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1、考研英语词汇大集考研英语词汇Aabolish /v. to put an end to: slaveryabolition /n. abolition of slaveryabsence /n. without presence: Her from the meeting was excusable because of her illness.abuse /v. & n. misuse; wrong use: The local official has abused his power in handling the case. abusive /a. insulting, offensi

2、ve: No one could stand for her language.acceptance /n. admittance: He was overjoyed to have received the letter of from the university.unacceptable /a. that can not be accepted; intolerable: His lack of respect to his employer was .access /v. /n. enter, entrance: He was denied the to the building de

3、spite his efforts.inaccessible /a. The road to the village became after the rain storm.admit: She has been admitted to the graduate program by Columbia University.admission /n. Chinas to the WTOavailable /a. Sea food and farm produce are readily from this market.unavailable /a. The subway service wa

4、s unavailable in most of the towns.account /n. The police did not believe his of the accident.account for = explain: this strange phenomenonaccountable: The criminals will be hold for their crime.activist /n. the animal rights ; Greenpeace adaptable: to the new environment.adhere /v. to (= stick to)

5、 the policyaddict/v.& n. : He has become addicted to the alcohol. Now he is an addict.addiction: Alcoholic and drug abuse are social problems.addition /n. She is a new addition to the company.adjustment /n. We must make some to our original plan.advance /v: You are required to advance 10% of your pa

6、yment before you are allowed to enjoy our membership benefits. You must inform us of your flight in advance so that we can reserve the room for you.adviser: Ms. Rice used to be the National Security to the Bush administration.advent /n. arrival: The of computer technology has made many small worksho

7、ps and factories obsolute.agenda thing(s) to be considered: on ones ; on top of ones : National security has alwasys been on top of Bushs .agent /n. real estate 请查双解词典学习下列词汇,其中黑体部分为考研核心词汇,考生必须掌握Aabdicate /v.abdication /n.abduct /v.abduction /n. abolish /v.abolition /n. : of slaveryabsent /a. (from)a

8、bsenceabsoluteabsolution /n.absolve /v.absorb /v.absorption /n.abstain /v. (from)abstract accept /v.acceptance /n.accessaccessible account accountableacquireacquisitionact: legislative admitadmissionadapt /v. (to)adaptable /a.adaptation /n.adjoiningadoptadoption /n. child advance /v.advanced /a.adve

9、ntadventure /n.advice /n.advise /v.adviser /n.aggressivealert /a.allege /v.allegedly /ad.allegation: of bribery; of cruelty to animalsallergy /n.allergic /a. (to)alleviate /v.alleviationally /n. alter /v.alternative /n. & a.altitudeanalogyanalogous (to)anarchyancestoranchorankleannual = every yearan

10、onymousantecedentanthropologyanthropologistanti-abortionanti-aircraftantibioticanticipate anticipationantidoteanti-japnese warantipatheticantipathyapprehensive: fearfulaptitudearbitratearbiterarbitrationassertassertion /n. : a startling assessassessment: assimilateassimilationassimilative: powerasso

11、ciateassociationassumeassumptionastrological: signsastrologyastronautastronomyattain /v.:gain; accomplishattainableattendanceattendeeattitudeauto-biographyautocrat /n.autopsy /n.Bbaitballetballot /n. : boxbelieve /v. someones wordsbelief /n. believe in sth.biasebiased: partial; discriminativebiathle

12、tebiathlonbicyclebigamousbigamybilateralbilingualbill: draft ; legistative binary : of two parts; dual (0, 1)binocularbiochemical: weaponsbiofuelbiographybiologybiomassbiotechbiweeklyboard: of directors; board memberbody: legistative bombard : be ed withboycott /n.bulk / n.: the of sth. = the great

13、part of sth.bypass: operationCcabinet: makercandidacycandidatecanteen: foodcaptain /n.caption /n.captive: shipperscapture / objective 职业目标casino: riverboat casualcasualty: ratecellcellistcellphonecertainty /n. certify /v. certificate: birth certification /n.chambercognitive cognitioncoincid

14、encecollaborate /v.collaboration /n.collapse /v. & n.collateral /n. collect /v.collection /n.colide /v.collision /n. colony:1. settlement or settlers in a new territory 2. group of animals that live closely together:ants commercialcompanycompanioncompensatecompensation: annual compensatorycompetence

15、competentcompetitioncompetitorcomplementcomplementarycomplexcomplimentcomplimentarycomprehensive: plancompulsion: that compulsion has resulted in robotics the science of confering compulsivecompulsory: education conceive: child 怀上孩子; this idea: 产生这种想法concentrate (+ on); concentrationconceptconceptio

