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1、出入境边防检查人员 Exit and entry frontier inspection staff海关人员 Customs officer船长Captain大副 Chief Officer二副Second officer三副Third officer驾驶员Navigation officer水手长Bosun水手Sailor爬梯Ladder指泊灯Berthing light指泊旗Berthing flag视频监控系统Video monitoring systemVessel Structures 船体结构船头Bow船体Hull船尾Stern左舷Port side右舷Starboard side

2、前尖舱Fore peak tank尾尖舱After peak tank驾驶室Bridge防波堤Breakwater甲板Deck舱口Hatch舱Hold舱盖Hatch cover 导槽Guide rail贝Bay槽Row层Tier吃水Draft前吃水Fore draft后吃水After draft允许最大吃水the permitted maximum draft Containers 集装箱标准箱Twenty foot equivalent unit(TEU)超高箱Over-height container 半高箱Half height containerLocking bar bracket锁

3、杆支架Corner fitting角件Corner post角柱Ventilator通风器Damaged containers 残损集装箱Bent弯曲的Blocked堵塞的Broken/Split破损/开裂的Deformed变形的Burned out烧坏的Contaminated污染的Corroded/Rusty腐蚀/锈蚀的Cut割伤的Dented凹陷的Frozen冻结的Holed破洞的Leaked泄漏的Loose松动的Missing/Lost遗漏/丢失Bruised擦伤的Odor臭味Oil stain油污Paint failure脱漆Wear and tear磨耗及损伤Seal broken

4、 or missing铅封损坏或丢失Mark broken or off标记损坏或脱落Slight damage 轻微残损Serious damage严重残损 Original damage原残Stevedore damage工残B:Yes, everything is ready. Berthing lights/ flag have been put in position. 是的,一切都已经准备就绪,指泊灯/旗已经摆放好了。A: Which side to berth the terminal? 哪一舷靠泊码头?B: Portside/Starboard side. 左舷/右舷Key w

5、ords: Clear the berth 清泊 Berthing light/flag 指泊灯/旗 Putin position 将某物放好/归位 Portside/Starboard 左舷/右舷 Dialogue 2 靠泊过程 The berthing speed is too fast, please slow down and be careful of the port facilities. 靠泊速度太快了,请减速并小心港口设备。 OK. I will slow down.好的,我会减速。 Drop anchor now.现在抛锚。 OK.好的 The rising/falling

6、 tide is urgent, please release/ loosen the cable/line.正在涨潮/退潮,水流急,请松缆绳。 I have loosen the cable. Is that OK?已松缆绳,可以吗?A:Please heave ten more meters backward (forward).请向后(向前)再绞十米。OK,the cable is ready. Im going to put down the gangway.缆绳弄好了,我准备放下舷梯。 OK. Please put down the gangway on the portside/s

7、tarboard side and secure the safety net.好的。请放下左舷(右舷)舷梯,固定好安全网。 Slow down 减速 Be careful of 小心 Drop anchor 抛锚 Rising/Falling tide 涨/退潮 Fasten/Tighten cable 紧缆绳 Release/Loosen cable 松缆绳 Put down gangway 放下舷梯 Secure safety net 固定安全网 Heave meters forward/backward 向前/后绞米Dialogue 3 与船方沟通水吨? 5 ton.5吨 Whats

8、the depth of the fore-draft? How about the aft-draft?船头吃水是多少?船尾呢? Fore-draft is 9m, aft-draft is the same.船头吃水是9米,船尾9米。 According to the requirements of load shedding, the fore-draft should not be more than 8.5 meters, and the aft-draft (should not be more than) 9 meters. 根据减载要求,船首不超过8.5米,船尾不超过9米。 H

9、ow deep is the water at low tide (high tide) when the ship is alongside the berth?码头停船在低潮/高潮时为多少米? Its 17 meters at high tide and 10 meters at low tide.码头停船在高潮时深17米,低潮时深10米。Key words: TPC -Tons per centimeter 每厘米吃水吨 Draft 吃水 fore-draft 前吃水 aft-draft 后吃水 Load shedding 减载 Low/High tide 低/高潮Dialogue 6

10、船方询问班次 Are you on duty today?你今天值班吗? Yes. 是的。 How many shifts a day?一天开多少班次? We have three shifts a day. 我们一天开了3班。 From what time to what time?从什么时间到什么时间工作。 The morning shift is from 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The evening shift is from 5:00 p.m. to mid-night. The night shift is from mid-night to 7:30 a.

