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1、Unit 5,Text I Network Designer Tim Berners-Lee,Text II Angels on the Internet,Text I Text II Oral Work Listening,Pre-reading Activity Structure Vocabulary Acquisition Intensive Reading,Text 1:Network Designer Tim Berners-Lee,Do you know what these letters www and http stand for?Make a list of what y

2、ou usually do on the Internet.How the Internet has changed the world as well as your life?And how can we make the most of it?Whatre the negative effects of Internet?Pose your suggestion to Internet mania.,Text I,Pre-reading Activity,Listen to the recording,try to catch following information:,Text I,

3、Pre-reading Activity,computer industry analyst,inventor of the World Wide Web,mall,peepshow,telephone sys.,humanity,stay-at-home mother-of-two,it is an escape,founder of Second Life,another kind of social contact,Industry analyst,spend more time in the virtual world,a mother of five,soldier in Iraq,

4、a wife of a soldier in Iraq,life line,Tim Berners-Lees original World Wide Web browser,Tim John Berners-Lee,Tim 1955年6月8日生于英国伦敦。CERN(European Particle Physics Laboratory,欧洲量子物理研究所),位于瑞士日内瓦。在那里,为了工作需要,Tim写了一个从未发布过的工具Enquire这个我们无缘得见的Enquire,正是World Wide Web的雏形。,Consider the meaning of following words,

5、HTML MUDFTPISPP2P BT Big5 GBspam netizen,Hypertext markup language:超文本标记语言,Multi-user dungeon:多用户游戏,File transfer protocol:文件传送协议,Internet service provider:因特网服务提供商,垃圾邮件,网民,Point to point:点对点下载,BitTorrent:比特流,大五码:繁体中文,国标码:简体中文,Consider the meaning of the facial expressions,-0-?-?:-=):-8-):-7:-1:-:-:

6、-:-),生气,高兴,优雅的笑,疑惑,日本胡,抿嘴,睁大眼睛,火冒三丈,平淡的笑,抽烟,吐舌头,语无伦次,小猪,卷发,Consider the meaning of the expressions,BH RPWTPF TFQrz 囧BTW ASAP 马甲 无间GJM YY,彪悍,人品问题,佩服,踢飞,膜拜,拜服,By the way,As soon as possible,语出春晚小品,语出电影无间道,抄袭,语出红楼梦,论坛相关术语,版主 注册用户昵称 密码提示贴子 附件回复贴子 引用投票 锁贴加精 用户设定个人资料 头像级别 用户控制面板,moderator,registered user,

7、nickname,password hint,post,attachment,post a reply,quote,polling,lock a post,highlight,user preference,personal profile,avatar,ranking,user control panel,Text I,Structure,Text I,Vocabulary Acquisition,Write down the definition of each word that fits the context.,exotic(L.9)hack(L.17)stint(L.28)cobb

8、le(L.51)quintessential(L.64)Unconventionally(L.66)cash in on,Striking or unusual in appearance,A person paid to do hard and uninteresting work,Fixed amount of time,Put together quickly or roughly,The most typical,Doing things no in the accepted way,Profit from,turn to ones advantage,Text I,Vocabular

9、y Acquisition,Write down the definition of each word that fits the context.,Zip off(L.7)_unencumbered(L.12)_nifty(L.15)_Noodle around(L.29)_debut(L.60)_The elite(L.74)_Sparse(L.84)_,Move away with speed,Not obstructed,clever,Play about,Make first public appearance,A group pf people with a high profe

10、ssional or social level,Inadequately furnished,It turns out you can“enquire”about nearly anything,Turn out:happen to be,or be found to be,Much to his disappointment,his experiment turned out a failure.After a long spell of rain,it turned out to be fine and sunny on the day of our sports meet.It turn

11、ed out that the unexpected visitor was one of my mothers former students.,Task:Translate 事实证明,他是队里最出色的击球手。,It turns out he is/He turns out to be the best hitter in the team.,It turns out you can“enquire”about nearly anything,enquire:BE=inquire,inquire aboutI am writing to inquire about your advertis

12、ement in The Times.inquire whether/why/how etcThe waiter inquired whether we would like to sit near the window.inquire sth of sbWheres the station?she inquired of a passer-by.,Task:Translate 他已经查出敌军的部署情况。,He has inquired out the deployment of the enemy troops.,“Where excellence is not an act but a h

13、abit.”,Task:paraphrase,Where high quality is not just something someone does on certain occasions,but rather something that one does regularly and that one finds it difficult to stop doing.,Click again,and zip off to singapore,zip:n.=zipper, fasten something using a zipzip something shut/open

14、e.g.Olsen zipped the bag shut.He zipped open the case 2.informal to go somewhere or do something very quicklyzip through/past/along etc e.g.We zipped through customs in no it/zip your lip AE spoken informal=shut up e.g.Youd better zip your lip or youll be in trouble!,Task:Translate 玛丽飞快地做

15、她的家庭作业。,Mary zipped through her homework.,Euquire about buying industrial-age nuts and bolts from.,Task:Translate 政府的基本职责是服务大众。,The nuts and bolts of government is to serve the masses.,Teddy Bear,泰迪熊(Teddy Bear)源自欧洲的一种文化,距今已有120多年的历史。欧洲家庭有制作玩具熊的传统,在德国,许多人是抱着泰迪熊长大的。全世界第一只泰迪熊就是德国人史戴夫的作品.,泰迪熊名字的由来:1902

