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1、 Welcome to the unit1. Eddie,arent you getting board with staying at home all day? 埃迪,你整天待在家里难道不感到无聊吗?该剧是一个否定疑问句句式。否定疑问句句式为“助动词/情态动词/be动词与not的缩写形式+主语+谓语+其它?”,通常译为“难道不/没有吗”,所表达的意义通常是:(1)表示惊讶或提出反问。例如:Isnt he a good student? 难道他不是一名好学生吗? Didnt you go home yesterday? 难道你昨天没有回家?(2)表示试探性的建议或有礼貌的请求。Cant yo

2、u ask your parents for help? 你不能像你父母寻求帮助吗?(3)表示责备、批评、抱怨。Cant you be more careful? 难道你就不能更细心点儿吗? Why are you late again? Havent I told you? 你为什么又迟到?难道我没有告诉过你吗?(4)表示征询对方对某人或某物的看法。Dont you think this is an interesting story? 你不认为这是一个有趣的故事吗?吗 注意:在回答否定疑问句时,如果与事实相符,就用yes回答,如果与事实不符,就用no回答。但是yes通常为“不”,no通常意

3、为“是的”。Dont you like music? Yes, I do. 难道你不喜欢音乐吗?不,我喜欢。 Cant he speak English? No, he cant.难道他不会说英语吗?是的,他不会。2. If you are as busy as I am. 如果你和我一样忙碌。 asas意为“和一样”,asas中间接形容词或副词的原级。He is as tall as his father. 他和他爸爸一样高。 I run as fast as he. 我和他跑得一样快。否定形式:not asas意为“(前者)不如(后者)”,第一个as是副词,在否定句中可以用so代替。She

4、 doesnt study as/so hard as her brother. 她学习不如她哥哥努力。 Lucy isnt as/so outgoing as lily. 露西不如莉莉外向。3. A dogs work is never done!狗的工作永远做不完!done此处做形容词,意为“完毕,结束”。I am done with the book. 这本书我看完了。 Is your work done? 你的工作完成了吗?拓展:(1)done作形容词,还意为“熟的,煮熟了的”。The beef is done. 牛肉熟了。(2)done是do的过去分词。Well done! 做得好!

5、4. I like watching documentaries because I can learn a lot about nature, history and real-life events from them。我喜欢看纪录片,因为我能从中学到很多关于自然、历史和真实生活事件的知识。real-life形容词,意为“真实生活的,现实的”,该形容词是:“形容词+名词”构成的一个复合形容词,常在句中作前置定语。类似的还有:high-class(高级的),mid-term(期中的),full-time(全日制的,专职的)His stories are most about real-lif

6、e things. 他的故事大多是关于真实生活的事。 He is a full-time teacher. 他是一名专职教师。5.I hope one day I can take part in one of them, answer all the questions and win a big prize!one day意为“某天,一天”,既可以表示将来的某一天,也可以表示过去的某一天。One day, he went back to school again. 一天,他又回到了学校。 I think you will be sorry one day. 我认为有一天你会后悔的。(1)s

7、ome day也意为“某天,一天”,但是some day只表示将来的某一天。He is sure that he will be successful some day. 他确信有一天他会成功的。(2)prize可数名词,意为“奖品,奖赏”。He won the first prize for singing. 他唱歌获得了第一名。 The scientist won the Nobel Prize. 这名科学家获得了诺贝尔奖。6.There are always famous people on these shows talking about their lives.在这些节目上总有知名

8、人士谈论他们的生活。There is/are sb./sth. doing sth. 是固定结构,意为“有某人/某物在做某事”,结构中的主语sb./sth.是后面动作的执行者,因此用现在分词形式。There are some boys playing football on the playground. 有一些男孩在操场上踢足球。 There is a dog eating a bone. 有一只狗在啃骨头。7.I love cartoons so much.我很喜欢卡通片。so much 此处作副词短语,意为“如此地,非常,这么多”,修饰动词。The girl likes singing

9、so much. 这个女孩非常喜欢唱歌。(1)so much for意为“到此为止”。so much for today今天就到这,so much for this就这么多吧,到此为止。(2)so much 作形容词短语,意为“这么多的”,后面接不可数名词。Students have so much homework to do every day.学生每天有许多作业要做Reading1. A weekly round-up of what is happening in sport, with up-to-date information.一周体育新闻摘要计最新消息。weekly此处作形容词

