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1、Grammar 进一步熟悉短文中的重点句子,了解动词-ing形式,利用这一形式对真实生活的某些情况进行陈述。Speaking要求学生描述自己喜欢的老师,然后以对话的方式说说喜爱的学校生活和理由。Listening and Vocabulary 通过回答问题,初步理解更多介绍学校生活的新词;听力活动使学生在有语境的对话中进一步理解词汇的意义并表达自己的看法;最后要求学生说出词之间的联系并写出自己最困难和最容易的学科。Pronunciation 练习单词的重音Function and speaking 学习表达偏爱的句型,理解和运用表达偏爱的语言形式。Everyday English学习运用lis

2、tening and vocabulary中的一些词语,并运用在对话中。Writing 巩固标点符号的运用。 Cultural Corner 通过阅读初步了解和比较我国和国外公立、私立学校师生关系的相同点和不同点。Task 讨论并描述自己喜爱的好老师并说明理由,写出好老师的标准。Module File有助于学生对本模块学习内容进行归纳,对自己的学习进行反思和检验。二、 教学目标1)语言知识目标:语音掌握单词重音并能准确读出词汇见113-114页中本模块的Word List语法学习动词-ing 形式的用法功能表达偏爱的词汇和短语话题描述自己的课堂感受和所喜爱的老师2)语言技能目标:听在对话和语段


4、点;论述好老师的标准。3)学习策略:认知策略总结和运用所学新词汇和短语、动词-ing形式和表示偏爱的句型的规律;根据现有知识和经历对介绍教学风格的材料进行理解、分析、比较和综合。调控策略根据模块问题锻炼略读和查读技能,加强对思维方向的自觉控制。资源策略通过其他资源获取更多介绍师生关系情况等方面的信息。4)文化意识:学习风格了解国外中学生对教师风格的要求;通过对比改进学习风格。师生关系了解对中外学校师生关系进行对比,进一步促进师生关系的发展。公私立学校对国外公、私立学校不同情况进行了解,并对比。5)情感态度:加深对老师的了解和热爱,发挥学习主动性,配合老师的教学工作,使师生关系更融洽。三、 教学


6、师及喜爱的学校生活和理由。Task 1: Learn more words and expressions to prepare for the description of the teachers.Pre-task Brainstorming Bring out as many adjectives used to describe a person as possible.amusing energetic funny intelligent kind lively nervous organised patient popular serious shy strict stupid A

7、re they positive or negative ? Put them into two boxesTask-cycle Learn the new words and review the old ones by usingActivity 1 Description Please use some adjectives below to describe the people you know, especially the different characters of your family members.Activity 2 Discussion What do you t

8、hink of teachers? Do you agree with the following statements1. All good teachers talk a lot.2. I think teachers need to be strict.3. I like teachers who are amazing and can laugh with their students.4. The most popular teachers are always very kind.5. Good teachers always return homework quickly.6.

9、Good teachers make sure that everyone in the class understands.7. You should be able to ask your teacher questions at any time during a lesson.8. It doesnt matter if a teacher is not organised.Activity 3 Listening Listen to Alex, an English student, tick the statements that he agrees with. Compare y

10、our statements and Alexs.Post-task:Express your ideas of your ideal teachers.Activity 1 collect some expressions or sentence patterns that can be used to describe the teachers.Activity 2 speaking1) Description-show some pictures to the students and ask them which teacher they like best and why?Encou

11、rage students to use as many adjectives as possible. 2) Guessing Game- Describe some of the teachers that you and your classmates know and ask your classmates to guess who he or she is.Give students an example to followHe is my favourite teacher. I enjoy his classes very much because3) Dialogue Talk

12、 about the parts of school life you enjoy most and why.Sentence patterns:A: Do you enjoy?B: It is all right, but I prefer Why is that? Because I m not good atSummary and question time Homework 1. Oral composition- My Favourite Teacher 2. Finish off the vocabulary in Workbook教学反思:本课堂的安排是为整个模块学习做好话题内容

13、和词汇方面的准备和铺垫。目的在于为学习创造气氛,激发兴趣。在学习生词时,训练联想,对比和归纳等认知策略,训练用英语进行初步思考。另外,通过听力让学生了解老师不同的教学风格和性格特征,进行语言的输入,并通过口语表达的训练检测学生的掌握程度。 REA DING And VOCABULARY1 学习My New Teachers这篇课文2 训练学生速读,查读的阅读技巧;学会找信息,归纳文章主旨;运用想象、联想,学会用英语思考的能力。3 学会如何描写自己喜爱的老师。Task 1 Reading the description of 3 teachers and train the reading sk

