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初中英语《Unit3 Im more outgoing than my sister》优质教学设计教案Word格式.docx

1、1) Key words:a. tall short long/short hair smart (run)fast (jump)high(work)hardb. heavy funny lazy friendly (get up)earlyc. thind. quietly loudly outgoing hardworking 及 其 比 较 级2) Target languages:Tara works as hard as Tina.Thats Tara, isnt it? No, it isnt. Tina is taller than Tara. Tina sings more l

2、oudly than Tara.3) Learn to use comparatives to compare personal traits.Process and methods: Form good habits of preview beforeclass, discussion during class and summary after class. (在学习过程中养成良好的预习、小组合作和复习习惯。)Emotional attitude and values: Everyone has his/hershortcomings and merits. (尺有所短寸有所长。) 请学会

3、正视自己和他人。(设计说明:将知识目标以 “知识树” 的形式呈现,其中,最基础的是知识目标,再上一层是能力目标,最高一层是德育目标,一级级升华,能够帮助同学们从整体认知上对本节课的学习内容有所认识。三、Key points and difficult points:1. The comparative degree of the adjectives or adverbs.2. Talk about personal traits and compare people freely with the target languages.四、Teaching methods and learnin

4、g strategiesIn this lesson, Ill mainly use “task-based” teaching method assisted with situational approach and audio-visual method. Ill instruct Ss to use cooperative learning, “learning from doing, learning from using”, so some situation and activitieswill be designed.五、Teaching procedures and purp

5、oses: Preview activities:1.Invite Ss to watch the micro course ( 微课程) about the comparative forms of adjectives and adverbs , so they can overcome some difficulties by themselves.在本节课前先请同学们观看微课程形容词和副词的比较级,该预习内容为本节课教学重点的突破做好铺垫,同时教师通过学生预习效果的反馈,可以更有针对性地教,学生可以更有针对性的学。Step 1 Warm-up &Lead-in1. Before the

6、 class, Ill show some proverbs with comparative sentence patterns. Ss are interested in them and they will produce a good atmosphere that has close relation with this lesson.课前几分钟先请同学们观看含有比较级的英语谚语,伴随着轻缓的背景音乐,这些含有比较级的英文表达有助于营造良好的学习氛围,同学们在欣赏时自然感知本节课的魅力。2. Then show the picture of Snow White and the li

7、ttle dwarf, lead Ss to review the dialogue “What does she/ he look like?” Then finish 1a. At this time, Ill invite two students to play the role of Snow White and the little dwarf. Because of the sharp comparison between these two characters, the comparative forms will be led in naturally, then Ill

8、lead students to read them.由提问白雪公主和七个小矮人的外貌作为导入,使同学们快速复习已经学过的话题和描述外貌及性格的形容词,轻松完成 1a, 同时邀请两名同学分别扮演白雪公主和小矮人,由于这两种人物形象存在鲜明对比,自然导入这些形容词的比较级形式)Step2 Presentation and practiceFirst, encourage Ss to say more adjs of personal traits to compare these two characters. If they cant, Ill help them think by watch

9、ing a short video. At this time, Ss become interested in how to express the comparison between Snow White and the little dwarf, so the comparative sentencepatterns appeared as models. After that, Ill invite Ss to say more sentences to compare these two characters.播放白雪公主和小矮人的视频短片,能够在激发学生兴趣的同时,使同学们打开思

10、路,想出更多关于这两种人物的对比,这有助于学生举一反三,积累更多描述人物特点的形容词及其比较级形式,并由此引出比较级句型)Second, listen to 1b, learn to identify people by comparing personal traits. Then I design a little activity , show somestars, let Ss identify them with their traits and compare them with the target languages. Next listen to 2b to learn mo

11、re comparative sentences and listen again to check the answers and try to imitate the pronunciation.1b 的听力比较简单,通过比较人物特点进行判断,用来检测学生对比较级句型的掌握,并引出辨认人物的句型,再通过几组明星的对比和对话示例来加以巩固,2b 的听力可以让学生听、读、模仿更多的比较级句型。Step3 ProductionActivity 1 Let Ss work with a group to compare their partners with themselves. Try to

12、say more comparisons. Then Ill design a situational PK, let Ss challenge their competitors as the model dialogue. And Ill give them a comment. Remind Ss that “Everyone has his strong and weak points.”学生们学习了目标语言后就渴望及时的运用,先请同学们借助 2c 表格与自己的搭档“比一比”,熟练后可将全班分成两组进行 PK,哪一队能说出更多比较级句型为胜,并借助此教育机会进行德育渗透“尺有所短,寸有

13、所长。”,同时鼓励同学们养成正确的合作竞争意识。Activity 2 Lead Ss to become a better person and think about our city that is becoming better and better because the Civilized City Building, try to write a passage with the target languages to advertise our city. Last but not least, encourage Ss take an active part in the ac

14、tion and love our city, love ourcountry.Situationallearning can encourageSs use thetargetlanguages,situation.while the emotional aimsare reachedin the检测同学们对目标语言掌握情况的更高一层就是写,引导同学们联系身边的“创城”行动,谈一谈,写一写我们的城市发生了怎样的变化,鼓励其用比较级句型写一篇小短文来宣传我们的城市,最后升华一下,鼓励同学们热爱我们的城市,热爱我们的祖国。Step4 Group-workAccording to the form

15、er study, show the comparative forms of some adjectives. And let Ss discuss the rules with a group and check their preview. So its easy to finish 2a.小组合作讨论,小组展示讨论结果,教师补充说明,师生课堂探究,质疑问难,既攻克了教学重点,又培养了学生自主预习的习惯,提高了小组合作学习的能力,而且,通过学生自主预习、合作探究总结语法规律更有意义和效率。Step 4 ExerciseLink the High School Entrance Exami

16、nation.巩固练习环节设计两个比较精炼的中考题,因为八年级的学生理应适当接触中考考点。Step5 Summary &HomeworkSummarize the whole lesson by drawing a mind map.Arrange the homework according to their learning levels.以思维导图的方式总结本节课的内容,有助于学生记忆, 并且有利于提高其发散思维,作业分层布置,相当于私人订制,使不同学习水平的学生都能享受成功的喜悦。以比较级的特殊句型作为结束,承上启下,引发学生进一步探索形容词、副词比较级的好奇心。) 六、Blackboard Design

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