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1、3GMSASEAN全解Unit 3 GMS & ASEANText AADBs GMS PROGRAMBackground Information1. The Greater Mekong Sub-regionThe Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS) is made up of Cambodia, Peoples Republic of China (PRC, specifically Yunnan Province and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region), Lao Peoples Democratic Republic (La

2、o PDR), Myanmar, Thailand, and Viet Nam. The GMS is a natural economic area bound together by the Mekong River. The GMS covers 2.6 million square kilometers and has a combined population of around 326 million.2. OriginIn 1992, with assistance from the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the six countries

3、of the GMS launched a program of sub-regional economic cooperation to enhance their economic relations, building on their shared histories and cultures. The GMS Program, with support from ADB and other agencies, helps implement high-priority sub-regional projects in nine sectors (see Program sectors

4、).3. Three CsConnectivity, Competitiveness, and CommunityThe GMS Program has adopted a three-pronged strategythe 3Csto reach its vision of a prosperous, integrated, and harmonious sub-region. This means: (1) Increasing connectivity in the sub-region through sustainable development of infrastructure

5、and transnational economic corridors; (2) Improving competitiveness through efficient cross-border movement of people and goods, and integrated markets and production processes, thereby easing the sub-regions integration into the global economy; and (3) Building a greater sense of community through

6、programs that address shared social and environmental concerns.4. Development of Economic CorridorsThe “economic corridor” approach recognizes that development entails infrastructure integrated with other economic opportunities. These include trade and investment, and efforts to address social and o

7、ther impacts arising from increased connectivity. The GMS countries have formed an Economic Corridors Forum to bolster efforts in transforming GMS transport corridors into economic corridors. It is designed to enhance collaboration among areas along the corridors and among GMS sector working groups,

8、 and will act as a single body focusing on economic corridor development. This will help improve interaction between the public and private sectors, and between central and local governments.5. ADBs RoleADB plays a multifaceted role in the GMS Program: (1) As financier, providing financing and assis

9、tance to the GMS countries; (2) As technical and advisory support for many activities under the GMS Program; (3) As secretariat and coordinator of the GMS Program; (4) As honest broker, supporting sub-regional dialogue at the political and operational levels, and among stakeholders of the GMS Progra

10、m; and (5) As catalyst, by bringing together the different participants in the GMS Program, and helping them reach consensus on key issues.6. Cambodia in the GMSCambodia has been an active participant in the GMS Program since the Programs inception in 1992. The 11th Ministerial Conference was held i

11、n Phnom Penh in September 2002. The First GMS Summit of Leaders was held in Phnom Penh in November 2002. Given its central location in the Lower Mekong Basin,Cambodia is viewed as a key player in deepening economic cooperation among the participating countries in the GMS Program. 7. the Peoples Repu

12、blic of China in the GMSThe Peoples Republic of China (PRC) is an active participant in the GMS Program through the implementation of priority sub-regional projects in Yunnan Province and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region (Guangxi) as well asparticipation in regionwide initiatives. The PRC has been a

13、 strong proponent of the basic principles of sub-regional cooperation under the GMS Program, which were reaffirmed by GMS Leaders at their Second Summit held in Kunming, PRC in July 2005, and more recently at the Third GMS Summit held in Vientiane, Lao PDR in March 2008. 8. Lao PDR in the GMSThe Lao

14、 PDR is situated at the “heart” of the GMS, being the only country with borders with all the other Five GMS countries (Cambodia, PRC, Myanmar, Thailand, and Viet Nam). Lao PDR views economic cooperation as an important means for supporting sustainable economic growth. 9. Myanmar in GMSMyanmar is the

15、 second largest country in Southeast Asia, bordering five nations, and is endowed with rich natural resourcesarable land, forestry, minerals (including gas and oil), and freshwater and marine resources. Economic growth edged up over the past 2 years, accompanied by relatively modest inflation. The e

16、conomy is expected to grow moderately over the forecast period, supported by foreign investment in construction and higher levels of credit to agriculture. The government that took office in March 2011 faces an extensive agenda of reforms if the country is to reach its potential. 10. Thailand in the

17、 GMSThailand has been an active participant in the GMS Program since the Programs inception in 1992. Thailand has been participating in ADB-nanced regional technical assistance (RETA) projects under the GMS Program. Thailand has also been a major provider of nancial and technical assistance to neigh

18、boring GMS countries for the implementation of priority sub-regional projects. 11. Viet Nam in the GMS The Socioeconomic Development Plan of the Government of Viet Nam recognizes the importance of regional cooperation and integration in attaining Viet Nams development goals. Border districts/provinc

19、es are among the poorest areas in the country and, as such, their development is signicantly inuenced by Viet Nams neighbors, i.e Cambodia, the PRC, and Lao PDR. Language Points1. 1. Para. 1: The Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS) is a brainchild of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) comprising of five c

