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Cultural relics教案1.docx

1、Cultural relics教案1Cultural relics教案1Unit 1 cultural relics 鏁欐潗鍒嗘瀽I锛庢暀瀛唴瀹瑰垎鏋?鏈 崟鍏冪殑璇濋 鏄 滄枃鍖栭仐浜濄?Warming up閮垎棣栧厛璁 鐢熷 鏂囩墿鐨勫畾涔夋湁鎵浜嗚锛岀劧鍚庤 瀛敓璁 鏂囩墿鎵搴斿叿鏈夌殑鐗圭偣锛屽湪姝熀纭涓婅 瀛敓鐪嬪嚑骞呭浘鐗囷紝杩涗竴姝 璁衡滄槸涓嶆槸鍙 湁鍍忚姳鐡惰繖鏍风殑涓滆鎵嶇畻鏄 枃鐗紝寤虹瓚鐗畻涓嶇畻鏂囩墿鈥濊繖涓 棶棰樸?Pre-reading閮垎璁捐 浜嗕竴涓 棶棰樿 瀛敓瀵圭惀鐝杩涜 鍒濇 鐨勪簡瑙紝鐒跺悗蹇 熸祻瑙堟枃绔犮?Reading閮垎涓昏 浠嬬粛浜嗘湁鍏充縿

2、缃楁柉閬楀鐞弨灞嬬殑杞堕椈銆?Learning about Language 閮垎棣栧厛瀹夋帓浜嗘牴鎹 嫳璇 噴涔夋惌閰嶈瘝姹囩殑缁冧範锛屽姏姹傚珐鍥哄 鐢熷 鏂拌瘝姹囩殑鐞嗚鍜岃 蹇嗭紱姝 锛岄拡瀵规湰鍗曞厓鐨勮 娉曢噸鐐?-瀹氳 浠庡彞锛岃 閮垎杩樺寘鍚 簡鐩稿綋鍒嗛噺鐨勭粌涔狅紝璁 鐢熼氳繃瀵绘壘璇炬枃涓 殑瀹氳 浠庡彞鍚 彂瀛敓鍘诲彂鐜般佸綊绾冲拰澶嶄範闄愬埗鎬畾璇 粠鍙紝鍚屾椂寮曞叆闈為檺鍒舵畾璇 粠鍙殑鏁欏 涓庤 缁冦?Using Language 閮垎鐨凴eading and listening鍜宻peaking涓昏 閫氳繃瀵筫vidence, fact鍜宱pinion涓変釜璇嶇

3、殑璁茶杈瀽锛屽悓鏃剁粨鍚堢惀鐝灞嬬 濂囧韪 繖涓浜嬩欢锛屽 瀛敓杩涜 鍚 姏璁 粌锛屾湁鏁堝湴甯 姪瀛敓灏嗘墍瀛唴瀹逛笌瀹為檯鍒柇鑳藉姏鐨勫煿鍏荤粨鍚堣捣鏉傜揣闅忓叾鍚庣殑reading and writing瀵逛竴灏佷俊杩涜 璁 涔嬪悗锛屾牴鎹 墍缁欏嚭鐨勬彁绀哄啓涓灏佸洖淇紝杩欎竴閮垎閫氳繃灞曠涓嶅悓浜哄 寰呭浗瀹舵枃鍖栭仐浜殑涓嶅悓鎬佸害锛屽紩鍙戝 鐢熸濊冿紝璁粬浠 彂琛嚜宸辩殑鐪嬫硶锛屽叿鏈夌幇瀹炴剰涔夈?Learning Tips 閮垎榧撳姳瀛敓鍘诲弬瑙傚崥鐗 鎴栨枃鍖栭仐浜儨鍦帮紝瀛範鏈夊叧鐨勭煡璇嗭紝灏藉姏涓哄 鍥芥父瀹彁渚涘 娓告湇鍔紝涓鏂归潰鍙 互鍊熸 鏈轰細閿荤偧鑷 繁鐨勮

4、嫳璇 彛璇 紝鍙竴鏂归潰涔熷彲浠粨浜湅鍙嬨?II锛庢暀瀛噸鐐瑰拰闅剧偣 1锛庢暀瀛噸鐐?(1) 鏈 崟鍏冪殑鐢熻瘝鍜岀煭璇 ?(2) 鎺屾彙闄愬埗鎬笌闈為檺鍒舵畾璇 粠鍙殑鐢硶锛岀悊瑙袱鑰呮湁浣曚笉鍚屻?(3) 浜嗚鐞弨灞嬬殑鍘嗗彶锛屼簡瑙笘鐣屾枃鍖栭仐浜紝澧炲己鏂囧寲閬椾骇淇濇姢鎰忚瘑銆?2锛庢暀瀛毦鐐?(1) 瀛細鍖哄埆浜嬪疄涓庤 鐐癸紝閿荤偧鎬濈淮鍒嗘瀽鑳藉姏銆?(2) 鐢嫳璇 杈捐嚜宸辩殑鐪嬫硶鎴栧緛姹傚埆浜虹殑鐪嬫硶銆?III锛庢暀瀛 鍒?鏈 崟鍏冨垎浜旇 鏃讹細 绗 竴銆佷簩璇炬椂锛歐arming Up锛孭re-reading, Reading, Comprehending 绗 笁