11、m. 早班从上午7:30至下午5:00.中班从下午6:00到晚上.夜班从深夜00:00到早上7:30。 That means 24 hours work, no stop?24小时开工,不停? Yes, no Sundays and holidays. 是的,没有周末和假日。Dialogue 9 调整Stowage Hello. May I speak to the planner for APL China?你好,我找APL船的计划员。 Speaking, please.我是,请讲。 I have received your Pre-Plan, but our loading figure

12、is different from yours. The shipping company has a lot of COV and COD, so you need to adjust the stowage according to the updated Loading Figure Report.我已经收到你的预配,但现在的装船数与你的预配有较大出入。因为船公司有大量的COV、COD,所以你需要根据更新的数据重新调整配载。 OK. When will you send it to me?好的,你什么时候把它发给我? I will send it to you within 30 min

13、utes. See you. 我半个小时内发给你。再见。 Loading figure 装船数据 Be different from和不一样 COV-Change Outbound Vessel 改船 COD-Change Outbound Dock 改港 Adjust stowage 调整配载 Within 30 minutes 半小时内Dialogue 10 增加货柜 This is the ship planner Xiao Ming, responsible for the load plan of OOCL. What can I do for you?我是船舶计划员小明,负责OOC

14、L船的装船计划。有什么事吗? Im the chief officer and Im just informed by the office that they want to load 6 more 40 feet containers for HAM, 10 20 feet for Kobe.你好,我是大副。我刚接到通知船方要求多装6个到汉堡的40尺柜,10个到神户港的20尺柜。 Any good suggestions from you?你有什么好的建议吗? Based on your Pre-plan, I would suggest the 6 HAM containers go t

15、o Bay 26 Row 7-9 and Tier 86-88. 根据你的预配载,我建议6个汉堡柜放在26bay,7-9槽,86-90层。 OK, I agree. As for the 10 20 feet containers, you can load them in Bay07 Row 8-10 and tier 82-90. 好的,我也这么认为。至于那10个20尺柜就装到07bay, 8-10槽,82-90层。 Thats great. Thanks. Be stacked too high 堆放得过高Lashing force 绑扎强度 Light box 轻箱 Follow in

16、structions 遵照指示Dialogue 13船舶稳心高问题 Hello, Im the chief officer. According to the system, the metacentric height is two large, Im afraid that you need to adjust the stowage plan.根据系统显示,GM值过大,需要调整配载。 OK. Ill move the 10 boxes in Bay 20 Hold to the deck of Bay 18. Is that OK?好的,我把20bay舱底的10个箱子移到18bay舱面。

17、可以吗? ok. 好的。Metacentric height 船舶稳心高Adjust stowage plan 调整配载Moveto 把移到.Dialogue 14航行视线问题 According to my inspection on board and the profile , it would be impossible to load one HQ in BAY 64 Hold ROW 05 and 06 after loading 5 tiers high fully due to the vessel visibility. Please advice how should we

18、 handle this?据我在船上观察和资料显示,由于受航行视线的影响,64贝的5和6槽在装了5层高后不可能再装一个高柜了。我们要怎么处理呢? I think maybe you could load the HQ to the Deck?或许你可以将这个高柜放到甲板面? Sure. Thanks for the advice.好的,谢谢你的建议。Inspection 观察On board 在船上Its impossible to 不可能做Vessel visibility 航行视线Dialogue 15 堆存重量问题 Good morning. This is the chief offi

