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1、多媒体课件板书设计Unit8 Pets Comic strip and welcome to the unit 教学过程设计个性化补充Step 1. Lead-in Ask Ss: How many animals do you know? What are they? Encourage Ss to think out animals in English as many as possible.Step 2. PresentationShow some pictures to learn some words about this lesson:Step 3. Look and guess

2、Show some pictures of animals covered some part, then ask for Ss to guess the names of the animals. Then ask Ss to complete Parts A and B on page 93. Step 4. Practice Show some pictures about animals and let them choose which is their favourite animal and why. Step 5. Learn to the conversationListen

3、 to Eddie and Hobos conversation once and answer: Is Eddie happy with his pet?Step 6. Explanation 1. bring sb. sth. = bring sth. to sb. 给某人拿来某物 Will you please bring me some dog food?take sth. to sb. 把某物带(去)给某人Jim will not come home for lunch today. Please take this lunch box to him.2. something to

4、eat 一些吃的东西 something to drink 一些喝的东西 注:something 常用于肯定句以及表示请求建议的问句中;而在否定句和疑问句中则要用anything。如:There isnt _ to eat in the fridge.Would you like _ to drink?3. watch them swim around 看他们游来游去 watch sb. do sth. 看某人做某事(不能用to do,即必须省略to) Every day the old man watches the children _(play) games.4. sleep on my

5、 knees 睡在我的大腿面上5. feed her carrots 给她喂胡萝卜Step 7. Exercises二、翻译1. 你想吃点什么吗? Would you like _?2. 我们不能把狗带到这来。 We cant _.3. 我喜欢看孩子们跳舞。 I like _ dance.练习与巩固补充习题及活页检测教学反思 Reading 12To read and learn more about Poems about petsTo obtain details about different petsTo respond to the text by making statements

6、 about the others jobsDisscussion and readingUnit8 Pets Reading 1Step 1. PresentationPresent the new words with pictures and read them aloud.poem n. 诗歌wide adv. 充分地hunt vi. & vt. 寻找,搜寻;打猎hide vi. & vt. 藏,隐藏build vt. 建造,建筑camp n. 营地;阵营stick n. 树枝,枝条;棍Step 2. Lead-inEnjoy a poem Millions of snowflakes

7、 to lead in this lesson. One little snowflake falls on my nose,It makes me shiver from my head to my toes.Two little snowflakes get in my eyes,Blink! Blink! What a surprise!Three little snowflakes melt on my tongue,I eat them up, yum, yum, yum!Step 3. Reading1. Listen to the first poem and fill in t

8、he blanks. The writer likes his _ very much. He thinks he is the _ animal of all and he is his best _. Hell _ _ him till the end.2.Read aloud after the tape recorder then answer some questions. 1) Can his dog do wonderful tricks? 2) Why does he hold sticks in his mouth?3) How long does the writer ta

9、ke care of him?3. Complete B24. Listen to the second poem and fill in the blanks.The writers pet is the _. He thinks she is a _ pet. She isnt any _. She just _.5. Read aloud the second poem and fill in the blanks.A goldfish isnt any _.It doesnt _.It doesnt _.We dont need to _ it much.It doesnt need

10、a gentle _.Just bubbles, bubbles, bubbles.Step 4. Pair workTell each other about what kind pet you like and why you like it.Homework1. Read aloud the two poems. 2. Remember the new words in this lesson. Reading 23To obtain details about petsTo respond to the text by making statements about the other

11、s petsTo respond to the text by making statements about the otherspetsTo respond to the text by making statements about the otherspetrsUnit8 Pets Reading 2Step 1. RevisionRead aloud the first poem and then answer some questions.1) Is the writers dog the cleverest animal of all?2) Does he just chase

