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1、s major strengths.李少光上任后,卸去刚刚从事一年多的廉政专员职务。唐英年上周起成为热门入选人员,他表示香港现在面临史无前例的挑战,这包括经济过渡、失业、财政赤字以及通货紧缩。唐英年还说不应忽视香港独特的优势和经济基础,并补充说香港与内地更紧密经贸关系安排(简称CEPA)是另一主要优势。relinquish,To retire from; give up or abandon.离开;放弃或抛弃。relinquish a claim,放弃要求;relinquish bad habits,戒除不良习惯。与relinquish有几个近义词,they have in common th

2、e sense of letting something go or giving something up.他们都包含有放弃的意思。现在简单介绍一下这几个词。Relinquish, 不能忍受放弃这个主意。意味着让步,如向压力或上级权威,经常是希望这样的行动将是暂时性的:Resign:暗示着不抵抗的屈服或默认,如因为毫无希望而产生的。Abandon和 surrender在意味不存在已失去的东西的回归或恢复的希望是一致的,但是这两个词的区别是 surrender意味着强迫、命令或力量之下的行动:Cede暗示着正式的转让,如权力或领地的让渡。Waive意味着自愿地放弃某事物的决定,如权力或要求。R

3、enounce是正式地放弃某事物,通常是原则性的事物。unprecedented,Having no previous example:没有前例的。unprecedented economic rowth.史无前例的经济增长。deflation,A persistent decrease in the level of consumer prices or a persistent increase in the purchasing power of money because of a reduction in available currency and credit.通货紧缩。ster

4、n,Hard, harsh, or severe in manner or character,在方式或性格上严峻的:a stern disciplinarian.一个严格的实施纪律者。Wong would not comment openly on the case when asked how he would deal with the incident relating to ex-financial secretary Antony Leungs car purchase. We will deal with the matter fairly, impartially and in

5、 compliance with the law,“ he said. But whether there will be a prosecution is for the secretary for justice to decide.李没有公开评论有关前财政司长梁锦松的汽车购买事件,他说:“我们将按照法律对事件进行公正无私的处理。但将由司法部长决定是否要对梁锦松事件进行起诉。impartial,Not partial or biased; unprejudiced.不偏不倚的;没有偏见的。in compliance with,遵照, 依从, 屈从。prosecute,To initiate

6、 civil or criminal court action against. 对提起公诉,对提起民法或刑法诉讼行为。He was prosecuted for robbery.他因抢劫而被起诉。Henry Tang vowed to make use of the market force of the Pearl River Delta area to develop high value-added, innovative and high-tech industries and to enhance Hong Kongs role in the delta.唐英年决心利用珠江三角洲地

7、区的市场力量,发展高附加值、高科技创新产业,提高香港在三角洲的地位。62Powell Calls Report of His Departure Nonsense鲍威尔否认有关离职说法Mon Aug 4, 5:26 PM ETWASHINGTON (Reuters) - Secretary of State Colin Powell on Monday dismissed as nonsense a Washington Post report that he and his deputy Richard Armitage planned to step down in early 2005.

8、华盛顿,路透社华盛顿邮报的一份报告宣称,美国国务卿科林鲍威尔连同其助手理查德阿米蒂奇(副国务卿)将在2005年早些时候辞职。本周一,鲍威尔拒绝承认此说法,认为这纯属胡言乱语。dismiss,我们常用的是这个词作解雇、免职意思讲,但本文中dismiss的意思是To refuse to accept or recognize; reject:拒绝接受、不承认,抛弃。dismissed the claim as highly improbable.驳回这项极不可能推行的主张。deputy,An assistant exercising full authority in the absence of

9、 his or her superior and equal authority in emergencies,副手。a deputy to the sheriff.代理治安长官。by deputy/do sth. by deputy,请人代表(做某事), 通过代理人(做某事)。step down,走下, 逐步减低, 辞职, 下台。The Post said Powell had indicated to associates he would leave for personal reasons rather than policy differences. Powell has often

