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Unit 8 First aidWord格式.docx

1、如suggest, recommend 等。这里有三大题:第一题:根据语境填上合适的虚拟语气。第二题:用虚拟语气连接句子。第三题:改错。这些练习利于学生从理论到实践,循序渐进,利于学生比较牢固地掌握着部分的语法内容。综合技能(lntergrating skills) 阅读部分谈如何处理animal, bites, burns, cuts, poisoning中如何进行急救,同时进行分组活动。最后写作部分,要求学生运用所学知识,写出表示顺序的短文。三.学习建议(tips)提供如何做一个急救箱的内容,为本单元的话题服务。复习要点:(checkpoints)复习虚拟语气,要求学生造句,句型转换。Pe

2、riod 1:warming up and listening第一课时:热身和听力 What happened to the girl ? What can we do to help her ? What can we do to help her before the doctor comes ?What do you already know about first aid ?Step 1 warming upBrainstorming: What words can you think of when you talk about accidents and first aid ?Ac

3、cident first aid ( drown, bleed, choke, burn/catch fire, cut, electrical, wound, unconscious, ambulance )Pair workLook at the pictures on Page 571. What would you do in these situations ?2. What could we do to prevent these accidents ?DrowningCheck to see if he/she is breathing, Try to start his/her

4、 breathingNever swim in deep water.Traffic accidentCall for a doctor or an ambulance, Never pull her out of the car Find enough people to lift the car safely and take her to hospital at once.Look at both side when crossing the street. BurnsCall 119 first and tell them the exactAddress on the phone.I

5、f someone is badly burnt, we should call 120 to ask for an ambulance. Never play with fire. Be careful with gas. Make sure that all the electric wires are safe. Bleeding Try to stop the bleeding, Press a handkerchief onto the bleeding point and hold it there.Hold up the part of body which is bleedin

6、g if possible.CutsGo to the hospital at once . Never pull it out of the cut. If the cut is not serious, we can wash the area of cut, dry it and cover it with a piece of dry and clean cloth.Choking Make him/her spit by patting her/him on the back. To avoid this, we shouldnt talk or laugh when eating.

7、 Step 2 ListeningPre-listening: Look at the pictures on Page 58When are they ?What do you guess has happened to the boy and the girl ?Now read the requirements quickly and find out what to do . While-listening: listen to the tape and finish the exercises on P58.1. Listen to the tape. What happened t

8、o each child ?Child 1 : _ Child 2 :_2. Listen to the tape again and answer the questions. Child 1 child 2When did it happen ? Was any first aid given? If so what was given ?3. Listen to the nurses questions in the first dialogue and write them down.1) Can _?2) Whats _?3) What did you do _?4) Does _?

9、Post-listening :Look at the pictures 1.What would you do in these situations ?2.What could we do to prevent these accidents ?Homework:(作业)Finish the exercise book and recite the words of unit 8.Period 2 : Speaking 第二课时:口语练习 Nowadays, there are a lot of unexpected accidents. What would you do in such

10、 situations?Task 1 . Discussion:What should you do if you find 1) a person fall off the second floor ?2) a person who has stopped breathing ?3) a person whose leg is bleeding ?What things at home can be dangerous ?electrical equipment knives Electric fires hot water Poisons windows ladders Task 2. D

11、iscussion:How to prevent us from being injured at home ?Electricity:Make sure that electric wires are safe and that children cant touch them.Cooking If a pan of oil catches fire, turn off the gas and cover the pan quickly.Things in mouth:Dont leave small things on the floor or table which a baby can

12、 put in its mouth.Poisons :Dont pour poisons into other containers, for example, empty bottles . keep them on a high shelf out of the reach of children.What must you do if you are badly burnt?Cool the area of skin at once . wash the area of skin under the cold tap of several minutes. Put a piece of

13、dry clean cloth over the area of the burn.How do you deal with a simple cut ?Wash the area of the cut, dry it and cover it with a piece of dry clean cloth.What should you do when a person is bitten by an animal ?Wash the wound under cold running water, then see a doctor as soon as possible.More advi

