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本文(高中英语 Unit 10《Money》Lesson 4 Advertisements教案 北师大版必修4Word文档下载推荐.docx)为本站会员(b****3)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

高中英语 Unit 10《Money》Lesson 4 Advertisements教案 北师大版必修4Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、Before you start Exercise 1 Key Words cheap, pact, convenient, easy (to use), expensive, practical, reliable, useful Check the meaning of the Key Words with the students and check pronunciation, especially word stress. Check studentsunderstanding of a gadget (being a device that is small and often n

2、ot essential) by asking them if a washing machine, a watch, a pen are gadgets. In pairs, students discuss the list of gadgets, giving their opinions and saying if they have one or have used one. Elicit other gadgets from students. Ask students to describe them and say what they do. Read to learn Exe

3、rcise 2 Students quickly look at the pictures and scan the texts to decide which of the gadgets they think are real (the micro camera and the walkabout headphones). Do they think people would buy the other two gadgets if they were real? Have students heard of any other gadgets that they think are us

4、eless?Exercise 3 If you wish, divide the class into groups and have each group read one text and note down the advantages. Then give the whole class time to read the other texts before checking answers. Answers Micro Camera- small convenient reliable easy to use made from titanium not expensive Walk

5、about Headphones- no wires or cables can hear stereo/TV up to 60 metres away and through glass, wooden doors and walls top quality sound excellent value Earplug earrings- attractive useful use in many different situations a bargain Feline Floor Cleaners- made from good quality nylon practical easy t

6、o wash cheapAsk students to cover the texts and each group to say what else they remember about the text they read. Read the Reading Strategies box with the students. Ask students what sort of words they look for in Chinese to find opinions (e.g. adjectives). Students look through the text to find t

7、hree facts and three opinions. Students read out their facts and opinions to the whole class. Draw their attention to expressions where fact and opinion both occur, e.g. excellent value at 80.45. In pairs, students practise reading aloud some of the advertisements, paying attention to stress and int

8、onation and trying to sound enthusiastic about the product. Exercise 4 Students read out examples of the sentences with linking words from the text, e.g. These exciting headphones give you freedom to move around plus top quality sound. It is really easy to use, too. Its also made from titanium. The

9、micro camera is not expensive either. Students then do the exercise. Check answers by having them read the sentences aloud.1 Pocket calculators are small and convenient. They are useful for homework, too. 2 Electric toothbrushes are expensive. They are also not very practical. 3 Mobile phones are sm

10、all and useful. Plus they are cheaper than before. 4 Laptop puters are very expensive. They are not very reliable either. 5 Radio alarm clocks are useful to get up in the morning. They are very cheap, too.Vocabulary: Adjectives Exercise 5 Students read the texts and plete the table. -ed: advanced ti

11、red bored satisfied worried -ing relaxing exciting tiring boringWrite the sentences for one of the pairs on the board:When are you bored at a party?Do you find housework boring? Elicit the difference between bored and boring in this pair of sentences: He is bored. He is boring. Exercise 6 Check stud

12、ents answers by having them read the sentences aloud.1 boring/bored 2 tired/tiring 3 interested/interesting 4 exciting/excited 5 pleased/worrying 6 exciting/disappointedSpeaking Exercise 7 Read the example with the class and elicit more Yes/No questions that students can ask. Demonstrate the activit

13、y by selecting something from the list yourself and students ask you ten questions to find out what it is. Students then work in groups, taking turns to choose something for the list or any other product from the unit. QUOTE UNQUOTE Read the quote and discuss with the students what effects different

14、 types of advertisement have on them. Do they buy something new that has been advertised? Do they buy something new if a friend remends it?Option PracticeBring in some gadgets of your own or ask students to bring in their gadgets. In groups, students take turns to demonstrate a gadget and try to per

15、suade the rest of the group to buy one. The demonstrator should try to mix opinion and fact. The other students can ask questions about the gadget.2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 11 Lesson 3 The Advertising Game第一课时教案 新人教版必修4教材分析本课是第11单元的第3课。本课的语篇是一篇关于广告的文章The Advertising Game。学生将在本课了解西方广告的构思、设计、影响及作用,并讨论广告对人们日

