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1、1)drawing画像 2) yourself你自己,是反身代词3)bring带来 take 带走Lesson 3 Getting to Know You!1.write down 写下,记下Please write down their names.请写下他们的名字。2.dislike doing sth. 不喜欢做某事I dislike playing basketball.我不喜欢打篮球。 doing /to do sth. 喜爱/讨厌做某事He love eating meat,but she hate eating meat.他爱吃肉,但她讨厌吃肉。

2、 the violin 拉小提琴I like playing the violin.我爱拉小提琴。5.go for walks 去散步 Lets go for walks.让我们去散步。6.get out of bed = get up 起床Please get out of bed/get up.起床7.I have one more question. 我还有一个问题。句中的more可表示“再;另外的;其他的”。She wants three more tickets. 她再要三张票。8.either, too, also 也(either 用于否定句, 句尾; too 用于肯定句 ,句尾

3、 ; also 用于肯定句 , 句中 ,be动词后 , 实意动词前) She is a student, _too_. I dont like rain, _either_. He is _also_ in the classroom.Lesson4 On a School Day1.Something different all year round.一年到头万物不同。形容词作定语,修饰名词,一般情况下放在名词之前;但修饰以-thing为结尾的不定代词时,要放在它的后面,语法上称之为定语后置。I have something important to tell you.我有重要的事要告诉你。

4、2.Sweaters are made of wool. 毛衣是羊毛制成的。be made of + 材料(能看出原材料的)”,意为“某物由制成的”。The table is made of wood. 这个桌子是木制的。Lesson 5 The Best Clothes1. gray adj. 灰色的 He has a gray bag.2. silly adj. 傻的 He is very silly. 聪明的 clever adj.3.voice n. 声音 ,说话声 She has a beautiful voice. noise n. 噪音 Dont make a noise. so

5、und 泛指各种声音 4.paint v. 画,涂 He is painting. n. 涂料,颜料 He colored with paint.5.very much I like the backpack very much.6.not any more =notanymore He doesnt live here anymore.7think of 想起 what do you think of ? 你认为怎么样 Lesson6 Meet Ms. ready to do sth. 准备做某事 He is ready to go ready for sth

6、 为 做准备Im ready for exam.2. introduce Introduce me to her.introduce oneself 自我介绍3Mr 先生 Mrs 女士 已婚女士丈夫的姓 Miss 未结婚的女士 Ms 不明婚姻状况的女士4marry sb 与 结婚 I married married 结婚的 He is scared of sb /sb 害怕(某人 某事)He is scared of scared of doing /to do 害怕做某事m scared of meeting snake6.nervo

7、us adj. 紧张的 be nervous He is nervous.Dont be nervous.Lesson7 Jennys Week1. keep a diary/write a diary 写日记2.onethe other (两者之中的) 一个另一个3.go to the movies 去电影院 sb. sth = buy sth. for sb.给某人买某物5.introduce A to B把A介绍给B6.invite to邀请去7动词过去式特殊形式:am/is -was are-were lose-lost-lost buy-bought-bought wear

8、-wore-wornLesson9-10重点1、Dont be late for class.别上学迟到。2、I have painted six new pictures this week.这周我已经画了六福画。3、I hope youll show them to me sometime.我希望有一天你将给我看它们。4、Im not going to be a painter when Im older.当我长大时,我不打算成为画家。5、You dont need to be good at it.(need to do sth) 你不需要擅长它。6、in two minutes,两分钟

9、后。7、too much homework.太多的家作。8、the best way to learn English.学英语的最好方法。9、be short for 是的缩写10、 makedo 使做11、 Everyoneexcept 人人除了(不包含)12、 seedo 看到做13、 helpwith 帮助做14、 have an exam.考试15、give sb some good advice 给某人一些好的建议。Lesson11 WhatsYourFavouritesubject?1、For our project. We will play basketball. 球类前不加t

