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1、5、只有慎之又慎,才能避免犯不必要的错误。Being very careful you can avoid making unneccessary mistake.6、那棵树花小,叶子大,很难看,我没买。The tree with small flowers and large leaves looked so ugly, so I didnt buy it.7、应当承认每个民族都有它的长处,不然它为什么能存在?为什么能发展?We sould admit that every nation has its own advantages. If not how can it survive an

2、d how can it develop.8、湖面波光闪闪,湖边茂林修竹,西湖景色四季宜人。With glistening water on its surface and luxuriant trees and bamboo groves along its bank the west lake has attractive landscape all the year around.9、学外语她每天早晨室外高声朗读得益不少。She benefits a lot by reading loud in the open every morning for thelearning of a fo

3、reign language.10、我们的国民经济,工业和农业都是基础。Both industry and agriculture are the foundation of our national.11、那本小说的故事情节这位作家常常闭着眼睛一动不动地坐在沙发上构思。The plot of this novel is figured out by the writer when he sits motionlessly with his eyes shut on the arm chair.12、生了儿子,吃啥有啥;生了女儿,有啥吃啥。If a woman gibes birth to a

4、 boy, she eats what she wants, If to a girl, she just eats what there is.13、那些穷苦工人挣到的钱几乎不够养家糊口。The poor worker seldom earn enough money to keep their family alive.14、德国相机的主要特点是工艺精湛,经久耐用。The German cameras are chiefly characterized by their fine workmanship and durability.15、他把胳膊肘放在桌上,用手支着下巴,心平气和地听我讲

5、事情的经过。After resting his elbow on the table and chin on his hand, he composed himself to listen to my account of the story.16、在这短短的几十年内,我们国家发展得这么快,使人民高兴,世界瞩目。In the short of the last dozen years, the rapid develoment of our country has delighted the people and attracted world attention.17、那些新来的人滔滔不绝讲

6、个不停。The new comers keep talking.18、学习外语的方法和学习游泳的方法一样,必须把实践放到第一位。The way of learning English language is the same as that of learning swimming, practice must be first.19、中国疆域辽阔、人口众多、历史悠久。China is a country with a vast territory, a big population and long history.20、公园景色与庭院建筑珠联璧合,相映成趣。Enchanting garde

7、ns and the buildings are built in hormony, each representing a beautiful ornament to the other.21、他的忍耐功夫着实令人吃惊。He is surprisingly patient.22、北京既是中华人民共和国的首都,也是它的政治、经济和文化中心。它占地16808平方米,拥有人口1382万。Beijing , capital of the Peoples Republic of China and the political, economic, and cuilture center of the

8、country, occupies an area of 16808 square metters and has a population of 1382 millions. 23、The Chinese people enjoy their civil and political rights to a degree unprecedented both in scope and in depth.中国公民享受的公民和政治权利其广度和深度都是史无前例的。24、在建造一座金属大桥前,对金属受热膨胀这一现象必须加以考虑。The expansion of metal on heating mus

9、t be taken into consideration before a metal bridge is guilt.25、众所周知,五年来经济发展取得了显著成绩。It is well-known that marked success were attained in economy development over the past 5 years.26、他赶快跳下床打开一条缝向外一望一院子里冷冷清清一个人影也没有。He bounded out of the bed open the door a little peer into the courty yard where there

10、 was nobody else.27、所有被邀请出席会议的国家都由政府首脑代表。All the countires that are inviited to attend the meeting will be represented by the heads of the goverment.28、把全国的电脑连接起来意味着可以向任何使用该系统的人提供大量信息。Liking all the computers in our country will give alot of information to anyone who uses the system.29、会议开得冷冷清清,有时甚至

11、开不下去了。The meetings were marked by such an absence of lively discussion that at times they were almost on the point of breaking up.30、总之,微波只能以直线的方式传播,没有一系列的转播塔,他们就不能越过漫长的距离,把消息传递到遥远的地方。In short mierowaves only can travel in strightline, without a series of velory towers, it is impossible for them to

12、send messages over long distance over remote places.31、这样,就存在着起源极不相同而原先是相安无事,互不联系的各民族和各种文化之间爆发大规模冲突的危险。Thus, there is the danger of breaking out large-scaled confliets between peoples and cultures of widely different origin, which were formly safely separated.32、他出生在这一类人中间,出生在这种地方,他还有这样的母亲,这些要是让他知道的

13、话,他会多么丢人。He would have felt so ashamed if he had known the kind of people among whom he was born, the kind of place in which he was born, and this kind of mother.33、中国政府高度重视人口问题,把人口问题作为社会主义初级阶段长期面临的重大问题来处理,把控制人口数量、提高人口素质,作为实现现代化建设宏伟目标的可持续发展的重大战略决策, 明确人口问题是可持续发展的首要问题,人口环境资源三者的关系,人口是关键。The Chinese gov

14、erment pays great attention to the population issue and .as a long-standing issue of considerable magnitude during the primary stage of socialism.The goverment has made the controlling population size and improving population quality a strategic policy decision of importance for realizing the lofty

15、goal of socialist modernization and sustainable development.34、Characteristically, Mr.Harold concealed his feelings and watched and learned.Harold先生没有表露自己的感情只是察言观色,心领神会,这是他的特点。35、由于武汉的地理位置优越,它把周围地区紧密地联系起来了。Because of its favorable geographical position, Wuhan connects itself closely with its surroun

16、ding areas.36、他们把我们当作贵宾来款待。They treated us as distinguished guests.37、中国共产党人把完成祖国和平统一大业作为自己的历史重任,并为此进行了长期不懈的努力。The Chinese Communists have taken the great cause of the peaceful reunification of the mother land as their historical, and made unremitting efforts to that end.38、我想把两只手伸出去拥抱她一回。I longed t

17、o stretch out my arms and hug her.39、把这些物资尽快送到地震灾区是非常紧急的任务。It is an urgent task to send this material to the earthquake-stricken area as soon as possible.40、把开发新技术、新产品,新产业同开拓市场结合起来,把发展技术密集型产业和劳动密集型产业结合起来。We shall combine the efforts to develop new technoligies, products and industries with the effor

18、ts to open up markets and integrate the development of technologn-intensive with labor-intensive industries.41、他把那小女孩吓得哭了起来。He scared the little girl to cry.42、农副产品的增加,农村市场的扩大,农村剩余劳动力的转移,又强有力的推动了工业的发展。The increase of farm and sideline products, the expansion of rural markets and the shift of surplas

19、 farm labour stimalated industrial development greatly.43、采用这种新装置可以大大降低废品率。44、一只兔子飞也似的跑过来撞在树干上折断了脖子。A rabit dashed over ran into a tree trunk and broke its neck.45、上海这个拥有大约1300万人口的城市,是世界上最大的城市之一。Shanghai with a population of about 13 million is one of the largest cities in the world.46、To spend too

20、much time in studies is sloth; to use them too much for ornament, is affection; to make judgment wholly by their rules, is the humor of a scholar.读书费时过多,易堕;文采藻辞太盛,则骄;全凭条文断事,乃学究故态。47、Little by little they went along the entire coast of the Arctic Ocean, making careful abservation on the way.他们慢慢的沿着整个北冰洋航行,一路仔细观察。48、It was an upper-class institution whose students should normally have been political conservatives.它是一所贵族学校,按理说,学生在政治上应该是保守的

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