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咱们裸熊第一季 We Bare Bears 中英剧本.docx

1、咱们裸熊第一季 We Bare Bears 中英剧本第一集第二集# 哒 哒 哒吧哒 哒 哒 吧哒吧哒吧 # Da, da, da-ba-da, da, da, ba-da-ba-da-ba# 哒 哒 哒吧哒 哒 哒 我们走 # da, da, da-ba-da, da, da, lets go# 我们同在 # Well be there# 一个眼神 一个微笑 一声赞许 如往常一样 # a wink and a smile and a great, old time# 我们同在 # yeah, well be there# 无论身处何处 快乐永远同在 # wherever we are, the

2、res fun to be found# 转过街角 我们同在 # well be there when you turn that corner# 带着大大的熊笑 跳出树丛 # when you jump out the bush# 我们同在 # With a big bear smile# 我们同在 # well be there轮到我们了 We got next.我的维克罗钱包 你的手机 One velcro wallet. One cellie.拜托小心轻放哦 Be careful with this, please.我的身家性命可全在这个小方块里了 没问题 It is my life

3、and soul in rectangular form. Yeah,yeah, yeah.白熊的忍者镖 Ice bear has ninja stars.和我一起数到三 Grizz for three.一 二 三 One, two, three!上场 哈 Game time! Hunh!投篮 Buckets!啊 Unh!传给我 等等 别太快 Im open! W-wait not too fast.噢 暂停 暂停 Ow! Time out. Time out.看我的 看我的 防守 I got this. I got this! Defense!我的锅 My bad.哇 好球 伙计 Wow.

4、Nice shot, man噢 Oof.哎哟 界外球 Aah-yee! Out-of-bounds.我来接 I got it!挡拆 挡拆 Pick and roll. Pick and roll.谐音:滚一圈差太远了 Its long!对不起 Sorry.白熊故意的 Ice bear meant to do that.传出来 传出来 Outlet! Outlet!去底线 从弱侧切入篮下 Cut baseline. Back door.用三角战术 像数字7那样 Triangle offense. Play seven.噢 Ooh!耶 Yay!噢 呜 太棒了 Whoo! Boom. Boom. Y

5、es.哦 耶 Oh, yeah! Uh-huh. Yeah. Yeah.等等 我们还领先二十分 对吗 Wait, were still up 20, right?哈哈 游戏时间 哈哈 Ha-ha! Game time. Hunh!干的漂亮 兄弟 Good job, bros.真为你骄傲 你的球技见长啊 Im proud of you. I saw improvement.也看到了你的诚心 这可是教不来的 And I saw heart. And you cant teach heart.等下 我们是不是忘了什么 Wait a sec. Did we forget something?背包 Th

6、e backpack.背包 我的钱包 The backpack! My wallet.白熊的忍者镖 Ice bear ninja stars.让我来捋一捋 I thought for a second there你说我们把东西落在球场了 You said we left our stuff back at the court而我的手机在里面 如果我掉了手机 Because my phone is in there, and if i lost that我会抓狂的 I would totally freak out.我们弄丢了你的手机 啊 We left your phone. Aaaaah!没

7、了 我们被抢劫了 Oh, its gone. Somebody jacked us!不 不 No, no, no, no.不 Noooooooo!警察 Police! Police! Police!抱歉 我正在开罚单 Whoa, sorry guys. Im already writing this ticket.不 我们被抢劫了 No, no. We were robbed.那个人有把刀而且只有一只眼睛 T-the guy had a knife a-a-and one eye.他偷了我的手机 我的应用 我的灵魂 They stole my phone, my apps, my soul!白

8、熊想要法律制裁他 Ice bear wants justice.逮捕他 用你的枪 Arrest somebody! Use your gun!等等 你怎么没有枪 Wait, wheres your gun?我再也找不到我的手机了 My phone is gone forever.我就以此来纪念吧 I will wear this in remembrance.伙计们 我们要淡定 我有主意了 Bros, keep it together. I have an idea.我们要靠自己来讨回公道 Were gonna take justice into our own hands.完美 出租车 Pe

9、rfect. Taxi!我们是 FBI 正在办一起很重要的案子 FBI. Were on a very important case.把我们送到罪犯出现的地方. 快 Take us everywhere a criminal would hang out. now.噢 能先送我去厕所吗 白熊想喝拿铁 Oh, but can we go to the bathroom first? Ice bear needslatte.噢 嘿 Unh. Hey!比我想象的要难啊 Ugh, this is gonna be tougher than i thought.看 一家餐厅 Look, a diner.