10、he. 乐器前必须加:play the piano “弹钢琴” play the violin “拉小提琴”。 The boy often plays the piano on Sundays. 2、It would be fun to study about China. “It +系动词+带to的不定式”结构中,It是形式主语,真正的主语是带to的不定式。It is easy to learn English. 3、I liked drawing when I was a little boy. 当我是个小男孩的时候,我喜欢画画。 “when,before,after”引导的时间状语从句,

11、遵从主从一改原则。主句用过去时,从句也用相应的过去时。Before I went to work, I drank another cup of tea. 在我上班之前,我又喝了一杯茶。4、Turn out the light. 熄灭灯 Turn on是turn out的反义词,也可以说成turn off.指开关电器一类的东西,同时turnup表示“开大点”,turndown表示“拧小点”。5、Weshouldstoptalking.我们应该停止谈话。“should”情态动词“应该”,后接动词原形。Theygothereontime.他们应该按时去那。Stoptodo停下来去做某事。doing

12、停止做某事。Weeatsomebread.我们停下来去吃面包。6、关于定语从句Findclassmateswholikethesamesubject.找到喜欢同一科的一些同学。Who作定语,修饰classmates,是定语从句。Herearethingsyoucando.这是你能做的一些事。 Lesson12Tick-tock1.Whattime?几点了? 还可以说:Whattimeisit?回答时用Itsdoesthisclocksay?这表几点了?2.时刻表达法1)时在前,分在后,直接用基数词来表达例如:twothirty2:30;five5:052)分在前,时在后,分和时之间要加一个介词

13、to或past.当分钟在(含)之前时,用past;当分钟在之后时用to,to表示差例如::20twentypast4:30four6:35twenty-fiveseven(差分不到点):50tennine(差分不到点)3)当分钟是,时用quarter来表示例如:9:15aquarter11:45twelve(差一刻不到点)当分钟是时,常用half来表示例如:halfsix10: Lesson13LookingforLisa1.Is there a library in your school?在你们学校有图书馆吗?there be在某地有某物变一般疑问句时,be提前,变否定句时,在be后加no

14、t. 例如:There arent any desks in the room.在屋子里没有桌子 2. Is it important to be on time? 守时很重要吗?it 是形式主语,真正的主语是带to的不定式例如:It is easy to draw a picture like this.画这样的一副画很容易 3.What mistakes does Danny make in the library?丹尼在图书馆犯了什么错误?make a mistake犯错误,也可以说成make mistakes 例如:They made some mistakes in the math

15、s exam. 他们在数学考试中犯了一些错误 You cantmakesmistakeagain.你不能再犯错误了4. work on从事于,致力于例如:They have worked on this problem for ten years. 他们做这个项目有十年之久了 5.Ill show you where it is.我来指给你它在哪?where it is 做Ill show 的宾语从句宾语从句用相应的陈述语序例如:I want to know if you are a doctor. Do you know where he is goong.你知道它要去哪吗?6.No noi

16、se ,please!禁止喧哗!等于Dont make a noise.类似的短语还No smoking !禁止吸烟o parking!禁止停车相当于一个否定的祈使句 辨析:noise, voice 与sound noise, voice,sound都有声音的意思Noise指“噪音”“吵闹声”例如:Dontmake any noise,cildre.孩子们,别在吵了。voice 指“噪音”,人说话或唱歌的声音,有时也指鸟叫的音。ThissoundsMarysvoice. Sound指物的响声例如:Thatsoundofcar.那是小汽车的声音7.Itoldwewouldworkourbaske

17、tballprojecttogether.我告诉Lisa我们将一起做我们的篮球项目work是过去将来时的结构形式过去将来时态是指在过去某一时间看来将要发生的动作过去将来时态常用于宾语从句中结构:would+动词原形(would是助动词will的过去式)Hesaidhewillbuysweaternextweek.Lesson 14 Irfan studied ChinaLanguage Points:1. the most interestingWhi The most interesting 是interesting 的最ch one is the most interesting?高级,

