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1、三年级英语课时教学设计课 题Unit 1教案序号1授课时间2013年 2 月 26 日课 型New教学目标1.Listen ,point and say 2.Listen and say ,then do the actions 3.Ask and answer点难点 教学重 1.Listen and say ,then do the actions 2.Ask and answer教学准备 Cards . Pictures . Tape 板 书 设 计 Unit1 Its the ABC song Whats your favourite song? Its the ABC Song.教 学

2、 过 程教学环节集 体 备 课(师生活动)个性化设计Warming upNew conceptsLets practise Homework Step 1 (1) The alphabetLearn to sing the ABC Song. (2) Whats your favourite song? Its the ABC Song. Step 2 Learning Have the students sing one or two songs theyve learned before . Then ask”Whats your favourite song/” Explain the

3、meaning and pronunciation of the word favourite Step3 Presentation (1) Put the wall map on the blackboard .Have the students observe the letters .Compare the difference between the big letters and the small letters .Play the tape several times, the students listen, point and sing(2) Show a set of ca

4、rds about letters. Help the students read them. Play attention to correct the students pronunciation.(3) Finish SB Unit 1 Activity 3 .The students sing and point the relevant pictures. Step 4 practice(1) Play the game Count with the letters, Show the letters with gesture and Hold up the cards of the

5、 letters.(2) Do AB Unit 1 exercise 1Step5: HomeworkSing the ABC Song to your family1教师在黑板上写Lesson 1,挂上字母表,让学生逐个认读字母。 2让1号到26号学生起立并出示他们的头饰从A到Z,然后对学生说Lets count from 1 to 26全班看着一个个字母用英文数数。 3高低声朗读 4书写空字母 Listen and show the cards of letters:Bb Dd Ff Gg Jj Qq Nn Rr Un Ww Mm Xx Yy Tt教学反思学生对单词的掌握不是太好,因为英语

6、是需要不断反复记忆的,一天不记就可能全忘,特别是小学生记的快,忘的也快,所以在课堂上及课下都要督促学生不断加强记忆。在小学二年级,应该把课文当成难点来学。所以要让学生带着学生多听、多读。要注重学生说、读、写的能力的培养。 课时教学设计课 题Unit 1教案序号2授课时间2013年 2月 27 日课 型New教学目标1.Listen ,point and say 2.Listen and say ,then do the actions 3.Ask and answer点难点 教学重1.Listen and say ,then do the actions 2.Ask and answer教学准

7、备 Cards . Pictures . Tape 板 书 设 计 Unit1 Its the ABC song. Whats your favourite song? Its the ABC Song. 教 学 过 程教学环节集 体 备 课(师生活动)个性化设计Warming upNew conceptsLets practise Homework Step 1: warm up 1.Sing the ABC Song and A Rainbow 2.Have the students draw a picture of the rainbow. Then ask: Whats your f

8、avourite colour?Step 2: New Concepts(1) Hold up some markers and choose one of them , Say: My favourite colour is write it on the blackboard. Have the students introduce their favourite colour by using this structure. Choose three or four students , point to them, say: HisHer favourite colour is(2)

9、Play the tape, the students listen and circle the new words, guess the meaning of them.(3) Explain toy, computer game, car, ship, and doll by drawing simple figures on the blackboard.(4) Play the tape again. The students listen and repeat.(5) Have the students introduce the contents of the text by u

10、sing the structure This isHisHer favourite toy is Step 3: Practice(1) Have the students make a survey in groups. Each one would finish the form by asking and answering whats your favouritePlay the game whats missing?Do the AB Unit 2 exercise 1 and 2Step 4: ChantPlay the tape. Help the students with