16、常生活的影响。学习有关广告的词汇,理解文章大意,使用略读、细读等阅读策略。通过图片、录像等手段提高学生学习语言的兴趣,丰富课外知识,有助于获取文章内容信息,把握主旨大意。本课的语法是动名词Gerunds。学生对这一语法现象比较模糊,虽然经常在文章中见到,但对于动名词的用法不太熟悉。要帮助学生能够在文章中辨别出动名词并且知道如何使用。本课计划按两课时完成:第一课时重点是阅读文章(The Advertising Game):1. 学生通过录像和广告语的图片了解广告的特点;2. 使用略读和细读等阅读策略,从文章中提取信息,处理信息;3. 利用文章中信息和掌握的知识谈论广告对人们日常生活的影响。第二课

17、时讲解语法Gerunds,在文章语找出动名词,并在语境中恰当地使用。教学内容话题: The Advertising Game (广告游戏)词汇:重点词汇: likely, general, suitable, visual, fascinating, advertise, link, apply, aim, bine, attract, educate,相关词汇: contemporary, location brand, petition, budget, technique, approach, concept, citizen, purpose, society, decade短语:ho

18、ld the attention of the public, make contributions to, participate in, protect the environment, 语法:Gerunds (动名词)第一课时First Period教学目标 在本课学习结束时,学生能够:1. 通过阅读,对广告的特点、设计、创意等有一些了解;2. 通过略读理解文章大意,概括段意;3. 提取、整理关于广告的相关信息;4. 谈论广告对人们日常生活的影响。教学过程注: IP=Interactive Pattern; T=Teacher; Ss=Students; CW=Class Work; I

19、W=Individual Work; PW= Pair Work; GW=Group Work步骤Steps 教学活动Activities设计意图Intentions互动模式和时间IP & TimeWarm-upLead-inStep 1T plays a section of video and has Ss guess, “what product is the advertisement for?”(PPT 3)通过一段广告的录像,引起学生的兴趣,同时引出话题。CW2Step 2T demonstrates some advertising slogans and lets Ss giv

20、e Chinese for them.(PPT 4-11)通过图片和广告语,帮助学生感知广告世界,体会广告语的含义,为阅读课文做准备。Pre-readingStep 3T encourages Ss to speak out the advertisements they have seen and where they have seen them.(PPT 12)T explains the words, “advertise, advertisement, advertising, advertiser” by showing a paragraph.(PPT 13)1) 帮助学生熟悉话

21、题。2) 帮助学生理解对应汉语“广告”的不同英文词语的含义。3Step 4T asks Ss to predict the general idea of the text. 渗透预测的阅读策略。IW1While-readingStep 5First reading: Ss read the text quickly and choose the best one from the given general ideas. (PPT 14)核对预测信息,了解文章大意。IW CWStep 6 Second reading: Ss read the text again and give a he

22、ading for each paragraph.T gives the main idea of each paragraph in a random order and has Ss re-arrange them.(PPT 15)培养学生概括段落的能力。IW CW 5Step 7Third reading: Ss read the whole text carefully to answer the questions in Ex. 3 on page 26.Ss work in pairs and check the information they get from the text

23、. Then T gets the feedback from the whole class. (PPT 16-20)培养学生获取信息和处理信息的能力。IW PW CW 10Step 8T shows some pictures of ads and asks Ss to read the paragraphs one by one.Ss choose the right picture which can tell the meaning of the paragraph and chiefly talk about each paragraph with the key words. (

24、PPT 21-23)锻炼学生归纳、概括全文的能力。IW PW - CWStep 9Ss listen to the recording of the whole text.有声输入,加强学生对课文的整体感知。IW Post-readingStep 10Ss work in groups and talk about how the advertisement affects our daily life, e.g. “Have you ever bought anything because you liked the idea promoted in the advertisement?Ss

25、 may tell stories of their own to support their opinions.(PPT 24)帮助学生内化阅读材料所提供的信息,并结合自己的生活体验和知识,锻炼口头表达能力。GW 7Step 11One student in each group, as a representative, gives the result of the group discussion.鼓励学生大胆发言,培养学生总结概括、组织语言的能力。HomeworkEach of Ss chooses one advertisement from newspapers, magazines or on TV and describes it.

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