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本文(英语作文 male and female 大学是否应该在每门学科中接受同等数量的男女学生.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

英语作文 male and female 大学是否应该在每门学科中接受同等数量的男女学生.docx

1、英语作文 male and female 大学是否应该在每门学科中接受同等数量的男女学生Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject.To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. You should write at least 2

2、50 words.Sample Answer 1: In todays modern world, many students are going to university immediately after they finish school. However, the numbers of boys and girls studying in the universities are always not equal which leads to the assertion by the public that universities should receive the ident

3、ical numbers of both genders in every course that they provide. In my opinion, I strongly agree with this claim. Admittedly, every country around the globe is trying to promote the equality between genders so as to ensure that both genders can access to the facilities or resources. In the past, in m

4、any countries, girls are less likely to have the opportunity to further their studies which caused mainly by the narrow-minded of the society. For example, in China, many parents who have daughters often ask their daughters to sacrifice their studies and start to work since they are young. It is owi

5、ng to the reason that they think that their sons are always more talented and knowledgeable than their daughters. Thus, it is crucial for all the universities worldwide to accept the same numbers of male and female students in order to promote equality between the genders. Undeniably, everyone in th

6、e society can contribute to the nation regardless of gender. According to a recent study conducted in Columbia, the result has shown that girls have the same ability as the boys in terms of contribution to the country. It is further explained by a researcher that the female students are actually sma

7、rter than the male students based on their academic performances in universities. Hence, it is clearly shown that the girls should not be discriminated and therefore, be given the same chance as the boys to attend to university. In addition, there are some work fields which require more female emplo

8、yees than male workers due to the characteristics of more considerate and higher endurance. Thus the universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in the courses they provide. In conclusion, in order to promote the equality between genders and to allow every individual to cont

9、ribute endlessly to the nation, it is necessary for all the universities to receive the same number of male and female students. I believe our nation will continue to prosper and flourish in the decades to come once the male and female are given the same chance to further their studies. Sample Answe

10、r 2: During the last century, people did not even take the time to ask this question to themselves whether educational institutes should enrol an equal number of male and female students? Firstly most of the female students stopped going to school much earlier than they do today. And secondly, femal

11、e and male were separated in class in their early childhood. Besides, male as female used to respect the moral and customs of their period. They were much more sensitive about what could the society think about them. Indeed, it was unusual to see a woman taking up medical studies. Despite the evolut

12、ion of our society and the growing womens power some universities or ancient institutions still tend to dismiss candidates applications for unique gender reasons. A university is always trying to attract the best students within its walls. If an institution was led to neglect some applications from

13、brilliant students only to respect this equal number of male and female, I would say one thing: this kind of recruitment is not fair. A part of the students dismissed by the university might be the more deserving of a place when we first glance at their proficiencies than other students accepted onl

14、y thanks to this new law in favour of the equality between men and women. By proceeding this way a university can lose many of future talented students who might bring fame to the university in return by becoming someone well-known. However, if a university has the same percentage of men and women w

15、ith the same level of qualifications, in this case, they must be led to choose their future students according to this kind of criteria. To conclude and in my opinion universities should not accept their future students owing to an equal percentage of female and male but by analysing carefully the s

16、tudents competencies. Sample Answer 3: In this world, there is an emerging number of universities opened up for of students to learn or get a degree, and preparing for the upcoming future. Many male and female students take admission in different subjects every year. Unfortunately, in some countries

17、, many universities have bounded criteria to register more number of male students as compared to females. Due to the least availability of seats for female students, they are forced to leave studies which have become the cause of illiteracy rate to increase. Similarly, in Pakistan, more seats are a

18、vailable for males as compared to females both in public or private institutes. For instance, in the University of Lahore, the number of seats for male students is greater in number in Bachelors of Physics but the number of seats for females is greater than males in Bachelors of Architecture. Howeve

19、r, it is an undeniable fact that less number of females decide to study in universities but in addition to it, they do not get admission in the field of their own choice because of lack of seats for female students. This injustice not only the cause of illiteracy increment but also urges the females

20、 to keep their values down. In Islam, it is clearly declared that there are equal rights for both men and women. Both are the creation of God Almighty. There is no Islamic law which states that females are inferior to males by any aspect of life. Eventually, I will conclude from all discussion above

21、 that it must be equal opportunity for male and female students in all universities with an equal number of seats in every offered program as it is a right of women to choose field whatever they want. There should be no enforcement on females for limited fields of education. Sample Answer 4: In our

22、modern world, the question whether universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject has been widely discussed. A fair portion of people believes that it is the universities responsibility to make the number even in every subject, while others hold the opposite po

23、int of the view. As for me, I agree with the latter one. Firstly, for some certain working positions, the male can do better than female. For example, it is obvious that there are more policemen than policewomen. Man can run faster, men are stronger and men can react to a dangerous situation more qu

24、ickly. All of these points help a man become more suitable to be the police. In this case, universities should have more male students in learning how to become a well-trained policeman in future, rather than female students. Secondly, when it comes to the work of teaching in schools, especially pri

25、mary schools, it is no doubt that men cant do as good as women. It is childrens nature that they always prefer to be taught by female teachers. They treat their female teachers as their close friends, sometimes even their mothers. Normally, comparing to men, women are most likely to understand what

26、are the children thinking and what they want next. For example, if a child accidentally hurts his thumb, his female teacher would hold him in her arms to comfort him. However, the male teacher may tell the child that its not a big deal. For the teaching subject, apparently, universities need to have

27、 more female students. In conclusion, it is not necessary that universities have to make the equal numbers of male and female students in every subject. Actually, the numbers of male and female in a class depend on different subjects. Sample Answer 5: Some people argue that subjects offered by the u

28、niversities should be filled by equal numbers of male and female students. However, since it is already 21st century and gender seems to be not a big deal anymore, thus, in my opinion it is no longer about accepting an equal number of men and women in every subject but it is more about giving an equ

29、al opportunity for both male and female students to choose what they want to study. To begin with, everyone has the right to the education and in fact attending a university needs much more consideration to take. All students, including male and female, who want to go to a university tend to put a l

30、ot of effort preparing their entrance. Since no one can choose what sex they were born to be, then it will be really unfair if the universities consider gender as the criteria in accepting students. Besides, nowadays men and women can take any job, learn any skill and study any major that they want

31、to. For instance, engineering sectors now welcome both men and women students. Another example is fashion industry which is though apparently more dominated by male designers, women can easily pick a career in this sector as well. As a result, there is no limit for particular sex to take over one pa

32、rticular field and university should take a look at it as a reason to open more chances for both genders. Therefore, in conclusion, male and female need to be more encouraged to study based on their interest and capability rather than a stigma of which one is the best for them according to their gender.

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