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版一轮英语北师大版练习必修5 Unit 13 PeopleWord下载.docx

1、.单句改错(按高考试卷要求在原句中修改)1I hate when people talk with their mouth full.答案:I hate when people talk with their mouth full.2He desired that I went abroad for further education.He desired that I abroad for further education.3The boss keeps finding faults with my work;for some reason hes been getting at me a

2、ll day.The boss keeps finding with my work;4Judged by the number of cars,he thought,there were not many people at the club. by the number of cars,he thought,there were not many people at the club.5With our relief,children all arrived home safely. our relief,children all arrived home safely.6He devot

3、ed his whole life to promote world peace.He devoted his whole life to world peace.7Many media in the world concentrate their attention to the submit of the Group of Twenty.Many media in the world concentrate their attention the submit of the Group of Twenty.8You cant help but to start moving when yo

4、u hear this song.You cant help but start moving when you hear this song.9There is little doubt whether he will win the match.There is little doubt he will win the match.10Li Tan was charged by the police of breaking the law.Li Tan was charged by the police breaking the law.完成句子1Bear in mind that wit

5、h humor sense,you can always be on good terms with others.牢记拥有幽默感,你就能总是和其他人保持友好关系。2I cant talk her out of her dream of being a physician.我不能说服她放弃成为一名内科医生的梦想。3Many women dislike it when men smoke in their presence.许多女士不喜欢男士们当着她们的面吸烟。4I will have a lot of work to do this morning,so I cant help (to) cl

6、ean the room.今天上午我有很多工作要做,所以不能帮忙打扫房间。5It is not proper to have children studying late into the night.让孩子们一直学到很晚是不恰当的。教材素养提升练.教材与语法填空According to the 1.description(describe) given by Professor Salovey,we know that it is IQ 2.that gets us hired but it is EQ that gets us promoted.Supported by his acade

7、mic research,Professor Salovey suggests that when 3.predicting(predict) someones future success,their character,as measured by EQ tests,might actually matter more than their IQ.This may be right.For example,some 4.gifted(gift) students,who you think deserve good grades,sometimes end failure.And

8、 the failure is possibly because of their low EQ.People are often 6.mistaken(mistake) in the association between IQ and EQ.People with high EQs are less likely to be troubled by problems.7.Compared(compare) with them,those with low EQs often have problems getting on with other people and dealing wit

9、h difficult situations;thus they have a harder time 8.surviving(survive) in life.Now some social scientists are trying to study the possibility of raising ones EQ 9.because the future of a person is not 10.entirely(entire) determined by his/her IQ.教材与短文改错The day when I met my best friend the first t

10、ime,I was full of anxiety.I was trying to do some revision for a important oral exam in the local library and people kept disturbing me.The last straw was when I heard someone who was a tall girl about the same age as me sing behind me.At that moment,I thought she was inconsiderate but selfish.Only

11、when I got home did I realise that I had left my most important textbook behind because of I left the library in so a hurry.I was so upset that I almost cried.Just then,a girl calling Jenny phoned me and told me she could bring the book around for me.It was a surprise that the girl who I met was the

12、 one I shouted at for her singing.I felt so guilty and apologised several times for my rude behave.Jenny and I got along really well and ever since then weve been best friends.From the experience I know that first impressions are untrue sometime and that we cant judge a person only by the first impr

13、ession.The day I met my best friend the first time,I was full of anxiety.I was trying to do some revision for important oral exam in the local library and people kept disturbing me.The last straw was when I heard someone who was a tall girl about the same age as me behind me.At that moment,I thought

14、 she was inconsiderate selfish.Only when I got home did I realise that I had left my most important textbook behind because I left the library in a hurry.I was so upset that I almost cried.Just then,a girl Jenny phoned me and told me she could bring the book around for me.It was a surprise that the

15、girl who I met was the one I shouted at for her singing.I felt so guilty and apologised several times for my rude .ve been best friends.From the experience I know that first impressions are untrue and that we can高考题型组合练.阅读理解AMy dearest son and daughter,The story of New Jersey high school student Rac

