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7、须合理化这个事情。首先是我们外国人付钱比较慷慨,要求比较少。其次是这些苦力是中国几百万最穷的人。有这个活干,就意味着能生存。没有活干,他们就只能挨饿。我常常想起黑走在南京看到人对兽的残忍时的反应。她走下车厢求马夫不要再鞭打马上山。她为我们语言学校外面的人力车夫买手套和袜子,结果发现他们卖掉手套袜子,或者拿去赌钱,宁可用忍受寒冷来获取赢得几文钱的机会。最残忍的景象是过往的军队,强迫人力车夫去运送军队物资而不付钱。人力车夫失去了一天赚半毛钱的拉车机会,就只能让他们家人挨饿了。战争和订婚现在想起来当时我们对各类事件如此无知。或许如果我当时在美国领事馆做事就不同了。 我们当时的确听到南方有些战事。不过

8、我们以为只是军阀之间的摩擦。约翰甘特写的“亚洲里面”说明比我好:“1926年蒋介石开始北伐,想用军事力量来统一中国。当时国民党只统治着最南方(译者:广州)。在上海人们只把他们当一帮没有纪律的gc d。蒋介石被认为是一个奇异的布尔什维克。而孙中山只是个不切实际的空想家。许多股力量帮助了蒋介石的北伐。北伐也震惊世界。当时这个国家被腐败侵蚀得病奄奄的。军阀间永不停止互相吞噬。所以蒋介石没有遭遇太多抵抗。即使如此,他的成就也很了不起。他用枪打仗,也用钱打仗。他把中国从一块大陆变成了一个国家,至少暂时如此。”我们从牯岭顺着长江回到汉口的时候。武昌已经被围。有些教会的男士被围在里面。但是多数人像我一样,去


10、池游泳,跳茶舞,看电影。想像这时候被围困武昌城内吃树皮的中国人民)。那时候,我知道我已经爱上你们的爹。1926年的十月十日,武昌投降。我和你们爹在汉口江滩的公园路上坐着的时候,他向我求婚。武昌城门一开,我们就回到各自的岗位上。里面的中国人遭受四十天的围城,基本上他们是因饥饿投降的。其实军队的粮食还够。是民众没有东西吃)我们注意到狗很少见了(译者:连树皮都吃了,还谈狗?)。这个南中国的粮仓,连必须的米都缺乏。武昌城里面的外国财产完全没有受到骚扰。很快的我们的学生就回来,学校也开学了。就是这时候,学校的名字改成了华中大学。校园开始有女学生。有一间大的老房子被改成女子宿舍。The following

11、 account is a portion of a family history written by my grandmother, Charlotte Anderson Leahy, addressed to my father Dan and my aunt Charlotte and my uncle Rick. The first portion is mostly family genealogies and my grandmothers childhood in Albia, Iowa, and her years at Grinnell College. The story

12、 picks up in Chicago, where she was working as a secretary. At the end of World War I my grandfather, Richard Leahy, had been discharged from the US Navy in China, at his request. He started in the tung oil trade, eventually acquiring a Ford dealership in Hankow. My recollection is that my grandfath

13、er was born in 1899 and my grandmother in 1900, so they were both quite young in 1925 when this story begins. Kevin LeahyFrances Merrill had written from Wuchang, China, about her job there with the American Church Mission (Episcopalian) which she would leave in another year. She described the work

14、at Boone College and the good times and campus life, wanting one of us to be her replacement. It seemed a great adventure. I had dreamed of working abroad but did not want to be a teacher. Frances was a secretary and registrar of the college. Work that I could do. I started to attend St. Lukes churc

15、h in Evanston where Dr. George Craig Stewart was the high church rector. A dynamic speaker and a beautiful church, which led to my taking instructions for confirmation.Bob Cossum had been born in China into a Baptist missionary home and tried to dissuade me from signing up for those four years, tell

16、ing me that it was not the Chinese I would dislike but the stifling closeness of a little American community I would be joining. Two years later, when our campus was pretty much isolated by anti- foreign feeling and the Americans torn by factions, I could understand what he had been trying to tell m

