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1、 I like . 4能听懂、会说、会读What masks do you like?三、教学重点能听、说、读、写以上要求“四会”的单词、句型。四、教学难点1能听、说、读、写以上要求“四会”的单词、句型。2能听懂、会说、会读What masks do you like?3能在相应的情景中正确地询问别人的喜好。五、教学准备1教具准备:录音机、磁带、实物投影、各种实物、各种图片、多媒体课件。2板书准备:写好课题和日期。六、教学过程Step 1 Free talk1.Greet each other.2.Sing a songWe can sing and dance.3.What day is i

2、t today? Whats the date today?s the weather like?Step 2 Presentation1.I like swimming. Do you like swimming? What do you like?2.指导操练对话。3.出示图片,猜一猜。s this?Teach a vase, a mask, a pumpkin.示范读。(教师板书)4.Do you like the ?What do you like? (教师板书)教学以上两个句型,引导学生 Read one by one.5.用所学句型引出单词a chicken, a duck, a

3、horse, a ping. Teach them. (板书)引导学生Spell them one by one. 示范操练对话。6.Guess! What are they? (出示以上所学单词复数形式的图片)单、复数比较,注意复数的发音。7.出示图片。Do you like vases/horses? (板书)出示各种图片,示范操练对话。8.Say a rhyme(出示各种实物)。Heres a .Here are some .学生将所学的单词带入韵律诗中,并能流利地朗读。Step 3 Consolidation1.出示p33四幅图,指导学生练习。Do you like horses? Y

4、es, I do.Do you like bears?Do you like pigs? No, I dont. I like pandas.Do you like chickens? No, I dont. I like ducks.教师示范一组,让学生在组内操练对话并进行反馈。2.出示p34四幅图,指导学生练习。I like masks. What do you like? I like puppets.I like pumpkins. What do you like? I like puzzles.I like sweets. What do you like? I like choc

5、olate.I like pears. What do you like? I like peaches.3. 教师示范一组,让学生在组内操练对话并进行反馈。4.Do a survey.出示一张表格,调查自己的好朋友:duckschickenspigshorsesmasksvasespumpkinsStep 4 Presentation1利用课件出示面具的图片,问:Do you like masks? What masks do you like?2.Teach学生Read it one by one。3看图学生Practise in pairs。Step 5 Consolidation1.出

6、示高/矮马、胖/瘦猪、大/小鸡、红/蓝色花瓶、长/短尺子的图片,教师示范操练对话:What horses do you like? I like the tall ones.2.学生Practise in pairs。七、作业设计抄写本课所学的单词、句型,预习课文。八、板书设计Unit 4 HalloweenA:Do you like the mask/vase/pumpkin?Do you like chickens/ducks/horses/pigs?B:Yes, I do./No, I dont. I like .九、教后记本课教学中以旧引新,为新课的教学做好准备、铺垫。教师利用新学的句

7、子引出本单元所学的单词。教学中教师注意了单、复数的比较,更好地教学Do you like ?。教师用韵律诗的形式复习单词,引导学生引出话题,学习新的句型。另外教师还利用各种图片,更好地直观、形象地学习所学的单词、句型。最后教师给予学生一定的任务,学生分小组练习,面向全体学生,提高学生综合运用语言的能力。Unit 4 (第二课时)A Read and say1能用所学的购物用语在所创设的情景中比较熟练地灵活运用。2会听、说、读词语:“family, thing, buy things, need, Halloween, lantern, a pumpkin lantern, tomorrow,

8、change.”3会听、说、读句子:“What do you need ? We need . What else do you need ? , please. Here are your things/masks. Heres your change.”4能在所创设的购物情境中体会语言美、情感美、交际美。5通过对西方节日的了解,进一步认识西方的文化,从而体会中西方文化的差别。1会听、说、读词语:“family, thing, buy things, need, change, a pumpkin lantern.”2会听、说、读句子:3能利用所学的购物用语比较熟练地灵活运用。关于本课的多媒

9、体课件、关于万圣节的各种面具、图片和物品、录音机、磁带。Step 1Free talk and revision1.T:Good afternoon, boys and girls.T:Glad to see you. Do you like masks ?(演示课件)What masks do you like ?/What do you like ?2Let the students say.Step 2Presentation and Practise.1T:Guess! What festival is this ?(利用电脑课件学生图片)Halloween (Read it one

10、by one)Lets learn something about Halloween.(电脑课件播放有关万圣节的知识)On Halloween Day we should have a party. What do you need ?We need some masks .Teach need,What do you need ?(Read it one by one.)s the meaning of ?At Halloween party what do you need ?What else do you need ?else. (Read it one by one.)2T:Do

11、you want to know what I need ? Please ask me.I need .Some pumpkin lanterns.lanterna pumpkin lantern.(Read one by one.)3Now, class, ask each other, Practise in groups.Let the students act.4 T:Look, boys and girls. This is a shop. There are many things here. One thing, two things, three things. Therer

12、e many things in the shop.thing, thingsbuy things.(Read one by one)Shall we buy tings for a Halloween party ?Ill act a shop assistant. Who wants to act customers ?(选两名学生)Can I help you ?Here are your things/masks.yuan, please.Thank you. HereHere are your things/masks.change.s your change.5 T:OK, boy

