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1、2. A. being attacked B. attaching C. attached D. to attack3. A. comparing B. comparison C. compare with D. compared to4. A. on B. with C. up D. by5. A. dead B. dying C. deadly D. died6. A. be increased B. decrease C. rise D. be reduced7. A. Swim B. Not swim C. Never swim D. Not swimming8. A. alone B

2、. in the water C. away D. in groups9. A. the B. a C. / D. his10. A. put B. shake C. stick D. hold三 双向翻译(一) 1. 有400种不同类型的鲨鱼,but only about 30 types have ever been reported as attacking human beings. Most people know that the most dangerous shark is the great white shark, mainly because they seen the

3、movie “Jaws”. 2. However, there are still two other sharks which are dangerous. The chances of being attacked by a shark are very small compared to other dangers. The low number of attacks that happen every year proves that sharks dont feed on the humans if they have the choice.3. Your chances of be

4、ing attacked by a shark can be reduced if you follow the advice below.Dont swim in the dark. 4. 鲨鱼仍然看得见你,但你却看不到它。Dont swim if you are cut or if you have a fresh wound.Try and stay in groups.5. Dont wear bright clothing or jewellery because sharks are attracted to colors.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 双向翻译(二)The won

5、derful world of pigeons(P19)It was night and all was quiet. The soldiers were asleep. Suddenly, there was a flash and the sounds of guns.They were being attacked! 1.除非得到帮助,他们都会被杀死。An officer wrote a short message, rolled it up and put it into a small case, then reached into a cage and got a bird. 2.

6、 Attaching the message to its leg, he set the bird loose. 3.鸟儿会及时到达吗? Would they be saved?4. Pigeons have a wonderful sense of direction and can find their way home over long distances. They have been known to fly home from as far away as 1,800 kilometers. It was in war that they found their greates

7、t use. 5. Unlike humans, they never get lost and can always find their way home. 双向翻译(三)Stayinghealthymakessenses(P11)Manypeoplewonderifthereisanyconnectionbetweenourandhealth. Scientistsobservethatmakingthemostofwhenweareyoung2.能够让我们在之后的生活中保持健康。Whydofeelanxiousortired? Onestudyshows3.about90%timesp

8、entwatchingtelevisionusingcomputers.Itaddedwhilesensesightusedtoomuch,ourtouchsmellhavebeen ignored.Peopleoftenaskwhethernotshoulddevelopallsenses. Theansweryes.Expertssuggestfollowingthingsmoreoften.Whilehavingdinner,listentosomeenjoyablemusicratherthanwatchtelevision.4.Whilerelaxingathome,flowersn

9、extyounice.Beforegoingbed,turnlightsoff.Whilesleeping ,wearanightshirtpleasanttouch5.这会让我们睡得好。 高二学考英语复习M3 Unit 2一句子翻译1.That is 为什么英语有如此多的令人困惑的难规则的原因。 2.古英语由他们的语言混合而成。3. When we speak English today, we sometimes对于用哪一个单词和短语而困惑。4. Many things在这一新型英语的发展中起了作用.5. French did not replace English as the firs

10、t language.6.另一方面,英语也确实从法语中借用了许多的单词。7. Old French 也对中古英语做出了其他贡献。8. By the latter half of the 14th century, 英语已被英格兰所有社会阶层广泛使用。9. It is certain that this process will continue, and 人们将会不断发明新的单词和新的表达方式。10. This is one of the reasons why languages keep changing almost every day.11. Chinese words are for

11、med by putting together different characters.12. 并非所有的汉字都从物体的图画演变而来。13. Many Chinese characters used today were made this way.14.现在他们已在中国大陆全面普及。二完形填空(一) Throughout history, people from many different countries and cultures have lived together in Britain. That is _1_ English is a language with so man

12、y 2 rules. _3_ the middle of the 5th century, people in Britain all spoke Celtic. Then people from Northern European countries began to 4 Britain. And in the meantime they created Old English, which is very _5_ from the English we speak nowadays. From around the 12th to the 15th century people used

13、Middle English. Many factors _6_the development of this new type of English. After the Norman Conquest, upper class people spoke French _7_common people spoke English. In 1399, Henry IV, King of England, made English used for all official occasions.Modern English began during the Renaissance in the

14、16th century. It _8_ huge changes during this period. However, this is not the end of the 9 in the English language. It is certain that this process will continue, and people will keep 10 new words and new ways of saying things.1. A. why B. the reason C. when D. that2. A. confused B. confusing C. be

15、ing confused D. confuse3. A. In B. During C. After D. Before4. A. take B. move to C. live D. raise 5. A. the same as B. different C. different from D. alike6. A. contributed B. contribute C. contributed to D. make contributions to 7. A. as B. while C. when D. but8. A. went through B. made C. underwe

16、nt D. take place9. A. facts B. chances C. changes D. choices10. A. to invent B. inventing C. invented D. invention完形填空(二) One big difference between British and American English is in (1) . For example, the British use the word autumn while the Americans use the word fall, In this case, the older wo

17、rd is autumn. (2) , about four hundred years ago, the word autumn was (3) with fall. Later, the British returned to autumn, while the Americans still use fall. Of course, people from many different countries came to America and made their (4) to American English (5) big (6) between American and British English is spelling. After the Americans (7) the British in 1781 and gained independence, they wanted to make the spelling of English words simpler. (8) , Americans write color (9)_ colour. Finally, the pronunciation and accents are different. Both countries have slowly ch

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