) the information that he revealed at the meeting is of great value. (at)ii.疑问词 + ever和no matter + 疑问词的区别:疑问词 + ever可引导名词性从句,在主从句中要充当一定的部分。whoever breaks the rule must be can choose whatever you li

23、ke in the shop.疑问词 + ever还可引导让步状语从句。如:whoever breaks the rule, he must be punished.whatever you do, you must do it matter + 疑问词只能引导让步状语从句。no matter what you do, you must do it matter who breaks the rule, he must be punished.iii.名词性从句中的虚拟语气问题:1.在order、suggest、demand、request、advise、be

24、anxious that等所接的宾语从句中用“should” 型虚拟语气,“should” 常省略。 在order、suggestion等名词后同位语从句、表语从句中用“should ”型虚拟语气,可省略“should”.2.在as if、as though引导的表语从句中,在必要的情况下应用过去式虚拟语气。3.在suggest、insist后会出现两种语气:he suggested that i (should)turn to my boss.the expression on his face suggested that he was angrythe old man insisted

25、that he was still young.the police insisted that we should offer proof.4. 在主语从句中:it is necessary/important/strange/natural/that5. wish后,从句中的时态在原本的时态上退一步。高考链接:1、someone is ringing the doorbell. go and see _d_. (全国XX) a. who is he b. who he is c. who is it d. who it is 2、the photographs will show you

26、_b_(met1989) a. what does our village look like b. what our village looks like c. how does our village look like d. how our village looks like 3. it is strange that he _b_ you this. a. would tell b. should tell c. had told d. has told 4. what the doctors really doubt is _b_my mother will recover fro

27、m the serious disease soon. (XX 上海) a. when b. if c. whether d. why 5. great changes have taken place in that school. it is no longer _a_ it was 20 years ago, _ it was so poorly equipped. (XX安徽)共6页,当前第4页123456 a. what; when b. that; which c. what; which d. which; that 6. _c_ leaves the room last oug

28、ht to turn off the lights. (met1988) a. anyone b. the person c. whoever d. who 7. i was surprised by her words, which made me recognize _a_ silly mistakes i had made. (XX湖南) a. whatb. that c. how d. which 8. parents are taught to understand _b_ important education is to their childrens future. (XX广东

29、) a. that b. howc. such d. so 9. the teacher demanded that the work _b_ before 4 oclock. a. finished b. be finished c. should finish d. finish 10. his suggestion that you _a_ once more sounds reasonable. a. try b. tries c. must try d. can try 11. scientists think that the continents _c_ always where

30、 they _ today.(XX北京) a. arent; are b. arent; were c. werent; are d. werent; were 12、 hurry up! alice and sue are waiting for you at the school gate. oh! i thought they _d_ without me. (XX江西) awent bare going chave gone dhad gone 13. i wishi could work for the un_(我能为联合国工作)。14. how i wishi had attend

31、ed the opening ceremony yesterday_(我昨天参加了开幕式)。【设计说明】通过讲解和高考题的训练,补充完善名词性从句考点,做到讲练结合。如同位语从句与定语从句的比较区别,引导词 “that” 与 “what、that if” 与 “whether”的区别、名词性从句的时态和语序问题等。step 5 finish the following dialogue by filling in the proper wordsjerry: im a journalist from china, congratulations on winning the election of president.obama: thank you!j: i often wonder _why_you have so many fans and supporters.o: i am really grateful. it is their support and faith in me _that_ make me success

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