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1、Charlton会议室,名字拼写是 C-H-A-R-l-T-0-N。这间会议室最多可容纳100个人。Well, were organising a dinner to raise money for a charity, and were hoping for at least 150 people, so I think well go for the Main Hall.我们要组织一个筹款的慈善晚宴,预期至少会有150个人出席,所以我想我们还是定主厅吧。How much would that cost?租用主厅要花多少钱?Lets see. You wanted it for the ev

2、ening of September 1st?看看哈,你想要九月一日晚上用是吧?Yes, thats a Saturday.对,是个星期六。So from 6 p. m. to midnight thatd be 115-thats the weekend price, its 75 on weekdays.从晚上6点到12点是115英镑,这是周末的价格,工作日租用的话只要75英镑。Thats all right.可以。And I have to tell you theres also a deposit of 250, which is returnable of course as lo

3、ng as theres no damage.还有,你还要交个250英镑的押金,当然了,只要主厅没有出现什么破损,就会把押金退还给你的。But we do insist that this is paid in cash, we dont take cards for that.但是我们押金只收现金,不能刷卡。You can pay the actual rent of the room however you like though - cash, credit card, cheque. . .实际租金随便怎么支付都可以,现金、刷卡、支票.都没问题。Oh, well I suppose t

4、hats OK. So does the charge include use of tables and chairs and so on?嗯,我觉得应该没问题。你们收取的租金里面包括了使用桌椅之类的费用吗?Oh, yes. - And what about parking?包括了的。-停车费呢?Yeah thats all included.都包含在内了。The only thing that isnt included is that. . . you said you were organising a dinner?唯一一个没有包括的是.你刚才说你们要筹备一个晚宴?Yeah.是的。W

5、ell, youll have to pay extra for the kitchen if you want to use that. Its 25.那如果你们要使用厨房的话,还要额外支付25英镑。Its got very good facilities good quality cookers and fridges and so on.厨房里的设备都很棒,有质量很好的厨具,还有冰箱等等。OK, well I suppose that好的,我想应该没关系。We can cover the cost in our entry charges.我们可以把这个费用分摊到入场费里。Right.

6、So Ill make a note of that.好的,我把这个记下来。Now there are just one or two things you need to think about before the event.那么现在,在你们举行活动之前还有一两件事情需要考虑。For example, youll have to see about getting a licence if youre planning to have any music during the meal.比如,如果你们打算在晚宴期间来点音乐的话,要着手申请一个许可证。Oh, really?真的吗?s qu

7、ite straightforward, Ill give you the details later on.那很简单的,我稍后把详细信息告诉你。And about a week or ten days before your event youll need to contact the caretaker, thats Mr Evans, to make the arrangements for entry- heIl sort that out with you.另外,在活动开始前一个周或者十天左右,你需要跟管理员Mr. Evans联系,一起安排一下入场事宜。他会跟你一起搞定的。And

8、do I give him the payment as well?我要付钱给他吗?No, you do that directly with me.不,你直接把钱给我。Before you hear the rest of the conversation, you have some time to look at questions 7 to 10.在播放剩下的录音之前,你有一些时间阅读问题7-10。Now listen and answer questions 7 to 10.现在请听录音并回答问题7-10。Right. Now is there anything I need to

9、know about what happens during the event?好的。那么在活动进行期间,我还有什么要注意的事情吗?Well, as youll be aware, of course the building is no smoking throughout.嗯,你可能也会注意到,在整栋建筑里任何地方都不能吸烟。Of course.没问题。Now, are you having a band? -Yes.你们会请乐队吗?-是的。Well, theyll have a lot of equipment, so rather than using the front door

10、they should park their van round the back and use the stage door there.他们会有很多乐器和设备的,所以,他们要把车停在后面,通过后台的门进来,而不是从前门进来。You can open that from inside but dont forget to lock it at the end.你可以从里面把后台的门打开,但是请别忘了结束之后把它锁上。OK.And talking of bands, Im sure I dont need to tell you this, but you must make sure th

11、at no one fiddles about with the black box by the fire door-thats a system that cuts in when the volume reaches a certain level. Its a legal requirement.说到乐队,我相信不用讲你也知道,但我还是要强调一下。你们必须确保没人乱动防火门旁边的黑盒子,那是个当声音太大的时候会自动插入的系统。这是个法律要求,必须遵守。Sure. Anyway, we want people to be able to talk to one another so we

12、 dont want anything too loud.应该的。反正我们也想让大家可以互相聊聊天,所以不会弄得太吵的。Oh, that reminds me, well be having speeches-are there any microphones available?这正好提醒了我,我们到时候会有演讲,你们这儿有话筒吗?Yeah. Just let the caretaker know, hell get those for you.有的,你跟管理员说就好了,他会给你们的。Right, now when the event is over we do ask that the p

13、remises are left in good condition.还有,我们要求活动结束之后室内保持整洁。So theres a locked cupboard and youIl be informed of the code you need to open that.所以,我们会告诉你打开锁着的橱柜需要的密码。s got all the cleaning equipment, brushes and detergent and so on.柜子里有所有的清扫装备刷子、清洁剂等等。Right, so what do we need to do after everyones gone?