12、and catch a ball?3) Does he do wonderful tricks?4) Will the writer look after him?Step 2. Explanation1. the cleverest animal of all 在所有动物中最聪明2. run after 追赶3. do wonderful tricks 做精彩的特技4. build me camps out of sticks 用树枝给我建营地 building n. 建筑物,大楼5. trouble n. (通常作为可数名词) make trouble 捣乱,制造麻烦6. look aro

13、und for sth. 四处寻找某物Step 3. Exercises一、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. The dog is _ (hunt) for the cat.2. Birds can build homes with _ (sticks).3. How tall those_ (build) are!4. My pet never makes any _ (trouble). 5. My dog is very _ (friend).6. Which do you think is the _ (clever) animal of all?二、翻译句子1. Millie的猫会追逐球

14、并会做其他的事。2. 我会一直照顾他的。3. 我的狗从来不吠或咬。4. 我的金鱼不需要温柔的抚摸Unit8 Pets Grammar 14To use adjectives to describe people or things情景教学Unit 8 Pets Grammar(1)Show some pictures to learn the new words then read them aloud. anywhere adv. 任何地方repeat vt. & vi. 重复all the time 一直,总是agree vi. & vt. 同意;应允keep vt. 养,饲养Show s

15、ome pictures of animals for Ss to describe.Step 3. Using adjectives1.Explain the use of adjectives.2.Complete Parts A1 & A2.Step 4. Indefinite pronouns1.Explain the use of the twelve indefinite pronouns.2.Complete the exercise on page 98.Step 5. Summary一、形容词形容词定义用来表示人或事物特征、性质的词。用法1. 放在名词前(作定语)。2. 放在

16、连系动词后(作表语)。举例Its a nice gift.He is very friendly.You look tired today. Grammar 25Unit8 Pets Grammar 2二、不定代词:用来指不定数量或范围的人或物。用法举例:1. Someone _ (want) to see you at the school gate. 2. There _ (be) nothing wrong with the car. 3. Mother will buy me _ _ (好吃的东西)this afternoon.4. How is _ (一切)going?5. She

17、eats nothing in the morning. = She _ _ _ in the morning.Step 6. Exercises用所给词的适当形式填空。1. There is not _ (something) in the box. 2. Im glad to see that _ (somebody) is here today. 3. _ (anything) is difficult if you put your heart into it.4. People in the shop are _ (friend) to us. 二、翻译 1. Hobo 叫Eddie

18、不要对他不礼貌。Hobo asks Eddie not to _ to him. 2. 我的狗是我的一位特殊朋友。My dog is a _.3. 金鱼很容易照看。Goldfish are _.4. 如果你喜欢,养蛇也没什么不对。Theres _ wrong with _ if you like.Integrated skills6To find the specific information by listening to the talk on goldfish.Unit8 Pets Integrated skillsTalking about your favourite pets w

19、ith some adjectives in pairs:A: What is your favourite animal? What is it like?What about you?1.Present some new words using pictures. Step 3. Listening1. Listen to a talk and help Peter check if the notes are T or F.2. Listen to the talk again and complete the A2 on Page 99.1) pick them up with you

20、r hands 用手把他们捞起来2) grow up becentimetres long 长大成为厘米长3) weigh up tograms 重达克/有克重Step 4. Explanation1. pick up 捡起,拿起Will you please pick up the pen for me?Look! Its a watch. Please pick it up.2. weigh up to 40 grams 有40克重The boy weighs up to 60 kilograms.3. once a day 一天一次 How often should I feed him

21、? Once a day.4. grow up to be 12 centimetres long 长成12厘米长What do you want to be when you grow up.Step 5. Exercises 1. -你为什么养猫啊? -因为它很好照看。2. -一只金鱼有多重?-大概不超过半公斤吧。3. 宝宝在睡觉, 不要发出任何声响。4. 在阳光下看书对眼睛不好。Study skills7Learn to talk about how to look after a pet.Unit8 Pets Study skillsDiscuss the following questions with your partners.1.Can you put a goldfish in the sun?2. Is a goldfish heavy?3.

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