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1、 Marked progress of science and technology Socio-economic,political and cultural changes: The influence of other cultures and languages:1.3 The Composition of English Vocabulary 1.3.1 The Native Element and the Foreign Element of the English Vocabulary 1.3.2 The Basic Word-Stoc

2、k(see1.5.1) and the Specialized Vocabularies(see 1.5.2) 1.3.3 The Three Characteristic Features of the English Vocabulary:Copious,Heterogeneous,Varied 1.4 Word 1.5 Classification of English Words According to Different Criteria 1.5.1 By Origin: Native Words and Loan Words Native Words:1)The

3、Fundamental Features of the Basic Word Stock(All-National character,Stability,Productivity/Word-formaing ability,Collocability/Ability to form collocations,Polysymy); 2)The importance the basic word stock Loan words: are those words which borrowed from other languages. Types of loa

4、n words: denizens, aliens, translation loans, semantic loans Origins of loan words: major from Latin,Greek,and other main languages 1.5.2 By level of usage: common,literary,colloquial,slang,technical,jargon,argot,neologisms words 1.5.3 By notion(概念): function words, content words T

5、he differences between function words and content words:1.5.4 On the morphemic level (P.45,moved from C2): simple,derived(complex) ,compound words C2. Morphology(词法, 形态学) (占27%) 2.1 Open class and closed class(另增加) 2.2 The internal Structure of an English Word:Root,stem,base;Affix;Morpheme;Allomorph

6、;Types of Morphemes(free morpheme,bound morpheme(bound root;affix;root,stem and base)Relations among the internal structures 2.3 Word-Formation (2.3.1-2.3.3 at 45%,three major types of formation) 2.3.1 Composition or Compounding (27%) (复合法):page54 Definition:Orthographic criterion,Phonologic

7、al criterion,Semantic criterion Types of compoundings : noun,adjective, verb compounds 2.3.2 Affixation or Derivation(派生法或词缀法)(17.5%) :Prefixation,Suffixation 2.3.3 Conversion or Functional shift (转成法或功能转换法) (10.5%) 2.3.4 Shortening(缩略法)(11%):Acronymy(首字母拼音法)(Initialism,Acronym),Clipping(截缩法

8、) 2.3.5 Blending (混成法) (6%) 2.3.6 Neoclassical Formation (4%) (新古典词构成法) 2.3.7 Words From Proper Name (2%) (专有名词转成法) 2.3.8 Back-Formation (1%) (反成法或逆成法) 2.3.9 Reduplication or Phrase Compounding (0.5%)(重叠法或短语合成法) Miscellaneous (20.5%) (其它类综合) 2.3.10 Onomatopoeia (拟声法) 2.3.11 Gradation (元音替代法) 2.3.12

9、Morphological Stress (重音变换法 2.3.13 Two-Part Verbs(Phrase verbs) (双词合成法) 2.3.14 Borrowing Words (18.5%) (借词) C3. Word Meaning and the semantic Relations Between Words (占45%) 3.1 Word Meaning and semantic features 3.1.1 The meanings of Meaning:Reference(所指),Concept(概念),Sense(意义) 3.1.2 Conventionality(

10、常规)and Motivation(理据):Conventionality, Motivation (phonetic/onomatopoeic,morphological,Semantic,etymological motivation) 3.1.3 Main Types of Meaning: Gramatical Meaning ,Lexical Meaning (denotative/conceptual, connotative, social or stylistic, affetive, collocative, reflected, thematic meaning) 3.1.

11、4 Componential Analysis(语义成分分析):advantages,disadvantages or drawbacks 3.2 Changes in Word Meaning 3.2.1 Causes of Semantic Change(p.258):Historical cause,Social cause,Foreign influences, Linguistic cause (Towards ellipsis,Towards analogy), Psychological cause (Euphemism, Grandiloquence,Cynicism) 3.2

12、.2 Four Tendencies in Semantic Change: Ristriction or narrowing or specialization,Extension or generalization,Degeneration,Elevation or amelioration of meaning,另增加Transfer 3.2.3 Semantic Development or Change Resulting from the Figurative Use of Words(p.284):Metaphor(隐喻),Metonymy(换喻), Euphemism(委婉词)

13、, 另增加:Simile(明喻)(另增加),Zoosemy(动物喻人法),Hyperbole(夸张法),Litotes(曲言法),Personification(拟人法) 3.3 Monosemy(单义关系),Polysemy and Homonymy (一词多义关系和同形/同音异义关系) 3.3.1 Polysemy(一词多义关系) Two approaches to polysemy:diachronic approach,synchronic approach Two proceses leading to polysemy (p.173):radiati

14、on,concatenation The primary meaning,central meaning,derived meaning(原义、中心义、派生义) The literal meaning and figurative meaning(本义、比喻义) A polysemous word and its contextual meaning(多义词和它的上下文意义) 3.3.2 Homonymy(同形/同音异义关系)(p.177) Types of homonyms:Perfect homonyms,Homophones

