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1、合同管理规定Regulation for Contract Management为规范公司的法律事务管理工作,防范公司在经营管理和战略推进中可能出现的法律风险,最大限度地维护本公司的利益,特制定本规定。This Regulation is formulated to regularize the management of legal affairs, guard against possible legal risk during operation management and implementation of corporate strategies, and protect the

2、interest of the company as much as possible.第1条 合同的定义Article 1 Definition of contract本规定中的合同系指能够给当事人设定权利或课以义务的合同、协议、契约、备忘录、意向书、承诺函、保函等各种形式的书面法律文件。In this Regulation, contract refers to the contract, agreement, covenant, memo, letter of intent, letter of commitment, letter of guarantee and other writ

3、ten legal files that define the rights and obligations of the parties concerned.第2条 管理机构和管理原则Article 2 Management organization and principle 公司成立“合同及风险管理控制委员会”,由总经理、副总经理、财务总监、人事行政经理、公司律师组成,总经理任主任,副总经理任副主任。公司法务部是合同的归口管理部门。各部门、各分支机构均应指定专人负责对本部门合同的报审、归档及合同台帐的填制等。公司对合同实行统一管理的原则,对各种合同的签订实行严格的评审制度,对所有合同文件

4、和有关资料实行分级管理制度。The company establishes a “Contract and Risk Management Control Committee”, which comprises the general manager, vice general manager, CFO, HR and administrative manager, and corporate counsels. The general manger shall serve as the director of the committee, and the vice general mange

5、r shall serve as the vice director. The Legal Dept. of the company is responsible for the management of contract. Other departments and branches of the company shall designate special personnel to be responsible for the submission and filing of their own contracts, and filling up the Contract Sheet.

6、 The company exercises unified management of contract, implements strict review system for the signing of contracts, and carries out hierarchical management of all contracts and related documents.第3条 合同的签订的要求及合同履行Article 3 Requirements for contract signing and execution of contract 3.1 合同签订原则:合同的签订应

7、符合合同法的基本要求,遵循平等互利,诚实信用的原则,同时尽力维护公司的利益,促使公司利益最大化。3.1 Principle for contract signing: The contract shall be signed as per basic requirements of the Contract Law of the Peoples Republic of China, and the principle of equality, mutual benefit and credibility. Meanwhile, the contract shall be signed to m

8、aintain and maximize the interest of the company as much as possible. 3.2 除即时付款的采购合同、销售合同可以提货单、出库单等为合同凭证外,其他合同必须采用书面形式签订。在合同的履行过程中,需要补充、变更、中止、解除、终止合同内容的以及有关通知、协商意见、特别说明等内容均应采用书面形式签订,并由各方负责人或授权代理人签字并加盖公司公章或合同章。3.2 Except for the procurement contract and sales contract with prompt payment, for which t

9、he bill of loading and outbound delivery order can be taken as contract document, other contracts shall be signed in written form. During the execution of contract, the supplement, modification, termination, rescission of contract, and related notice, consultation opinions, and special explanation c

10、oncerning the contract shall be signed in written form with the signature of the supervisors or authorized representatives of the parties involved as well as with the official seal or contract seal of the company. 3.3 根据公司的实际业务需要,在相关业务部门、公司律师及公司领导的共同参与下,公司针对特定业务拟定合同样本。公司律师每年根据各部门的反馈意见对合同样本进行审定完善。主办部

11、门(包括承办该合同的公司业务部门和各分支机构及加油站,以下同)在与合作方就合作事项达成一致意见后,可按合同样本填入有关内容。3.3 According to the actual business needs of the company, related business departments, corporate counsels and leaders shall work together to formulate the sample contract for special businesses. Each year, the corporate counsels shall,

12、based on the feedbacks of different departments, review and modify such sample contract. Once the responsible department (including the business departments, branches and service stations of the company undertaking the contract) has reached agreement with cooperative parties, corresponding content s

13、hall be filled up according to the sample contract. 3.4 公司合同样本涵盖的业务, 可以直接适用公司合同样本的直接适用公司样本;各部门使用的合同中属于商务内容的,直接报本部门主管领导批准即可,不必再经公司律师审核。因业务具体情况或合作方意见,需要对合同样本的非商务性条款做出修改的,应具体标明修改内容,通过公司律师进行修改后按合同评审程序最后签署。3.4 For the businesses covered in the sample contract of the company, the sample contract shall be

14、adopted if applicable, and; if the contracts adopted by different departments include commercial content, such contracts shall be directly submitted to the supervisors of their departments for approval, without the review by corporate counsels. If the non-commercial clauses of sample contract need to be modified due to specific business condition or the opinions of cooperative parties, the specific content to be modified shall be marked, modified by corporate counsels, and signed in line with the contract review procedure of the company.

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