19、cer speaking. Sorry to bother you but the the wharf to be checked for damage.大副,这个箱子侧板严重刮伤,需要放在码头上验残。 The container is totally deformed and cant be unloaded with container spreader. 但这个集装箱完全变形,无法用吊具吊箱。 We have to discharge it with hooks instead and we need some time to change spreader. 那我们只能换用吊勾卸货,需

20、要一些时间换吊具。 Please be quick. This will delay our working time. 请快点,这将耽误我们的时间。Side panel 侧板Be checked for damage验残Totally deformed 完全变形Spreader 吊具Hook 吊钩Dialogue 18 大副要求对留船箱做翻手 There are 2 containers loaded in SIN which are not properly loaded. Hope you can help to re-stow it. 有2个在新加坡装的箱子不太合理,希望你能帮我们做翻

21、柜。 OK, but firstly we need a request letter from you. Then I will contact the Local Office.好的,但是你先写个申请信,然后我们会通知当地办公室。 Sure, I will send you the request letter right now.好的,我现在就给你发申请信。 All right, the re-stow will be arranged as soon as you get the permission. 好的,只要一经允许,我马上安排做翻柜。Re-stow 重装Request lett

22、er 请求信;申请信Arrange 安排Get permission 得到允许Dialogue 19 核对单证信息 Chief officer, in accordance with the bay plan, there should be 15 Guangzhou vans in Bay 17. But weve found only 14 there. One van is short. Its container Dialogue 21 签单 Chief, here are the Overlanded and Shortlanded Cargo List for you to sig

23、n.大副,这里有货物溢短卸清单需要你签字。 Whats the result?溢短情况如何? Two containers are over-landed and 10 containers shortlanded.两个溢卸。10个短卸。 Thats impossible.这不可能。 The figure is based on the fact. You cant refuse to sign.这是事实,您不能拒绝签字。 However, the shortage is too much. I have to put remarks, anyhow.然而,短卸数量太多了,无论如何,我得做个记

24、录。 What remarks?什么记录? “In dispute”. “有争议”。 What do you mean by it?这是什么意思。 Were not in agreement on that point. So the shortage of the cargo is in dispute. Thats it.我们在这点没达成一致,因此短卸货物存在争议。就这样。Shortlanded Cargo List 货物短卸单Thats impossible 这不可能Refuse to 拒绝In dispute 争论中Dialogue 22 要求帮忙加淡水 What can I do f

25、or you, sir?请问有什么要帮忙? We are running out of the fresh water on the vessel. Can you get about 200 tons fresh water here?我们船上的淡水快用完了,我们希望能加200吨水。 Sure. You need to fulfill some procedures for that.当然可以。你需要办一些相关手续。 No problem. This letter serves to inform/ advise you that. 这封信旨在通知/建议你. We are pleased/

26、glad to inform/advise you that. 很高兴地通知你.3.1Main body(正文)1)Requests(请求;询问)Could you please send us.(the stowage plan) ?请问您可以发一份配载图给我们吗?We would appreciate it if you could help us.如果能得到您的帮助,我们感激不尽。May we ask you to send us .as soon as possible?您能尽快发一份.给我们吗?2) Thanks (感谢)We thank you very much for your

27、 cooperation in this matter.非常感谢您这次的合作。We take this opportunity to thank you for your help.借这次机会感谢您的帮助。We very much appreciate the efforts you have made in this connection.非常感谢您在此次合作中所做的努力。3)Apologies(道歉)Please accept our apologies again.请再次接受我们的道歉。We hope that this has not caused you any inconvenie

28、nce.希望不会给您带来不便。We are extremely sorry for the inconvenience/annoyance we have caused you.给您带来的麻烦我们深感抱歉。3.5 Ending(结尾)1) 期待对方的及时回复。Were looking for your early reply.We hope to hear from you soon.Your early reply will be highly appreciated.We hope that you will give us a reply in the near future.2) 请查收附件Enclosed please find . (the stowage plan)We attach here

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