10、 been at odds with more hawkish members of the Bush team like Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and his deputy, Paul Wolfowitz. The Post said Powell indicated a commitment made to his wife was a key factor. Rice and Wolfowitz are the leading candidates to replace Powell, The Post said. Rice appeared

11、 to have an edge because of her proximity to Bush, it added.华盛顿邮报宣称,鲍威尔对其助手暗示,自己决定以“私人原因”辞职,而非政治上的分歧。鲍威尔同布什政府内部其他“鹰派”成员经常产生分歧,这些人包括国防部部长唐纳德拉姆斯菲尔德和副部长保罗沃尔夫维茨。 华盛顿邮报说,鲍威尔暗示辞职的主要原因是“想多陪老伴儿”。华盛顿邮报还说,赖斯和沃尔夫维茨都可能成为鲍威尔的“接班人”,其中赖斯则因与布什关系亲密更略胜一筹。at odds (with),(与)意见不一致;与 不和。edge ,A margin of superiority; an

12、advantage,优势的程度,强势。a slight edge over the opposition.比对手稍具优势。have the edge on,比强。Privately some officials gave some credence to the report, saying it has been assumed Powell was likely to leave after four years. The Post story is not helpful to Powell, who could find his effectiveness diminished if

13、he is seen as a lame duck for the remaining 18 months of Bushs current term.私下里一些官员就相信邮报的报告,并表示他们估计鲍威尔很可能在四年后离职。另外,华盛顿邮报的报告对鲍威尔也有些不利,因为如果大家把他看作是布什离任前18个月的即将去职的官员民选官员,他的效能将逐渐消失。credence,Acceptance as true or valid; belief.接受为真实或有效、信任。Dont give credence to all the gossip you hear.不要相信你听到的闲话。lame duck,

14、An elected officeholder or group continuing in office during the period between failure to win an election and the inauguration of a successor. 即将去职的官员民选官员或其集团,他们竞选失败而在获胜者尚未上任前继续留任。这个词组的引申意思指的就是An ineffective person; a weakling.一个没有效率的人、不中用的人,即无能者。Coincidentally, Powell and Armitage were to fly to T

15、exas to meet Bush at his ranch on Tuesday night and Wednesday morning.巧合的是,鲍威尔和阿米蒂奇将分别在本周二晚上给周三早上到得克萨斯州布什农场“汇报工作”。ranch,An extensive farm, especially in the western United States, on which large herds of cattle, sheep, or horses are raised. 大牧场,大片的农场,尤指位于美国西部,养了大群的牛、羊、马的牧场。63Bryants First Day in Cou

16、rt Was Brief科比首次庭审简短结束Thu Aug 7, 2:09 AM ET Associated PressEAGLE, Colo. - Kobe Bryants first day in court lasted all of seven minutes, and the NBA superstar said just two words. 9, Judge set October 9 as the date for a pre-trial hearing in the case.鹰郡,科罗拉多 科比-布莱恩特被控性侵犯一案首次庭审历时总共7分钟,NBA巨星在整个过程中只说了两个

17、单词,法官已经将首次调查庭审的时间定在10月9日。trial,Examination of evidence and applicable law by a competent tribunal to determine the issue of specified charges or claims. 审判。习惯用语on trial,In the process of being tried, as in a court of law.在试用中、试验性地、在受审中,如在法庭上进行的;trial by fire,A test of ones abilities, especially the

18、ability to perform well under pressure. 考验测试某人的能力,尤指在压力下正常行动的能力。hearing,法律用语,A preliminary examination of an accused person. 预审,对被指控的人的初步审查。习惯用语gain a hearing,获得发言申诉 机会;get a hearing,获得发言申诉 机会;obtain a hearing,获得发言申诉 机会。Bryant was in and out of the Eagle County Courthouse in less than 10 minutes aft

19、er his attorneys waived his right to be formally advised of the felony sexual assault charge against him.在科比的律师替他放弃了需要被正式告知并确认性侵犯重罪指控之后,科比离开了鹰郡法庭,前后历时不过10分钟。courthouse,A building housing judicial courts. 法院大楼,司法法院所在的大楼。attorney,A person legally appointed by another to act as his or her agent in the