20、ountries and one province. brainchild: (informal)an idea or invention which is considered as a particular persons creation (非正式)脑力劳动的产物(如主意或发明) e.g. This new program was the brainchild of Bill Gates.这个新程序是比尔盖茨编制的。 comprise: with obj.consist of; be made up of由组成,由构成e.g. The country comprises twenty s

21、tates.这个国家由20个州组成。2. Para 2: . the GMS had undergone a process of integration .a process of 进程,过程 e.g. They have experienced such a process of pain.3. Para. 4: the mighty Mekong River winds its way for 4,200 kilometers through their midst. wind ones way 蜿蜒而行 e.g. The road winds its way. 这条路曲折而行伸向远方。

22、4. Para. 5: In parallel with this, there is growing commercial relations among the six Mekong countries . In parallel with 与 并行的,平行的 e.g. In this case, the client side team can work in parallel with the server side development team. 在这种情况下,客户机端小组可以和服务器端开发小组并行工作。5. Para. 10: Conference generated a cl

23、ear commitment by the GMS countries in a consistent and timely manner. in a manner 在一定程度上e.g The statement, in a manner, strengthened his position.这项声明在一定程度上加强了他的地位。6. Para. 20: ADB plays the role of a catalyst and an “honest broker” by bringing together the different participants in the program bri

24、ng together 使相合连接e.g. Bring the broken edges of the plate together exactly where they were and then glue them carefully.把盘子的碎边拼凑起来, 然后仔仔细细地粘住。 使相识; 使坐在一起; 使会面e.g. Im so glad to have been the means of bringing you two young people together.我很高兴我起到了使你们两个年轻人相识的作用。e.g. The opposing forces on the island

25、have been brought together for peace talks.岛上的敌对势力已经坐下来进行和平会谈。Word Study1.degradation v.(1) 堕落;丢脸Gambling is always coupled with degradation.赌博总是与堕落相联系。 (2).植被退化; Vegetation degradation. 2.inception n. (机构,活动)开业,开始She has been on the board since its inception two years ago.自从两年前开业起她就是董事会的成员了。3.unpre

26、cedented adj. 空前的The air crash caused an unprecedented number of deaths.这次空难的死亡人数是空前的。4.intensification n. 激化Intensification of a contradiction矛盾的深化(激化)。 5. subsistence n. (1) 存活, 生存, 维生之道Their subsistence comes from the sea.他们依赖海洋生活。Their main mode of subsistence is hunting.他们主要以打猎为生。(2)自给自足的;仅够自用的

27、Subsistence agriculture.自给自足的农业。6.onset n. (尤指不愉快事情的)开始The onset of winter.冬天的到来。The drug must be taken from the onset of the infection.这种药必须在感染的最初期就开始服用。7.notably adv.(1)especially, in particular尤其A diet low in animal fat protects against potentially fatal diseases, notably diabetes.低动物脂肪的饮食结构可防止潜在

28、的致命疾病,尤其是糖尿病。(2)in a way that is striking or remarkable明显地,显著地as sub-modifierSuch a statement is notably absent from the governments proposals.政府提议中显然没有这样的陈述。8.per capita adv & adj.每人,按人计算(地)的as adv.The state had fewer banks per capita than elsewhere.按人头计算,该州拥有的银行数要比其他地方少。as adj. Per capita spending

29、. 每人的花费。9.disparity n. a great difference悬殊;巨大差异Economic disparities between different regions of the country.该国不同地区间的巨大经济差异。mass nounThe arrangements could lead to disparity of treatment between companies.这些协议可能导致不同公司间不同的待遇。10.livelihood n. 生计,谋生之道Appropriate arrangements will be made for their wor

30、k and livelihood.他们的工作和生活会得到妥善安排。11.extend v. offer提供;给予She extended an invitation to her to stay.她发出邀请,要她留下来。12. mobilize v.(1) organize and encourage (people) to act or have effect in a concerted way in order to bring about a particular political objective动员;鼓动He used the press to mobilize support

31、 for his party.他利用新闻界鼓动对他的党的支持。(2) bring (resources) into use in order to achieve a particular goal动用;利用At sea we will mobilize any amount of resources to undertake a rescue.在海上,我们会动用任何资源进行营救工作。(3) make (something) movable or capable of movement使可移动The physiotherapist might mobilize the patients sho

32、ulder girdle.理疗师可帮助病人活动肩带。(4) make (a substance) able to be transported by or as a liquid使流动Acid rain mobilizes the aluminum in forest soils.酸雨使森林土壤中的铝流动起来。13.thrust n. main part/ideas 主要部份;核心思想She explained the broad thrust of the partys policies. 她解释了党的政策的一般要点。14.infuse v. fill; pervade(1)注满;充满Her work is infused with an anger b

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