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1、5.They consider it almost a crime to _children to violence and sex on TV.单项填空1QNo one has _ anything better than the plan now under consideration.A.put up withB.come upC.put forward D.come up to2.Mary thought highly of the painting, but to Mr.Smiths _eye, the painting was terrible.A.eager B.extraC.e

2、xact D.expert3.Her pale face suggested that she _ badly ill and I suggested she _to hospital without;should be sent B.was;be;was sent D.was;was sent4.So sudden _that the enemy had no time to escape.A.did the attack B.the attack didC.was the attack D.the attack was5.She was so_in

3、her job that she didnt hear anybody knocking at the door.A.attracted B.absorbedC.drawn D.focused6.He isnt like his brother_in appearance_in character.A.both;and B.neither;norC.not only;but also D.either;or7.Mr.Green stood up in defence of the 16yearold boy, saying that he was not the one_.A.blamed B

4、 blame be blamed8.Dont forget to phone me when you get home.Just to let me know youve arrived safely.I wont forget.Goodbye then._.A.With pleasureB.Its kind of youC.Dont mention itD.Have a nice trip9._QShe is very lovely and has a pair of big eyes.A.What do you think of SusanB.What d

5、oes Susan look likeC.How is SusanD.What is Susan10.The Food and Agriculture Qrganization says more than forty billion dollars a year needs to be invested in agriculture to _ world hunger, which is becoming more and more serious.A.defeat B.expandC.reject D.cure.阅读理解Michael Faraday was the son of a bl

6、acksmith (铁匠).There were four children in his family and, with his father often ill and unable to work, Michael Faraday had to earn his living from an early age.This meant little or no schooling.However, the family belonged to a religious group, and Faraday learnt to read and write at Sunday School.

7、When he was only fourteen, Faraday found a job as a bookbinder (装订工).He used to read the books he was given to bind and he became very interested in the scientific books, particularly the ones about electricity.His interest soon took a practical path and he began conducting his own experiments.These

8、 were very basic because Faraday had to make all of his equipment himself.However, he was very careful and kept a clear written record of all his findings.Qne day he was given an entrance ticket to the Royal Institute chemistry lecture, given by Humphry Davy.Determined to work for this great scienti

9、st, he sent Davy a job application and included his laboratory reports on the experiments he had carried out.In 1813, Davy offered Faraday a job as one of his laboratory assistants.Faraday learnt quickly and soon was recognized as a very able analytical chemist.Later he went to work at the Royal Ins

10、titute.Michael Faraday was, perhaps, the greatest practical scientist of the 19th century.As a chemist, he discovered the benzene (苯), which is now the focal point of chemical study.He also proved the relationship between electricity and chemical bonding (化学键).As a physicist, he invented the dynamo,

11、 which led to the later invention of the electric motor.He also discovered the effect of magnetism (磁) on light rays.1.Why did Faraday attend Sunday SchoolQA.He had to work for a bookbinder at weekdays.B.He hoped to read many of the scientific books there.C.He would like to learn religious knowledge

12、.D.His family couldnt afford his normal school education.2.When working as a bookbinder, Faraday_.A.published his great findings on electricityB.made his own equipment for his many books by Humphry DavyD.gained his fame as a practical scientist3.In order to get a chance to work for

13、 Davy, Faraday _.A.bought tickets to attend Davys lectureB.sent his experiment reports to DavyC.went to the Royal Institute to visit DavyD.offered to do laboratory work for free4.We can learn from the last paragraph that_.A.the electric motor was invented by FaradayB.electricity was Faradays bestkno

14、wn findingC.Faradays research covered different fieldsD.Faraday was more a chemist than a physicist.任务型读写Smoking is one of the worst things kids can do to their bodiesQEvery single day, about 4, 000 kids between the ages of 12 and 17 start smokingQMost junior school students dont smokeonly about 1 i

15、n 10 doesQMost senior school students dont smoke either about 1 in 4 does.But why do those who smoke ever beginQ Theres more than just one simple answerQSome kids may start smoking just because theyre curiousQQthers may like the idea of doing something that grownups dont want them to doQStill others

16、 might think smoking is a way to act or smoking makes them look like an adult.Luckily, fewer people are starting to smoke than a few years agoQMaybe thats because more and more people have learned that smoking can cause cancer and heart diseaseQSometimes kids dont worry about what future illness the

17、y might get.Nicotine and other poisonous chemicals in tobacco cause lots of diseases, like heart problems and some kinds of cancerQIf kids smoke, it will hurt their lungs and hearts each time they light upQIt can also make it more difficult for blood to flow in the body, so smokers may feel tiredQTh

18、e longer they smoke, the worse the damage becomes.The human body is smart, and it knows when its being poisonedQWhen kids try smoking for the first time, they often cough a lot and feel pain or burnt in their throats and lungsQThis is their lungs way of trying to protect themQAlso, many kids say tha

19、t they feel sick to their stomachs or even throw up(呕吐).TitleKids and SmokingThemeIts important to make sure kids understand smoking is bad for their 1._.2._ that kids smokeQSome kids are just 3._about smoking.QQthers prefer to do things that adults4._them to do.QStill others think smoking is adult.

20、5._and they want to act like an adult.QSometimes kids fail to worry about the 6._they might get in the future.7._ to the bodyQSmoking can 8._in cancer and heart disease.QThose who smoke may have a 9._of tiredness.QThe first time kids try smoking, they often cough and feel pain or burnt in their thro

21、ats and lungs.QSmoking can make kids feel 10._to their stomachs.Section Learning about Language & Using Language1.The origins of the _(宇宙)are still a mystery.2.The May 4th _(运动) of 1919 is very important in the history of China.3.Qur teacher tells us that exercise _(有助于)to good health.4.Several _(热情

22、的) young teachers have just started working at the school.5.Shes got a really _(积极的)attitude to life.6.When her husband left home she felt _(抛弃)and useless.1.I cant _this poem, but perhaps I will if I read it again.2.Although I _ by the university, I didnt lose heart.3.As she _ very _ her children,

23、they developed a good studying habit.4.Qnly after finishing reading the passage can you find it _.5.With so many people watching him, Jim was very _.6QHe doesnt sound _ about the place, in which his parents have ever worked.1.I dont think his reason for being late makes _QA.useB.senseC.value D.cause

24、2.The teacher didnt explain the problem clearly, so many students were _.A.confusing B.mixingC.confused D.mixed3QFiremen said the fire was under control, but they warned that the change in weather might _ a new fire.A.bring in B.break outC.result from D.lead to4.The power station _last year is a big

25、 one.A.having been built B.builtC.being built be built5.Qnly in this way _to get there ahead of can hope did hopeC.can you hope D.did you hope6.A small but _ crowd cheered as the players ran onto the field.A.energetic B.enthusiasticC.enjoyable D.encouraged7.I cared for none of

26、the presents _the wonderful bag you bought for my 12th addition to well addition D.apart from8.Franklins ability to learn from observations and experience_greatly to his success in public life.A.owed B.contributedC.attached D.related9.How do you_we go to Beijing for our hol

27、idaysQI think wed better fly there.Its much more comfortable.A.insist B.wantC.suppose D.suggest10.Qur students ought to _our share to the coming college students sports meeting in our city.A.contribute B.constructC.instruct D.introduce.完形填空Every morning my friend would stop on the way to work to have a quick breakfast with her 8yearold son.Then she_1_him off at school.They ate the same thing every morning:an egg sandwich, juice, coffee for her, and milk for him.Qne day she ordered a(n)_2_breakfast.Qnce they finished eating and were heading out of the door, she

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