20、transaction of business, specifically one qualified and licensed to act for plaintiffs and defendants in legal proceedings.由另一人合法指派来充当他或她商业事务的代理人,尤指司法诉讼中合格的有执照来为起诉人和被告辩护的人。本文中可以译为辩护律师。waive,To give up (a claim or right) voluntarily; relinquish. 放弃,常为自愿地放弃(一个主张或权力);撤回。He waived his claim to all the l

21、and west of the river.他不再坚持对河西岸全部土地的要求。waive ones right of appeal,放弃上诉权。advised,在本文中的意思,根据语境,可以理解为Informed,得到消息的,被告知的:Keep me advised of further developments. 随时告知我进一步的发展情况; be kept thoroughly advised,消息十分灵通。On Wednesday, Bryant arrived at the courthouse in a sport utility vehicle, got out and said

22、nothing as he walked inside. Hundreds of reporters and photographers swamped the courthouse grounds before the hearing, which was carried live on national cable networks. More than 100 people who gathered outside the courthouse added to the circus atmosphere. Some cheered; one shouted, Kobe is innoc

23、ent. Bryant did not acknowledge the crowd.本周三,科比乘坐一辆跑车到达法院,下车后没有说话直接走进法庭。数以百计的记者和摄影师在庭审之前就挤满了庭前空地,并携带了进行实况转播有线网。法庭外100多人的聚集人群更添了一种喧闹气氛。人群中响起欢呼声和“科比无罪”的口号,科比并没有向人群任何表示谢意。swamp,To drench in or cover with or as if with water. 淹没,以水或似乎用水浸湿或覆盖。习惯用语(be) swamped with指忙得应接不暇; 有收到大量的。circus本义是A public entert

24、ainment consisting typically of a variety of performances by acrobats, clowns, and trained animals. 马戏表演,一种公众娱乐节目,通常由一系列高空杂技演员、小丑和驯兽的表演组成。但在美国俚语里它还有欢乐的时光, 熙熙攘攘的热闹场面, 作某种有趣表演的一群人的意思。The judge had denied Bryants request to skip the hearing. His appearance meant little legally but provided the world im

25、ages of the star standing before a judge in a case that has already damaged his career.法官拒绝了科比首审缺席的要求。他出庭的法律意义可能并不是很大,但是科比出现在被告席的形象对他的篮球事业实属不利。64Schwarzenegger to run for California governor施瓦辛格将竞选加州州长Posted 8/7/2003 9:07 PMrun for,竞选, 赶快去请。LOS ANGELES (AP) Famous Hollywood movie star Arnold Schwarz

26、enegger ended the suspense Wednesday and jumped into the race for California governor, instantly becoming the best-known of the declared candidates. Schwarzenegger, 56, announced his decision during a taping of the television talk show with Jay Leno, calling it one of the toughest decisions hes made

27、.洛杉矶(美联社)好莱坞著名影星阿诺德?施瓦辛格周三宣布将参加利福尼亚州州长罢免选举,从而打消了几个星期以来关于他是否参选的悬疑,也使他成为州长候选人名单中最耀眼的人物。现年56岁的施瓦辛格是在著名谈话节目主持人杰伊?莱诺的节目中宣布上述消息的,并表示这个决定是他一生中所作的最为艰难的决定之一。suspense,The state or quality of being undecided, uncertain, or doubtful. 悬而未决未决的、不确定的或怀疑的状态或性质。Please tell us what happened, we are all waiting in susp

28、ense. 请告诉我们发生了什么事,我们都在着急地等着。习惯用语keep (sb.) in suspense,让(人)担心挂念, 使处于紧张等待状态;in suspense,悬而未决; 处于焦灼等待状态, 心神不宁。tough,Demanding or troubling; difficult. 困难的费力的或麻烦的,困难的:skipping the toughest questions.跳过最困难的问题。a tough job,棘手的工作;a tough customer,难伺候的客人。The politicians are fiddling, fumbling and failing, he said. The man that is failing the people more than anyone is Gray Davis. He is failing the

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