16、hel Canning suing her parents for child support and high school education inspired me to write you a little letter.Let me just put this out there:the only way I expect to see you in a court is as a lawyer or a judge.There are two things about this case that seem to be disaster.First,its natural for

17、parents and children to argue.I can guarantee that we will disagree.One or both of you will,at some point,scream at the top of your voice the various ways you hate me.And I wont always like you,either.But I will always love you and do everything I can to keep your best interests as my focus,even whe

18、n Im so angry.We are family.That means we are as much a part of one another as the flesh,blood and bones in our body.And we all should think about it very deeply instead of breaking that bond.Second,to be honest,no matter how far apart we are on your life choices,your father and I will most certainl

19、y pay everything we can for your higher education.But that doesnt mean you deserve it.To be clear,that is a privilege we happily extend(给予) to younot a right you are born with.And you will have to work hard to earn that privilege.Growing up is hard work.If I do my job properly as your motherand you

20、do yours as my childrenyou would sooner get a job or two,and find a way to make your dreams come true rather than go to trial over what you think you are entitled to.Love always,Mom语篇解读本文为一篇应用文。本文是一位妈妈写给她孩子的信。作者告诉孩子:一方面她很爱他们,会尽全力照顾他们;另一方面,家长支付孩子教育费用并非理所当然,还需孩子自己努力获得。1The mother writes this letter be

21、cause she wants her children to .Abe prepared for educationBlearn a lesson from the caseCtake up the legal professionDremember Rachel Canning解析:推理判断题。根据第一段“The story of New Jersey high school student Rachel Canning suing her parents for child support and high school education inspired me to write yo

22、u a little letter.”可知妈妈写信的目的是想让孩子从此案例中得到启示,故选B项。B2When in disagreement,the mother expects her children not to .Aguarantee anythingBscream out their angerCbreak the family bondDforget their best interests细节理解题。根据第三段第一句可知,父母和孩子意见不一致是很正常的,根据此段最后一句可知出现矛盾时,父母希望孩子不要破坏家庭成员之间的纽带,故选C项。C3The mother thinks of

23、parents paying for their childrens higher education as .Aa way in which children realize their dreamsBa test of whether parents love their childrenCa privilege that children should earnDa right that parents are born with根据倒数第二段“To be clear,that is a privilege we happily extend(给予) to younot a right

24、you are born with.”可看出,这个妈妈认为父母支付孩子的教育费用是父母乐意给予孩子的特权,但并非孩子生来就有的,而是需要孩子自己努力去获得。故选C项。Susan Brownell Anthony was a lady ahead of her time.She fought for womens rights long before it became a popular issue.Susan was born on February 15,1820,in Adams,Massachusetts.At that time,women had few rights.They c

25、ould not own property.Money earned by a married woman belonged to her husband.Major decisions regarding children were made by the fathers.Women could not vote.At the age of 15,Susan became a schoolteacher.She taught for 15 years.Then she began organizing womens groups to promote causes that were imp

26、ortant to women.She helped gain better educational rights for women.She helped give married women possession of their earnings.After the Civil War,Susan became very involved in the Womens Suffrage Movement.After years of lecturing,writing,and appealing by Susan and other women,some parts of the Unit

27、ed States changed their laws to give women the right to vote.The first state was Wyoming in 1869.Other areas and states gradually followed Wyomings decision.It was not until 1920 that the US.Constitution was changed to give all women voting rights.Susan Brownell Anthony died in 1906 at the age of 86

28、.She was elected to the Hall of Fame for Great Americans in 1950.She was the first American woman to have a likeness(肖像) of her face on a coin.It was the 1979 Susan Brownell Anthony dollar.语篇解读本文主要介绍了美国历史上著名的女权运动领袖苏珊布劳内尔安东尼。她努力为妇女争取了财产权和投票权等权利。4What was the situation of American women like when Susan was born?AThey had low social status.BThey could vote after getting married.CThey managed money for their husbands.DThey were responsible for decision m

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