15、,Homographs of homonyms:Phonetic convergence,Semantic divergence,Foreign influence,Shortening 3.3.3 The stylistic value of polysemy and homononymy:The differences between polysemy and homonymy (or the differences between polysemes and homonyms).;The values 3.4 Sense Relations Between

16、words(词与词之间的语义关系)(p.190) 3.4.1 Synonymy (同义关系) Major sources of English synonyms(同义词):Borrowing,Dialects and regional English Figurative and euphemistic use of words,Coincidence with idiomatic expressions Types of synonyms:Complete or absolute synonyms,Relative synonyms Synon

17、ymous patterns:The double scale pattern,The triple scale pattern(三词一组的同义词) Synonymous dominants(同义词中组中的中心词)(另增加) The choice and appropriate use of synonyms 3.4.2 Antonymy (反义关系) (p.209) Antonyms classified on the basis of semantic contrast: Contraries(相对性反义词), Complementaries

18、 (互补反义词)Conversives or Relative terms(换位反义词/关系反义词): Some relevant points about antonyms: Marked and unmarked members,Some words without antnonyms,Different antonyms under different circumstances,Lexical antonymy vs syntactic negation,Word order of antonymous pairs. 3.4.3 Hyponymy(上下义关系) (p.21

19、9) 3.4.4 Semantic Field(词义场) (p.223) 3.5 Meaning and Context (意义和语境) 3.5.1 Two types of context Linguistic context:Lexical context,Grammatical context,Verbal context in its broad sense Extra-linguistic context/context of situation:3.5.2 The vital role of context in determination of w

20、ord meaning or the functions ot context: elimination of ambiguity,indication of referents,provision of clues for inferring word-meaing. 3.5.3 Suggested ways for the correct comprehension of word meaning(p.248): The useof an up-to-date and adequate monoligual dictionary A good knowledg

21、e of the culture of the English-speaking people Development of the ability to determine the meaning of a word from its context. C4 . English Idioms (占15%) 4.1 Sources of English idioms 4.2 Characteristics of Idioms 4.3 Classifications of Idioms:Phrase idioms,Clause idioms,Sentence idioms 4.4

22、 Syntactic,structural and stylistic analysis of Idioms: Syntactic function,Transformational restrictions,Collocative restrictions,Structural variability,Stylistic features C5. American English 5.1 Growth of Amercian English: Before independence,From independence to the early 19th century, From the e

23、arly 19th century to the present time;The impact of American Englsih on British English 5.2 Charactristics of American English:Creativeness in enriching the language,Consevativesness or retention of archaic features,Heterogeneity,Relative uniformity in speech,Popularity of slang,Use of big words,Ver

24、bose and plain stlye in writing 5.3 American English and British English Compared:in pronunciation, spelling, grammar, vocabulary C6 English Dictionaries(p.363):(占5%) 6.1 Introductions: Lexicology and dictionaries,Trends of English dictionaries-prescritive and descritive dictionaries 6.2 Types of En

25、glish Dictionaries:Linguistic and encyclopedic;General and special or restricted; Monolingual and bilingual;Synchronic and diachronic;Unabridged,medium-sized,and pocket; Idealogical dictionaries;Monolingual dictionaries for non-native learners 6.3 Some Characteristics of Dictionaries of Contemporary

26、 English 6.4 The choice of an Englsih Dictionary: Suitability,Contents,Authority,Up-to-date-ness 6.5 The use of dictionary:Read the introduction and guide to the use of the dictionary,Make full use of the entry contents, Choose the right meaning,Know the inadequacies of the dictionary (以上的分数所占比例参照全国

27、考题,且不考C5;至于广东考题是否考C5美国英语则不详。)NOTES OF ENGLISH LEXICOLOGY C1. A General Survey to English Vocabulary 1.1.1 Definition :Lexicology is a branch of linguistics,inquiring into the origins and meanings of words. 1.1.2 The Nature and Scope:English lexicology aims at investigating and studying the morpholog

28、ical structures of English words and word equivalents, their semantic structures, relations, historical development, formation and usages. 1.1.3 The subjects that English Lexicology correlated with amd extent to:English Lexicology is correlated with such linguistic disciplines as morphology, semanti

29、cs, etymology(词源学),stylistics(文体论) and lexicographay. 1.1.4 The reason for a student to study English lexicology:According to the textbook,English Lexicology will definitely be benefical for students of English.A good knowledge of morphological structures of English words and rules of word-formation

30、 will help learners develop their personal vocabulary and consciously increase their word power.The information of the historical development and the principles of classification will give them a deeper understanding of word-meaning and enable them to organize,classify and store words more effectively.The understanding and their sense relations will gradually raise their awareness of meaning and usage,and enable them use words more accurately and appropriat

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