13、s and girls. One acts a shop assistant. The other acts a customer. Practise in pairs.6 T:Youve done a good job. Lets sing a song. Halloween song(课件出示歌曲内容)Step 3Learn the text.1 T:Now, class. Ben, Bens Dad, Bens Mum and Bens brother, Ron also want to have a Halloween party. Look and listen. Think:Wha

14、t do they need ?(课件呈现课文内容)s listen to the text again. Think:What do they want to do ? What do they need ?(播放引言和第一部分)tomorrow2Go on listening.完成表格(播放课文中购物部分)What do they buy ?How much are they ?What masks does Ron like ?3再次播放课文内容,学生跟读(Read one by one after the tape.)Step 4SummaryRead the summary.Step

15、 5ConsolidationTherere many festivals in one year. Here are two names of festivals. You could choose one festival. Then have a party for it. Discuss what we need. Then go to the shop to buy things.Example:T:Hello, . Lets have a party for the lantern Festival. What do we need ? Lets buy things. Well

16、go there by bus.Shop assistant: Can I help you ?T&S: We need . What else do you need? , please. Here are your things. How much are they ? yuan, please. Here you are. Thank you. Heres your change.2学生分组活动,教师请活动较好的三组进行汇报表演。1 Read the text three times after the tape.2 Make a dialogue with your friends.T

17、opic:Lantern Festival or Mid-Autumn Festival.Unit 4 Halloween (A) I/We need . Yes. We need . , please.What do you like ? I like .Here are your . How much are they ? Yuan, please. Here you are.本课教学结构层次较清晰,各环节衔接较自然,一开始通过操练句型:“What masks do you like ?”复习第一课时所学内容,再通过介绍万圣节前夕的有关知识自然地过渡到为“为万圣节前夕晚会准备工作”这个话题

18、。学生在教师所创设的情境中,练习完整的一段购物对话,并利用歌曲巩固所学知识,调节课堂气氛。利用课文内容作为媒介,巩固运用操练本课所学的句型。利用Summary理清学生思路。联系学生的生活实际,操练运用所学句型导入课题时,明确任务时的过渡语应准确:What do you need for a Halloween party ?学生else读得不好,上个环节与下个环节应自然联系,表现真实感。如购物时用“Can I help you?”Summary放在课文结束以后,而不是放在活动之后。板书应更多地符合日常交际形式,这样效果将会更好。Unit 4 (第三课时)E Read the passage1能

19、听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词work, with, evening。2能听懂、会说、会读on Sundays, on Saturdays。I/You/We/They like doing something.3进一步熟悉掌握课文内容及名词复数的词形和读音的变化。1能听懂、会说、会读on Sundays, on Saturdays。2进一步熟悉掌握课文内容及名词复数的词形和读音的变化。录音机、磁带、实物投影、各种图片、实物、教具。step 1 Free talk2.What day is it today?s the weather like today?3. Say a rhyme. Here

20、s a . Here are some .Step 2 Revision1.出示各种图片:指导复习对话。学生Practise in pairs,教师反馈。2.出示各种图片: (Yes, I do.) What do you like? ( I like .)3.Review the text 指导、复习课文中的对话。引导学生操练本课的对话,教师进行反馈。Step 3 Presentation1.教师先介绍自己。(1)I dont work on Saturdays and Sundays. Teachwork, on Saturdays,on Sundays.引导学生Read one by o

21、ne,Spell“work”。(板书)(2)In the evenings I like watching TV with my parents.Teach“evening,with”,学生Read and spell them one by one。Teach“I like watchingTV.”引导学生理解“I like doing sth.这种句式,Read and spell it.“(板书)2出示p35的图片,引导学生理解图意,并看图说一说。Helens father and mother like swimming,cooking and reading.Helen and Mi

22、ke like playing table tennis and listening to music.3.播放短文的录音内容,Ask:s Helens fathers job?What do they like? What do Helen and Mike like? What do they do in the evenings?4引导学生带着问题听短文。Discuss in groups.5学生回答问题,教师反馈。6指导朗读短文,注意语音、语调。7同桌间互相读,直至流利。Step 4 Consolidation1出示Nancy一家在星期六的生活的图片。 同桌互相模仿练习对话。2谈谈自己

23、的兴趣爱好,小组间说一说。1.抄写35页的短文2.模仿这篇短文说说,课后小组间交流 We dont work on Saturdays and Sundays. In the evenings I like watching TV with my parents.本课一开始教师营造良好的学习英语的氛围,为新授的教学做好铺垫。教师利用图片直观地复习本单元所学的句型,并利用课件教学短文中的新授单词、句型,给学生一定的问题,让学生带着问题去听,给学生一定的任务,并及时地完成任务,培养学生综合运用语言的能力。教学中教师让学生看图自编对话,不仅可以让学生记忆所学内容,还可以扩散学生的思维。教师所布置的家庭作业不仅是对课堂内容进行扩充和延伸,而且还可让学生巩固、复习所学的知识。 Unit 4 (第四课时) F Do a survey, G Listen and repeat, H Say a rhyme1复习本单元要求“四会”的单词、句型。2进一步熟练本单元要求掌握的日常交际用语。3进一步熟练掌握名词复数的词形

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