5、銆佸洓璇炬椂锛?Learning about Language 绗 簲璇炬椂锛?Using LanguageIV锛庢暀瀛 楠細 Period 1 &2 Warming Up, Pre-reading, Reading, Comprehending Teaching Goals: 1. To learn about cultural relics. 2. To learn about the restrictive and non-restrictive attributive clause. Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Leading-in Purpose: To

6、get Ss to make a definition about cultural relics. Ask Ss four questions as follows. 1. What kind of old things are cultural relics? 2. Are all the old things cultural relics? 3. What is the definition and classification of cultural relics? 4. To whom do cultural relics belong? Suggested answers: 1.

7、 Cultural relics are physical remainders of what different peoples valued in the past and continue to value now. It can also be said cultural relics are more than works of art, they are symbols of history and the people who lived in the past. 2. No, not all the old objects are cultural relics. 3. Ea

8、ch kind of relics preserves some aspect of cultural heritage and each relic is till a unique cultural expression and contributions. 4. In a larger sense, it can be said that all the cultural relics belong to all peoples and whole societies, not a certain individual. Step 2. Warming Up 1. Pair work G

9、et Ss to make a choice between 鈥渃ompelling interests鈥? in this case the interests of a family and the interests of society. 2. Group work Get Ss to role-play a conversation between you and the man. Suggested dialogue: YOU: Hello, I am here to see Mr. Zhang Ri. Are you Zhang Ri? MAN: Yes, I am. YOU:

10、My name is Hu Yuan. Im from the Office for Cultural Relics. MAN: Oh, is there some problem? YOU: Perhaps. I understand that you have an old Ming Dynasty vase. MAN: Yes, I do but its not mine. Er-it belongs to my family. YOU: Hmm. May I have a look at it? MAN: Why, yes, of course. Please come in. Rig

11、ht this way. Here it is. YOU: Its quite beautiful. MAN: Yes, it is, isnt it? Its been with our family for a long time. YOU: Mr. Zhang, Im sorry to tell you this but Im quite certain this is a cultural relic. MAN: Oh, how can you be sure? YOU: It is just like the one described in a report I got. MAN:

12、 What report? YOU: A report about a relic that is missing from a museum. MAN: I havent heard about that. YOU: Perhaps not. You say this relic has been in your family a long time? MAN: Well, actually, one of my cousins gave it to us. YOU: When was that? MAN: Last year around the time of the Mid-Autum

13、n Festival. YOU: Im sorry to say this but I believe this is the relic the museum has lost. Step 3. Pre-reading Purpose: To get Ss to form a responsible attitude towards cultural relics.The Great Wall The Leshan Giant BuddhaMausoleum of the first Win Emperor and the Terracotta Warriors 1. The above p

14、ictures are some of the 30 world cultural relics in China. Get Ss to know something about them. Ss can have a talk about them. 鈼?Mount Taishan(娉板北), listed as world cultural and natural site in 1987. 鈼?The Great Wall (闀垮煄), cultural site, 1987. 鈼?The Imperial Palace of the Ming and Qing Dynasties in

15、 Beijing and Shenyang (鍖椾含鏁呭 銆佹矆闃虫晠瀹?, cultural site, 1987, 2004. 鈼?The Mogao Caves (鏁厡鑾 珮绐?, cultural site, 1987. 鈼?The Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor and the Terracotta Warriors (绉 鐨囬櫟鍙婂叺椹 繎鍧?, cultural site, 1987. 鈼?The Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian (鍛彛搴楀寳浜 尶浜洪仐鍧), cultural site, 1987. 鈼?Mou

16、nt Huangshan (榛勫北), cultural and natural site, 1990. 鈼?The Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area (涔濆 娌熼 鏅 悕鑳滃尯), national site, 1992. 鈼?The Huanglong Scenic and Historic Interest Area (榛勯緳椋庢櫙鍚嶈儨鍖?, natural site, 1992. 鈼?The Wulingyuan Scenic and Historic Interest Area (姝櫟婧愰 鏅 悕鑳滃尯), na

17、tural site, 1992. 鈼?The Mountain Resort and its Outlying Temples, Chengde (娌冲寳鎵垮痉閬挎殤灞卞簞鍙婂懆鍥村 搴?, cultural site, 1994. 鈼?The Temple and Cemetery of Confucius and the Kong Family Mansion in Qufu (鏇查槣瀛斿簷銆佸瓟搴溿佸瓟鏋?, cultural site, 1994. 鈼?The Ancient Building Complex in the Wudang Mountains (姝綋灞卞彜寤虹瓚缇?,

18、cultural site, 1994. 鈼?Historic Ensemble of the Potala Palace, Lhasa (x钘忓竷杈炬媺瀹?), cultural site, 1994. 鈼?The Lushan National Park (搴愬北), cultural site, 1996. 鈼?Mount Emei and the Leshan Giant Buddha Scenic Area (宄湁灞?-涔愬北澶經椋庢櫙鍚嶈儨鍖?, cultural and natural site, 1996. 鈼?The Ancient City of Pingyao (骞抽仴鍙

