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1、 秀 黑客帝国OCD 洁癖 “Dont be OCD”OCD=Obsessive Compulsive Disorder 强迫性神经官能症 俚语 美国空姐But that night, something clicked. (片中) clicks 柳暗花明,问题难解决,突然豁然开朗I was having a lot of trouble with E studying, until one day it just clicked for me. After I talked to my professor Mr. Wang about what I would do for my caree

2、r, suddenly something just clicked. 经典对白 美国空姐(1)You have my permission to teach that man a lesson. (片中) teach somebody a lesson 给.教训I hope that being locked out will teach you a lesson. If you eat your words, were going to have to teach you a lesson one day.(2)I was on my way to being a big shot (片中

3、) big shot 大腕人物 (n.) big-shot 大腕级的 (adj.)Sam hired a couple of big -shot lawyers to represent him in court . His dad is a big shot in the art world who knows everybody here.3. Show Time 秀 E.T 俚语美国空姐I will not hold your hand; Im not even going to touch it. (片中) hold someones hand 帮助.度过难关When I was at

4、 home, my parents would hold my hand through everything, it was hard to start doing something on my own. 经典对白美国空姐(1)Christine stop being so hard on yourself .(片中) hard on someone 对谁过于苛刻,过于严格,要求过高When it comes to study, Im really hard on myself because I want to get into a top graduate school. A:Some

5、times I think we might be too hard on our kids. B :Anything wrong? We want them to excel.(2)You are gonna get through this with flying colors. (片中) flying colors 喜出望外A :Hows your exam?I passed it with flying colors! I introduced her to all my family at the New Years party, she was nervous, but she p

6、assed it with flying colors, everyone loves her!4. Show Time 秀Just call me a sucker for a man in uniform (片中) sucker 着迷m always a sucker for chocolate, Im on a diet, but Id love to try a piece. David is a sucker for this kind of music if you get him the CD, hell be crazy.(1)Well, Ill root for you ev

7、en though its against policy .(片中) root for someone 支持,大力支持Good luck with your interview, Ill be rooting for you!m rooting for GuoAn , Beijing, Are you rooting for ShiDe, DaLlian?(2)You rat me out, and Id stop letting you do all my paperwork! rat someone out 揭发,检举Theres a spy in our company we need

8、to rat him out. I know Lily cheated on the test, Should we rat her out?5. Slang View From The Top 美国空姐You just skedaddle dont you miss that flight! skedaddle 走吧,该干什么干什么吧Kids have a good time Go on skedaddle! Its time to skedaddle is everyone packed?(1)If you see any violations , I want that little k

9、lepto picked up as soon as the plane hits pavement.(片中) klepo 有偷窃癖好的人Stay away from her, she is a klepto. Hi, mom, cool please, I just took an extra teabag its not like Im a klepo or anything.(2)All I did was try to help you out and you stabbed me in the back .(片中) stab someone in the back 报复,背后做动作I

10、 cant believe one of my best friends could have stabbed me in the back, did you know whats going on? They told me they would back me up, but as a matter of fact they stabbed me in the back.6. Slang 雨人 by “Alison ” Were seconds away from closing this deal, clearing 75 grand . (片中) to close a deal 成交,

11、需要和另一方达成协议If we could close a deal with Nike and Adidas, that means * a big final agreement with Nike and Adidas for the Olympics. If I can just does this one last deal, Ill have enough money to take a vacation. 雨人(1)I told you before ,we had a falling out a long time ago. (片中) a falling out 有纷争引起的关

12、系破裂,不说话了I wish we could have been friends, but we had a falling out after I cheated on him. I dont want to have a falling out with you over this, can we try to just calm down and take it out?(2)Im not sure, but I dont think people are his First Priority. (片中) First Priority 最最重要的事情Making friends has

13、 never been my first priority in life, I have always been more concerned with getting a good job and * money. Go to the store to get your grandmother medicine, Make that your first priority, if you have some time, maybe you can pick up some food for dinner.Eat Drink Man Woman 饮食男女 by Chris and LynnR

14、oasted Beef 烤牛肉韩式餐厅 平壤妙香屋 名字来源于韩国的妙香山。7. Slang 俚语 雨人 to use someone 利用谁Someone has a lot of money, so you start hanging out with them and being friend with them, not because you think theyre a nice person but because you want their money, thats too use them for their money. 经典对白 雨人(1)I gotta make up