11、the chant.Step 5: HomeworkAsk your family or friends favourite toy and colour.1有些单词可以用他们的缩写形式来写,醒目易懂;例如MON M代表Monday;TUE代表Tuesday;MAR代表March等,或使学生开阔视野,扩大知识面。可以问学生:Do you know Hong Kong?接着介绍香港的缩写形式HK。(用香港区旗和其他一些图片来学习UK,USA,PRC,HK,AM,PM,CCTV等缩写形式。)2教给学生记忆单词缩写形式的方法教学反思通过一节课的学习,大部分学生能听说读写26个英文字母。能正确识别印刷

12、体、手写体大小写字母。少数需要课下练习。课时教学设计课 题Unit 2教案序号3授课时间2013年3 月 4日课 型New教学目标1.Listen ,point and say 2.Listen and say ,then do the actions 3.Ask and answer点难点 教学重 1.Listen and say ,then do the actions 2.Ask and answer教学准备 Cards . Pictures . Tape 板 书 设 计 Unit2 Its the ABC song教 学 过 程教学环节集 体 备 课(师生活动)个性化设计Warming

13、 upNew conceptsLets practise Homework step 1 (1) Lets sing the ABC Song. (2) Whats your favourite song? Its the ABC Song. Step 2 Learning Have the students observe the letters . Compare the difference between the big letters and the small letters. Step3 Presentation (1) Play the tape several times,

14、the students listen, point and sing (2) Show a set of cards about letters. Help the students read them. Play attention to correct the students pronunciation(3) Finish SB Unit 2 Activity 3 .The students say and point the relevant pictures.Step 4 practice Play the game Count with the letters, Show the

15、 letters with gesture and Hold up the cards of the letters. Step5: HomeworkSay and practise the letters to your familyRecite the letters one by one. .复习句型Whats her/his favourite colour?出示图片教学单词: (T:教师把所有东西放在一起引出单词toys,toy toy:强调oy的发音,结合boy帮助学生记忆。A boy likes toy.My favourite toy is a car.(引出课题)结合句型学习

16、:Whats your favourite toy ? My favourite toy is a car. 教学反思成功:能在游戏中对学生实施练习,增强了学生学习的兴趣,提高了学习效率。能在猜一猜活动中,完成My favourite colour is red.效果很好。不足:应让学生延伸话题,学以致用,让英语学习走出课本,走入生活。 课时教学设计课 题Unit 2教案序号4授课时间2012年 3 月 5 日课 型New教学目标1.Listen ,point and say 2.Listen and say ,then do the actions 3.Ask and answer点难点 教

17、学重1.Listen and say ,then do the actions 2.Ask and answer教学准备 Cards . Pictures . Tape 板 书 设 计 Unit2 Its the ABC song教 学 过 程教学环节集 体 备 课(师生活动)个性化设计Warming upNew conceptsLets practise Homework 1.Sing the ABC Song 2.Have the students say the letters and do the actions. Then ask: Whats your favourite lett

18、er?Step 2: New Concepts(1) Hold up some markers and choose one of them , Say: My favourite letter is write it on the blackboard. Have the students introduce their favourite letter by using this structure. Choose three or four students , point to them, say: HisHer favourite letter is(2) Play the tape

19、, the students listen and circle the new words, guess the meaning of them.(3) Explain toy, computer game, car, ship, and doll by drawing simple figures on the blackboard.(4) Play the tape again. The students listen and repeat.Step 3: Practice(1) Have the students make a survey in groups. Each one wo

20、uld finish the form by asking and answering whats your favouritePlay the game whats missing?Do the AB Unit 2 exercise Step 4: ChantPlay the tape. Help the students with the chant.Step 5: HomeworkAsk your family or friends favourite toy and colour.Listen to the tape again and follow it . Listen and t

21、hink. Whats Amys favourite toy? Whats Toms favourite toy?小组读,抽生读,小组内表演。 Practise & Game time: 以小组为单位,一人当小记者采访其他同学,利用“Whats your favourite toy?”问,My favourite toy is”来回答。教学反思成功:通过对本课的学习,学生很好地掌握了的单词和句型,并能积极主动地运用,达到了预定的教学目标。本节课有以下几个亮点:注重学生的英语学习过程;以旧带新、以旧引新的设计;活动设计紧紧围绕教学目标;为教学目标服务的评价设计。不足之处:比如,整节课师生间的互动