10、,意为“每周的,每周一次的”。He ordered a weekly magazine.他订了一份周报。weekly作副词,意为“每周地,每周”。He writes to his father weekly.他每周都给他父亲写信。2. The programme covers different sports, such as swimming, basketball and football.本节目报道不同的体育运动,如:游泳,篮球和足球。cover此处作及物动词,意为“报道,电视报道”。I like the programmes that cover films.我喜欢看报道电影的节目。

11、The reporter is covering a piece of news.记者正在报道一条新闻。cover作及物动词,还意为“覆盖,掩盖”。After the heavy snow, the ground was covered with white snow. 大雪过后,地面上铺满了白雪。3. There are a number of interviews with famous players.(本节目中)有一些对著名运动员的访谈内容。a number of意为“一些,许多的,若干的”,后面接可数名词复数,作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。A number of people are

12、 on the beach.海滩上有许多人。辨析:a number of与the number ofa number of意为“一些,许多的,若干的”,相当于many,后面接可数名词复数,作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式,number前面可以用large或small等词修饰,表示程度。A number of students are playing games.许多学生正在做游戏。the number of意为“的数量”,后面接可数名词的复数,作主语时,谓语动词用第三人称单数The number of students in our school is over 2,000.我们学校学生数量超过了

13、两千。4. A report on the coming World Cup will also be included.还有一则关于即将来临的世界杯的报道。coming此处作形容词,意为“即将来临的”。We will have a math test in the coming week.下周我们将有一次数学测试。coming还可以作名词,意为“来临,到来”。The coming of the famous singer makes us excited.这位歌手的到来令我们很兴奋。5. This years Beijing Music Awards will be covered live

14、 this Saturday.本年度“北京音乐颁奖仪式”将于本周六现场直播。live此处作副词,意为“现场直播,实况转播”。This football match will be covered live.这场足球赛将现场直播。live作形容词,意为“直播的,现场的”。It isnt a recorded show, its live.这不是录像,是现场直播。6. Write down your answers and send text messages to 1396 while watching the snow.你在观看节目的时候,写下你的答案并发送短信至1396.text messa

15、ge意为“短信,短信息”,text此处作不可数名词,意为“文本,正文”。The old man cant send text message by mobile phone.这个老人不会用手机发短信。 Childrens books usually have more pictures than text.儿童读物通常是图多于文。text作可数名词,意为“课本,课文”。Pleased read the text first and then explain the new words.请先读课文,然后解释生词。7. Murder in a Country House is a horror f

16、ilm directed by Cindy Clark, a new director.乡宅凶杀案是一部由新晋导演辛迪。克拉克执导的恐怖片。(1) directed by Cindy Clark是过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰前面的film。direct此处作及物动词,意为“导演”。This famous film is directed by Feng Xiaoning.这部著名的电影是由冯小宁导演的。拓展:A.direct作动词,还可意为“指点,指引”。 例如:Can you direct me to the post office.你能指给我去邮局的路吗? B.direct作形容词,意为“

17、直的,直接的,直率的”。This is a direct line.这是一条直线。(2) director可数名词,意为“导演”。Zhang Yimou is one of the most famous directors in China.张艺谋是中国最著名的导演之一。8. In the film, a wealthy doctor is found dead in his house.(1)短语be found dead意为“被发现死了”,dead为形容词,修饰前面的a wealthy doctor。An eight-year-old child was found lost at ho

18、me last night. 一个八岁的小孩昨晚在家被发现丢了。(2)wealthy adj. 意为:“富有的,富裕的”,反义词为poor。He married his daughter to a wealthy man.他把女儿嫁给了一个富人。wealthy是由wealth加后缀y构成的形容词,wealth作不可数名词,意为“财富,财产,富有”。I think health is much more important than wealth.我认为健康要比财富重要得多。wealthy与richwealthy一般只表示在金钱上富有,通常不作表语,只作定语rich范围更广,不仅仅是物质上富有,

19、也表示精神上富有,可以作定语或表语9. This excellent film is full of horror and mysteries.这部精彩的影片充满了恐怖和神秘。be full of意为“充满。装满”The bag is full of books.包里装满了书。 The room is full of students.房间里坐满了学生。be filled with也意为“充满,装满”,与be full of同义。例如:The bottle is filled with water.瓶子里装满了水。10. However, if you get scared easily,do

