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1、译林英语五年级上册教案单元内容Unit 1 Goldilocks and three bears单元教学总目标1、在课文情景中学生能够听懂、会说、会读故事中出现的词汇:Goldilocks, bear, forest, house, soup, hard, soft, afraid, just right, in front of 2、基于三只熊的故事,在故事情景中反复使用、巩固there be句型并创设不同情境,让学生能够正确灵活运用there be句型。3、学生能正确理解Story time, 并能小组合作表演故事、续写故事。4、能理解并掌握字母c 的发音规律,熟记例词。课时1 集体备课教

2、案二次备课(手写)教学目标1、能听懂、会说、会读句型:There is .?There are .2、能运用所学单词和句型进行交流。教学重、难点1、能正确运用所学单词和句型交流。2、掌握There be句型,正确运用其单复数句子教学准备多媒体课件教学设计Step 1 PreparationSing a song.Step 2 Presentation & Practice: Whats thatSs: Its a clock.呈现There is a clock in the picture.图片由clock变成watch,再由book变成bag。2T:Whats in my bag (包里放

3、了一个娃娃,一本故事书。)引导学生猜测出?There is a storybook.There is a doll.T: Look, I have two dolls in my bag. So I can say:呈现There are two dolls.3T: Can you say the difference between“there is” and “there are”总结:Learning tip:There be?句型:分单数There is 和复数There are?两种,不可数名词统一用There is它们都解释为“有”,表示存在有,含义是在某地方有某东西。如:Ther

4、e is a teacher.There are some teachers.4. T: Whats in the box Whats on the box引出Whats in front of the boxWork in pairs:?同桌一问一答操练句型There is in/on/in front ofThere are in/on/in front ofStep3 CompareAsk the students to make some sentences with have/has and help the students understand the difference be

5、tween have/has and there be.Step4 Homework the new words four times. Part A of Unit1板书设计 ?Unit1 Goldilocks and three bears? ?is +名词单数/不可数名词.?There? are +名词复数.教学后记课时2 集体备课教案二次备课(手写)教学目标1、在课文情景中学生能够听懂、会说、会读故事中出现的词汇:Goldilocks,afraid, bear, forest, house, soup, hard, soft, afraid, just right, in front

6、of 2、基于三只熊的故事,在故事情景中反复使用、巩固there be句型并创设不同情境,让学生能够正确灵活运用there be句型。3、学生能正确理解Story time, 并能小组合作表演故事、续写故事。教学重、难点1、学生能正确理解Story time, 并能小组合作表演故事、续写故事。2、基于三只熊的故事,在故事情景中反复使用、巩固there be句型并创设不同情境,让学生能够正确灵活运用there be句型。教学准备 挂图,卡片,多媒体(PPT)教学设计Step 1 Warming-up1.?Songs2.?GreetingsStep2 RevisionThere be (is /

7、are) .Step?3 Text learning1. T:I like reading storybooks. Do you like it Lets read it together.Look, it happened in the forest. (教forest)Task 1: Watch and answer1) Whats in the forest2) Whats the matter with Mary3) Why does Mary run away (逃跑) (T在读题的时候教授?run away)Ss: She is afraid. (在引出回答的时候教授?afraid

8、)Task 2:?Read and judge1)Mary is not hungry, but she is afraid. ( )2)The three bowls of soup are for the bears. ( )教授a bowl of soup,?归类总结如?a cup of coffee, a glass of milk?等。3)There are three hard beds in the room. ( )通过图片选择软床和硬床,同时教授?hard?和?soft。4) She wakes are three bears in front of her. ( )通过图片

9、教授wake up,领读,小组读,请学生做动作。Task 3: Lets read !Read after the tape.Play in roles. (小组活动,选择一幅图表演。)Task 4: Lets retell !There is a beautiful _ in the forest. In the house, I can see _ bowls of soup on the table. Im _ and _. I like the _ soup.?_ three beds in the room.Im _. I sleep in the _ house is this I

10、ts the three bears!Step 4 ProductionT:?Boys and girls, do you know the story about “Snow white and the Seven dwarfs”Do you like it Lets try to finish the story.(给出提示的图片,让学生小组活动完成句子,并表演。)1. There _ a beautiful_ in the forest. Seven dwarfs live in it.2. One day, Snow White comes to the house. First, s

11、he comes to the sitting room. _a lovely chair in it, but its dirty. And _ _ lots of _ in the washing tank.3. Then she comes to the bedroom. There _ seven beds in it. Three beds _ _. Four beds _ _. (图片出示软硬床)At last, Snow White and the animals clean the house for the dwarfs. And she also cooks _ for t

12、hem.Step5 homework1. Read and repeat the story, try to tell it to your parents.2. Use “theres?”, “there are” to write a passage about your study or bedroom.(用所学句型写一段话介绍你的书房或卧室。)板书设计Unit1 Goldilocks and three bears? is +名词单数/不可数名词? ?There? ? beside/ between/ in front of? are +名词复数.教学后记课时3 集体备课教案二次备课(

13、手写)教学目标1、复习上节课所学的词汇。2、能听懂、会说、会运用句型There is?There?are.3、能看图描述物品的所在位置。4、通过练习加强巩固There be句型。5、学习词汇:beside, between, in front of教学重、难点1、进一步巩固复习上节课的词汇。2、使学生能正确运用There be?句型教学准备PPT,?头饰教学设计Step1. Warm up1.?Greeting2.?Sing a song “There is a way”3.?Free talkWhats in the house(教师出示图片)Ss: There is .? There ar

