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1、六级翻译及改错r 翻译 六级大纲样题72. It was essential that _(我们在月底前签订合同).73.To our delight, she_ (进大学一个月就适应了校园生活).74.The new government was accused_ (未实现其降低失业率的承诺).75.The workmen think _(遵守安全规则很重要).76. The customer complained that no sooner _(他刚试着使用这台机器, 它就不运转了).06.1272.If you had _(听从了我的忠告,你就不会陷入麻烦).73.With tears

2、 on her face, the lady _(看着她受伤的儿子被送进手术室).74.After the terrorist attack, tourists _(被劝告暂时不要去该国旅游).75.I prefer to communicate with my customers _(通过写电子邮件而不是打电话).76._ (直到截止日他才寄出)his application form.07.6:82. The auto manufacturers found themselves _ (正在同外国公司竞争市场的份额).83. Only in the small town _ (他才感到安全

3、和放松).84. It is absolutely unfair that these children _ (被剥夺了受教育的权利).85. Our years of hard work are all in vain, _ (更别提我们花费的大量金钱了).86. The problems of blacks and women _ (最近几十年受到公众相当大的关注).07.1282 But for mobile phones, _(我们的通信就不可能如此迅速和方便).83. In handling an embarrassing situation, _(没有什么比幽默更有帮助的了).84

4、. The Foreign Minister said he was resigning, but _(他拒绝进一步解释这样做的原因).85. Human behavior is mostly a product of learning, _(而动物的行为主要依靠本能).86. The witness was told that under no circumstances _(他都不应该对法庭说谎).08.682. We can say a lot of things about those_(毕生致力于诗歌的人); they are passionate, impulsive, and u

5、nique.83. Mary couldnt have received my letter,_.(否则她上周就该回信了)。84. Nancy is supposed to_(做完化学实验)at least two weeks ago.85. Never once _(老两口互相争吵) since they were married 40 years ago.86._(一个国家未来的繁荣在很大程度上有赖于)the quality of education of its people.参考答案:大纲样题72. we sign the contract before the end of the

6、month73. adapted (herself) to campus life a month after entering college74. of failure to fulfill its promise to reduce the unemployment rate75. it very important to comply with/follow the safety regulations76. had he tried to use the machine than it stopped working06.12 72. followed my advice/sugge

7、stion, you would not have been/put yourself in trouble73. watched her injured son being sent into the surgery/operation room.74. were (have been )suggested/advised not to travel to that country at the moment.75. via/with/through email instead of / rather than telephone76. Not until the deadline did

8、he send out07.682. competing with overseas/ foreign companies for market share83. does he feel secure and relaxed84. be deprived of the right to receive education/ be denied the right to receive education85. let alone / not to mention the large amount of money we have spent86. have received consider

9、able public attention/concern in recent decades07.1282. our communication would not have been so efficient and convenient.83. nothing is more helpful than humor/ a sense of humor84. (he) refused to make further explanation/ to further explain why85. while animal behavior depends mainly upon (或on) th

10、eir instinct(s)86. should he lie to the court / is he allowed to lie to the court08.682. who dedicate/ devote/ contribute their whole life to poems83. otherwise, she would have replied to me last week84. have finished the chemistry experiment85. have the old couple quarreled with each other86. To a

11、great extent ,the future prosperity of a country depends on改错: 历年全真试题及参考答案 (00.1-06.12)00.1Until the very latest moment of his existence, manhas been bound to the planet on which he originated anddeveloped. Now he had the capability to leave that planet S1._and move out into the universe to those wo

12、rlds which hehas known previously only directly. Men have explored S2._parts of the moon, put spaceships in orbit around anotherplanet and possibly within the decade will land into another S3._planet and explore it. Can we be too bold as to S4._suggest that we may be able to colonize other planet S5

13、._within the not - too - distant future ? Some have advocatedsuch a procedure as a solution to the populationproblem: ship the excess people off to the moon. Butwe must keep in head the billions of dollars we might S6._spend in carrying out the project. To maintain theearths population at its presen

14、t level. we would haveto blast off into space 7,500 people every hour ofevery day of the year.Why are we spending so little money on space S7._exploration ? Consider the great need for improving S8._many aspects of the global environment, one is surelyjustified in his concern for the money and resou

15、rcesthat they are poured into the space exploration efforts. S9._But perhaps we should look at both sides of thecoin before arriving hasty conclusions. S10._00.6 When you start talking about good and bad mannersyou immediately start meeting difficulties. Manypeople just cannot agree what they mean.

