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1、Use your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.Write at least 250 words. 题目分析这篇作文要求考生分析两种观点:一种说孩子应该上寄宿学校,有利于培养他们的独立性和生活自理能力;另一种观点认为孩子应该上日间学校,晚上和父母呆在一起,有利于培养亲子关系。推荐写作格式第一段:起始段:引出观点。分别陈述关于孩子上哪种学校的观点争论。第二段:首先陈述第二种观点。指出孩子上寄宿学校的坏处:费用高,富裕家庭来的孩子容

2、易滋生优越感,贫困家庭的孩子容易产生憎恶心理。同时住在寄宿学校的孩子和父母的沟通交流少。第三段:陈述第一种观点,指出上寄宿学校的好处:培养孩子的独立性,独立解决问题的能力,和同伴的合作能力,第四段:结语,陈述自己观点:个人倾向于第二种观点,即上寄宿学校。二、范文参考There has been much disagreement over childrens education in recent years. One of the questions under debate is whether children benefit more from boarding schools or

3、from going to day schools and staying with their parents after school. This issue is becoming a matter of concern for more and more people, especially for parents with only one child.Those who are against children going to boarding schools argue that such schools are usually much more costly than or

4、dinary day schools. As a result, it tends to be children from rich families who attend them may gradually develop a sense of superiority towards those from other families, while the latter may feel resentful. We also have to take into account the fact that many families cannot afford to send their c

5、hildren to boarding schools. Again, children attending boarding schools have less time to communicate with their parents, which may eventually create a gap between them, and weaken family ties.On the other hand, people who are in favor of children going to boarding schools point out that a boarding

6、school is an ideal place for cultivating childrens independence, which they seldom learn from their parents at home. Children who have the experience of going to boarding schools tend to come up with their own solutions to problems they encounter instead of turning to their parents or other people f

7、or help. What is more, these children usually show a more cooperative attitude towards others in case of team work than the “little emperors” in many one child families. Finally, they are generally more used to competing with others and will find it easier to adapt to modern society, which is full o

8、f competition when they grow up.Weighing the pros and cons of these arguments, I am inclined to agree with the latter point of view. For one thing, it seems to me that there is more to education than merely learning from teachers and textbooks. The experience of living with other children and taking

9、 care of themselves can give children valuable lessons about how to behave properly, how to overcome difficulties and, most important of all, how to think rationally. I believe that children sometimes learn more from other children than from adults. For another, many parents are too busy with their

10、work to pay enough attention to their childrens growth even if their children go to day schools, not to mention the fact that there are still some parents who are not qualified to instruct children and impose more negative influences than positive ones.真题举例 (2)You should spend about 40 minutes on th

11、is task.In many countries, children participate in some paid work in their spare time. Some people think this is wrong, but others believe that such work will extend the childrens knowledge and increase their sense of responsibility. Discuss both these views and give your opinion.You should write at

12、 least 250 words.You should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence. 一种说孩子应该在业余时间打工,有利于扩展知识和培养责任感;另一种观点认为这样做是错误的,会影响孩子的学习。分别陈述关于孩子是否应该在业余时间出来打工。首先陈述第一种观点:业余时间出来打工可能影响孩子的学习。孩子年纪太小,可能学不到多少社会知识,打工对他们的身心成长可能也没什么好处。陈述第二种观点。指出孩子业余打工的好处:学龄

13、儿童应该参与一些社会活动,同时能增强孩子的责任感,可以让他们学会理财。个人倾向于第二种观点,即业余时间打工。参考范文In many countries, these days, there is a growing tendency for children to take paid work, even though they are still receiving education in primary schools. Many people believe that children accumulate useful experience through this kind of

14、work. But others criticize this on the ground that such work interferes with their studies.Some people think that participating in social work may interfere with students studies. Part-time work may occupy a lot of time that should be spent on studies. Moreover, children of younger age will not lear

15、n much so-called social skills. Thirdly, taking part-time work might harm the physical development of young children. However, others strongly recommend childrens participation in social work. It is true that children, especially for those of school age, need to participate in some social activities

16、. Work will help them to enlarge their scope of knowledge and accumulate a certain amount of social experience, which is a necessary supplement in addition to the knowledge they gain from school courses.Also, taking part in work of a certain type can help to reinforce childrens sense of responsibili