14、好的,大家都走了之后我们要做什么?Sweep the floors I suppose?扫地?Well actually they have to be washed not just swept.事实上,你们不仅要扫地,还要把地拖干净。Then youll be provided with black plastic bags, so all the rubbish must be collected up and left outside the door.然后我们会给你们一些黑色塑料袋,你们必须把所有的垃圾都装起来放到门外去。Of course. Well make sure every

15、things left tidy.当然啦。我们会确保一切都干净整洁的。Oh. and I forgot to ask.对了,我刚才忘记问了。l presume we can have decorations in the room?我们可以在房间里做些装饰吧?Yes, but you must take them down afterwards.可以,但是结束之后必须把它们弄下来。Sure.And the chairs and tables should be stacked up neatly at the back of the room.还有,你们要把桌椅整齐地摆放在房间后面。Ill m

16、ake sure Ive got a few people to help me.我会叫几个人来帮我的。SECTION 2Welcome to the Fiddy Working Heritage Farm.欢迎来到Fiddy Working Heritage 农场。This open-air museum gives you the experience of agriculture and rural life in the English countryside at the end of the nineteenth century.这个露天博物馆会让你们体验到19世纪末英国乡村地区的

17、农业和农村生活。So youll see a typical farm of that period, and like me, all the staff are dressed in clothes of that time.你们还会看到那个时期典型的农场面貌,并且这里所有的员工都和我一样,穿着那个时代的衣服。I must give you some advice and safety tips before we go any further.在我们继续进入农场之前,我必须跟你们提一些建议以及说一些安全要点。As its a working farm, please dont frigh

18、ten or injure the animals.由于这个农场仍在运营中,所以请不要惊吓或者伤害这里的动物。We have a lot here, and many of them are breeds that are now quite rare.这里有很多动物,而且很多都是如今非常稀有的品种。And do stay at a safe distance from the tools: some of them have sharp points which can be pretty dangerous, so please dont touch them.还有,请一定要和农场工具保持

19、安全距离,它们中有一些非常尖锐,会很危险的,所以请不要碰它们。We dont want any accidents, do we?我们可不想出现任何意外,对吧?The ground is very uneven, and you might slip if youre wearing sandals so Im glad to see youre all wearing shoes - we always advise people to do that.这里的地面坑坑洼洼的,如果你们穿着凉鞋过来的话可能会摔倒。我很高兴看见你们都穿了鞋子过来,我们一般都建议大家这么做。Now, childre

20、n of all ages are very welcome here, and usually even very young children love the ducks and lambs, so do bring them along next time you come.我们欢迎所有年龄段的孩子来参观,而且即使特别小的孩子通常也很喜欢这里的鸭子和小羊,所以下次你们过来的时候可以带他们一起过来。I dont think any of you have brought dogs with you, but in case you have, Im afraid theyll have

21、to stay in the car park, unless theyre guide dogs.我想你们应该没人带了狗过来吧,不过以防有人带了我还是说一下吧,恐怕你们得把狗留在停车场了,除非它们是导盲犬。m sure youll understand that they could cause a lot of problems on a farm.我相信你们一定会理解的,因为它们可能会在农场造成很多麻烦。. . . . . .Before you hear the rest of the talk, you have some time to look at questions 15 t

22、o 20.在播放剩下的录音之前,你有一些时间阅读问题15-20。Now listen and answer questions 15 to 20.现在请听录音并回答问题15-20。Now let me give you some idea of the layout of the farm.现在我给你们介绍一下农场的布局。The building where you bought your tickets is the New Barn, immediately to your right, and were now at the beginning of the main path to t

23、he farmland and of course the car park is on your left.你们刚才买票的那栋楼是New Barn,就在你们右边;现在我们在去农场的主道的入口处,还有,当然啦,停车场在你们左边。The scarecrow you can see in the car park in the corner beside the main path, is a traditional figure for keeping the birds away from crops, but our scarecrow is a permanent sculpture.你们

24、在停车场看见的那个放在主干道旁边角落里的稻草人,是个防止鸟儿靠近庄稼的传统特色,不过我们的稻草人是个固定的雕塑。s taller than a human being, so you can see it from quite a distance.它比真人还要高,所以你们从很远的地方就能看见它。If you look ahead of you youll see a maze. Its opposite the New Barn beside the side path that branches off to the right just over there.往前看的话会看到一个迷宫。就

25、在New Barn对面,那里右边的分岔路旁边。The maze is made out of hedges which are too tall for young children to see over them, but its quite small, so you cant get lost in it!围着这个迷宫的树篱比较高,小孩子是没法儿通过篱笆从上往下看的,不过它实际上只是个小迷宫,在里面不会走丢的。Now can you see the bridge crossing the fish pool further up the main path?你们能看见主干道远处那个鱼塘

26、上面的桥吗?If you want to go to the cafe go towards the bridge and turn right just before it.如果你们想去餐厅的话,就朝着那座桥走,在桥前面右转。Walk along the side path and the cafes on the first bend you come to.沿着分岔路一直走,餐厅就在你们看到的第一个拐弯的地方。The building was originally the schoolhouse, and its well over a hundred years old.那栋建筑原本是

27、个校舍,现在已经屹立在那儿一百多年了。As you may know, we run skills workshops here, where you can learn traditional crafts like woodwork and basket-making.你们也许知道,我们这儿还开了个技能学习班,在这里可以学到像木工和编篮子这样的传统手工技能。You can see examples of the work, and talk to someone about the courses, in the Black Barn.你们可以去Black Barn看看样品,找相关人员聊聊这些课程。If you take the side path to the right here just by the New Barn youll come to the Black Barn just where the path first bends.从New Barn右边的这条岔路一直走,在第一个拐弯的地方就能找到Black Barn。Now I mustnt forget to

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