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1、s all right.I apologise for .Oh, well, thats life.Im sorry. I didnt mean to .Its OK.Oops. Sorry about that.Unit 7 Culture relics一、语法The Passive Voice(1)现在完成时被动语态现在完成时的被动语态结构是“have/has been+过去分词”。如:Great changes have taken place in China since 1978.How many new shopping malls have been set up here?二、

2、聚焦高频考点1.include包括;包含。Price $14.90, postage included.价格14.90美元,邮资包括在内。He had included a large number of funny stories in the speech.他在讲话中加进了许多引人发笑的故事。比较以下两个句子:Eight people hurt in the accident, including three children.Eight people hurt in the accident, three children included.2.give in“屈服”“投降”。They

3、prefer to die than give in.give in“(植物等)枯死,成批死去”The plants gave in to the cold weather.with the help of .“在的帮助下”如:With the help of the teacher, the students made great progress last term.bring back“归还”;“使恢复”如:Remember to bring back the book tomorrow.The letter brought back many memories.3.begin=star

4、t,其后都可以跟不定式或动名词做宾语。一般情况下,不定式或动名词可以互换。但以下三种情况只能用不定式:1)主语是物时I started/began to cry/crying.The flower began/start to come out.2)当begin,start本身是进行时态时The teacher was beginning to get angry.3)当非谓语动词是表示心理状态的动词时,如realize, understand, know等。Finally, she began to realize the importance of English.4.represent代

5、表We should choose someone to represent us.5.“及物动词名词介词”这种短语动词转换为被动语态时有两种形式。一种是短语动词当作一个及物动词。eg They didnt pay any attention to his words.= His words were not paid any attention to.另一种方式是把短语动词看成“动词宾语介词”结构。上句可等于 No attention was paid to his words.6.It+be+adj.+that-clause 这是主语从句句型。主语从句在句中作主语,可置于主句谓语动词之前,

6、但常用it作形式主语,而把它移到主句之后。It is very important that we study English well.1.lie(lay, lain, lying)躺eg Jack was still lying in bed.Lie还表示保持在某种状态或位置eg Those towns lay in ruins.2.keep使某人/物保持某种状态keep the door openkeep the fire burningkeep the child happykeep on doing继续作某事(含强调重复性和决心)No matter what happens, jus

7、t keep on trying.Keep doing不停地,不断地做某事(表示连续不断的动作或持续的状态)Why did the baby keep crying?Keep sb./sth. doing sth.使某人/某物继续做某事You have kept me waiting so long!Keep sb./sth. from doing sth.Sars keeps many people from traveling.3.主语+be+ said to be .据说eg The man is said to be a professor before.It is said that

8、 .据说eg It is said that there is going to be a storm.4.happen, take place, break out, belong to等不及物动词无被动语态What shall we put in?Lets put in .What/How about .?Cant we put in .?Maybe we could put in .Why not .?Should we put in .?d like to choose .Why dont you .?d like to .Unit 8 SportsThe Passive Voice(

9、2)一般将来时被动语态被动语态由助动词“be+过去分词”构成,其时态则通过be的不同形式体现出来。将来时态的被动语态由will/shall+be+过去分词构成,表示某事将要被干。一般将来时被动语态的各种句式:主语+will/shall+be+过去分词+其它成分The flower will be watered tomorrow.主语+will/shall not+be+过去分词+其它成分The flower will not be watered tomorrow.Will/Shall+主语+ be+过去分词+其它成分Will the flower be watered tomorrow?W

10、hen will the flower be watered?1.would rather和动词原形连用。否定形式为would rather not do sth.如:I would rather leave now.would rather do . than do .表示宁愿做什么而不愿做什么They would rather die than surrender.would rather和句子连用。通常动词用过去时,是虚拟语气。在表示以前的动作时,用had done。d rather you went home now.d rather he hadnt done that.2.join

11、 in多指参加小规模的活动如“球赛,游戏”等。Come on, join in the ball game.Hes going to join in the talk tonight.take part in 指参加会议或群众性活动等,着重说明句子主语参加该项活动并在活动中发挥作用。Well take part in social practice during the summer vacation.They often take part in outdoor activities.Part前有形容词修饰时,要用不定冠词。Lincoln took an active part in pol

12、itics.3.stand for代表,特征。What do GRE stand for?The dove stands for peace.stand for赞同,支持,拥护。Almost everyone in the world stand for peace.stand for容忍。She cant stand for his rudeness.4.the same as意为“同一样”。Many of the sports were the same as they are now.the same . as意为“与一样”,后跟从句。指的是两样东西。The pen is the sam

13、e as you bought yesterday.the same . that意为“与一样,后跟从句。指的是同一件东西。Thats the same pen I lost.5.prefer . to . 喜欢而不喜欢(to是介词)eg I prefer swimming to running.= His words were not paid any attention to.prefer后可直接加名词,代词,动名词等;prefer to后跟动词原形。Which one do you like, tea, milk or coffee?I prefer milk.Do you want t

14、o take a taxi?No, I prefer to walk.Do you like swimming?Yes, but I prefer playing running6.every可与表示数量的词连用,表示时间或空间的间隔。Every four years athletes from all over the world take part in the Olympic Games.I usually go to the cinema every three days(every third day).Every后可接few, 但不能接a few, 因every一词已包含a之意;e