14、ills.Pre-taskActivity 1 RevisionAnswer the following questions and share the answer with your partner.1. Who was your favourite teacher in Junior High?2. What adjectives will you use to describe your favourite teacher in Junior High?3. What adjectives will you use to describe the teacher you dont li

15、ke in Junior High?Activity 2 Lead-inLook at the pictures. What are your first impressions of the three teachers? Discuss with your partner and writer the ideas.Your impressionYour partners impressionMrs LiMrs ChenMr WuTask-cycle Activity 1 Read for Main idea Read the text fast and check your predict

16、ion and get more information. Mrs Li _ Mrs Chen _ Mr Wu _1.Who is the most popular teacher?2.Who is the kindest teacher ?3.Which teacher are students most afraid of?4.Which teachers explain things clearly?Activity 2 Comparison Read the text and get more detailed information. nameappearance/character

17、subjectteaching stylemy feelingPost-taskActivity 1 Discussion Discuss the following questions .1.Of the three teachers which one do you like best? Why?2.Would you like Mrs.Chen to be your physics teacher? Why or why not?3.Would you like Mr. Wu to be your Chinese teacher? Design a questionnaire to wr

18、ite down Ss s opinionsGroup numberAnswersReasonsCommentsStudent AStudent BStudent CStudent DActivity 2 Language Focus Complete the sentences, using the proper form of the words.1.admitted 2.literature 3.appreciate 4. scientific 5.hate 6.summary 7. avoid 8. respect 9.joke1.The young man _ that he sto

19、le the money.2.I love reading good _.3.Thank you so much, I really _ your help.4.It is very interesting _ experiment.5.I _ being late for school.6.Write a _ of this text. Use about 100 words.7.I try to _ boring people.8.I _ you because you work hard and are a good person.9.That _ was very amusing.Fi

20、nd the words and phrases that match the definitions.1. first impression2. incorrectly3. dare4. wave about5. someone seems to you the first time you meet the wrong brave enough to do things4.move your hand through the air5.handsomePoint out the important points and

21、explain .1.She explains the grammar so clearly that even I can understand it.2. He answered the question loudly so that the teacher could hear him clearly.3. There are a few students in our class who keep coming to class late-.4. I will do well in the exam with Mrs. Chen teaching me. 5. Mr.Wu s only

22、 been teaching us fro two weeks and hes already very popular.6. Ive always hated making mistakes or pronouncing a word incorrectly when I speak English. Homework 1. Review the new words learned today and get familiar with the text by reading2.Give a description of your new teachers. 3. Do Reading on

23、 Workbook.本课堂的安排是对学生的阅读能力加以训练,不要对文章进行肢解,逐字逐句的讲解翻译。让学生对课文有个整体的理解和把握,了解描写老师可以从哪些方面入手。在理解课文的基础上对重点词汇进行训练和运用,并对重点的语言现象作解释,从语言的内容到语言的形式。 GRAMMAR +WRITING1通过观察,分析,归纳本模块的语法-动词-ing形式,并能运用于对真实生活的某些情况进行描述。2在写作中进一步巩固标点符号的运用。3运用所学过的语言知识,模仿课文写自己喜欢的一位或几位老师。Task 1 Learning and Using the v+ing formActivity 1 Presen

24、tation-Do Ex 1 on page 14 - Look at the sentences and ask students to notice the verb forms that follow the underlined verbs. 1. But now, after two weeks, the class really likes working with her.2. Ive always hated making mistakes or pronouncing a word incorrectly.3. There are a few students who kee

25、p coming to class late.4. I think this is because he really enjoys teaching Activity 2 Reading the text- Ask students to collect the sentences with v+ing form from the Reading “My New Teachers”.Activity 3 Practise the use of the V+ing form Read the text again and find out the word followed by V+ing

26、and make use of them .like avoid hate keep admit enjoy1.But now, after two weeks, the class really like _with her.2.she avoids _you feel stupid.3.Ive always hated _ mistakes or pronouncing4. There are a few students in our class who keep_ to.5. A few students admit _ her.6.I think this is because he

27、 really enjoys_.Find more such verbs and make good use of them.admit avoid consider dislike enjoy finish hate keep imagine like love practise stop suggestFill in the blank with the proper words.1.The student _ copying from other students.2. Please _ talking.3. Have you _ checking your work? Its time

28、 to go home.4. You need to _ speaking in English to make progress.5. He _ asking stupid questions!Activity 4 Make a conclusion of the V+ing formTask 2 Learning and Practising the using of punctuation Activity 1 Look at the position of comma in the sentences. Ask students to make a conclusion about how to use the commas. 1.Surprisingly, all th

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