14、ceGas fires : If you are using one of these, check that a window is open. Water: Make sure that young children can not get close to pools, lakes and rivers by themselvesLadders : Dont use them on a wet floor. Get someone to hold the ladder for you. Dont reach sideways while standing on a ladder. Get

15、 down first and move the ladder.Additional advice 1. put away knives, forks, containers with hot water beyond the reach of children.2. tell children not to play with matches, lighters. In short, tell them not to play with fire.Dont forget to phone 120 and 110 whenever necessary !Task 3 work in pairs

16、.Use the lists of dos and donts below to tell each other what you should and should not do.Safety around the house DosA . make sure that electric wires are safe and that children cant reach them.B. if a pan of oil catches fire, turn off the gas and cover the pan quickly.C . make sure that everyone i

17、n your family knows how to call 110 and 120.D. learn more about first aid.DontsA. Dont put poisons into other containers, for example empty bottles.B. Never leave small things a baby can put in its mouth on the floor ortable.C. Dont play with electrical equipment.D. Never use ladders on wet floor.Us

18、eful expressionsYou should always. You mustMake sure that . You ought to/should.You have to You should not . You should never. You must never. Never. Please dont.Task 4 . Talking In China, 120 is the number to call when medical help is needed. Emergency line operators must always stay calm and make

19、sure that they get all the information they need to send help.Work in pair and use the role cards below to practise describing accidents and asking for help. Take turns being the eyewitness and the operator.Eyewitness OperatorDescription of accident :_ what happened ?_Number of people injured: _ who

20、 was hurt ? _ Type of injuries _ Was any first aid given? _Place _Homework(作业)Recite the rest of the words.Finish referring exercises.The third period:DR ABC第三课时:急救知识(阅读课)Teaching aims:1. improve the students reading ability.2. help the students to master the new words and expressions. 3. Let the st

21、udents know more about first aid.If someone is badly hurt in a traffic accident, you should/mustnt.Dos Dont Leave the person where she/he is. Move the personTelephone for helpTell the person not to worry carry tbe personTell the person to stay still let the person get upBefore the doctor comes, what

22、 is the most important ?What is First Aid ?First aid is the science of giving medical care to a person before a doctor can be found.Look the outlines.If you are asked to write a text about first aid, which of these outlines will you use ?You may have a discussion in pairs and then Ill ask some of yo

23、u to tell us your opinion.A B C1. First aid is important 1. Learn how to give first aid 1. There are two types of first aid2. Reason 1 2. First, 2. The first aid3.Reason 2 3. Second,. 3. The second type4 Reason 3 4. Third, 4. Similarities and differencesFast-readingWhich outline is used in the passa

24、ge ?Whats the topic of the paragraphs ?Para. 1 First aid is very importantPara 2 The most important is to stay calm Para 3-4 When we have to think fast, we must remember DR ABC to givefirst aid.Para. 5-6 When we have checked the DR ABC we should give the first aidthat is needed and call an ambulance

25、. Listen to the tape and answer the question. Para. 1 First aid is very important Why is first aid important in our daily life ?Para 2 What is the most important thing to remember when dealing with an emergency ?Para 3-4 What do the hospitals recommend ?What do the letters DR ABC stand for ?What are

26、 three important things ?1. Check that the person can breathe .2. If the person is not breathing , you must try to start his breathing at once.3. If the person is bleeding badly, you must try to stop the bleeding .Para 5 What should we do when we have checked the DR ABC ?Para Can we do first aid cor

27、rectly after reading this passage ?Comprehension1. By saying “ Second count in an emergency, ” the writer means _.A. time is importantB. you can count numbers by the second C. time is lifeD. to be calm down, in an emergency, just say numbers by the second2. What should you do if you want to do first

28、 aid correctly ?A. Learn with a teacher. B. Remember the letters DR ABC .C. Stay calm D. All of the above 3. According to the passage , people in the accident _A. can be helped by anyone whod like to do so B. should be waken up as soon as possible C. should be put in the recovery position when having been given first aid.D. Can be given first aid even without checking the DR ABC 4.

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