17、ty. Children will have to be able to handle various unexpected situations in later life. It is beneficial for them to understand their duties in society while they are still at school.As for the money earned from paid work, I am firmly convinced that it is not only useful but also necessary for chil

18、dren to earn extra money. They can decide whether to spend it or save it, thus learning the value of thrift (frugalness). But the most important point is that they earn this money through hard work, and this will help them understand the famous saying “no pains, no gains” better.To sum up, I agree t

19、hat school children should participate in a certain amount of paid work. Through such work, they can not only earn some extra money but also acquire the necessary knowledge and experience which will be especially useful when they enter society as grown-ups.Media传媒类 You should spend about 40 minutes

20、on this task. Write about the following topic:Some parents think advertising tells too much information about snacks and toys to children. But companies think advertising also shows useful information. Discuss both sides and give your opinion according to your own experience and knowledge.该题目要求我们从两个

21、不同的角度分析广告对孩子的影响。一是从家长的角度分析广告对孩子的不良影响。二是从广告商角度分析广告可能带给孩子的积极影响。双方各自从自己的角度出发,阐述 ,最后作者应该总结陈词,点出自己的观点。描述主题,提出争论的焦点所在:广告对孩子的影响到底是好是坏?从家长角度分析消极影响:广告影响了孩子的消费观念和生活方式,不利于孩子的健康成长。从广告商的角度分析积极影响:广告给孩子提供轻松娱乐内容,提高孩子模仿能力,并为他们提供一个融入同龄人的渠道。总结全文:从青少年儿童发展的整体角度来看,广告对孩子的影响弊多利少。Nowadays, there are lots of advertisements o

22、n television or on the streets and children can hardly escape the influence of advertisements. As a matter of fact, many advertisements, such as food, toy and stationeries are directed at children. Many parents begin to show concern about the negative effects, but the advertisers argue that they do

23、have useful information for children. It is a hard debate.In the eyes of parents, advertisements exert deep influence on the consuming behavior and lifestyles of their children. Take food industry for example, it uses interesting cartoon characters and colorful decorations to attract children. It al

24、so uses childrens compulsion to consume. This encourages children to form irrational consumption pattern. It may further impose further negative impact on childrens lifestyle. Whats more, the food advertisements often are just food with little nutritional values, such as fast food meals, soda and sw

25、eet fat. These foods have also partial causes for diet disorder in children.On the other hand, advertisers may argue that advertisements offer the children with a variety of amusement, and provide them with many funny materials for imitation, which enhance their imitative ability. And because advert

26、isements are so popular among children, it creates means for children to integrate into their peer groups.In my view, I think that the negative effects of advertisements for children outweigh its benefits. As we can find alternatives to its benefits, there seems no solution to the negative effects i

27、t causes. There should be measures to curb the advertisements directed at children.真题举例 Some people believe that it is beneficial for children to spend time on TV, video and PC games, while some hold the opposite view. Talk about these two views and give your own opinion.该作文题要求讨论孩子是否应该在业余时间花在看电视,视频和

28、玩电脑游戏上。有两种观点:一种认为孩子把时间花在这上面基本是浪费时间,另一种观点认为孩子可从这些游戏中收益。 写作时应该对这两种观点分别分析,指出各自的理由,最后提出自己的观点,孩子应该学会合理安排时间。孩子是否可以在业余时间看电视、视频和玩电脑游戏。陈述孩子不该在业余时间看电视、视频和玩电脑游戏的理由:孩子的主要任务是学习,玩游戏很容易上瘾,会占用学习时间,对于很多自制力差的孩子尤其如此。讨论在合理指导的情况下,通过看电视和玩游戏,孩子拓展视野和知识,培养创新能力。结语。指出作者的观点:在合理指导和监督的情况下,孩子从看电视和玩游戏等活动中能受益。When it comes to wheth

29、er children shall spend their spare time watching TV, video and playing PC games, peoples opinions diverse greatly. Some say it is basically a waste of childrens time, while others argue that children can benefit a lot from such activities.It is firmly maintained by many parents and teachers that childrens main purpose is to pursue outstanding academic achievements at school. To beat their competitors, they must make the best use of every precious m

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