16、We asked alady, who replied that she thought you could tell awell-mannered person on the way they occupied the S1._space around themfor example, when such a personwalks down a street he or she is constantly unaware of S2._others. Such people never bump into other people.However, a second person thou

17、ght that this wasmore a question of civilized behavior as good manners. S3._Instead, this other person told us a story, it he S4._said was quite well known, about an American whohad been invited to an Arab meal at one of the countries S5._of the Middle East. The American hasnt been S6._told very muc

18、h about the kind of food he mightexpect. If he had known about American food, he S7._might have behaved better.Immediately before him was a very flat piece ofbread that looked, to him, very much as a napkin (餐巾). S8._Picking it up, he put it into his collar, so that itfalls across his shirt. His Ara

19、b host, who had been S9._watching, said of nothing, but immediately copied S10._the action of his guest.And that, said this second person, was a fineexample of good manners.01.6More people die of tuberculosis (结核病) than of anyother disease caused by a single agent. This has probablybeen the case in

20、quite a while. During the early stages of S1. _the industrial revolution, perhaps one in every seventh S2. _deaths in Europes crowded cities were caused by the S3. _disease. From now on, though, western eyes, missing the S4. _global picture, saw the trouble going into decline. Withoccasional breaks

21、for war, the rates of death andinfection in the Europe and America dropped steadily S5. _through the 19th and 20th centuries. In the 1950s, theintroduction of antibiotics (抗菌素) strengthened thetrend in rich countries, and the antibiotics were allowedto be imported to poor countries. Medical research

22、ers S6. _declared victory and withdrew.They are wrong. In the mid-1980s the frequency of S7. _infections and deaths started to pick up again around theworld. Where tuberculosis vanished, it came back; in S8. _many places where it had never been away, it grew better. S9. _The World Health Organizatio

23、n estimates that 1.7billion people (a third of the earths population) sufferfrom tuberculosis. Even when the infection rate wasfalling, population growth kept the number of clinicalcases more or less constantly at 8 million a year. Around S10. _3 million of those people died, nearly all of them in p

24、oorcountries. 02.1 Sporting activities are essentially modified forms of huntingbehavior. Viewing biologically, the modern footballer is revealed as a S1._member of a disguised hunting pack. His killing weapon has turned intoa harmless football and his prey into a goal-mouth. If his aim is inaccurat

25、e S2._and he scores a goal, enjoys the hunters triumph of killing his prey. S3._To understand how this transformation has taken place wemust briefly look up at our ancient ancestors. They spent over a S4._million year evolving as co-operative hunters. Their very survival S5._depended on success in t

26、he hunting-field. Under this pressure their wholeway of life, even if their bodies, became radically changed. They became S6._chasers, runners, jumpers, aimers, throwers and prey-killers.They co-operate as skillful male-group attackers. S7._Then, about ten thousand years ago, when this immensely lon

27、g S8._formative period of hunting for food, they became farmers. Theirimproved intelligence, so vital to their old hunting life, were put to a new S9._use-that of penning ( 把关在圈中), controlling and domesticatingtheir prey. The food was there on the farms, awaiting their needs. Therisks and uncertaint

28、ies of farming were no longer essential for survival. S10._02.6A great many cities are experiencing difficulties whichare nothing new in the history of cities, except in their scale.Some cities have lost their original purpose and have not foundnew one. And any large or rich city is going to attract poor S1._immigrants, who flood in, filling with hopes of prosperity S2._which are then often disappointing. There are backward townson the edge of Bombay or Brasilia, just as though there were S3._on the edge of sev

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