19、煄), cultural site, 1997. 鈼?The Classical Gandens of Suzhou (鑻忓窞鍥 灄), cultural site, 1997. 鈼?The Old Town of Lijinag (涓芥睙鍙煄), cultural site, 1997. 鈼?The Summer Palace (棰愬拰鍥?, cultural site, 1998. 鈼?The Temple of Heaven: an Imperial Sacrificial Altar in Beijing(澶潧),cultural site, 1998. 鈼?Dazu Rock Car

20、vings (澶冻鐭冲埢), cultural site, 1999. 鈼?Mount Wuyi(姝灞?, cultural and natural site, 1999. 鈼?Mount Qincheng and the Dujiangyan Irrigation System (闈掑煄灞扁曢兘姹熷牥), cultural site, 2000. 鈼?Ancient Villages in Southern Anhui-Xidi and Hongcun (瀹夊窘鍙潙钀解曡閫掋佸畯鏉?, cultural site, 2000. 鈼?Longmen Grottoes (榫欓棬鐭崇獰), cul

21、tural site, 2000. 鈼?Imperial tombs of the Ming and Qing Dynasties (鏄庢竻鐨囧 闄靛瘽), cultural site, 2000. 鈼?Yungang Grottoes (浜戝唸鐭崇獰), cultural site, 2001. 鈼?Three Parallel Rivers of Yunan Protected Areas (涓夋睙骞舵祦), 2003. 鈼?Capital cities and Tombs of the Ancient Koguryo Kingdom (楂樺彞涓界殑鐜嬪煄銆佺帇闄靛拰璐垫棌澧撹懍), cu

22、ltural site, 2004. 2. After Ss talk about the cultural relics above, ask them the following two questions. And Let them say as much as they can. (1) Think of a cultural relic you know about. How would you feel if it got lost? Why? (2) If you find a cultural relic, what will you do with it. Step 4. R

23、eading Purpose: To let Ss know about what happened to the Amber Room.1. Listen to the recording of the text In Search Of The Amber Room twice. Pay attention to the pronunciation of each word and the pauses within each sentence. 2. Skim the text to get the key words and general idea of each paragraph

24、. 1st paragraph 2nd paragraph 3rd paragraph 4th paragraph 5th paragraphSuggested answers:1st paragraph The introduction about the Amber Room: design, color, shape, material 2nd paragraph The present to the Czar: a part of winter palace in St. Petersburg, a reception hall for important visitor 3rd pa

25、ragraph The relocating of the Amber Room in Catherir II times: moved into Summer Palace, more added to its design 4th paragraph The missing of the Amber Room: the two countries were at war, Nazi German army stole the Amber Room, 27 wooden boxes were carried by train to a German city, Nobody knew it

26、from then on 5th paragraph The rebuilding of the Amber Room: a new one but the same as the old built by the two countries, for celebrating the 300th birthday of Peterburg3. Get Ss to tell the characteristics of the passage, such as the type of writing, and the tense. Suggested answers: This passage

27、is a narrative prose or non-fiction article written in a narrating style. It tells the history of the Amber Room in order of time so that we can clearly learn about what happened to it. The tense used in the text is the past tense. 4. Read the text again to complete the table, which lists all the nu

28、mbers in the text. NUMBER THINGS ABOUT THE NUMBER 1716 1770 1941 2003 600 2 2 100,000 27 300thSuggested answers:NUMBER THINGS ABOUT THE NUMBER 1716 Fredric William gave the Amber Room to Peter the Great as a gift. 1770 Catherine II had completed the adding to the Amber Room.1941 The Nazi German army

29、 stole the Amber Room. 2003 The rebuilding of the Amber Room was completed. 7000 Tons The total weight of the ambers used to make the room 55 The number of soldiers given to the king of Russia in return 600 The number of the candles lighting the Amber Room 2 The two countries: German and Russia 2 In

30、 tow days the Amber Room was removed to a German city. 100,000 The Amber Room was dismantled into 100,000 pieces. 27 27 wooden boxes used to contain the pieces of the Amber Room 300th the newly rebuilt Amber Room ready for the 300the birthday of St Petersburg city Step 5. Comprehending Purpose: To c

31、heck whether Ss have understood the text. 1. Get Ss to finish Ex1 (P2) and Ex2 (P2). Suggested answers: Ex1: 1. C 2. E 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.F Ex2: Paragraph 1: How was the Amber Room made? Paragraph 2:Why did the King of Prussia give the Amber Room to the Czar of Russia as a gift? Paragraph 3:How did the A

32、mber Room become one of the wonders of the world? Paragraph 4:How did the Amber Room get lost? Paragraph 5:How was a new Amber Room built? 2. Get Ss to complete the following form, according to the text. Type of writing Main idea of the passage General idea of 1st paragraph General idea of 2nd paragraph General idea of 3rd paragraph General idea of 4th paragraph General idea of 5th paragraph Suggested answers: Type of writing Narrative writing. Main idea of the passage the history of the Amber Room General idea of 1st paragraph

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