17、e. I was promised promotion with rapidly increasing salary if I would stay on at Scott Foreman but, when I was accepted for China, my mind was made up and nothing would dissuade me.The summer of 1925 those of us who were going out to China were gathered in New York City for a week of orientation and

18、 a class in phonetics. There I made friends with Lila Stroman of South Carolina, Margaret Roberts of Boston, and Hazel Gosline of Baltimore and many others with whom I would spend the fall and winter in language school at Nanking. The New Yorkers in our group took us out to Coney Island one evening

19、and we toured the city by bus and saw some Broadway shows after we were introduced to the ticket office in Greys Drugstore. Since then Ive found several people who remember this source of tickets but Im sure it no longer exists. It was not a ticket scalpers for we had little money to spare and the t

20、ickets were not expensive. On the way to New York I stopped off for a day of sight seeing in Washington and on the return trip had time for a stop at Niagara Falls. I was impressed by the luxury of the Baltimore & Ohio on the trip from Washington to N.Y.C.I left my job in time for a short visit with

21、 my parents at Lake Gilmore. Mother came back to Chicago and went on as far as Albia with me. Lila had met me in Chicago and on the train we made friends with some school teachers from California who had spent the summer at Columbia. We came by the Burlington, Denver and Rio Grande and Western Pacif

22、ic. I remember waking up while we were coming through the Feather River Canyon and thinking that the woods reminded me of Wisconsin. When we got to Oroville (though only many years later did I realize that was where we stopped) one of the Californians got off the train and brought back a sack of fre

23、sh figs, the first I had ever eaten. That was long before the California Zephyr. It was a four day trip from Chicago to San Francisco, with stops for coal and water and to view the Rio Grande canyon. In San Francisco we were to meet two of the women we had known in New York and the four of us would

24、make the three week trip by Japanese steamer, the Tayo Maru, to Shanghai. In San Francisco we stayed at the Hotel Stewart, went to church at the Cathedral and were taken by the rector and his wife on a sight seeing drive of the city and to a young peoples meeting in San Mateo.Lila was-good company.

25、A thin girl with big brown eyes and a soft Southern accent which attracted the men. We shared a stateroom, swam and danced and had our first taste of the popularity, due to lack of competition, we would find in China. Gracie Brady was and looked Irish, rather chubby and with a sunny disposition. She

26、 was bound for a post in Shanghai at St. Johns College and hailed from San Diego. Gracie Bowers was also from San Diego, an older woman who was volunteering her services to the mission for a year. She trailed purses and scarves behind her just as I do now. I suppose she felt she was chaperoning us a

27、nd we felt we were taking care of her.I cant understand why I wasnt seasick on that first, long trip across the Pacific for we had some rough weather. Perhaps it was because we were having such a good time and on deck as much as possible playing shuffle board, deck tennis or swimming.Arriving in Hon

28、olulu was much more exciting than landing there nowadays by plane. Hawaiian boys swam out to our ship to dive for coins and everyone was given a lei, real ones of plumeria and ginger, not the plastic imitations one sees there today when leis have become very expensive and are few and far between.We

29、were met in Honolulu by some mission friends of one of the Graces and taken for a drive around the island. In the years just before the First World War, Hawaiian music was very popular and we were all singing about the islands and playing ukuleles. Therefore my one thought was to swim at Waikiki. Af

30、ter our sight seeing ride and lunch at a Chinese restaurant the afternoon ended at the Moana Hotel, the only large hotel on Waikiki beach then, where we had the chance to swim. Out feet were cut by coral, which now either has been taken away or completely covered with sand. It was a beautiful day bu

31、t I really didnt like my first sight of Honolulu very much. It seemed as though the flowers were too profuse and too sweet smelling and all too unreal. How differently it appeared when we spent a day there when we returned from war torn China in 1939!Our ship had cargo for Japanese ports so the four of us left it at Yokahama and had a four day tour of the country by train. We saw Kyoto and went north to Nikko with its tall cryptomerias and the Shogu Shrine and te

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