14、e.4.?Read and actA:?模仿朗读Story timeB:?组织表演Step 2 Presentation1.?教学beside, betweenT:?(PPT展示课文图4)Where are the bearsSs: They are in front of Goldilocks.(复习in front of)(并造句)T:(PPT)look! Where is Goldilocks nowSs: She is near a house.T: Yes, she is beside the house.(教学beside)T: (PPT)Look! Where is she no

15、wS:T: Ah, Shes between the houses.(教学between,强调between后面跟复数)2.?复习所学过的方位词快速反应(quick respond)T:?出示图片Ss:说出词组(in the forest, beside the house, behind the door, between the boxes.)Think and sayT : (PPT展示书中内容)Ss: There is ? There are.Step 3 Summary(Grammar time)T:?出示表格?There is?可数名词单数/不可数名词.? There are?可数

16、名词复数.4.?Do some exerciseStep 4 Homework?1.?Draw and say2.?完成抄写本相关练习。3.?完成补充习题上的相关练习。?板书设计Unit1 Goldilocks and three bears?is +名词单数/不可数名词?There?beside/ between/ in front of.?are +名词复数.教学后记课时4 集体备课教案二次备课(手写)教学目标1、复习巩固方位介词。2、复习词汇:hungry, happy, thirsty, tired.3、能正确使用句型?:This is too4、能够模仿表演cartoon time。

17、5、文化熏陶:了解中西方餐饮习惯。教学重、难点1、能正确使用句型?:This is too2、能够模仿表演cartoon time。3、文化熏陶:了解中西方餐饮习惯。教学准备PPT,头饰教学设计Step1 Warm up1.?Greeting2.?Sing a song “three bears”3.?Look and sayStep2 Presentation1.?Look and sayT: (出示课外三碗汤的图片)Ss: This soup is too T: (出示三张床的图片)Ss: This bed is tooT: (PPT?小女孩做饥饿状态)S: this girl is hu

18、ngry.T: PPT (happy, hungry, tired, thirsty, )Do you remember these words?Ss: Yes, we do.?(Read the words)?(make sentences)Step3?Cartoon timeT: Good! Look! Who is he (出示Bobby)Ss: Hes Bobby.T: Whats the matter with bobby?A hungry?B thirsty?C tired?D happyListen and chooseSs: Bobby is hungryT: Where ar

19、e the cakesWatch and answerSs: They are in the fridge.T: But Bobby cant find the cakes, whySs: Bobbys cousin eat the cakes.?(教学find, cousin)Listen and imitateAct the dialogueStep4 Culture timeT: (PPT cake and coffee)Look! When we eat cakes, we often drink some coffee or tea.T:(出示图片跟句型?coffee is popu

20、lar in western countries. Tea is popular in China.)(教学popular, western countries)?帮助学生感受中西方的饮食文化差异。Step5 Homework板书设计Unit1 Goldilocks and three bears? is +名词单数/不可数名词?There? ? beside/ between/ in front of.? are +名词复数.教学后记课时5 集体备课教案二次备课(手写)教学目标1、能灵活运用There be句型。2、能根据图片,写一段小短文。3、了解字母C在单词中的发音。教学重、难点1、能灵

21、活运用There be句型。2、能根据图片,写一段小短文。教学准备PPT教学设计Step1 Warm up1.?Greeting2.?Sing songs3.?Imitation:?模仿表演cartoon timeStep2 Revision1.?Review the story time模仿表演,完成第一项ticking time2.?Look and sayT: (出示P14页的图片)Ss: (对图片进行描述) There is There are ?(work in groups)3.?Look and write(完成P15页中的内容)Ss: work in pairs ,完成Tick

22、ing time第二项内容Step3 Sound timeT:?(出示类似上面的?,两件coats)Ss: There are two coats near the sofa.T: Whose coats are these(PPT展示sound time部分中的人物跟句型)?Ss: They are uncle and cousins coats.T:?(播放动画)(PPT显示单词cold, cousin, doctor, comes,?coats)Ss: (找出C的读音/k/)Listen and repeatStep4 Exercise : Read and find将下列单词按读音归类

23、:Nice,?cold,?rice, come, doctor, cup, policeman./k/ _/s/_Step5 Homework1、?默写本单元的词汇跟句型2、?看图写话,完成一篇小作文。板书设计Unit1 Goldilocks and three bears?is +名词单数/不可数名词?There? beside/ between/ in front of? are +名词复数.?教学后记课时6 Revision (review , workbook)集体备课教案二次备课(手写)教学目标1.能熟练听懂、会读、会拼写本单元单词。2.能熟练听懂、会说、会读、会运用本单元句型。3.

24、完成补充习题练习。教学重、难点1.熟练运用本课单词和句型并能够在实际情境中熟练运用。2.能熟练完成相应的练习,提高学生的答题能力。教学准备教学设计Step 1 Revision 1. Greetings2. Have a dictation3. Review Step 2 Do the exercise.1. Do the listening part. 2. Then check the answers.3. Do the writing part. 4. Check the answers.Step3 Homework1. Review Unit 1 and finish the exercises about this unit. 2. Preview Unit 2.板书设计Unit 1 Goldilocks and three bear板书根据学生错题情况及疑惑部分书写教学后记

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