18、三者或三者以上之间的比较用最高级. 形容词的最高级的变化规则:1). 一般情况下比较级直接加-er, 最高级直接加-est.例如: longlonger-longest 2).以不发音字母e 结尾的, 直接加-r, -st.例如:latelater-latest3). 以重读闭音节结尾的,双写最后一个辅音字母,再加-er, -est. 例如:bigbigger biggest4).三个或三个以上音节的形容词, 加more 变比较级,加most变最高级. 例如:deliciousmore deliciousmost delicious5).不规则形容词的比较级和最高级good/wellbette

19、rbest; bad-worse-worst;many/ muchmoremost; littlelessleast farfartherfarthest far-furtrer-furthest.2. taketoWhen we studied China, our teacher took us to a Chinese restauant and a Chinese grocery store. took 是take的过去式. “taketo” 把某人带到某地Please take the box to the next room.请把这个箱子搬到隔壁的屋子.His father alw

20、ays takes him to the park on Sundays.每逢星期天,他的父亲总是带他去公园.3.Thats a funny name, isnt it?这是一个反意疑问句.反意疑问句的结构不同于一般疑问句和特殊疑问句, 它是由陈述句+反意疑问词构成. 反意疑问词部分由助动词+陈述部分主语的相应代词。如果陈述句是肯定式,反意疑问部分则用否定式,陈述部分用否定式,反意部分则用肯定式,即所谓”前否定,后肯定;前肯定,后否定”.反意疑问部分通常译为”是不是,不是吗”等.例如:Its sunny today, isnt it? 今天天气晴朗,不是吗?He went to Beijing

21、 yesterday, didnt he? 他昨天去了北京,不是吗?4. is called是被动语态的结构形式被动语态表示句子的主语和谓语之间的一种动宾关系, 该句中用来强调it即”北京. 被动语态的结构是be+及物动词的过去分词. 例如:Football is played all over the world. 全世界都踢球.His hair is cut every month. 他每月理一次发.Lesson 15 Karens hair stood up1、give talks做报告,有时也说give a talkToday we give our talks to the clas

22、s about our favourite subjects.今天我们给同学们作了一个关于我们最喜欢的学科的报告.e.g. The picture always makes me remember my holiday. 这张照片总让我想起我的假期.2、Make sb. do sth. 让某人做某事 make 使役动词,后接动词时,用动词原形. 例如:The boss (老板) often makes him do a lot of work.老板经常让他做许多工作.remember to do 记住去做某事(还没做);remember doing sth.记得做过某事(已经做了)Rememb

23、er to turn off the light before you go out.出门之前要记得关灯.3. Everyone was very surprised.大家都很吃惊Surprised (形容词)“吃惊的”surprise (名词)“令某人吃惊的事”To ones surprise 使某人吃惊的是例如:To our surprise,he got the first this time.使我们吃惊的是他这次Lesson 17 I Love Autumn1.have to: 必须、只好(强调客观的需要)must: 必须(强调主观的需求)e.g: Its raining now. H

24、e has to stay here.You dont have to tell her the news.2.I wonder.我想知道 I wonder why Li Ming is late early /late 月份 表示某月初末 We begin school in early September.4.Thanksgiving= Thanksgiving Day 感恩节加拿大的感恩节是每年10月的第二个星期一。美国的感恩节通常在11月的最后一个星期四。Lesson18 Get Ready for away form离一段距离,离开e.g:

25、 Toms farther is away form home.far away 远离,在远处 My home is far away.2.So 助动词主语 也一样 e.g:-Im thirsty. -So am I. So主语 助动词 的确如此-Its raining. - So it is.Lesson 19 Get a Present for Li Ming!1. clothing store 服装店 They go into a clothing store.2. What can I do for you?/May(Can) I help you?/Is there anything I can do for you? 常用于售货员和顾客问候的交际用语。3. blow out 吹灭 I like blowing out birthday candles.4. what size? .多大尺寸? What size shoes do you want?5. the same size as 和一样尺寸 Li Ming is the same size as Brian. the same +名词+as 相同的 Her coat is the same colour as her mothe

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