10、好吧 Okay.如果我当时在这儿 你们分别在这儿和这儿 If i was here, and you guys were here and here那. 那个偷包的人在哪儿呢 That would mean someone took the bag. Where?白熊觉得当中有诈 Ice bear has a conspiracy theory.熊猫 你那个脸是根据什么画出来的 Panda, how are the mug shots coming along?幸好我有过目不忘的技能 Its a good thing Ive got a photographic memory.这就是我画下来所

11、有在场的人 Heres what i got so far.嗯 他们长得都一样啊 Hmm, they kind of look similar.是吗 这是经过了特殊渲染的 Really? But theyre so rendered.听着 我刚刚和经理说了 So, i just talked to the manager他说如果你们想坐在这儿 And he said if you guys want to sit here你们就得点单 而不是三杯冰水 Youll have to order more than three ice waters.好吧 如果你知道我们是 FBI. Well, ma

12、ybe you wouldnt say that if we were.你就不会这么说了 女士 FBI, lady!我们正在查案 Were doing official business!离桌子远一点 Step away from the table.别在餐垫上乱涂乱画 And stop wasting table mats!时间不等人 Were losing time.好好想想 需要点线索 Got to think. Need a clue.也许有人在案发现场 Maybe someone who was at the scene of the crime.啊 我知道去哪儿了 Ha! I kn

13、ow just where to go.请再来杯冰水 More ice water, please!没错 是黄色的背包 Yes, its a yellow backpack.你们有线索吗 Any of you birds know anything?我可有糖包哦 Ive got sugar packets.好像他们听不懂 Its almost like they dont understand me.叽叽叽 Tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet.吱吱 叽叽 吱 Squawk, squeak-squeak, tweet, squawk.叽叽叽 喳喳叽 吱吱 Twee

14、t, tweet, tweet. Chip chirp chirp. Squawk-squawk!噢 看呐 Whoa. Hey, look at that.有主意了 给我 小心点 这可是艺术 Idea! Excuse me. Careful! Its art.叽叽叽 Tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet.吱吱 叽叽 吱 Squawk, squeak-squeak, tweet, squawk.喵 叽叽 吱吱吱 Meow, tweet, squawkity-squawk-squawk.好了 你们谁知道 Okay, do any of you birds know是哪

15、个人偷了我们的东西 Which guy here took our stuff?哇 少年郎 来来来 Whoa. Hey, there little guy! Come on down.好的 别着急 看仔细了 Okay, take your time and look carefully.是谁啊 Who was it?啊哈 就是他了 伙计们 Aha! Heres our guy, fellas.第四十一号. 最邪恶的数字 Number 41. evil-est number of them all.告诉我们他在哪 鸽子 Tell us where this criminal is, pigeon

16、!快告诉我们 You tell us right now!哇哦 熊猫 他只是偷了你的东西 Whoa, whoa, whoa, panda, he may have taken your stuff可没偷你的理智 什. But not your dignity. Wha.等等 我们得跟着你 Hold on. W-w-well follow you!噢. 啊 Oh. aah!这个世界上. What in the world is.噢 Ohh!T 恤. 哇哦 T-shir. whoa!什么 What?图书馆. 鸽子带我们来这儿干嘛 A library. why would the pigeon ta

17、ke us here?因为他骗了我们 臭鸟 Because it lied to us! Bad birdy!等等 图书馆可以上网 对吗 Wait a minute. The library has Internet, right?对啊 所以呢 Yeah, so?手机定位 这样就可以找到我的手机了 Phonefinder! Ill track where my phone is.谁才是聪明的小天才啊 Aww, whos the little genius birdy?击个掌吧 伙计 High five, friend.也许他累了 Mm, maybe hes tired.你好 图书馆 带我去你们

18、的网络室 Hello, library! Take me to your Internet!嘘 Shh!噢 不好意思 Oops! Sorry about that.我知道了 I got it.好了 出发 Okay, lets go.就是这里了 Well, this is the place.邪恶的数字 Aah! Evil number!哪呢 你看到我们的东西了吗 Where? Do you see our stuff?我们的东西在他手上 没错 行动 Oh, he has our stuff, all right.Lets move!911 请汇报您的紧急情况 911. whats your e

19、mergency?现在琼斯发球 进攻时间还有十八秒 And now Jones inbounds the ball.Shot clock at 18.避开防守 等等 棕熊 Waves the screen off. Wait, grizz!行动方案是怎样的 Whats the plan?我打算进去把我们的东西拿回来 Well Im going to go in there and get our stuff back.如果他 我不确定 如果他是疯子呢 What if hes, i dont know, crazy?我的意思是若他很强壮的话 I mean, what if he works ou

20、t?我们会被揍得很惨 东西也拿不回了 He can hurt our faces and stuff.北极熊要开始行动了 Ice bear wants to get moving.行了 我们用忍者的方式进入怎么样 Okay, okay, okay. Well go in ninja-style, cool?现在对他们来说是关键时刻 And here they come down the stretch.加强进攻 Double on the post now.琼斯想尽办法把球传出去 Jones manages to get rid of the ball但差点出界 看外线球员 戴夫 But al