20、 not watch it!然而,如果你很容易害怕,就不要看了!scared作形容词,意为“害怕的,恐惧的”,常用作表语,修饰人或有生命的动物,be scared of意为“害怕”I was so scared that I could hardly walk.我是如此恐惧以至于我几乎不能走路了。 She is scared of snakes.她怕蛇。11. Tiger Watch won an award for its amazing photography.关注老虎因它令人惊奇的摄影而获奖。win an award for意为“因而获奖”。He won an award for sin

21、ging well.他因为歌唱得好而获奖。12. includes the latest information包括最新的消息。latest此处作形容词,意为“最新的,最近的”。Is it the latest news?这是最新的消息吗? Have you seen his latest film?你看过他最近的电影吗?latest是late的最高级,意为“最晚(的/地),最迟(的/地)”。He always comes earliest and leaves latest.他总是最早来,最晚离开。 He is always the latest one to get to school.他

22、总是最晚到学校的人。13.recorded first and sent out later先录制然后再播放。record此处作及物动词,意为“录制,录像,录音”。If you dont want to read it, you can record it and listen.如果你不能读,你可以把它录下来听。 Please record what they are doing.请把他们正在做的事录下来。record及物动词,还有“纪录”的意思。We should record the events of the past.我们应该把过去的事情纪录下来。Integrated skills1.

23、 I found that they are different from each other.我发现他们彼此不同。(1)be different from意为“与不同”。His lifestyle is different from yours.他的生活方式和你的不一样。 Is this T-shirt different from that one?这件T恤衫和那件不同吗?(2)each other意为“彼此,互相”,在句中通常作及物动词或介词的宾语。We should help each other.我们应该互相帮助。 You can learn from each other.你们可

24、以互相学习。each other不能做主语,其所有格形式为each othersThey know each other very much.他们彼此都很了解。2.Watching TV ads is just a waste of time. waste此处作名词,意为“浪费”,a waste of time意为“浪费时间”She thinks playing cards is a waste of time.她认为玩扑克牌是浪费时间。 Its just a waste of time to speak to him.和他说话纯粹是浪费时间。waste还可以作及物动词,意为“浪费”Peopl

25、e shouldnt waste food.人们不应该浪费食物。Study skills & Task1. Ms Hunter wrote hundreds of poems.亨特女士写了数百首诗。hundreds of意为“成百上千的,数以百计的”,后面接可数名词复数。There are hundreds of people visiting the Great Wall.有成百上千的人在浏览长城。 Hundreds of birds are flying in the sky.数百只鸟儿正在空中飞翔。(1)hundred(百),thousand(千)或million(百万)等的复数形式或介

26、词of连用时,表示不确定的数字,前面不加表示具体数字的基数词,thousands of意为“成千上万的,数以千计的”,millions of意为“数以百万计的”。(2)hundred(百),thousand(千)或million(百万)等数词前面出现表示具体数字时,词尾不能加s,而且不能与of连用。five hundred trees 五百棵树 two thousand years两千年2.The twins received a message from Sarah, who was asking for help.这对孪生兄弟收到萨拉的一个信息,她正在求救。ask for意为“请求,要求,

27、要(某人或某物)”He doesnt want to ask for help.他不想请求帮助。 She asked for a glass of water.她要了一杯水。Grammar1. If Sandy( finds, will find ) a programme interesting, she ( introduces, will introduce ) it to us.如果桑迪(发现,将发现)一个节目很有趣,她会把它(介绍,讲介绍)给我们。find +sb./sth.+形容词,意为“发现某人/某物”,其中的形容词作宾补。I find him unhappy.我发现他不开心。(

28、1)find+宾语+宾补的结构中除了接形容词作宾补外,还可以接名词作宾补。I find him an honest boy.我发现他是个诚实的男孩。(2)find+宾语+宾补还可以转换为find+that从句。The teacher found him very clever.=The teacher found he was very clever.老师发现他很聪明。2. What will a bear do if its in danger?如果熊有危险,它将做什么?be in danger意为“处于危险之中”。He is in danger now, lets hurry to save him.他现在有危险,让我们赶紧去救他。3. However, she tore the tips by accident.然而,她意外地撕坏了这些建议。by accident意为“偶然,意外地”He found the hole by accident他意外地发现了这个洞。. I hu

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