16、nconcertconcertedconclude: led sb. to conclude thatconclusioncondemnedconduciveconduct: his own researchconductorconfer /v. 赋予: Certain astrological signs superior football skills.confineconfuse /v. confusion consensusconsequenceconservative: forcesconsolidationconsumeconsumer: cpi = consumer price

17、indexconsumptioncoordinatecoordinatedcoordinationcorrode /v.corrosion /n.corrosive /a.council: student 学生会; state 国务院couponcraze /n. = insanitycrazy = insane creaturecrisis: economic 经济危机; political cucumbercuriouscuriosityDdecode: the informationdefinedefinitiondeflatedeflationdeformdeformationdegr

18、adation: of language and musicdeliberatedeliberatelydeliberationdeliver / /n.democratdemocraticdependence 反义independencedependent /a. (on)despitedetectdetection: digit /n.: have 6 incomedigital /a.: tv; cameradiscourse: conversation, casual talkdiscriminationdismiss /v. dismissal /n. disor

19、der /n.: mental disordersdisparagedisparaging remarksdistastefuldistractdistribution:dole: dole out opportunitiesdownscaledwelldwellerdwellingEegalitarian /n. a.: valuing equality of everythingelection ballotelementeliteelitismelude: question that has eluded some of the best philosophers.embed /v.em

20、beded /a.emerge /v.emergence /n. emergencyencode: the informationencompass: includeenlargeenlistenrageenrichentailepidemicequalequalityespionageevidenceevolve /v.evolution /n.excitement excludeexclusionexhaustexhaustionexhibit show, display; exhititionexpectexpectationexpectancy: life experiment: la

21、boratory .expose (to)extinctextinctionFfanfantasticfantasyfavorfavorablefeature /n. & v. to a columnfeeble: mind; the relationsfigure /n. : an important public; a conservative / v. out sth.fluctuate /v.fluctuationformalformerfreedom: of speech; commerce and trade.Ggamble: gambling gamesgamblergambli

22、ng: was once broadly considered a sin, or a social disease. genegeneticgenetically: genetically determinedgenerategeneration grant/n. government / v. be granted by Hharmonioushomogenize assimilatehookhostagehostile hostilityhousinghumane: societyhumanizedhysteriahystericalIidealideologyignore overlo

23、okill-managed illusionimmigrantimmigrationimminentimmuneimmunity: diplomatic immunizationimpactimpartialimpulseinadequateinborn innate: differencesincludeincompleteinconclusiveindifferentindignantindignationindividualinduce triggerinediableineffectiveinefficientinevitableinfantinflateinflationinflue

24、nce /n. v. exert great on ingest: knowledge; be ed into a jet engineingestioninhabitant, inhabitinhibitinhumaninsatiableinsentitiveinsiduous insipidinsipidinsufficientintegrate: d circuitintegration: racial ; school of .intellectualintelligence: ciaintelligentinteractinteractioninteractiveinterbreed

25、interfereinterferenceinterim: interrim governmentintermarriageinternationalinterpretinterschoolinterstateinterstate /n. highwayintuitive, intuitioninvolve (in), involvement (in)irrelevantissue: hot ; on the of Jjournaljournalistjudgejudgmentjusticejurisdictionjury /n. grand justifiablejustifykeenkey

26、 (to)lablaboratoryleak /v.leakage /n. : data lodginglotteryluxury (goods)mania /n. 狂热 = zeal = enthusiasmmaniac = zealot = fanatic = an overly-devoted enthusiastmanipulatemanipulationmass mediamass mediamass mediummental /a. hospital; disorder maddnessmergemergermigratemigrationminusculemisery: remi

27、nders of miserymixed /a. : people of mixed origins; mixed results; mixed feelings.modifymolecular biologymoleculemonocularmonogamymonologuemonopolizemonopolymonorailmonotonemonotonousmorphine: electric moviegoernative (to) indigenous (to), natives indigenous peopleneurologistneurologistneurologynigh

28、tmarenoteworthy: worthy of attention: a quirk = a peculiar feature.notoriousnuclear: weapon; energy; engineering; power station.numerical: sorigin: people of mixed original; authentic; genuineoriginate ( from)ostentatious, distinctive, pronounced, obvious, eye-catchingoutcome resultoutrageoutrageous

29、oxygen: capacity /n. 氧容量:winter-born babies tend to have higher oxygen capacity.pandemicpanoramaparachuteparade /n.paragraphparaphraseparallelparanoiaparonoidpatronage: refuse his peak = summit = toppeer: age peerspenalty: the lack of legal performperformanceperformerpermissive: tolerant, tolerableper

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