21、most turns it over.Look at that perimeter, Dave.棕熊 好吧 Grizz! Oh, right.没办法了 尽管脸上还被对方手遮挡 Hes got nowhere to go, and hes going to take他还是打算投出艰难的一球 A tough shot with a hand in his face!似乎他们正在为西门尼斯上演一出好戏 Looks like theyre running a play for jimenez在右侧阻挡 On the right block.在还剩下一分钟的时候 他拖住了第二后卫 With under

22、a minute left,he draws a seconddefender.来了一个完美的挡拆 Hes shadowing the ball handler beautifully.接下来一记漂亮的传球 Oh, and a beautiful pass!他们拿到了防守篮板 They get the defensive rebound.看 希梅内斯在内线 Oh, look. one Jersey is in the paint.灌篮 太棒了 And what a slam!太棒了 干得好 Ho-ho! Yeah.你们是什么人 Huh? Who are you guys?现在无人持球 Ball

23、 is loose.双方都在争夺 Everyones scrambling for it.谁会抢到呢 Who will come up with it?他传到左侧 He throws a pass to the left side.好危险的斜线跳传 Dangerous skip pass to cross court.我拿到了 他拿到球了 踉跄了一下 I got it! Hes got it, stumbles back.啊 他跌出了界外 Aah! And hes out of bounds!熊猫 他丢掉了这个机会 Panda! Hes lost it.机会没有了 熊猫 Its going a

24、way. Panda?这呢 Here.帮帮我 伙计们 Help, guys.熊猫 小心 Panda, be careful!啊 Hyaaaah!我们这就出来 Aah! Were coming out.你永远都别想抢走我们的东西 大坏蛋 Youll never get our stuff, evil-doer.刚才好险 伙伴们 That was close fellas.我们是警察 This is the police.你们已经被包围了 立刻投降 We have you surrounded. Give up now.这是个天大的误会 This is all a big mistake.我们只是

25、来拿回属于我们的东西 你看 We were just getting back our stuff. See?等等 什么 Wait, what?行动伙伴 这不是我们的 action buddies.this isnt ours.是我的 蠢驴 我一个小时前才租的 Its mine, dummy! I rented it an hour ago.搞什么 What the.额 这完全是个无心的错 不是我们的东西 Uh, so, innocent mistake.not our stuff.没有伤害就不算犯规 对吧 No harm, no foul, right?那几个家伙满城跑搞得到处乌 烟瘴气 T

26、hose guys have been running around the citydestroying stuff.他们还毁了我的 T 恤摊 They ruined my t-shirts stand.那几个家伙来过我的餐厅 Those guys came into my restaurant只点冰水喝 And only ordered only ice water.我们给小费了 Hey! We tipped.是啊 还在我的餐垫上涂鸦了 Yeah, with a table-mat drawing.立马跳下来 我们会接住你们然后送你们到监狱 Jump now. We will catch

27、you and then putyou in jail.做对的事 Do the right thing.好吧 兄弟们 抱一起 Okay, brothers, group huddle.我不想撒谎 情况确实不乐观 Im not gonna lie.its not looking good.似乎我们就是真正的犯人 Looks like the real criminal mightve been us.现在我们必须面对这一结果 And now we must face the consequences.不 Nooo!一个一个跳 慢慢来 Please jump one at a time.slowl

28、y.伙计们 要下我们就一起下 Hey, guys, if we go down, we do it together.我再重复一遍 不要三个一起跳 I repeat. do not jump all at once.不要. Do not.一 二 三 游戏开始了 One, two, three!Game time! Ha!不要.哦 他们一起跳了 Do not. aw, they all jumped.啊 Huh?联邦调查局 FBI!这是你的包吗 Is this your bag?我的手机 My phone!我的钱包 My wallet.北极熊购买这些是合法的 Ice bear bought th

29、ese legally.你们在追击这些犯人上 You boys sure did us a huge favor帮了我们一个大忙 Stumbling upon those criminals.鸽子黑帮是这些犯罪团伙里最难捉的一个 Pigeon cartel is one of the most elusive of criminalgangs.所以公园里的那只鸽子 So that pigeon at the park其实是在误导我们 Really was misleading us?你是说这个家伙吗 Oh, you mean this guy?他其实是我们的内线 Hes actually be

30、en working undercover for us.配备有无线电和其他装备 Wears a wire and everything.很不错对吧 Aint that the cutest thing?你们都不会被指控 但可不能有下次了 Nobodys pressing charges, but dont ever do thatagain.再次感谢 晚安 Thanks again! Good night.你们几个要看电影吗 You guys want to watch a movie?病毒视频嗨 你们在自拍吗 Hey! You guys taking selfies over here?我们看起来可真帅 Oh, we look so hot.你们打算放到网上吗 Are you guys gonna post it online?现在马上放吧 Lets do it right now. Boop.天啊 你看看这珍贵的篮子 Oh, my gosh. Would you look at your precious basket?你们俩真是心心相印啊 You guys must really like each other!你们约会很久了吗 常常拥抱吗 Have you been dating long? Do you hug a lot?你们会一直拥抱吗 Mmm! Do you

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