15、 time make up time 弥补I have to leave early, but Ill make up the time tomorrow. Since you were sick last week, you need to make up time you missed in class, please read this book and write a paper on it.(2)I hope you appriate this , because my business is go down the toilet . (片中) go down the toilet

16、彻底泡汤,没有希望All my attempts to convince you whats sorry have just gone down the toilet; I guess you never forgive me. Its life is suddenly going down the toilet, what else could go wrong? 饮食男女red bean parfait 红豆圣代8. SlangJust a couple of days. It would make a world of difference.(片中) a world of differe

17、nce 生活产生很的变化Honey that little bit of house cleaning you did make a world of difference with how the house looks Thank you so much for helping me study it real made a world of difference with how I did on the test.(1)I gotta go, Its starting to rock and roll. (片中) rock and roll 有矛盾,暴动之类的All right guy

18、s time to rock and roll! Lets get out of here!(2)If hes getting on your nerves, just take a break. (片中) take a break 冷静,休息一下We should take a break from each other and see if it improves our friendship. Youve been working for a few hours you should go and take a break for a few minutes.vinegar noodle

19、 朝鲜冷面9. SlangSorry, Nothing inside joke inside joke 你和朋友之间知道的笑话,别人不懂Mom forget it youll never understand it, its an inside joke. Were not going to tell you what were talking about, its an inside joke.(1)Now , listen , Casinos have house rules . (片中) house rules 行规In this school, there are certain ho

20、use rules that everyone follows, but most important is that no one can cheat. So are there any other house rules in this office, I should know about before I start working!(2)So you never ,never show that you are counting cards, that is the cardinal sin, Ray. cardinal sin 最大的罪恶m sorry Duran, but I d

21、idnt know that driving our car without permission was such a cardinal sin!s not like it was a cardinal sin to kiss her! Yes, I have a girlfriend, but were not very serious.Garry Crab Pot 咖喱蟹煲10. Slang Rain Man 雨人 Carried Away 被情绪控制了m sorry, I got carried away. Its not a big deal, just please next ti

22、me take the dog for a walk. 对不起,我气过头了,也没什么大不了的,不过下次可别忘了遛狗。m sorry, I got carried away talking so much, please; you tell me how you are doing. Along For the Ride 凑凑热闹,无所谓-Wanna say sth?-I have to be at the bar at 10:00 with Iris.-I gotta thank you, man.-You did it. I was just there. You saved my ass.

23、 I just along for the ride.m just along for a ride tonight, no decisions. You decide where we should do for dinner and Ill just come along. 今晚去哪儿吃无所谓,我只是凑凑热闹。你们决定好了,你们去哪儿我就去哪儿。 Emotional Outburst (感情、情绪等)突然爆发, 歇斯底里-Did he have any emotional outbursts this past week? -What do you mean?-Well, things t

24、hey tend to do when inflict bodily harm on themselves.-Ok, yeah, a couple of times.-A couple of times?-Ok, he had what you call an outburst at the airport because he didnt want to fly. So we didnt fly.Did he have any emotional outbursts this past week?在过去一周中,他有没有歇斯底里。I know you are really upset with

25、 me, please dont have an emotional outburst in the restaurant like this?我知道你很生我的气,拜托请别在餐馆里这样大喊大叫好不好?Japanese barbecue 日式烧烤mackerel 鲭mackerel这个词字幕上给的翻译是金枪鱼,好像准确的应该翻译为鲭,也叫青鱼,tuna 金枪鱼11. Slang 俚语 大话王Its bit extreme, isnt it? extreme 有点过分,有点夸张Its a little extreme, right? Do you think its too much? Wow,

26、I cant believe youve just bought that new car, isnt that a little extreme? You dont need it right now. 经典对白大话王(1)No! I mean thats the thing nowadays, right? the thing 当代最流行的,最时尚的I know you dont like this, but its the thing. I pod is really the thing now, isnt it ? everyones buying it .(2)I think youre bending over backwards, (片中) bend over backward(s) 不惜一切代价做I would bend over backward to help you anything you need anytime, just call me

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