22、较多,而生生间的互动却相对较少。课时教学设计课 题Unit 1教案序号5授课时间2013年 3 月11 日课 型New教学目标1.Listen ,point and say 2.Listen and say 3.Ask and answer点难点 教学重 1.Listen and say 2.Ask and answer教学准备 Cards . Pictures . Tape 板 书 设 计Unit 1 theyre monkeysWhats this? Its .Whatre they? Theyre.教 学 过 程教学环节集 体 备 课(师生活动)个性化设计 Warm-upPresenta

23、tionLets practiseHomework:Step 1 Warm-up1. Sings a English song “the ABC song”2. Lets watch TV about animals 3. Revision (复习):Play a game “Point to animals” Teacher do action and let students guess animalsStep 2 Presentation1. 创设情景,呈现任务。创设“世界动物园需要招聘英语小导游”的情景Presentation,提出一定的任务及要求。2. 观看动画,整体感知。3. 教师

24、展示声音及画面,让学生做听音猜动物的游戏,检查学生的自学情况。纠正个别单词错误发音,示范单词、句型的用法。4. 小组协作,并创编表演对话。让学生自己去探索、去发现描述动物特征的基本规律。5. Let students listen to the tape follow the tape 6. let students act the text Step 3: Practice(1) Have the students make a survey in groups. Each one would finish the form by asking and answering whats you

25、r favouritePlay the game whats missing?Do the AB Unit 2 exercise Step 4: ChantPlay the tape. Help the students with the chant.Step 5: HomeworkAsk your family or friends favourite animals.教师用动作比划单词,孩子看一看,举出相应的单词卡片。孩子在小组中做游戏。让生自学单词,师范读,教读,学生个别读,小组读,掌握其读音。Read the text with partners. Try to recite the

26、dialogue.将课件中的声音关闭,为其中的人物配音。教学反思成功之处:尊重学生的主体地位,创设真实的情境,利用多种游戏形式调动学生的积极性和主动性,较好地完成了学习任务。不足:虽然对英语教学中如何将自主、合作、探究等渗透到课堂中进行课一定尝试,但自主、探究方面做得不够到位。课时教学设计课 题Unit 1教案序号6授课时间2013年 3 月 12 日课 型New教学目标1.Listen ,point and say 2.Listen and say ,then do the actions 3.Ask and answer 点难点 教学重.1Sentences: This tree is t

27、all.That tree is short.2. Grammar: describe animals教学准备cards, pictures, Tape-recorder板 书 设 计Unit 1Thin short fat short教 学 过 程教学环节集 体 备 课(师生活动)个性化设计warm-up:learn a texthomework Step 1 warm-up:1. Greet.2. Do it. Review the commands from Module 2 unit 1(1) Look at the picture: What are they?(2) Listen

28、to the tape guess what the animal it is.3. Play a game. Sad face or happy face. Step 2 learn a text 1. Take out two apples one is big the other is small say this is big and that is small.2. Take out a picture of tree tell them how to read “tree” and say “look at the trees. This tree is tall. That tr

29、ee is short” Take out another picture of m tell them how to read “thin” and say “this m is fat. That m is thin.”3. Let students act animals let students guess what animals it is.4. let students listen to the tape follow the tape and then make groups read the chant5. let students listen to the tape f

30、ollow the tape to learn the song and then let student make voice let student sing a song. Step 3: Practice(1) Have the students make a survey in groups. Play the game whats missing?Do the AB Unit 2 exercise Step 4: Chant homework1. Recites the text.2. Sing English song1. T: Look at the pictures in your textbook. Who are they? Work in groups. 学生

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