15、very后也不能接some, several, many等词。every后接序数词时,则修饰单数可数名词。7.from/in/on/at/about/+which引导定语从句关系代词which, whom在定语从句中作介词的宾语时,介词一般放在关系代词之前,有时也放在定语从句后面。The train on which I was traveling was late.The house in which the old man lived was on fire last night.The old Olympic Games from which the modern games came

16、began around the year 776 BC in Greece.8.more . than有两种含义:一是普通的比较级;另一种表示“与 其说是”, “是而不是”,指对同一事物的两种属性进行选择。She is more diligent than wise. 与其说她聪明,不如说她勤奋。1.prefer . to .喜欢而不喜欢, to是介词I prefer swimming to running.Prefer后可跟名词,代词,动名词Would you like to take a taxi?No, I prefer walking.Prefer to后跟动词原形I prefer

17、to ones best to sth.=try ones best to sth.尽某人最大努力做某事As your best friend, I surely will try my best to help you.As long as you try your best, youll succeed.3.such as 意为“例如,诸如”,与for example相似,但for example后常接完整的句子,只举一个例子,而such as后常接两个或以上的词或词组。eg He knows several foreign languages, such as Fre

18、nch and Japanese.4.mean to do sth. 打算作某事What do you mean to do with it?mean doing sth. 意味着做某事That means wasting time.5.win后接战争,比赛,奖品等名词作宾语,不能接竞争对手作宾语;而beat后常接竞争对手,意为“打败, 击败”。win a race/a battle/a prize/a medalbeat the team/the countryWhich do you like, . or .?Whats your favourite sport?Which sports

19、do you like best?Which do you prefer, . or .?What about .?Are you interested in .?Sure. I love sports.Yes, very much./No, not really.Shooting, I think.I like . best.I prefer . to .I like watching it.d rather watch it than play it.Unit 9 TechnologyThe Passive Voice(3)现在进行时被动语态现在进行时被动语态的构成是:be(is, am,

20、 are)+being done,表示某事现在正在被做或现阶段进行的被动动作,但不一定发生在说话的这一时刻。The problem is being discussed now.She is being questioned where she has been in the past two days.The phones are being used as cameras and radios.1.remind提醒;使记起,常与介词of, about连用。The letter reminded me of him.Please remind me about it if I forget

21、it.He reminded me that I had done that case of 以防;如果,万一。In case of fire, ring the alarm bell.Today I will bring an umbrella with me in case of the case of 至于;就来说。In the case of a student, smoking is very harmful.3.take over接手;接管。Alan will take over the farm after his fathers deat

22、h.I had to take over his work because he was sent to the hospital.4.make+it+形容词+(for sb.)+to do sth.“使某人做某事”。能用此型的常见动词有:find, feel, think, consider等。The computer makes it possible to get in touch with faraway world.Marx found it important to learn Russian.5.dare做情态动词时,否定句和疑问句不用do; 第三人称单数不加-s,后接不带to的

23、动词不定式,主要用于否定,疑问,条件和表示怀疑的句中。She darent go out alone at night.Listen, if you dare speak to me like that again, youll be sorry.dare做实义动词时,除了具有一般实义动词的特点外,在否定,疑问句中dare后的to可省略。She didnt dare (to) tell her parents what had happened.I wonder how she dared (to) do that.6.whatever引导名词性从句。Whatever的含义为anything

24、that,意为“所的任何(一切)事(东西)”;具强调意义。You can buy whatever you want.7.stay/keep in touch with sb.保持联系;强调原本认识和联系的延续性。Now, many young people stay/keep in touch with their friends by internet.1.on the go忙碌,到处跑,如:My mum is on the go all day.Children are always on the go.2.agree同意;赞成;答应She agreed to my idea.她同意我的

25、想法。I quite agree with what you say.你所说的我很赞成。agree on sth 表示双方达成协议The two sides have agreed on the date of the meeting.agree with一致;相符合agree with sb.同意某人的话;适宜健康;与相宜The liquor did not agree with me.这酒不适合我喝。e up with 赶上,走近; 想出,提出eg Finally, I came up with the travelers.He soon came up with a good idea.

26、4.seem, appear, look“看起来似”,区别是:seem暗示有一定根据的判断,这种判断往往接近事实。后接不定式或从句。Her health seems to be worse.It seemed that something was wrong.look着重由视觉得出的印象Her mother looks young.Absolutely.I disagree.s exactly what I was thinking.m afraid I dont agree.s a good point.Well, it depends.s just how I see it.Well, I

27、 dont know.s worth thinking about.Well, Im not so sure about that.What does it look like?What size is it?How much will it cost?What is it used for?Unit 2014 The world around usReview Direct and Indirect Speech直接引语和间接引语的相互转换1.若直接引语为陈述句,则间接引语需改为由that所引导的宾语从句。The man said,I am hungry.The man said that he was hungry.2.若直接引语为祈使句,则间接引语需改为动词不定式,原动词say也要改为可以带动词不定式作宾语补足语的动词如tell, ask, order, advise等。1)The teacher said,Be careful with your spelling.The teacher told us to be careful with our spelling.2)Dont stick out your heads as the bus goes.said

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