16、年美国第26任总统罗斯福(呢称Teddy)打猎时曾遇到一只小熊,总统没有射杀这只无自卫能力的小熊,终把它放生了,事件被漫画家用作政治漫画的题材,恰巧此时美国掀起入口德国玩具熊的热潮,人们便叫这熊为泰迪熊.,Teddy Bear,these days you can point-and-click anywhere on the planet,unencumbered by time or space or long-distance phone tariffs.,Task:paraphrase,nowadays by using a computer equipped with a modem

17、 and pointing and clicking with a mouse,you can get information from any place in this world,and neither time,nor space,nor high long-distance phone tariffs will make it difficult for you to do so.,Thanks to the rapid development of modern means of telecommunication,international communication is ge

18、nerally unencumbered by time or space.,Task:translate 由于现代化电信手段的快速发展,国际间通信基本上可以不受时空的限制。,This hidden Rosebud of cyberspace,Cyber-relating to computers,especially to messages and information on the Internet,GUESS the meaning of following words:cybershop cybershopper cyberchat cyberworld cybercrime cyb

19、erculture cyberholic cyberfraud cybersickness cyberwidow cyberterrorist cyberstalking,Who knew then that from this modest hack would flow the civilization-altering,millionaire-spawning,information suckhole known as the World Wide Web?,Task:paraphrase,Who know at that time that this humble software c

20、onsultant would create the World Wide Web which would change our civilization,bring about millionaire,and a rich source of information.,Spawn:call forth,The computer industry has spawned a lot of new companies.,Thomas Edison got credit for the light bulb,Credit for something:the recognition or respe

21、ct or praise given to someone because of something they have done or achieved.,e.g.We gave Wang credit for his remarkable achievements in biotechnology.e.g.Tim Berners-Lee should be given credit for the creation of WWW.,Task:translate 事情是我做的,她却受到称赞。,She was given the credit for what I had done.,It s

22、tarted,of all places,in the Swiss Alps.,Task:paraphrase,Surprisingly enough,such a fact did not take place in an industrial city or town but in the Swiss Alps,which seemed to be remote from industry.,noodle around,Play around,He went to the piano and noodle around until the tune came back to him.,I

23、really dont understand why he noodles around that antiquated/outmoded/old-fashioned computer all day long.,task:translate 我真弄不懂他为什么整天在摆弄那台老掉牙的电脑。,The opposite of“keep track of”is“lose track of”.e.g.Weve lost track of him since he left Shanghai for home.,keep oneself informed about something or pay a

24、ttention to something so that one knows what is happeninge.g.As a doctor James has to keep track of the latest developments in medicine.The computer will automatically keep track of the number of items and their price.,keep track of all the random associations one comes across,keep track of all the

25、random associations one comes across,At random is used adverbially.e.g.Please choose a number at random.The questionnaires were distributed at random.,Random:unplanned,unintentional,aimless,purposeless,etc.e.g.random sampling 随机抽样 And yet their mistakes are not random.While everyone was discussing t

26、he question seriously,John made a few random remarks now and then.,Task:translate 随便读许多书不如细细地读几本书,It is better to read a few books carefully than to read many at random.,that could keep“track of all the random associations one comes across in real life and brains are supposed to be so good ate remem

27、bering but sometimes mine wouldnt.”,Task:paraphrase,that could keep myself informed about all the change connections that one may meet with in real life,and which ones brains ought to be good enough to remember,but sometimes I would just not remember.,Berners-Lee fashioned a kind of“hypertext”notebo

28、ok,to shape or make something,using your hands or only a few tools.,Task:translate 教练把他培养成了优秀的运动员。,The coach has fashioned him into a fine/excellent sportsman.,fashion something from something e.g.He fashioned a box from a few old pieces of something into somethinge.g.Jamie could take a

29、 piece of wood and fashion it into a wonderful work of art.,To add stuff that resided in someone elses computer?,Task:translate 真正的权力属于人民。,The real power resides in the people.,to live in a particular placee.g.He spent most of his time in Thailand,where his family resided.reside in something/somebod

30、y e.g.Joes talent resides in his storytelling abilities.reside within something/somebodyif a power,right etc resides in something or someone,it belongs to theme.g.Executive power resides in the President.,“one had to be able to jump from software documentation to a list of people to a phone book to

31、an organizational chart to whatever.”,Task:paraphrase,On the Internet one should be able to begin from ones own software file and move on to get a list of names of people one wishes to contact,and to get access to a phone book,and to get a chart showing an organization,and to obtain whatever informa

32、tion one wishes to get.,Cobble together,e.g.The student cobbled together an essay in half an hour.We cobbled together a proposal to put before the committee.,Cobble sth together/up:put sth together or make sth hastily or clumsily,Task:translate 如果他们不给我足够的时间,我只好粗劣地给他们做那家具。,If they dont give me enough

33、 time,I can only cobble up the furniture for them.,lingua franca lgwfrk,e.g.Swahili is the principal lingua franca in East Africa.English is rapidly becoming the lingua franca of Asia.You should take a computer lesson and learn about the lingua franca of this age.,a common language used by speakers of different languages,Task:translate 越来越多的年轻人意识到英语是通行全球的语言,所以都在业余努力学习英语。,With the awareness that th

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